--- /dev/null
+# PDLL - PDL Language
+This document details the PDL Language (PDLL), a custom frontend language for
+writing pattern rewrites targeting MLIR.
+Note: This document assumes a familiarity with MLIR concepts; more specifically
+the concepts detailed within the
+[MLIR Pattern Rewriting](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/PatternRewriter/) and
+[Operation Definition Specification (ODS)](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/OpDefinitions/)
+## Introduction
+Pattern matching is an extremely important component within MLIR, as it
+encompasses many different facets of the compiler. From canonicalization, to
+optimization, to conversion; every MLIR based compiler will heavily rely on the
+pattern matching infrastructure in some capacity.
+The PDL Language (PDLL) provides a declarative pattern language designed from
+the ground up for representing MLIR pattern rewrites. PDLL is designed to
+natively support writing matchers on all of MLIRs constructs via an intuitive
+interface that may be used for both ahead-of-time (AOT) and just-in-time (JIT)
+pattern compilation.
+## Rationale
+This section provides details on various design decisions, their rationale, and
+alternatives considered when designing PDLL. Given the nature of software
+development, this section may include references to areas of the MLIR compiler
+that no longer exist.
+### Why build a new language instead of improving TableGen DRR?
+Note: The section assumes familiarity with
+[TDRR](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/DeclarativeRewrites/), please refer the
+relevant documentation before continuing.
+Tablegen DRR (TDRR), i.e.
+[Table-driven Declarative Rewrite Rules](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/DeclarativeRewrites/),
+is a declarative DSL for defining MLIR pattern rewrites within the
+[TableGen](https://llvm.org/docs/TableGen/index.html) language. This
+infrastructure is currently the main way in which patterns may be defined
+declaratively within MLIR. TDRR utilizes TableGen's `dag` support to enable
+defining MLIR patterns that fit nicely within a DAG structure; in a similar way
+in which tablegen has been used to defined patterns for LLVM's backend
+infrastructure (SelectionDAG/Global Isel/etc.). Unfortunately however, the
+TableGen language is not as amenable to the structure of MLIR patterns as it has
+been for LLVM.
+The issues with TDRR largely stem from the use of TableGen as the host language
+for the DSL. These issues have risen from a mismatch in the structure of
+TableGen compared to the structure of MLIR, and from TableGen having different
+motivational goals than MLIR. A majority (or all depending on how stubborn you
+are) of the issues that we've come across with TDRR have been addressable in
+some form; the sticking point here is that the solutions to these problems have
+often been more "creative" than we'd like. This is a problem, and why we decided
+not to invest a larger effort into improving TDRR; users generally don't want
+"creative" APIs, they want something that is intuitive to read/write.
+To highlight some of these issues, below we will take a tour through some of the
+problems that have arisen, and how we "fixed" them.
+#### Multi-result operations
+MLIR natively supports a variable number of operation results. For the DAG based
+structure of TDRR, any form of multiple results (operations in this instance)
+creates a problem. This is because the DAG wants a single root node, and does
+not have nice facilities for indexing or naming the multiple results. Let's take
+a look at a quick example to see how this manifests:
+// Suppose we have a three result operation, defined as seen below.
+def ThreeResultOp : Op<"three_result_op"> {
+ let arguments = (ins ...);
+ let results = (outs
+ AnyTensor:$output1,
+ AnyTensor:$output2,
+ AnyTensor:$output3
+ );
+// To bind the results of `ThreeResultOp` in a TDRR pattern, we bind all results
+// to a single name and use a special naming convention: `__N`, where `N` is the
+// N-th result.
+def : Pattern<(ThreeResultOp:$results ...),
+ [(... $results__0), ..., (... $results__2), ...]>;
+In TDRR, we "solved" the problem of accessing multiple results, but this isn't a
+very intuitive interface for users. Magical naming conventions obfuscate the
+code and can easily introduce bugs and other errors. There are various things
+that we could try to improve this situation, but there is a fundamental limit to
+what we can do given the limits of the TableGen dag structure. In PDLL, however,
+we have the freedom and flexibility to provide a proper interface into
+operations, regardless of their structure:
+// Import our definition of `ThreeResultOp`.
+#include "ops.td"
+Pattern {
+ ...
+ // In PDLL, we can directly reference the results of an operation variable.
+ // This provides a closer mental model to what the user expects.
+ let threeResultOp = op<my_dialect.three_result_op>;
+ let userOp = op<my_dialect.user_op>(threeResultOp.output1, ..., threeResultOp.output3);
+ ...
+#### Constraints
+In TDRR, the match dag defines the general structure of the input IR to match.
+Any non-structural/non-type constraints on the input are generally relegated to
+a list of constraints specified after the rewrite dag. For very simple patterns
+this may suffice, but with larger patterns it becomes quite problematic as it
+separates the constraint from the entity it constrains and negatively impacts
+the readability of the pattern. As an example, let's look at a simple pattern
+that adds additional constraints to its inputs:
+// Suppose we have a two result operation, defined as seen below.
+def TwoResultOp : Op<"two_result_op"> {
+ let arguments = (ins ...);
+ let results = (outs
+ AnyTensor:$output1,
+ AnyTensor:$output2
+ );
+// A simple constraint to check if a value is use_empty.
+def HasNoUseOf: Constraint<CPred<"$_self.use_empty()">, "has no use">;
+// Check if two values have a ShapedType with the same element type.
