std::string *ErrorStr,
std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MCJMM,
std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM);
+ static ExecutionEngine *(*OrcMCJITReplacementCtor)(
+ std::string *ErrorStr,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> OrcJMM,
+ std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM);
static ExecutionEngine *(*InterpCtor)(std::unique_ptr<Module> M,
std::string *ErrorStr);
+ ExecutionEngine() : EEState(*this) {}
explicit ExecutionEngine(std::unique_ptr<Module> M);
void emitGlobals();
std::string MCPU;
SmallVector<std::string, 4> MAttrs;
bool VerifyModules;
+ bool UseOrcMCJITReplacement;
/// InitEngine - Does the common initialization of default options.
void InitEngine();
+ /// Default constructor for EngineBuilder.
+ EngineBuilder();
/// Constructor for EngineBuilder.
EngineBuilder(std::unique_ptr<Module> M);
return *this;
+ // \brief Use OrcMCJITReplacement instead of MCJIT. Off by default.
+ void setUseOrcMCJITReplacement(bool UseOrcMCJITReplacement) {
+ this->UseOrcMCJITReplacement = UseOrcMCJITReplacement;
+ }
TargetMachine *selectTarget();
/// selectTarget - Pick a target either via -march or by guessing the native
--- /dev/null
+//===- ObjectMemoryBuffer.h - SmallVector-backed MemoryBuffrer -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file declares a wrapper class to hold the memory into which an
+// object will be generated.
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+namespace llvm {
+/// \brief SmallVector-backed MemoryBuffer instance.
+/// This class enables efficient construction of MemoryBuffers from SmallVector
+/// instances. This is useful for MCJIT and Orc, where object files are streamed
+/// into SmallVectors, then inspected using ObjectFile (which takes a
+/// MemoryBuffer).
+class ObjectMemoryBuffer : public MemoryBuffer {
+ /// \brief Construct an ObjectMemoryBuffer from the given SmallVector r-value.
+ ///
+ /// FIXME: It'd be nice for this to be a non-templated constructor taking a
+ /// SmallVectorImpl here instead of a templated one taking a SmallVector<N>,
+ /// but SmallVector's move-construction/assignment currently only take
+ /// SmallVectors. If/when that is fixed we can simplify this constructor and
+ /// the following one.
+ ObjectMemoryBuffer(SmallVectorImpl<char> &&SV)
+ : SV(std::move(SV)), BufferName("<in-memory object>") {
+ init(this->SV.begin(), this->SV.end(), false);
+ }
+ /// \brief Construct a named ObjectMemoryBuffer from the given SmallVector
+ /// r-value and StringRef.
+ ObjectMemoryBuffer(SmallVectorImpl<char> &&SV, StringRef Name)
+ : SV(std::move(SV)), BufferName(Name) {
+ init(this->SV.begin(), this->SV.end(), false);
+ }
+ const char* getBufferIdentifier() const override { return BufferName.c_str(); }
+ BufferKind getBufferKind() const override { return MemoryBuffer_Malloc; }
+ SmallVector<char, 0> SV;
+ std::string BufferName;
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===-- CloneSubModule.h - Utilities for extracting sub-modules -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Contains utilities for extracting sub-modules. Useful for breaking up modules
+// for lazy jitting.
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
+#include <functional>
+namespace llvm {
+class Function;
+class GlobalVariable;
+class Module;
+typedef std::function<void(GlobalVariable &, const GlobalVariable &,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &)> HandleGlobalVariableFtor;
+typedef std::function<void(Function &, const Function &, ValueToValueMapTy &)>
+ HandleFunctionFtor;
+void copyGVInitializer(GlobalVariable &New, const GlobalVariable &Orig,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &VMap);
+void copyFunctionBody(Function &New, const Function &Orig,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &VMap);
+CloneSubModule(const Module &M, HandleGlobalVariableFtor HandleGlobalVariable,
+ HandleFunctionFtor HandleFunction, bool KeepInlineAsm);
--- /dev/null
+//===- CompileOnDemandLayer.h - Compile each function on demand -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// JIT layer for breaking up modules and inserting callbacks to allow
+// individual functions to be compiled on demand.
+#include "IndirectionUtils.h"
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Compile-on-demand layer.
+/// Modules added to this layer have their calls indirected, and are then
+/// broken up into a set of single-function modules, each of which is added
+/// to the layer below in a singleton set. The lower layer can be any layer that
+/// accepts IR module sets.
+/// It is expected that this layer will frequently be used on top of a
+/// LazyEmittingLayer. The combination of the two ensures that each function is
+/// compiled only when it is first called.
+template <typename BaseLayerT> class CompileOnDemandLayer {
+ /// @brief Lookup helper that provides compatibility with the classic
+ /// static-compilation symbol resolution process.
+ ///
+ /// The CompileOnDemand (COD) layer splits modules up into multiple
+ /// sub-modules, each held in its own llvm::Module instance, in order to
+ /// support lazy compilation. When a module that contains private symbols is
+ /// broken up symbol linkage changes may be required to enable access to
+ /// "private" data that now resides in a different llvm::Module instance. To
+ /// retain expected symbol resolution behavior for clients of the COD layer,
+ /// the CODScopedLookup class uses a two-tiered lookup system to resolve
+ /// symbols. Lookup first scans sibling modules that were split from the same
+ /// original module (logical-module scoped lookup), then scans all other
+ /// modules that have been added to the lookup scope (logical-dylib scoped
+ /// lookup).
+ class CODScopedLookup {
+ private:
+ typedef typename BaseLayerT::ModuleSetHandleT BaseLayerModuleSetHandleT;
+ typedef std::vector<BaseLayerModuleSetHandleT> SiblingHandlesList;
+ typedef std::list<SiblingHandlesList> PseudoDylibModuleSetHandlesList;
+ public:
+ /// @brief Handle for a logical module.
+ typedef typename PseudoDylibModuleSetHandlesList::iterator LMHandle;
+ /// @brief Construct a scoped lookup.
+ CODScopedLookup(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) : BaseLayer(BaseLayer) {}
+ /// @brief Start a new context for a single logical module.
+ LMHandle createLogicalModule() {
+ Handles.push_back(SiblingHandlesList());
+ return std::prev(Handles.end());
+ }
+ /// @brief Add a concrete Module's handle to the given logical Module's
+ /// lookup scope.
+ void addToLogicalModule(LMHandle LMH, BaseLayerModuleSetHandleT H) {
+ LMH->push_back(H);
+ }
+ /// @brief Remove a logical Module from the CODScopedLookup entirely.
+ void removeLogicalModule(LMHandle LMH) { Handles.erase(LMH); }
+ /// @brief Look up a symbol in this context.
+ uint64_t lookup(LMHandle LMH, const std::string &Name) {
+ if (uint64_t Addr = lookupOnlyIn(LMH, Name))
+ return Addr;
+ for (auto I = Handles.begin(), E = Handles.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (I != LMH)
+ if (uint64_t Addr = lookupOnlyIn(I, Name))
+ return Addr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ uint64_t lookupOnlyIn(LMHandle LMH, const std::string &Name) {
+ for (auto H : *LMH)
+ if (uint64_t Addr = BaseLayer.lookupSymbolAddressIn(H, Name, false))
+ return Addr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BaseLayerT &BaseLayer;
+ PseudoDylibModuleSetHandlesList Handles;
+ };
+ typedef typename BaseLayerT::ModuleSetHandleT BaseLayerModuleSetHandleT;
+ typedef std::vector<BaseLayerModuleSetHandleT> BaseLayerModuleSetHandleListT;
+ struct ModuleSetInfo {
+ // Symbol lookup - just one for the whole module set.
