\ No newline at end of file
"CommonTypes": [ ]
+ "Name": "NuGet3MinVersion",
+ "Description": "When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version {0}.",
+ "CommonTypes": [ ]
+ },
+ {
"Name": "Microsoft.NETCore.Jit",
"Description": "The .NET JIT compiler.",
"CommonTypes": [ ]
"CommonTypes": [ ]
+ "Name": "NuGet3MinVersion",
+ "Description": "When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version {0}.",
+ "CommonTypes": [ ]
+ },
+ {
"Name": "Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR",
"Description": "The .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.",
"CommonTypes": [ ]
<Target Name="GenerateCompilerResponseFile">
- <Message Text="Generating module name response file: $(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.rsp" />
+ <Message Text="Generating module name response file: $(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.$(AssemblyName).rsp" />
<!-- We need to set the runtimemetadataversion -->
- <WriteLinesToFile File="$(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.rsp"
+ <WriteLinesToFile File="$(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.$(AssemblyName).rsp"
Overwrite="true" />
- <Clean Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.rsp" />
+ <Clean Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.$(AssemblyName).rsp" />
- <CompilerResponseFile>$(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.rsp</CompilerResponseFile>
+ <CompilerResponseFile>$(IntermediateOutputPath)\moduleName.$(AssemblyName).rsp;$(CompilerResponseFile)</CompilerResponseFile>
\ No newline at end of file