+def HasSameElementType : Constraint<
+ CPred<"$0.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType() == "
+ "$1.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType()">,
+ "values have same element type">;
+def : Pattern<(TwoResultOp:$results $input),
+ [(...), (...)],
+ [(HasNoUseOf:$results__1),
+ (HasSameElementType $results__0, $input)]>;
+Above, when observing the constraints we need to search through the input dag
+for the inputs (also keeping in mind the magic naming convention for multiple
+results). For this simple pattern it may be just a few lines above, but complex
+patterns often grow to 10s of lines long. In PDLL, these constraints can be
+applied directly on or next to the entities they apply to:
+// The same constraints that we defined above:
+Constraint HasNoUseOf(value: Value) [{
+ return success(value.use_empty());
+Constraint HasSameElementType(value1: Value, value2: Value) [{
+ return success(value1.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType() ==
+ value2.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType());
+Pattern {
+ // In PDLL, we can apply the constraint as early (or as late) as we want. This
+ // enables better structuring of the matcher code, and improves the
+ // readability/maintainability of the pattern.
+ let op = op<my_dialect.two_result_op>(input: Value);
+ HasNoUseOf(op.output2);
+ HasSameElementType(input, op.output2);
+ // ...
+#### Replacing Multiple Operations
+Often times a pattern will transform N number of input operations into N number
+of result operations. In PDLL, replacing multiple operations is as simple as
+adding two [`replace` statements](#replace-statement). In TDRR, the situation is
+a bit more nuanced. Given the single root structure of the TableGen dag,
+replacing a non-root operation is not nicely supported. It currently isn't
+natively possible, and instead requires using multiple patterns. We could
+potentially add another special rewrite directive, or extend `replaceWithValue`,
+but this simply highlights how even a basic IR transformation is muddled by the
+complexity of the host language.
+### Why not build a DSL in "X"?
+Yes! Well yes and no. To understand why, we have to consider what types of users
+we are trying to serve and what constraints we enforce upon them. The goal of
+PDLL is to provide a default and effective pattern language for MLIR that all
+users of MLIR can interact with immediately, regardless of their host
+environment. This language is available with no extra dependencies and comes
+"free" along with MLIR. If we were to use an existing host language to build our
+new DSL, we would need to make compromises along with it depending on the
+language. For some, there are questions of how to enforce matching environments
+(python2 or python3?, which version?), performance considerations, integration,
+etc. As an LLVM project, this could also mean enforcing a new language
+dependency on the users of MLIR (many of which may not want/need such a
+dependency otherwise). Another issue that comes along with any DSL that is
+embeded in another language: mitigating the user impedance mismatch between what
+the user expects from the host language and what our "backend" supports. For
+example, the PDL IR abstraction only contains limited support for control flow.
+If we were to build a DSL in python, we would need to ensure that complex
+control flow is either handled completely or effectively errors out. Even with
+ideal error handling, not having the expected features available creates user
+frustration. In addition to the environment constraints, there is also the issue
+of language tooling. With PDLL we intend to build a very robust and modern
+toolset that is designed to cater the needs of pattern developers, including
+code completion, signature help, and many more features that are specific to the
+problem we are solving. Integrating custom language tooling into existing
+languages can be difficult, and in some cases impossible (as our DSL would
+merely be a small subset of the existing language).
+These various points have led us to the initial conclusion that the most
+effective tool we can provide for our users is a custom tool designed for the
+problem at hand. With all of that being said, we understand that not all users
+have the same constraints that we have placed upon ourselves. We absolutely
+encourage and support the existence of various PDL frontends defined in
+different languages. This is one of the original motivating factors around
+building the PDL IR abstraction in the first place; to enable innovation and
+flexibility for our users (and in turn their users). For some, such as those in
+research and the Machine Learning space, they may already have a certain
+language (such as Python) heavily integrated into their workflow. For these
+users, a PDL DSL in their language may be ideal and we will remain committed to
+supporting and endorsing that from an infrastructure point-of-view.
+## Language Specification
+Note: PDLL is still under active development, and the designs discussed below
+are not necessarily final and may be subject to change.
+The design of PDLL is heavily influenced and centered around the
+[PDL IR abstraction](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/Dialects/PDLOps/), which in turn
+is designed as an abstract model of the core MLIR structures. This leads to a
+design and structure that feels very similar to if you were directly writing the
+IR you want to match.
+### Includes
+PDLL supports an `include` directive to import content defined within other
+source files. There are two types of files that may be included: `.pdll` and
+`.td` files.
+#### `.pdll` includes
+When including a `.pdll` file, the contents of that file are copied directly into
+the current file being processed. This means that any patterns, constraints,
+rewrites, etc., defined within that file are processed along with those within
+the current file.
+#### `.td` includes
+When including a `.td` file, PDLL will automatically import any pertinent
+[ODS](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/OpDefinitions/) information within that file.
+This includes any defined operations, constraints, interfaces, and more, making
+them implicitly accessible within PDLL. This is important, as ODS information
+allows for certain PDLL constructs, such as the
+[`operation` expression](#operation), to become much more powerful.
+### Patterns
+In any pattern descriptor language, pattern definition is at the core. In PDLL,
+patterns start with `Pattern` optionally followed by a name and a set of pattern
+metadata, and finally terminated by a pattern body. A few simple examples are
+shown below:
+// Here we have defined an anonymous pattern:
+Pattern {
+ // Pattern bodies are separated into two components:
+ // * Match Section
+ // - Describes the input IR.