+ std::shared_ptr<CODScopedLookup> Lookup;
+ // Logical module handles.
+ std::vector<typename CODScopedLookup::LMHandle> LMHandles;
+ // Persistent manglers - one per TU.
+ std::vector<PersistentMangler> PersistentManglers;
+ // Symbol resolution callback handlers - one per TU.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<JITResolveCallbackHandler>>
+ JITResolveCallbackHandlers;
+ // List of vectors of module set handles:
+ // One vector per logical module - each vector holds the handles for the
+ // exploded modules for that logical module in the base layer.
+ BaseLayerModuleSetHandleListT BaseLayerModuleSetHandles;
+ ModuleSetInfo(std::shared_ptr<CODScopedLookup> Lookup)
+ : Lookup(std::move(Lookup)) {}
+ void releaseResources(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) {
+ for (auto LMH : LMHandles)
+ Lookup->removeLogicalModule(LMH);
+ for (auto H : BaseLayerModuleSetHandles)
+ BaseLayer.removeModuleSet(H);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::list<ModuleSetInfo> ModuleSetInfoListT;
+ /// @brief Handle to a set of loaded modules.
+ typedef typename ModuleSetInfoListT::iterator ModuleSetHandleT;
+ /// @brief Convenience typedef for callback inserter.
+ typedef std::function<void(Module&, JITResolveCallbackHandler&)>
+ InsertCallbackAsmFtor;
+ /// @brief Construct a compile-on-demand layer instance.
+ CompileOnDemandLayer(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer,
+ InsertCallbackAsmFtor InsertCallbackAsm)
+ : BaseLayer(BaseLayer), InsertCallbackAsm(InsertCallbackAsm) {}
+ /// @brief Add a module to the compile-on-demand layer.
+ template <typename ModuleSetT>
+ ModuleSetHandleT addModuleSet(ModuleSetT Ms,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM) {
+ const char *JITAddrSuffix = "$orc_addr";
+ const char *JITImplSuffix = "$orc_impl";
+ // Create a symbol lookup context and ModuleSetInfo for this module set.
+ auto DylibLookup = std::make_shared<CODScopedLookup>(BaseLayer);
+ ModuleSetHandleT H =
+ ModuleSetInfos.insert(ModuleSetInfos.end(), ModuleSetInfo(DylibLookup));
+ ModuleSetInfo &MSI = ModuleSetInfos.back();
+ // Process each of the modules in this module set. All modules share the
+ // same lookup context, but each will get its own TU lookup context.
+ for (auto &M : Ms) {
+ // Create a TU lookup context for this module.
+ auto LMH = DylibLookup->createLogicalModule();
+ MSI.LMHandles.push_back(LMH);
+ // Create a persistent mangler for this module.
+ MSI.PersistentManglers.emplace_back(*M->getDataLayout());
+ // Make all calls to functions defined in this module indirect.
+ JITIndirections Indirections =
+ makeCallsDoubleIndirect(*M, [](const Function &) { return true; },
+ JITImplSuffix, JITAddrSuffix);
+ // Then carve up the module into a bunch of single-function modules.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>> ExplodedModules =
+ explode(*M, Indirections);
+ // Add a resolve-callback handler for this module to look up symbol
+ // addresses when requested via a callback.
+ MSI.JITResolveCallbackHandlers.push_back(
+ createCallbackHandlerFromJITIndirections(
+ Indirections, MSI.PersistentManglers.back(),
+ [=](StringRef S) { return DylibLookup->lookup(LMH, S); }));
+ // Insert callback asm code into the first module.
+ InsertCallbackAsm(*ExplodedModules[0],
+ *MSI.JITResolveCallbackHandlers.back());
+ // Now we need to take each of the extracted Modules and add them to
+ // base layer. Each Module will be added individually to make sure they
+ // can be compiled separately, and each will get its own lookaside
+ // memory manager with lookup functors that resolve symbols in sibling
+ // modules first.OA
+ for (auto &M : ExplodedModules) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>> MSet;
+ MSet.push_back(std::move(M));
+ BaseLayerModuleSetHandleT H = BaseLayer.addModuleSet(
+ std::move(MSet),
+ createLookasideRTDyldMM<SectionMemoryManager>(
+ [=](const std::string &Name) {
+ if (uint64_t Addr = DylibLookup->lookup(LMH, Name))
+ return Addr;
+ return getSymbolAddress(Name, true);
+ },
+ [=](const std::string &Name) {
+ return DylibLookup->lookup(LMH, Name);
+ }));
+ DylibLookup->addToLogicalModule(LMH, H);
+ MSI.BaseLayerModuleSetHandles.push_back(H);
+ }
+ initializeFuncAddrs(*MSI.JITResolveCallbackHandlers.back(), Indirections,
+ MSI.PersistentManglers.back(), [=](StringRef S) {
+ return DylibLookup->lookup(LMH, S);
+ });
+ }
+ return H;
+ }
+ /// @brief Remove the module represented by the given handle.
+ ///
+ /// This will remove all modules in the layers below that were derived from
+ /// the module represented by H.
+ void removeModuleSet(ModuleSetHandleT H) {
+ H->releaseResources(BaseLayer);
+ ModuleSetInfos.erase(H);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the address of a symbol provided by this layer, or some layer
+ /// below this one.
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(const std::string &Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ return BaseLayer.getSymbolAddress(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the address of a symbol provided by this layer, or some layer
+ /// below this one.
+ uint64_t lookupSymbolAddressIn(ModuleSetHandleT H, const std::string &Name,
+ bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ BaseLayerModuleSetHandleListT &BaseLayerHandles = H->second;
+ for (auto &BH : BaseLayerHandles) {
+ if (uint64_t Addr =
+ BaseLayer.lookupSymbolAddressIn(BH, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
+ return Addr;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BaseLayerT &BaseLayer;
+ InsertCallbackAsmFtor InsertCallbackAsm;
+ ModuleSetInfoListT ModuleSetInfos;
--- /dev/null
+//===-- CompileUtils.h - Utilities for compiling IR in the JIT --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Contains utilities for compiling IR to object files.
+#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ObjectMemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Simple compile functor: Takes a single IR module and returns an
+/// ObjectFile.
+class SimpleCompiler {
+ /// @brief Construct a simple compile functor with the given target.
+ SimpleCompiler(TargetMachine &TM) : TM(TM) {}
+ /// @brief Compile a Module to an ObjectFile.
+ object::OwningBinary<object::ObjectFile> operator()(Module &M) const {
+ SmallVector<char, 0> ObjBufferSV;
+ raw_svector_ostream ObjStream(ObjBufferSV);
+ PassManager PM;
+ MCContext *Ctx;
+ if (TM.addPassesToEmitMC(PM, Ctx, ObjStream))
+ llvm_unreachable("Target does not support MC emission.");
+ ObjStream.flush();
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> ObjBuffer(
+ new ObjectMemoryBuffer(std::move(ObjBufferSV)));
+ ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> Obj =
+ object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(ObjBuffer->getMemBufferRef());
+ // TODO: Actually report errors helpfully.
+ typedef object::OwningBinary<object::ObjectFile> OwningObj;
+ if (Obj)
+ return OwningObj(std::move(*Obj), std::move(ObjBuffer));
+ return OwningObj(nullptr, nullptr);
+ }
+ TargetMachine &TM;
--- /dev/null
+//===------ IRCompileLayer.h -- Eagerly compile IR for JIT ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Contains the definition for a basic, eagerly compiling layer of the JIT.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ObjectCache.h"
+#include <memory>
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Eager IR compiling layer.