+ let root = op<toy.reshape>(op<toy.reshape>(arg: Value));
+ // * Rewrite Section
+ // - Describes how to transform the IR.
+ // - Last statement starts the rewrite.
+ replace root with op<toy.reshape>(arg);
+// Here we have defined a pattern named `ReshapeReshapeOptPattern` with a
+// benefit of 10:
+Pattern ReshapeReshapeOptPattern with benefit(10) {
+ replace op<toy.reshape>(op<toy.reshape>(arg: Value))
+ with op<toy.reshape>(arg);
+After the definition of the pattern metadata, we specify the pattern body. The
+structure of a pattern body is comprised of two main sections, the `match`
+section and the `rewrite` section. The `match` section of a pattern describes
+the expected input IR, whereas the `rewrite` section describes how to transform
+that IR. This distinction is an important one to make, as PDLL handles certain
+variables and expressions differently within the different sections. When
+relevant in each of the sections below, we shall explicitly call out any
+behavioral differences.
+The general layout of the `match` and `rewrite` section is as follows: the
+*last* statement of the pattern body is required to be a
+[`operation rewrite statement`](#operation-rewrite-statements), and denotes the
+`rewrite` section; every statement before denotes the `match` section.
+#### Pattern metadata
+Rewrite patterns in MLIR have a set of metadata that allow for controlling
+certain behaviors, and providing information to the rewrite driver applying the
+pattern. In PDLL, a pattern can provide a non-default value for this metadata
+after the pattern name. Below, examples are shown for the different types of
+metadata supported:
+##### Benefit
+The benefit of a Pattern is an integer value that represents the "benefit" of
+matching that pattern. It is used by pattern drivers to determine the relative
+priorities of patterns during application; a pattern with a higher benefit is
+generally applied before one with a lower benefit.
+In PDLL, a pattern has a default benefit set to the number of input operations,
+i.e. the number of distinct `Op` expressions/variables, in the match section. This
+rule is driven by an observation that larger matches are more beneficial than smaller
+ones, and if a smaller one is applied first the larger one may not apply anymore.
+Patterns can override this behavior by specifying the benefit in the metadata section
+of the pattern:
+// Here we specify that this pattern has a benefit of `10`, overriding the
+// default behavior.
+Pattern with benefit(10) {
+ ...
+##### Bounded Rewrite Recursion
+During pattern application, there are situations in which a pattern may be
+applicable to the result of a previous application of that same pattern. If the
+pattern does not properly handle this recusive application, the pattern driver
+could become stuck in an infinite loop of application. To prevent this, patterns
+by-default are assumed to not have proper recursive bounding and will not be
+recursively applied. A pattern can signal that it does have proper handling for
+recursion by specifying the `recusion` flag in the pattern metadata section:
+// Here we signal that this pattern properly bounds recursive application.
+Pattern with recusion {
+ ...
+#### Single Line "Lambda" Body
+Patterns generally define their body using a compound block of statements, as
+shown below:
+Pattern {
+ replace op<my_dialect.foo>(operands: ValueRange) with operands;
+Patterns also support a lambda-like syntax for specifying simple single line
+bodies. The lambda body of a Pattern expects a single
+[operation rewrite statement](#operation-rewrite-statements):
+Pattern => replace op<my_dialect.foo>(operands: ValueRange) with operands;
+### Variables
+Variables in PDLL represent specific instances of IR entities, such as `Value`s,
+`Operation`s, `Type`s, etc. Consider the simple pattern below:
+Pattern {
+ let value: Value;
+ let root = op<mydialect.foo>(value);
+ replace root with value;
+In this pattern we define two variables, `value` and `root`, using the `let`
+statement. The `let` statement allows for defining variables and constraining
+them. Every variable in PDLL is of a certain type, which defines the type of IR
+entity the variable represents. The type of a variable may be determined via
+either a constraint, or an initializer expression.
+#### Variable "Binding"
+In addition to having a type, variables must also be "bound", either via an initializer
+expression or to a non-native constraint or rewrite use within the `match` section of the
+pattern. "Binding" a variable contextually identifies that variable within either the
+input (i.e. `match` section) or output (i.e. `rewrite` section) IR. In the `match` section,
+this allows for building the match tree from the pattern's root operation, which must be
+"bound" to the [operation rewrite statement](#operation-rewrite-statements) that denotes the
+`rewrite` section of the pattern. All non-root variables within the `match`
+section must be bound in some way to the "root" operation. To help illustrate
+the concept, let's take a look at a quick example. Consider the `.mlir` snippet
+func @baz(%arg: i32) {
+ %result = my_dialect.foo %arg, %arg -> i32
+Say that we want to write a pattern that matches `my_dialect.foo` and replaces
+it with its unique input argument. A naive way to write this pattern in PDLL is
+shown below:
+Pattern {
+ // ** match section ** //
+ let arg: Value;
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(arg, arg);
+ // ** rewrite section ** //
+ replace root with arg;
+In the above pattern, the `arg` variable is "bound" to the first and second operands
+of the `root` operation. Every use of `arg` is constrained to be the same `Value`, i.e.
+the first and second operands of `root` will be constrained to refer to the same input
+Value. The same is true for the `root` operation, it is bound to the "root" operation of the
+pattern as it is used in input of the top-level [`replace` statement](#replace-statement)
+of the `rewrite` section of the pattern. Writing this pattern using the C++ API, the concept
+of "binding" becomes more clear:
+struct Pattern : public OpRewritePattern<my_dialect::FooOp> {
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(my_dialect::FooOp root, PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
+ Value arg = root->getOperand(0);
+ if (arg != root->getOperand(1))
+ return failure();
+ rewriter.replaceOp(root, arg);
+ return success();
+ }
+If a variable is not "bound" properly, PDLL won't be able to identify what value
+it would correspond to in the IR. As a final example, let's consider a variable
+that hasn't been bound:
+Pattern {
+ // ** match section ** //
+ let arg: Value;
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>
+ // ** rewrite section ** //
+ replace root with arg;
+If we were to write this exact pattern in C++, we would end up with:
+struct Pattern : public OpRewritePattern<my_dialect::FooOp> {
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(my_dialect::FooOp root, PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
+ // `arg` was never bound, so we don't know what input Value it was meant to
+ // correspond to.
+ Value arg;
+ rewriter.replaceOp(root, arg);
+ return success();
+ }
+#### Variable Constraints
+// This statement defines a variable `value` that is constrained to be a `Value`.
+let value: Value;
+// This statement defines a variable `value` that is constrained to be a `Value`
+// *and* constrained to have a single use.
+let value: [Value, HasOneUse];
+Any number of single entity constraints may be attached directly to a variable
+upon declaration. Within the `matcher` section, these constraints may add
+additional checks on the input IR. Within the `rewriter` section, constraints
+are *only* used to define the type of the variable. There are a number of
+builtin constraints that correlate to the core MLIR constructs: `Attr`, `Op`,
+`Type`, `TypeRange`, `Value`, `ValueRange`. Along with these, users may define
+custom constraints that are implemented within PDLL, or natively (i.e. outside
+of PDLL). See the general [Constraints](#constraints) section for more detailed
+#### Inline Variable Definition
+Along with the `let` statement, variables may also be defined inline by
+specifying the constraint list along with the desired variable name in the first
+place that the variable would be used. After definition, the variable is visible
+from all points forward. See below for an example:
+// `value` is used as an operand to the operation `root`:
+let value: Value;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(value);
+replace root with value;
+// `value` could also be defined "inline":
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(value: Value);
+replace root with value;
+Note that the point of definition of an inline variable is the point of reference,
+meaning that an inline variable can be used immediately in the same parent
+expression within which it was defined:
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(value: Value, _: Value, value);
+replace root with value;
+##### Wildcard Variable Definition
+Often times when defining a variable inline, the variable isn't intended to be
+used anywhere else in the pattern. For example, this may happen if you want to
+attach constraints to a variable but have no other use for it. In these
+situations, the "wildcard" variable can be used to remove the need to provide a
+name, as "wildcard" variables are not visible outside of the point of
+definition. An example is shown below:
+Pattern {
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(arg: Value, _: Value, _: [Value, I64Value], arg);
+ replace root with arg;
+In the above example, the second operand isn't needed for the pattern but we
+need to provide it to signal that a second operand does exist (we just don't
+care what it is in this pattern).
+### Operation Expression
+An operation expression in PDLL represents an MLIR operation. In the `match`
+section of the pattern, this expression models one of the input operations to
+the pattern. In the `rewrite` section of the pattern, this expression models one
+of the operations to create. The general structure of the operation expression
+is very similar to that of the "generic form" of textual MLIR assembly:
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(operands: ValueRange) {attr = attr: Attr} -> (resultTypes: TypeRange);
+Let's walk through each of the different components of the expression:
+#### Operation name
+The operation name signifies which type of MLIR Op this operation corresponds
+to. In the `match` section of the pattern, the name may be elided. This would
+cause this pattern to match *any* operation type that satifies the rest of the
+constraints of the operation. In the `rewrite` section, the name is required.
+// `root` corresponds to an instance of a `my_dialect.foo` operation.
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>;
+// `root` could be an instance of any operation type.
+let root = op<>;
+#### Operands
+The operands section corresponds to the operands of the operation. This section
+of an operation expression may be elided, in which case the operands are not
+constrained in any way. When present, the operands of an operation expression
+are interpreted in the following ways:
+1) A single instance of type `ValueRange`:
+In this case, the single range is treated as all of the operands of the
+// Define an instance with single range of operands.
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(allOperands: ValueRange);
+2) A variadic number of either `Value` or `ValueRange`:
+In this case, the inputs are expected to correspond with the operand groups as
+defined on the operation in ODS.
+Given the following operation definition in ODS:
+def MyIndirectCallOp {
+ let arguments = (ins FunctionType:$call, Variadic<AnyType>:$args);
+We can match the operands as so:
+let root = op<my_dialect.indirect_call>(call: Value, args: ValueRange);
+#### Results
+The results section corresponds to the result types of the operation. This
+section of an operation expression may be elided, in which case the result types
+are not constrained in any way. When present, the result types of an operation
+expression are interpreted in the following ways:
+1) A single instance of type `TypeRange`:
+In this case, the single range is treated as all of the result types of the
+// Define an instance with single range of types.
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo> -> (allResultTypes: TypeRange);
+2) A variadic number of either `Type` or `TypeRange`:
+In this case, the inputs are expected to correspond with the result groups as
+defined on the operation in ODS.