+/// This layer accepts sets of LLVM IR Modules (via addModuleSet). It
+/// immediately compiles each IR module to an object file (each IR Module is
+/// compiled separately). The resulting set of object files is then added to
+/// the layer below, which must implement the object layer concept.
+template <typename BaseLayerT> class IRCompileLayer {
+ typedef std::function<object::OwningBinary<object::ObjectFile>(Module &)>
+ CompileFtor;
+ typedef typename BaseLayerT::ObjSetHandleT ObjSetHandleT;
+ typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> OwningObjectVec;
+ typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> OwningBufferVec;
+ /// @brief Handle to a set of compiled modules.
+ typedef ObjSetHandleT ModuleSetHandleT;
+ /// @brief Construct an IRCompileLayer with the given BaseLayer, which must
+ /// implement the ObjectLayer concept.
+ IRCompileLayer(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer, CompileFtor Compile)
+ : BaseLayer(BaseLayer), Compile(std::move(Compile)), ObjCache(nullptr) {}
+ /// @brief Set an ObjectCache to query before compiling.
+ void setObjectCache(ObjectCache *NewCache) { ObjCache = NewCache; }
+ /// @brief Compile each module in the given module set, then then add the
+ /// resulting set of objects to the base layer, along with the memory
+ // manager MM.
+ ///
+ /// @return A handle for the added modules.
+ template <typename ModuleSetT>
+ ModuleSetHandleT addModuleSet(ModuleSetT Ms,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM) {
+ OwningObjectVec Objects;
+ OwningBufferVec Buffers;
+ for (const auto &M : Ms) {
+ std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile> Object;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer;
+ if (ObjCache)
+ std::tie(Object, Buffer) = tryToLoadFromObjectCache(*M).takeBinary();
+ if (!Object) {
+ std::tie(Object, Buffer) = Compile(*M).takeBinary();
+ if (ObjCache)
+ ObjCache->notifyObjectCompiled(&*M, Buffer->getMemBufferRef());
+ }
+ Objects.push_back(std::move(Object));
+ Buffers.push_back(std::move(Buffer));
+ }
+ return BaseLayer.addObjectSet(std::move(Objects), std::move(MM));
+ }
+ /// @brief Remove the module set associated with the handle H.
+ void removeModuleSet(ModuleSetHandleT H) { BaseLayer.removeObjectSet(H); }
+ /// @brief Get the address of a loaded symbol. This call is forwarded to the
+ /// base layer's getSymbolAddress implementation.
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(const std::string &Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ return BaseLayer.getSymbolAddress(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the address of the given symbol in the context of the set of
+ /// compiled modules represented by the handle H. This call is
+ /// forwarded to the base layer's implementation.
+ uint64_t lookupSymbolAddressIn(ModuleSetHandleT H, const std::string &Name,
+ bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ return BaseLayer.lookupSymbolAddressIn(H, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
+ }
+ object::OwningBinary<object::ObjectFile>
+ tryToLoadFromObjectCache(const Module &M) {
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> ObjBuffer = ObjCache->getObject(&M);
+ if (!ObjBuffer)
+ return {nullptr, nullptr};
+ ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> Obj =
+ object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(ObjBuffer->getMemBufferRef());
+ if (!Obj)
+ return {nullptr, nullptr};
+ return {std::move(*Obj), std::move(ObjBuffer)};
+ }
+ BaseLayerT &BaseLayer;
+ CompileFtor Compile;
+ ObjectCache *ObjCache;
--- /dev/null
+//===-- IndirectionUtils.h - Utilities for adding indirections --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Contains utilities for adding indirections and breaking up modules.
+#include "llvm/IR/Mangler.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include <sstream>
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Persistent name mangling.
+/// This class provides name mangling that can outlive a Module (and its
+/// DataLayout).
+class PersistentMangler {
+ PersistentMangler(DataLayout DL) : DL(std::move(DL)), M(&this->DL) {}
+ std::string getMangledName(StringRef Name) const {
+ std::string MangledName;
+ {
+ raw_string_ostream MangledNameStream(MangledName);
+ M.getNameWithPrefix(MangledNameStream, Name);
+ }
+ return MangledName;
+ }
+ DataLayout DL;
+ Mangler M;
+/// @brief Handle callbacks from the JIT process requesting the definitions of
+/// symbols.
+/// This utility is intended to be used to support compile-on-demand for
+/// functions.
+class JITResolveCallbackHandler {
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> FuncNameList;
+ typedef FuncNameList::size_type StubIndex;
+ /// @brief Create a JITResolveCallbackHandler with the given functors for
+ /// looking up symbols and updating their use-sites.
+ ///
+ /// @return A JITResolveCallbackHandler instance that will invoke the
+ /// Lookup and Update functors as needed to resolve missing symbol
+ /// definitions.
+ template <typename LookupFtor, typename UpdateFtor>
+ static std::unique_ptr<JITResolveCallbackHandler> create(LookupFtor Lookup,
+ UpdateFtor Update);
+ /// @brief Destroy instance. Does not modify existing emitted symbols.
+ ///
+ /// Not-yet-emitted symbols will need to be resolved some other way after
+ /// this class is destroyed.
+ virtual ~JITResolveCallbackHandler() {}
+ /// @brief Add a function to be resolved on demand.
+ void addFuncName(std::string Name) { FuncNames.push_back(std::move(Name)); }
+ /// @brief Get the name associated with the given index.
+ const std::string &getFuncName(StubIndex Idx) const { return FuncNames[Idx]; }
+ /// @brief Returns the number of symbols being managed by this instance.
+ StubIndex getNumFuncs() const { return FuncNames.size(); }
+ /// @brief Get the address for the symbol associated with the given index.
+ ///
+ /// This is expected to be called by code in the JIT process itself, in
+ /// order to resolve a function.
+ virtual uint64_t resolve(StubIndex StubIdx) = 0;
+ FuncNameList FuncNames;
+// Implementation class for JITResolveCallbackHandler.
+template <typename LookupFtor, typename UpdateFtor>
+class JITResolveCallbackHandlerImpl : public JITResolveCallbackHandler {
+ JITResolveCallbackHandlerImpl(LookupFtor Lookup, UpdateFtor Update)
+ : Lookup(std::move(Lookup)), Update(std::move(Update)) {}
+ uint64_t resolve(StubIndex StubIdx) override {
+ const std::string &FuncName = getFuncName(StubIdx);
+ uint64_t Addr = Lookup(FuncName);
+ Update(FuncName, Addr);
+ return Addr;
+ }
+ LookupFtor Lookup;
+ UpdateFtor Update;
+template <typename LookupFtor, typename UpdateFtor>
+JITResolveCallbackHandler::create(LookupFtor Lookup, UpdateFtor Update) {
+ typedef JITResolveCallbackHandlerImpl<LookupFtor, UpdateFtor> Impl;
+ return make_unique<Impl>(std::move(Lookup), std::move(Update));
+/// @brief Holds a list of the function names that were indirected, plus
+/// mappings from each of these names to (a) the name of function
+/// providing the implementation for that name (GetImplNames), and
+/// (b) the name of the global variable holding the address of the
+/// implementation.
+/// This data structure can be used with a JITCallbackHandler to look up and
+/// update function implementations when lazily compiling.
+class JITIndirections {
+ JITIndirections(std::vector<std::string> IndirectedNames,
+ std::function<std::string(StringRef)> GetImplName,
+ std::function<std::string(StringRef)> GetAddrName)
+ : IndirectedNames(std::move(IndirectedNames)),
+ GetImplName(std::move(GetImplName)),
+ GetAddrName(std::move(GetAddrName)) {}
+ std::vector<std::string> IndirectedNames;
+ std::function<std::string(StringRef Name)> GetImplName;
+ std::function<std::string(StringRef Name)> GetAddrName;
+/// @brief Indirect all calls to functions matching the predicate
+/// ShouldIndirect through a global variable containing the address
+/// of the implementation.
+/// @return An indirection structure containing the functions that had their
+/// call-sites re-written.
+/// For each function 'F' that meets the ShouldIndirect predicate, and that
+/// is called in this Module, add a common-linkage global variable to the
+/// module that will hold the address of the implementation of that function.
+/// Rewrite all call-sites of 'F' to be indirect calls (via the global).
+/// This allows clients, either directly or via a JITCallbackHandler, to
+/// change the address of the implementation of 'F' at runtime.
+/// Important notes:
+/// Single indirection does not preserve pointer equality for 'F'. If the
+/// program was already calling 'F' indirectly through function pointers, or
+/// if it was taking the address of 'F' for the purpose of pointer comparisons
+/// or arithmetic double indirection should be used instead.
+/// This method does *not* initialize the function implementation addresses.
+/// The client must do this prior to running any call-sites that have been
+/// indirected.
+JITIndirections makeCallsSingleIndirect(
+ llvm::Module &M,
+ const std::function<bool(const Function &)> &ShouldIndirect,
+ const char *JITImplSuffix, const char *JITAddrSuffix);
+/// @brief Replace the body of functions matching the predicate ShouldIndirect
+/// with indirect calls to the implementation.
+/// @return An indirections structure containing the functions that had their
+/// implementations re-written.
+/// For each function 'F' that meets the ShouldIndirect predicate, add a
+/// common-linkage global variable to the module that will hold the address of
+/// the implementation of that function and rewrite the implementation of 'F'
+/// to call through to the implementation indirectly (via the global).
+/// This allows clients, either directly or via a JITCallbackHandler, to
+/// change the address of the implementation of 'F' at runtime.
+/// Important notes:
+/// Double indirection is slower than single indirection, but preserves
+/// function pointer relation tests and correct behavior for function pointers
+/// (all calls to 'F', direct or indirect) go the address stored in the global
+/// variable at the time of the call.
+/// This method does *not* initialize the function implementation addresses.
+/// The client must do this prior to running any call-sites that have been
+/// indirected.
+JITIndirections makeCallsDoubleIndirect(
+ llvm::Module &M,
+ const std::function<bool(const Function &)> &ShouldIndirect,
+ const char *JITImplSuffix, const char *JITAddrSuffix);
+/// @brief Given a set of indirections and a symbol lookup functor, create a
+/// JITResolveCallbackHandler instance that will resolve the
+/// implementations for the indirected symbols on demand.
+template <typename SymbolLookupFtor>
+createCallbackHandlerFromJITIndirections(const JITIndirections &Indirs,
+ const PersistentMangler &NM,
+ SymbolLookupFtor Lookup) {
+ auto GetImplName = Indirs.GetImplName;
+ auto GetAddrName = Indirs.GetAddrName;
+ std::unique_ptr<JITResolveCallbackHandler> J =
+ JITResolveCallbackHandler::create(
+ [=](const std::string &S) {
+ return Lookup(NM.getMangledName(GetImplName(S)));
+ },
+ [=](const std::string &S, uint64_t Addr) {
+ void *ImplPtr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(
+ Lookup(NM.getMangledName(GetAddrName(S))));
+ memcpy(ImplPtr, &Addr, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ });
+ for (const auto &FuncName : Indirs.IndirectedNames)
+ J->addFuncName(FuncName);
+ return J;
+/// @brief Insert callback asm into module M for the symbols managed by
+/// JITResolveCallbackHandler J.
+void insertX86CallbackAsm(Module &M, JITResolveCallbackHandler &J);
+/// @brief Initialize global indirects to point into the callback asm.
+template <typename LookupFtor>
+void initializeFuncAddrs(JITResolveCallbackHandler &J,
+ const JITIndirections &Indirs,
+ const PersistentMangler &NM, LookupFtor Lookup) {
+ // Forward declare so that we can access this, even though it's an
+ // implementation detail.
+ std::string getJITResolveCallbackIndexLabel(unsigned I);
+ if (J.getNumFuncs() == 0)
+ return;
+ // Force a look up one of the global addresses for a function that has been
+ // indirected. We need to do this to trigger the emission of the module
+ // holding the callback asm. We can't rely on that emission happening
+ // automatically when we look up the callback asm symbols, since lazy-emitting
+ // layers can't see those.
+ Lookup(NM.getMangledName(Indirs.GetAddrName(J.getFuncName(0))));
+ // Now update indirects to point to the JIT resolve callback asm.
+ for (JITResolveCallbackHandler::StubIndex I = 0; I < J.getNumFuncs(); ++I) {
+ uint64_t ResolveCallbackIdxAddr =
+ Lookup(getJITResolveCallbackIndexLabel(I));
+ void *AddrPtr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(
+ Lookup(NM.getMangledName(Indirs.GetAddrName(J.getFuncName(I)))));
+ assert(AddrPtr && "Can't find stub addr global to initialize.");
+ memcpy(AddrPtr, &ResolveCallbackIdxAddr, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ }
+/// @brief Extract all functions matching the predicate ShouldExtract in to
+/// their own modules. (Does not modify the original module.)
+/// @return A set of modules, the first containing all symbols (including
+/// globals and aliases) that did not pass ShouldExtract, and each
+/// subsequent module containing one of the functions that did meet
+/// ShouldExtract.
+/// By adding the resulting modules separately (not as a set) to a
+/// LazyEmittingLayer instance, compilation can be deferred until symbols are
+/// actually needed.
+explode(const llvm::Module &OrigMod,
+ const std::function<bool(const Function &)> &ShouldExtract);
+/// @brief Given a module that has been indirectified, break each function
+/// that has been indirected out into its own module. (Does not modify
+/// the original module).
+/// @returns A set of modules covering the symbols provided by OrigMod.
+explode(const llvm::Module &OrigMod, const JITIndirections &Indirections);
--- /dev/null
+//===- LazyEmittingLayer.h - Lazily emit IR to lower JIT layers -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Contains the definition for a lazy-emitting layer for the JIT.
+#include "LookasideRTDyldMM.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Mangler.h"
+#include <list>
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Lazy-emitting IR layer.
+/// This layer accepts sets of LLVM IR Modules (via addModuleSet), but does
+/// not immediately emit them the layer below. Instead, emissing to the base
+/// layer is deferred until some symbol in the module set is requested via
+/// getSymbolAddress.
+template <typename BaseLayerT> class LazyEmittingLayer {
+ typedef typename BaseLayerT::ModuleSetHandleT BaseLayerHandleT;
+ class EmissionDeferredSet {
+ public:
+ EmissionDeferredSet() : EmitState(NotEmitted) {}
+ virtual ~EmissionDeferredSet() {}
+ uint64_t Search(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly, BaseLayerT &B) {
+ switch (EmitState) {
+ case NotEmitted:
+ if (Provides(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly)) {
+ EmitState = Emitting;
+ Handle = Emit(B);
+ EmitState = Emitted;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case Emitting:
+ // The module has been added to the base layer but we haven't gotten a
+ // handle back yet so we can't use lookupSymbolAddressIn. Just return
+ // '0' here - LazyEmittingLayer::getSymbolAddress will do a global
+ // search in the base layer when it doesn't find the symbol here, so
+ // we'll find it in the end.
+ return 0;
+ case Emitted:
+ // Nothing to do. Go ahead and search the base layer.