+Given the following operation definition in ODS:
+def MyOp {
+ let results = (outs SomeType:$result, Variadic<SomeType>:$otherResults);
+We can match the result types as so:
+let root = op<my_dialect.op> -> (result: Type, otherResults: TypeRange);
+#### Attributes
+The attributes section of the operation expression corresponds to the attribute
+dictionary of the operation. This section of an operation expression may be
+elided, in which case the attributes are not constrained in any way. The
+composition of this component maps exactly to how attribute dictionaries are
+structured in the MLIR textual assembly format:
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo> {attr1 = attrValue: Attr, attr2 = attrValue2: Attr};
+Within the `{}` attribute entries are specified by an identifier or string name,
+corresponding to the attribute name, followed by an assignment to the attribute
+value. If the attribute value is elided, the value of the attribute is
+implicitly defined as a
+let unitConstant = op<my_dialect.constant> {value};
+##### Accessing Operation Results
+In multi-operation patterns, the result of one operation often feeds as an input
+into another. The result groups of an operation may be accessed by name or by
+index via the `.` operator:
+Note: Remember to import the definition of your operation via
+[include](#`.td`_includes) to ensure it is visible to PDLL.
+Given the following operation definition in ODS:
+def MyResultOp {
+ let results = (outs SomeType:$result);
+def MyInputOp {
+ let arguments = (ins SomeType:$input, SomeType:$input);
+We can write a pattern where `MyResultOp` feeds into `MyInputOp` as so:
+// In this example, we use both `result`(the name) and `0`(the index) to refer to
+// the first result group of `resultOp`.
+// Note: If we elide the result types section within the match section, it means
+// they aren't constrained, not that the operation has no results.
+let resultOp = op<my_dialect.result_op>;
+let inputOp = op<my_dialect.input_op>(resultOp.result, resultOp.0);
+Along with result name access, variables of `Op` type may implicitly convert to
+`Value` or `ValueRange`. These variables are converted to `Value` when they are
+known (via ODS) to only have one result, in all other cases they convert to
+// `resultOp` may also convert implicitly to a Value for use in `inputOp`:
+let resultOp = op<my_dialect.result_op>;
+let inputOp = op<my_dialect.input_op>(resultOp);
+// We could also inline `resultOp` directly:
+let inputOp = op<my_dialect.input_op>(op<my_dialect.result_op>);
+### Attribute Expression
+An attribute expression represents a literal MLIR attribute. It allows for
+statically specifying an MLIR attribute to use, by specifying the textual form
+of that attribute.
+let trueConstant = op<arith.constant> {value = attr<"true">};
+let applyResult = op<affine.apply>(args: ValueRange) {map = attr<"affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1 - 3)>">}
+### Type Expression
+A type expression represents a literal MLIR type. It allows for statically
+specifying an MLIR type to use, by specifying the textual form of that type.
+let i32Constant = op<arith.constant> -> (type<"i32">);
+### Tuples
+PDLL provides native support for tuples, which are used to group multiple
+elements into a single compound value. The values in a tuple can be of any type,
+and do not need to be of the same type. There is also no limit to the number of
+elements held by a tuple. The elements of a tuple can be accessed by index:
+let tupleValue = (op<my_dialect.foo>, attr<"10 : i32">, type<"i32">);
+let opValue = tupleValue.0;
+let attrValue = tupleValue.1;
+let typeValue = tupleValue.2;
+You can also name the elements of a tuple and use those names to refer to the
+values of the individual elements. An element name consists of an identifier
+followed immediately by an equal (=).
+let tupleValue = (
+ opValue = op<my_dialect.foo>,
+ attr<"10 : i32">,
+ typeValue = type<"i32">
+let opValue = tupleValue.opValue;
+let attrValue = tupleValue.1;
+let typeValue = tupleValue.typeValue;
+Tuples are used to represent multiple results from a
+[constraint](#constraints-with-multiple-results) or
+### Constraints
+Constraints provide the ability to inject additional checks on the input IR
+within the `match` section of a pattern. Constraints can be applied anywhere
+within the `match` section, and depending on the type can either be applied via
+the constraint list of a [variable](#variables) or via the call operator (e.g.
+`MyConstraint(...)`). There are three main categories of constraints:
+#### Core Constraints
+PDLL defines a number of core constraints that constrain the type of the IR
+entity. These constraints can only be applied via the
+[constraint list](#variable-constraints) of a variable.
+* `Attr` (`<` type `>`)?
+A single entity constraint that corresponds to an `mlir::Attribute`. This
+constraint optionally takes a type component that constrains the result type of
+the attribute.
+// Define a simple variable using the `Attr` constraint.
+let attr: Attr;
+let constant = op<arith.constant> {value = attr};
+// Define a simple variable using the `Attr` constraint, that has its type
+// constrained as well.
+let attrType: Type;
+let attr: Attr<attrType>;
+let constant = op<arith.constant> {value = attr};
+* `Op` (`<` op-name `>`)?
+A single entity constraint that corresponds to an `mlir::Operation *`.
+// Match only when the input is from another operation.
+let inputOp: Op;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(inputOp);
+// Match only when the input is from another `my_dialect.foo` operation.
+let inputOp: Op<my_dialect.foo>;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(inputOp);
+* `Type`
+A single entity constraint that corresponds to an `mlir::Type`.
+// Define a simple variable using the `Type` constraint.
+let resultType: Type;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo> -> (resultType);
+* `TypeRange`
+A single entity constraint that corresponds to a `mlir::TypeRange`.
+// Define a simple variable using the `TypeRange` constraint.
+let resultTypes: TypeRange;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo> -> (resultTypes);
+* `Value` (`<` type-expr `>`)?
+A single entity constraint that corresponds to an `mlir::Value`. This constraint
+optionally takes a type component that constrains the result type of the value.
+// Define a simple variable using the `Value` constraint.