+ break;
+ }
+ return B.lookupSymbolAddressIn(Handle, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
+ }
+ void RemoveModulesFromBaseLayer(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) {
+ if (EmitState != NotEmitted)
+ BaseLayer.removeModuleSet(Handle);
+ }
+ template <typename ModuleSetT>
+ static std::unique_ptr<EmissionDeferredSet>
+ create(BaseLayerT &B, ModuleSetT Ms,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM);
+ protected:
+ virtual bool Provides(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) const = 0;
+ virtual BaseLayerHandleT Emit(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) = 0;
+ private:
+ enum { NotEmitted, Emitting, Emitted } EmitState;
+ BaseLayerHandleT Handle;
+ };
+ template <typename ModuleSetT>
+ class EmissionDeferredSetImpl : public EmissionDeferredSet {
+ public:
+ EmissionDeferredSetImpl(ModuleSetT Ms,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM)
+ : Ms(std::move(Ms)), MM(std::move(MM)) {}
+ protected:
+ BaseLayerHandleT Emit(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) override {
+ // We don't need the mangled names set any more: Once we've emitted this
+ // to the base layer we'll just look for symbols there.
+ MangledNames.reset();
+ return BaseLayer.addModuleSet(std::move(Ms), std::move(MM));
+ }
+ bool Provides(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) const override {
+ // FIXME: We could clean all this up if we had a way to reliably demangle
+ // names: We could just demangle name and search, rather than
+ // mangling everything else.
+ // If we have already built the mangled name set then just search it.
+ if (MangledNames) {
+ auto VI = MangledNames->find(Name);
+ if (VI == MangledNames->end())
+ return false;
+ return !ExportedSymbolsOnly || VI->second;
+ }
+ // If we haven't built the mangled name set yet, try to build it. As an
+ // optimization this will leave MangledNames set to nullptr if we find
+ // Name in the process of building the set.
+ buildMangledNames(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
+ if (!MangledNames)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ // If the mangled name of the given GlobalValue matches the given search
+ // name (and its visibility conforms to the ExportedSymbolsOnly flag) then
+ // just return 'true'. Otherwise, add the mangled name to the Names map and
+ // return 'false'.
+ bool addGlobalValue(StringMap<bool> &Names, const GlobalValue &GV,
+ const Mangler &Mang, StringRef SearchName,
+ bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) const {
+ // Modules don't "provide" decls or common symbols.
+ if (GV.isDeclaration() || GV.hasCommonLinkage())
+ return false;
+ // Mangle the GV name.
+ std::string MangledName;
+ {
+ raw_string_ostream MangledNameStream(MangledName);
+ Mang.getNameWithPrefix(MangledNameStream, &GV, false);
+ }
+ // Check whether this is the name we were searching for, and if it is then
+ // bail out early.
+ if (MangledName == SearchName)
+ if (!ExportedSymbolsOnly || GV.hasDefaultVisibility())
+ return true;
+ // Otherwise add this to the map for later.
+ Names[MangledName] = GV.hasDefaultVisibility();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Build the MangledNames map. Bails out early (with MangledNames left set
+ // to nullptr) if the given SearchName is found while building the map.
+ void buildMangledNames(StringRef SearchName,
+ bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) const {
+ assert(!MangledNames && "Mangled names map already exists?");
+ auto Names = llvm::make_unique<StringMap<bool>>();
+ for (const auto &M : Ms) {
+ Mangler Mang(M->getDataLayout());
+ for (const auto &GV : M->globals())
+ if (addGlobalValue(*Names, GV, Mang, SearchName, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
+ return;
+ for (const auto &F : *M)
+ if (addGlobalValue(*Names, F, Mang, SearchName, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
+ return;
+ }
+ MangledNames = std::move(Names);
+ }
+ ModuleSetT Ms;
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM;
+ mutable std::unique_ptr<StringMap<bool>> MangledNames;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<std::unique_ptr<EmissionDeferredSet>> ModuleSetListT;
+ BaseLayerT &BaseLayer;
+ ModuleSetListT ModuleSetList;
+ /// @brief Handle to a set of loaded modules.
+ typedef typename ModuleSetListT::iterator ModuleSetHandleT;
+ /// @brief Construct a lazy emitting layer.
+ LazyEmittingLayer(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) : BaseLayer(BaseLayer) {}
+ /// @brief Add the given set of modules to the lazy emitting layer.
+ ///
+ /// This method stores the set of modules in a side table, rather than
+ /// immediately emitting them to the next layer of the JIT. When the address
+ /// of a symbol provided by this set is requested (via getSymbolAddress) it
+ /// triggers the emission of this set to the layer below (along with the given
+ /// memory manager instance), and returns the address of the requested symbol.
+ template <typename ModuleSetT>
+ ModuleSetHandleT addModuleSet(ModuleSetT Ms,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM) {
+ return ModuleSetList.insert(
+ ModuleSetList.end(),
+ EmissionDeferredSet::create(BaseLayer, std::move(Ms), std::move(MM)));
+ }
+ /// @brief Remove the module set represented by the given handle.
+ ///
+ /// This method will free the memory associated with the given module set,
+ /// both in this layer, and the base layer.
+ void removeModuleSet(ModuleSetHandleT H) {
+ H->RemoveModulesFromBaseLayer();
+ ModuleSetList.erase(H);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the address of a symbol provided by this layer, or some layer
+ /// below this one.
+ ///
+ /// When called for a symbol that has been added to this layer (via
+ /// addModuleSet) but not yet emitted, this will trigger the emission of the
+ /// module set containing the definiton of the symbol.
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(const std::string &Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ // Look up symbol among existing definitions.
+ if (uint64_t Addr = BaseLayer.getSymbolAddress(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
+ return Addr;
+ // If not found then search the deferred sets. The call to 'Search' will
+ // cause the set to be emitted to the next layer if it provides a definition
+ // of 'Name'.
+ for (auto &DeferredSet : ModuleSetList)
+ if (uint64_t Addr =
+ DeferredSet->Search(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly, BaseLayer))
+ return Addr;
+ // If no definition found anywhere return 0.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the address of the given symbol in the context of the set of
+ /// compiled modules represented by the handle H. This call is
+ /// forwarded to the base layer's implementation.
+ uint64_t lookupSymbolAddressIn(ModuleSetHandleT H, const std::string &Name,
+ bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ return (*H)->Search(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly, BaseLayer);
+ }
+template <typename BaseLayerT>
+template <typename ModuleSetT>
+std::unique_ptr<typename LazyEmittingLayer<BaseLayerT>::EmissionDeferredSet>
+ BaseLayerT &B, ModuleSetT Ms, std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM) {
+ return llvm::make_unique<EmissionDeferredSetImpl<ModuleSetT>>(std::move(Ms),
+ std::move(MM));
--- /dev/null
+//===- LookasideRTDyldMM - Redirect symbol lookup via a functor -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Defines an adapter for RuntimeDyldMM that allows lookups for external
+// symbols to go via a functor.
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Defines an adapter for RuntimeDyldMM that allows lookups for external
+/// symbols to go via a functor, before falling back to the lookup logic
+/// provided by the underlying RuntimeDyldMM instance.
+/// This class is useful for redirecting symbol lookup back to various layers
+/// of a JIT component stack, e.g. to enable lazy module emission.
+template <typename BaseRTDyldMM, typename ExternalLookupFtor,
+ typename DylibLookupFtor>
+class LookasideRTDyldMM : public BaseRTDyldMM {
+ /// @brief Create a LookasideRTDyldMM intance.
+ LookasideRTDyldMM(ExternalLookupFtor ExternalLookup,
+ DylibLookupFtor DylibLookup)
+ : ExternalLookup(std::move(ExternalLookup)),
+ DylibLookup(std::move(DylibLookup)) {}
+ /// @brief Look up the given symbol address, first via the functor this
+ /// instance was created with, then (if the symbol isn't found)
+ /// via the underlying RuntimeDyldMM.
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(const std::string &Name) override {
+ if (uint64_t Addr = ExternalLookup(Name))
+ return Addr;
+ return BaseRTDyldMM::getSymbolAddress(Name);
+ }
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddressInLogicalDylib(const std::string &Name) override {
+ if (uint64_t Addr = DylibLookup(Name))
+ return Addr;
+ return BaseRTDyldMM::getSymbolAddressInLogicalDylib(Name);
+ };
+ /// @brief Get a reference to the ExternalLookup functor.
+ ExternalLookupFtor &getExternalLookup() { return ExternalLookup; }
+ /// @brief Get a const-reference to the ExternalLookup functor.
+ const ExternalLookupFtor &getExternalLookup() const { return ExternalLookup; }
+ /// @brief Get a reference to the DylibLookup functor.
+ DylibLookupFtor &getDylibLookup() { return DylibLookup; }
+ /// @brief Get a const-reference to the DylibLookup functor.
+ const DylibLookupFtor &getDylibLookup() const { return DylibLookup; }
+ ExternalLookupFtor ExternalLookup;
+ DylibLookupFtor DylibLookup;
+/// @brief Create a LookasideRTDyldMM from a base memory manager type, an
+/// external lookup functor, and a dylib lookup functor.
+template <typename BaseRTDyldMM, typename ExternalLookupFtor,
+ typename DylibLookupFtor>
+ LookasideRTDyldMM<BaseRTDyldMM, ExternalLookupFtor, DylibLookupFtor>>
+createLookasideRTDyldMM(ExternalLookupFtor &&ExternalLookup,
+ DylibLookupFtor &&DylibLookup) {
+ typedef LookasideRTDyldMM<BaseRTDyldMM, ExternalLookupFtor, DylibLookupFtor>
+ ThisLookasideMM;
+ return llvm::make_unique<ThisLookasideMM>(
+ std::forward<ExternalLookupFtor>(ExternalLookup),
+ std::forward<DylibLookupFtor>(DylibLookup));
--- /dev/null
+//===- ObjectLinkingLayer.h - Add object files to a JIT process -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Contains the definition for the object layer of the JIT.
+#include "LookasideRTDyldMM.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/SectionMemoryManager.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <memory>
+namespace llvm {
+class ObjectLinkingLayerBase {
+ /// @brief Holds a set of objects to be allocated/linked as a unit in the JIT.
+ ///
+ /// An instance of this class will be created for each set of objects added
+ /// via JITObjectLayer::addObjectSet. Deleting the instance (via
+ /// removeObjectSet) frees its memory, removing all symbol definitions that
+ /// had been provided by this instance. Higher level layers are responsible
+ /// for taking any action required to handle the missing symbols.
+ class LinkedObjectSet {
+ public:
+ LinkedObjectSet(std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM)
+ : MM(std::move(MM)), RTDyld(llvm::make_unique<RuntimeDyld>(&*this->MM)),
+ State(Raw) {}
+ std::unique_ptr<RuntimeDyld::LoadedObjectInfo>
+ addObject(const object::ObjectFile &Obj) {
+ return RTDyld->loadObject(Obj);
+ }
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ if (ExportedSymbolsOnly)
+ return RTDyld->getExportedSymbolLoadAddress(Name);
+ return RTDyld->getSymbolLoadAddress(Name);
+ }
+ bool NeedsFinalization() const { return (State == Raw); }
+ void Finalize() {
+ State = Finalizing;
+ RTDyld->resolveRelocations();
+ RTDyld->registerEHFrames();
+ MM->finalizeMemory();
+ State = Finalized;
+ }
+ void mapSectionAddress(const void *LocalAddress, uint64_t TargetAddress) {
+ assert((State != Finalized) &&
+ "Attempting to remap sections for finalized objects.");
+ RTDyld->mapSectionAddress(LocalAddress, TargetAddress);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM;
+ std::unique_ptr<RuntimeDyld> RTDyld;
+ enum { Raw, Finalizing, Finalized } State;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<LinkedObjectSet> LinkedObjectSetListT;
+ /// @brief Handle to a set of loaded objects.
+ typedef typename LinkedObjectSetListT::iterator ObjSetHandleT;
+/// @brief Default (no-op) action to perform when loading objects.
+class DoNothingOnNotifyLoaded {
+ template <typename ObjSetT, typename LoadResult>
+ void operator()(ObjectLinkingLayerBase::ObjSetHandleT, const ObjSetT &,
+ const LoadResult &) {}
+/// @brief Bare bones object linking layer.
+/// This class is intended to be used as the base layer for a JIT. It allows
+/// object files to be loaded into memory, linked, and the addresses of their
+/// symbols queried. All objects added to this layer can see each other's
+/// symbols.
+template <typename NotifyLoadedFtor = DoNothingOnNotifyLoaded>
+class ObjectLinkingLayer : public ObjectLinkingLayerBase {
+ /// @brief LoadedObjectInfo list. Contains a list of owning pointers to
+ /// RuntimeDyld::LoadedObjectInfo instances.
+ typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeDyld::LoadedObjectInfo>>
+ LoadedObjInfoList;
+ /// @brief Default construct an ObjectLinkingLayer.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer() {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given NotifyLoaded
+ /// functor.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(NotifyLoadedFtor NotifyLoaded)
+ : NotifyLoaded(std::move(NotifyLoaded)) {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given NotifyFinalized
+ /// functor.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(std::function<void(ObjSetHandleT)> NotifyFinalized)
+ : NotifyFinalized(std::move(NotifyFinalized)) {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given CreateMemoryManager
+ /// functor.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(
+ std::function<std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager>()> CreateMemoryManager)
+ : CreateMemoryManager(std::move(CreateMemoryManager)) {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given NotifyLoaded and
+ /// NotifyFinalized functors.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(NotifyLoadedFtor NotifyLoaded,
+ std::function<void(ObjSetHandleT)> NotifyFinalized)
+ : NotifyLoaded(std::move(NotifyLoaded)),
+ NotifyFinalized(std::move(NotifyFinalized)) {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given NotifyLoaded and
+ /// CreateMemoryManager functors.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(
+ NotifyLoadedFtor NotifyLoaded,
+ std::function<std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager>()> CreateMemoryManager)
+ : NotifyLoaded(std::move(NotifyLoaded)),
+ CreateMemoryManager(std::move(CreateMemoryManager)) {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given NotifyFinalized and
+ /// CreateMemoryManager functors.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(
+ std::function<void(ObjSetHandleT)> NotifyFinalized,
+ std::function<std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager>()> CreateMemoryManager)
+ : NotifyFinalized(std::move(NotifyFinalized)),
+ CreateMemoryManager(std::move(CreateMemoryManager)) {}
+ /// @brief Construct an ObjectLinkingLayer with the given NotifyLoaded,
+ /// NotifyFinalized and CreateMemoryManager functors.
+ ObjectLinkingLayer(
+ NotifyLoadedFtor NotifyLoaded,
+ std::function<void(ObjSetHandleT)> NotifyFinalized,
+ std::function<std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager>()> CreateMemoryManager)
+ : NotifyLoaded(std::move(NotifyLoaded)),
+ NotifyFinalized(std::move(NotifyFinalized)),
+ CreateMemoryManager(std::move(CreateMemoryManager)) {}
+ /// @brief Add a set of objects (or archives) that will be treated as a unit
+ /// for the purposes of symbol lookup and memory management.