+let value: Value;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(value);
+// Define a variable using the `Value` constraint, that has its type constrained
+// to be same as the result type of the `root` op.
+let valueType: Type;
+let input: Value<valueType>;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(input) -> (valueType);
+* `ValueRange` (`<` type-expr `>`)?
+A single entity constraint that corresponds to a `mlir::ValueRange`. This
+constraint optionally takes a type component that constrains the result types of
+the value range.
+// Define a simple variable using the `ValueRange` constraint.
+let inputs: ValueRange;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(inputs);
+// Define a variable using the `ValueRange` constraint, that has its types
+// constrained to be same as the result types of the `root` op.
+let valueTypes: TypeRange;
+let inputs: ValueRange<valueTypes>;
+let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(inputs) -> (valueTypes);
+#### Defining Constraints in PDLL
+Aside from the core constraints, additional constraints can also be defined
+within PDLL. This allows for building matcher fragments that can be composed
+across many different patterns. A constraint in PDLL is defined similarly to a
+function in traditional programming languages; it contains a name, a set of
+input arguments, a set of result types, and a body. Results of a constraint are
+returned via a `return` statement. A few examples are shown below:
+/// A constraint that takes an input and constrains the use to an operation of
+/// a given type.
+Constraint UsedByFooOp(value: Value) {
+ op<my_dialect.foo>(value);
+/// A constraint that returns a result of an existing operation.
+Constraint ExtractResult(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) -> Value {
+ return op.result;
+Pattern {
+ let value = ExtractResult(op<my_dialect.foo>);
+ UsedByFooOp(value);
+##### Constraints with multiple results
+Constraints can return multiple results by returning a tuple of values. When
+returning multiple results, each result can also be assigned a name to use when
+indexing that tuple element. Tuple elements can be referenced by their index
+number, or by name if they were assigned one.
+// A constraint that returns multiple results, with some of the results assigned
+// a more readable name.
+Constraint ExtractMultipleResults(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) -> (Value, result1: Value) {
+ return (op.result1, op.result2);
+Pattern {
+ // Return a tuple of values.
+ let result = ExtractMultipleResults(op: op<my_dialect.foo>);
+ // Index the tuple elements by index, or by name.
+ replace op<my_dialect.foo> with (result.0, result.1, result.result1);
+##### Constraint result type inference
+In addition to explicitly specifying the results of the constraint via the
+constraint signature, PDLL defined constraints also support inferring the result
+type from the return statement. Result type inference is active whenever the
+constraint is defined with no result constraints:
+// This constraint returns a derived operation.
+Constraint ReturnSelf(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ return op;
+// This constraint returns a tuple of two Values.
+Constraint ExtractMultipleResults(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ return (result1 = op.result1, result2 = op.result2);
+Pattern {
+ let values = ExtractMultipleResults(op<my_dialect.foo>);
+ replace op<my_dialect.foo> with (values.result1, values.result2);
+##### Single Line "Lambda" Body
+Constraints generally define their body using a compound block of statements, as
+shown below:
+Constraint ReturnSelf(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ return op;
+Constraint ExtractMultipleResults(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ return (result1 = op.result1, result2 = op.result2);
+Constraints also support a lambda-like syntax for specifying simple single line
+bodies. The lambda body of a Constraint expects a single expression, which is
+implicitly returned:
+Constraint ReturnSelf(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) => op;
+Constraint ExtractMultipleResults(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>)
+ => (result1 = op.result1, result2 = op.result2);
+#### Native Constraints
+Constraints may also be defined outside of PDLL, and registered natively within
+the C++ API.
+##### Importing existing Native Constraints
+Constraints defined externally can be imported into PDLL by specifying a
+constraint "declaration". This is similar to the PDLL form of defining a
+constraint but omits the body. Importing the declaration in this form allows for
+PDLL to statically know the expected input and output types.
+// Import a single entity value native constraint that checks if the value has a
+// single use. This constraint must be registered by the consumer of the
+// compiled PDL.
+Constraint HasOneUse(value: Value);
+// Import a multi-entity type constraint that checks if two values have the same
+// element type.
+Constraint HasSameElementType(value1: Value, value2: Value);
+Pattern {
+ // A single entity constraint can be applied via the variable argument list.
+ let value: HasOneUse;
+ // Otherwise, constraints can be applied via the call operator:
+ let value: Value = ...;
+ let value2: Value = ...;
+ HasOneUse(value);
+ HasSameElementType(value, value2);
+External constraints are those registered explicitly with the `RewritePatternSet` via
+the C++ PDL API. For example, the constraints above may be registered as:
+// TODO: Cleanup when we allow more accessible wrappers around PDL functions.
+static LogicalResult hasOneUseImpl(PDLValue pdlValue, ArrayAttr constantParams,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
+ Value value = pdlValue.cast<Value>();
+ return success(value.hasOneUse());
+static LogicalResult hasSameElementTypeImpl(
+ ArrayRef<PDLValue> pdlValues, ArrayAttr constantParams,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
+ Value value1 = pdlValues[0].cast<Value>();
+ Value value2 = pdlValues[1].cast<Value>();
+ return success(value1.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType() ==
+ value2.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType());
+void registerNativeConstraints(RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
+ patternList.getPDLPatterns().registerConstraintFunction(
+ "HasOneUse", hasOneUseImpl);
+ patternList.getPDLPatterns().registerConstraintFunction(
+ "HasSameElementType", hasSameElementTypeImpl);
+##### Defining Native Constraints in PDLL
+In addition to importing native constraints, PDLL also supports defining native
+constraints directly when compiling ahead-of-time (AOT) for C++. These
+constraints can be defined by specifying a string code block after the
+constraint declaration:
+Constraint HasOneUse(value: Value) [{
+ return success(value.hasOneUse());
+Constraint HasSameElementType(value1: Value, value2: Value) [{
+ return success(value1.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType() ==
+ value2.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType());
+Pattern {
+ // A single entity constraint can be applied via the variable argument list.