+ ///
+ /// @return A pair containing (1) A handle that can be used to free the memory
+ /// allocated for the objects, and (2) a LoadedObjInfoList containing
+ /// one LoadedObjInfo instance for each object at the corresponding
+ /// index in the Objects list.
+ ///
+ /// This version of this method allows the client to pass in an
+ /// RTDyldMemoryManager instance that will be used to allocate memory and look
+ /// up external symbol addresses for the given objects.
+ template <typename ObjSetT>
+ ObjSetHandleT addObjectSet(const ObjSetT &Objects,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM) {
+ if (!MM) {
+ assert(CreateMemoryManager &&
+ "No memory manager or memory manager creator provided.");
+ MM = CreateMemoryManager();
+ }
+ ObjSetHandleT Handle = LinkedObjSetList.insert(
+ LinkedObjSetList.end(), LinkedObjectSet(std::move(MM)));
+ LinkedObjectSet &LOS = *Handle;
+ LoadedObjInfoList LoadedObjInfos;
+ for (auto &Obj : Objects)
+ LoadedObjInfos.push_back(LOS.addObject(*Obj));
+ NotifyLoaded(Handle, Objects, LoadedObjInfos);
+ return Handle;
+ }
+ /// @brief Map section addresses for the objects associated with the handle H.
+ void mapSectionAddress(ObjSetHandleT H, const void *LocalAddress,
+ uint64_t TargetAddress) {
+ H->mapSectionAddress(LocalAddress, TargetAddress);
+ }
+ /// @brief Remove the set of objects associated with handle H.
+ ///
+ /// All memory allocated for the objects will be freed, and the sections and
+ /// symbols they provided will no longer be available. No attempt is made to
+ /// re-emit the missing symbols, and any use of these symbols (directly or
+ /// indirectly) will result in undefined behavior. If dependence tracking is
+ /// required to detect or resolve such issues it should be added at a higher
+ /// layer.
+ void removeObjectSet(ObjSetHandleT H) {
+ // How do we invalidate the symbols in H?
+ LinkedObjSetList.erase(H);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the address of a loaded symbol.
+ ///
+ /// @return The address in the target process's address space of the named
+ /// symbol. Null if no such symbol is known.
+ ///
+ /// This method will trigger the finalization of the linked object set
+ /// containing the definition of the given symbol, if it is found.
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ for (auto I = LinkedObjSetList.begin(), E = LinkedObjSetList.end(); I != E;
+ ++I)
+ if (uint64_t Addr = lookupSymbolAddressIn(I, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
+ return Addr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /// @brief Search for a given symbol in the context of the set of loaded
+ /// objects represented by the handle H.
+ ///
+ /// @return The address in the target process's address space of the named
+ /// symbol. Null if the given object set does not contain a definition
+ /// of this symbol.
+ ///
+ /// This method will trigger the finalization of the linked object set
+ /// represented by the handle H if that set contains the requested symbol.
+ uint64_t lookupSymbolAddressIn(ObjSetHandleT H, StringRef Name,
+ bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
+ if (uint64_t Addr = H->getSymbolAddress(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly)) {
+ if (H->NeedsFinalization()) {
+ H->Finalize();
+ if (NotifyFinalized)
+ NotifyFinalized(H);
+ }
+ return Addr;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ LinkedObjectSetListT LinkedObjSetList;
+ NotifyLoadedFtor NotifyLoaded;
+ std::function<void(ObjSetHandleT)> NotifyFinalized;
+ std::function<std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager>()> CreateMemoryManager;
+} // end namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===-- OrcTargetSupport.h - Code to support specific targets --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Target specific code for Orc, e.g. callback assembly.
+#include "IndirectionUtils.h"
+namespace llvm {
+/// @brief Insert callback asm into module M for the symbols managed by
+/// JITResolveCallbackHandler J.
+void insertX86CallbackAsm(Module &M, JITResolveCallbackHandler &J);
--- /dev/null
+//===---- OrcMCJITReplacement.h - Orc-based MCJIT replacement ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file forces OrcMCJITReplacement to link in on certain operating systems.
+// (Windows).
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+extern "C" void LLVMLinkInOrcMCJITReplacement();
+namespace {
+ struct ForceOrcMCJITReplacementLinking {
+ ForceOrcMCJITReplacementLinking() {
+ // We must reference OrcMCJITReplacement in such a way that compilers will
+ // not delete it all as dead code, even with whole program optimization,
+ // yet is effectively a NO-OP. As the compiler isn't smart enough to know
+ // that getenv() never returns -1, this will do the job.
+ if (std::getenv("bar") != (char*) -1)
+ return;
+ LLVMLinkInOrcMCJITReplacement();
+ }
+ } ForceOrcMCJITReplacementLinking;
return getSymbolAddressInProcess(Name);
+ /// This method returns the address of the specified symbol if it exists
+ /// within the logical dynamic library represented by this
+ /// RTDyldMemoryManager. Unlike getSymbolAddress, queries through this
+ /// interface should return addresses for hidden symbols.
+ ///
+ /// This is of particular importance for the Orc JIT APIs, which support lazy
+ /// compilation by breaking up modules: Each of those broken out modules
+ /// must be able to resolve hidden symbols provided by the others. Clients
+ /// writing memory managers for MCJIT can usually ignore this method.
+ ///
+ /// This method will be queried by RuntimeDyld when checking for previous
+ /// definitions of common symbols. It will *not* be queried by default when
+ /// resolving external symbols (this minimises the link-time overhead for
+ /// MCJIT clients who don't care about Orc features). If you are writing a
+ /// RTDyldMemoryManager for Orc and want "external" symbol resolution to
+ /// search the logical dylib, you should override your getSymbolAddress
+ /// method call this method directly.
+ virtual uint64_t getSymbolAddressInLogicalDylib(const std::string &Name) {
+ return 0;
+ }
/// This method returns the address of the specified function. As such it is
/// only useful for resolving library symbols, not code generated symbols.
std::unique_ptr<Module> M, std::string *ErrorStr,
std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MCJMM,
std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM) = nullptr;
+ExecutionEngine *(*ExecutionEngine::OrcMCJITReplacementCtor)(
+ std::string *ErrorStr, std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> OrcJMM,
+ std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM) = nullptr;
ExecutionEngine *(*ExecutionEngine::InterpCtor)(std::unique_ptr<Module> M,
std::string *ErrorStr) =nullptr;
return runFunction(Fn, GVArgs).IntVal.getZExtValue();
+EngineBuilder::EngineBuilder() {
+ InitEngine();
EngineBuilder::EngineBuilder(std::unique_ptr<Module> M)
: M(std::move(M)), MCJMM(nullptr) {
Options = TargetOptions();
RelocModel = Reloc::Default;
CMModel = CodeModel::JITDefault;
+ UseOrcMCJITReplacement = false;
// IR module verification is enabled by default in debug builds, and disabled
// by default in release builds.