+ let value: HasOneUse;
+ // Otherwise, constraints can be applied via the call operator:
+ let value: Value = ...;
+ let value2: Value = ...;
+ HasOneUse(value);
+ HasSameElementType(value, value2);
+The arguments of the constraint are accessible within the code block via the
+same name. The type of these native variables are mapped directly to the
+corresponding MLIR type of the [core constraint](#core-constraints) used. For
+example, an `Op` corresponds to a variable of type `Operation *`.
+The results of the constraint can be populated using the provided `results`
+variable. This variable is a `PDLResultList`, and expects results to be
+populated in the order that they are defined within the result list of the
+constraint declaration.
+In addition to the above, the code block may also access the current
+`PatternRewriter` using `rewriter`.
+#### Defining Constraints Inline
+In addition to global scope, PDLL Constraints and Native Constraints defined in
+PDLL may be specified *inline* at any level of nesting. This means that they may
+be defined in Patterns, other Constraints, Rewrites, etc:
+Constraint GlobalConstraint() {
+ Constraint LocalConstraint(value: Value) {
+ ...
+ };
+ Constraint LocalNativeConstraint(value: Value) [{
+ ...
+ }];
+ let someValue: [LocalConstraint, LocalNativeConstraint] = ...;
+Constraints that are defined inline may also elide the name when used directly:
+Constraint GlobalConstraint(inputValue: Value) {
+ Constraint(value: Value) { ... }(inputValue);
+ Constraint(value: Value) [{ ... }](inputValue);
+When defined inline, PDLL constraints may reference any previously defined
+Constraint GlobalConstraint(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ Constraint LocalConstraint() {
+ let results = op.results;
+ };
+### Rewriters
+Rewriters define the set of transformations to be performed within the `rewrite`
+section of a pattern, and, more specifically, how to transform the input IR
+after a successful pattern match. All PDLL rewrites must be defined within the
+`rewrite` section of the pattern. The `rewrite` section is denoted by the last
+statement within the body of the `Pattern`, which is required to be an
+[operation rewrite statement](#operation-rewrite-statements). There are two main
+categories of rewrites in PDLL: operation rewrite statements, and user defined
+#### Operation Rewrite statements
+Operation rewrite statements are builtin PDLL statements that perform an IR
+transformation given a root operation. These statements are the only ones able
+to start the `rewrite` section of a pattern, as they allow for properly
+["binding"](#variable-binding) the root operation of the pattern.
+##### `erase` statement
+// A pattern that erases all `my_dialect.foo` operations.
+Pattern => erase op<my_dialect.foo>;
+The `erase` statement erases a given operation.
+##### `replace` statement
+// A pattern that replaces the root operation with its input value.
+Pattern {
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(input: Value);
+ replace root with input;
+// A pattern that replaces the root operation with multiple input values.
+Pattern {
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(input: Value, _: Value, input2: Value);
+ replace root with (input, input2);
+// A pattern that replaces the root operation with another operation.
+// Note that when an operation is used as the replacement, we can infer its
+// result types from the input operation. In these cases, the result
+// types of replacement operation may be elided.
+Pattern {
+ // Note: In this pattern we also inlined the `root` expression.
+ replace op<my_dialect.foo> with op<my_dialect.bar>;
+The `replace` statement allows for replacing a given root operation with either
+another operation, or a set of input `Value` and `ValueRange` values. When an operation
+is used as the replacement, we allow infering the result types from the input operation.
+In these cases, the result types of replacement operation may be elided. Note that no
+other components aside from the result types will be inferred from the input operation
+during the replacement.
+##### `rewrite` statement
+// A simple pattern that replaces the root operation with its input value.
+Pattern {
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(input: Value);
+ rewrite root with {
+ ...
+ replace root with input;
+ };
+The `rewrite` statement allows for rewriting a given root operation with a block
+of nested rewriters. The root operation is not implicitly erased or replaced,
+and any transformations to it must be expressed within the nested rewrite block.
+The inner body may contain any number of other rewrite statements, variables, or
+#### Defining Rewriters in PDLL
+Additional rewrites can also be defined within PDLL, which allows for building
+rewrite fragments that can be composed across many different patterns. A
+rewriter in PDLL is defined similarly to a function in traditional programming
+languages; it contains a name, a set of input arguments, a set of result types,
+and a body. Results of a rewrite are returned via a `return` statement. A few
+examples are shown below:
+// A rewrite that constructs and returns a new operation, given an input value.
+Rewrite BuildFooOp(value: Value) -> Op {
+ return op<my_dialect.foo>(value);
+Pattern {
+ // We invoke the rewrite in the same way as functions in traditional
+ // languages.
+ replace op<my_dialect.old_op>(input: Value) with BuildFooOp(input);
+##### Rewrites with multiple results
+Rewrites can return multiple results by returning a tuple of values. When
+returning multiple results, each result can also be assigned a name to use when
+indexing that tuple element. Tuple elements can be referenced by their index
+number, or by name if they were assigned one.
+// A rewrite that returns multiple results, with some of the results assigned
+// a more readable name.
+Rewrite CreateRewriteOps() -> (Op, result1: ValueRange) {
+ return (op<my_dialect.bar>, op<my_dialect.foo>);
+Pattern {
+ rewrite root: Op<my_dialect.foo> with {
+ // Invoke the rewrite, which returns a tuple of values.
+ let result = CreateRewriteOps();
+ // Index the tuple elements by index, or by name.
+ replace root with (result.0, result.1, result.result1);
+ }
+##### Rewrite result type inference
+In addition to explicitly specifying the results of the rewrite via the rewrite
+signature, PDLL defined rewrites also support inferring the result type from the
+return statement. Result type inference is active whenever the rewrite is
+defined with no result constraints:
+// This rewrite returns a derived operation.
+Rewrite ReturnSelf(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) => op;
+// This rewrite returns a tuple of two Values.
+Rewrite ExtractMultipleResults(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ return (result1 = op.result1, result2 = op.result2);
+Pattern {
+ rewrite root: Op<my_dialect.foo> with {
+ let values = ExtractMultipleResults(op<my_dialect.foo>);
+ replace root with (values.result1, values.result2);
+ }
+##### Single Line "Lambda" Body
+Rewrites generally define their body using a compound block of statements, as
+shown below:
+Rewrite ReturnSelf(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ return op;
+Rewrite EraseOp(op: Op) {
+ erase op;
+Rewrites also support a lambda-like syntax for specifying simple single line
+bodies. The lambda body of a Rewrite expects a single expression, which is
+implicitly returned, or a single
+[operation rewrite statement](#operation-rewrite-statements):
+Rewrite ReturnSelf(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) => op;
+Rewrite EraseOp(op: Op) => erase op;
+#### Native Rewriters
+Rewriters may also be defined outside of PDLL, and registered natively within
+the C++ API.
+##### Importing existing Native Rewrites
+Rewrites defined externally can be imported into PDLL by specifying a
+rewrite "declaration". This is similar to the PDLL form of defining a
+rewrite but omits the body. Importing the declaration in this form allows for
+PDLL to statically know the expected input and output types.
+// Import a single input native rewrite that returns a new operation. This
+// rewrite must be registered by the consumer of the compiled PDL.
+Rewrite BuildOp(value: Value) -> Op;
+Pattern {
+ replace op<my_dialect.old_op>(input: Value) with BuildOp(input);
+External rewrites are those registered explicitly with the `RewritePatternSet` via
+the C++ PDL API. For example, the rewrite above may be registered as:
+// TODO: Cleanup when we allow more accessible wrappers around PDL functions.
+static void buildOpImpl(ArrayRef<PDLValue> args, ArrayAttr constantParams,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter, PDLResultList &results) {
+ Value value = args[0].cast<Value>();
+ // insert special rewrite logic here.
+ Operation *resultOp = ...;
+ results.push_back(resultOp);
+void registerNativeRewrite(RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
+ patterns.getPDLPatterns().registerRewriteFunction("BuildOp", buildOpImpl);
+##### Defining Native Rewrites in PDLL
+In addition to importing native rewrites, PDLL also supports defining native
+rewrites directly when compiling ahead-of-time (AOT) for C++. These rewrites can
+be defined by specifying a string code block after the rewrite declaration:
+Rewrite BuildOp(value: Value) -> (foo: Op<my_dialect.foo>, bar: Op<my_dialect.bar>) [{
+ // We push back the results into the `results` variable in the order defined
+ // by the result list of the rewrite declaration.
+ results.push_back(rewriter.create<my_dialect::FooOp>(value));
+ results.push_back(rewriter.create<my_dialect::BarOp>());
+Pattern {
+ let root = op<my_dialect.foo>(input: Value);
+ rewrite root with {
+ // Invoke the native rewrite and use the results when replacing the root.
+ let results = BuildOp(input);
+ replace root with (results.foo, results.bar);
+ }
+The arguments of the rewrite are accessible within the code block via the
+same name. The type of these native variables are mapped directly to the
+corresponding MLIR type of the [core constraint](#core-constraints) used. For
+example, an `Op` corresponds to a variable of type `Operation *`.
+The results of the rewrite can be populated using the provided `results`
+variable. This variable is a `PDLResultList`, and expects results to be
+populated in the order that they are defined within the result list of the
+rewrite declaration.
+In addition to the above, the code block may also access the current
+`PatternRewriter` using `rewriter`.
+#### Defining Rewrites Inline
+In addition to global scope, PDLL Rewrites and Native Rewrites defined in PDLL
+may be specified *inline* at any level of nesting. This means that they may be
+defined in Patterns, other Rewrites, etc:
+Rewrite GlobalRewrite(inputValue: Value) {
+ Rewrite localRewrite(value: Value) {
+ ...
+ };
+ Rewrite localNativeRewrite(value: Value) [{
+ ...
+ }];
+ localRewrite(inputValue);
+ localNativeRewrite(inputValue);
+Rewrites that are defined inline may also elide the name when used directly:
+Rewrite GlobalRewrite(inputValue: Value) {
+ Rewrite(value: Value) { ... }(inputValue);
+ Rewrite(value: Value) [{ ... }](inputValue);
+When defined inline, PDLL rewrites may reference any previously defined
+Rewrite GlobalRewrite(op: Op<my_dialect.foo>) {
+ Rewrite localRewrite() {
+ let results = op.results;
+ };