ExecutionEngine *EE = nullptr;
- if (ExecutionEngine::MCJITCtor)
+ if (ExecutionEngine::OrcMCJITReplacementCtor && UseOrcMCJITReplacement) {
+ EE = ExecutionEngine::OrcMCJITReplacementCtor(ErrorStr, std::move(MCJMM),
+ std::move(TheTM));
+ EE->addModule(std::move(M));
+ } else if (ExecutionEngine::MCJITCtor)
EE = ExecutionEngine::MCJITCtor(std::move(M), ErrorStr, std::move(MCJMM),
if (EE) {
return EE;
-subdirectories = Interpreter MCJIT RuntimeDyld IntelJITEvents OProfileJIT
+subdirectories = Interpreter MCJIT RuntimeDyld IntelJITEvents OProfileJIT Orc
type = Library
-#include "ObjectBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ObjectCache.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ObjectMemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
-PARALLEL_DIRS = Interpreter MCJIT RuntimeDyld
+PARALLEL_DIRS = Interpreter MCJIT Orc RuntimeDyld
--- /dev/null
+ CloneSubModule.cpp
+ IndirectionUtils.cpp
+ OrcMCJITReplacement.cpp
+ OrcTargetSupport.cpp
+ )
--- /dev/null
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CloneSubModule.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+void llvm::copyGVInitializer(GlobalVariable &New, const GlobalVariable &Orig,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ if (Orig.hasInitializer())
+ New.setInitializer(MapValue(Orig.getInitializer(), VMap));
+void llvm::copyFunctionBody(Function &New, const Function &Orig,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ if (!Orig.isDeclaration()) {
+ Function::arg_iterator DestI = New.arg_begin();
+ for (Function::const_arg_iterator J = Orig.arg_begin(); J != Orig.arg_end();
+ ++J) {
+ DestI->setName(J->getName());
+ VMap[J] = DestI++;
+ }
+ SmallVector<ReturnInst *, 8> Returns; // Ignore returns cloned.
+ CloneFunctionInto(&New, &Orig, VMap, /*ModuleLevelChanges=*/true, Returns);
+ }
+llvm::CloneSubModule(const Module &M,
+ HandleGlobalVariableFtor HandleGlobalVariable,
+ HandleFunctionFtor HandleFunction, bool KeepInlineAsm) {
+ ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
+ // First off, we need to create the new module.
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> New =
+ llvm::make_unique<Module>(M.getModuleIdentifier(), M.getContext());
+ New->setDataLayout(M.getDataLayout());
+ New->setTargetTriple(M.getTargetTriple());
+ if (KeepInlineAsm)
+ New->setModuleInlineAsm(M.getModuleInlineAsm());
+ // Copy global variables (but not initializers, yet).
+ for (Module::const_global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ GlobalVariable *GV = new GlobalVariable(
+ *New, I->getType()->getElementType(), I->isConstant(), I->getLinkage(),
+ (Constant *)nullptr, I->getName(), (GlobalVariable *)nullptr,
+ I->getThreadLocalMode(), I->getType()->getAddressSpace());
+ GV->copyAttributesFrom(I);
+ VMap[I] = GV;
+ }
+ // Loop over the functions in the module, making external functions as before
+ for (Module::const_iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ Function *NF =
+ Function::Create(cast<FunctionType>(I->getType()->getElementType()),
+ I->getLinkage(), I->getName(), &*New);
+ NF->copyAttributesFrom(I);
+ VMap[I] = NF;
+ }
+ // Loop over the aliases in the module
+ for (Module::const_alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(), E = M.alias_end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ auto *PTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType());
+ auto *GA =
+ GlobalAlias::create(PTy->getElementType(), PTy->getAddressSpace(),
+ I->getLinkage(), I->getName(), &*New);
+ GA->copyAttributesFrom(I);
+ VMap[I] = GA;
+ }
+ // Now that all of the things that global variable initializer can refer to
+ // have been created, loop through and copy the global variable referrers
+ // over... We also set the attributes on the global now.
+ for (Module::const_global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ GlobalVariable &GV = *cast<GlobalVariable>(VMap[I]);
+ HandleGlobalVariable(GV, *I, VMap);
+ }
+ // Similarly, copy over function bodies now...
+ //
+ for (Module::const_iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ Function &F = *cast<Function>(VMap[I]);
+ HandleFunction(F, *I, VMap);
+ }
+ // And aliases
+ for (Module::const_alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(), E = M.alias_end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ GlobalAlias *GA = cast<GlobalAlias>(VMap[I]);
+ if (const Constant *C = I->getAliasee())
+ GA->setAliasee(MapValue(C, VMap));
+ }
+ // And named metadata....
+ for (Module::const_named_metadata_iterator I = M.named_metadata_begin(),
+ E = M.named_metadata_end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ const NamedMDNode &NMD = *I;
+ NamedMDNode *NewNMD = New->getOrInsertNamedMetadata(NMD.getName());
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = NMD.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
+ NewNMD->addOperand(MapMetadata(NMD.getOperand(i), VMap));
+ }
+ return New;
--- /dev/null
+#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IndirectionUtils.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CloneSubModule.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include <set>
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace llvm {
+JITIndirections makeCallsSingleIndirect(
+ Module &M, const std::function<bool(const Function &)> &ShouldIndirect,
+ const char *JITImplSuffix, const char *JITAddrSuffix) {
+ std::vector<Function *> Worklist;
+ std::vector<std::string> FuncNames;
+ for (auto &F : M)
+ if (ShouldIndirect(F) && (F.user_begin() != F.user_end())) {
+ Worklist.push_back(&F);
+ FuncNames.push_back(F.getName());
+ }
+ for (auto *F : Worklist) {
+ GlobalVariable *FImplAddr = new GlobalVariable(
+ M, F->getType(), false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
+ Constant::getNullValue(F->getType()), F->getName() + JITAddrSuffix,
+ nullptr, GlobalValue::NotThreadLocal, 0, true);
+ FImplAddr->setVisibility(GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility);
+ for (auto *U : F->users()) {
+ assert(isa<Instruction>(U) && "Cannot indirect non-instruction use");
+ IRBuilder<> Builder(cast<Instruction>(U));
+ U->replaceUsesOfWith(F, Builder.CreateLoad(FImplAddr));
+ }
+ }
+ return JITIndirections(
+ FuncNames, [=](StringRef S) -> std::string { return std::string(S); },
+ [=](StringRef S)
+ -> std::string { return std::string(S) + JITAddrSuffix; });
+JITIndirections makeCallsDoubleIndirect(
+ Module &M, const std::function<bool(const Function &)> &ShouldIndirect,
+ const char *JITImplSuffix, const char *JITAddrSuffix) {
+ std::vector<Function *> Worklist;
+ std::vector<std::string> FuncNames;
+ for (auto &F : M)
+ if (!F.isDeclaration() && !F.hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
+ ShouldIndirect(F))
+ Worklist.push_back(&F);
+ for (auto *F : Worklist) {
+ std::string OrigName = F->getName();
+ F->setName(OrigName + JITImplSuffix);
+ FuncNames.push_back(OrigName);
+ GlobalVariable *FImplAddr = new GlobalVariable(
+ M, F->getType(), false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
+ Constant::getNullValue(F->getType()), OrigName + JITAddrSuffix, nullptr,
+ GlobalValue::NotThreadLocal, 0, true);
+ FImplAddr->setVisibility(GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility);
+ Function *FRedirect =
+ Function::Create(F->getFunctionType(), F->getLinkage(), OrigName, &M);
+ F->replaceAllUsesWith(FRedirect);
+ BasicBlock *EntryBlock =
+ BasicBlock::Create(M.getContext(), "entry", FRedirect);
+ IRBuilder<> Builder(EntryBlock);
+ LoadInst *FImplLoadedAddr = Builder.CreateLoad(FImplAddr);
+ std::vector<Value *> CallArgs;
+ for (Value &Arg : FRedirect->args())
+ CallArgs.push_back(&Arg);
+ CallInst *Call = Builder.CreateCall(FImplLoadedAddr, CallArgs);
+ Call->setTailCall();
+ Builder.CreateRet(Call);
+ }
+ return JITIndirections(
+ FuncNames, [=](StringRef S)
+ -> std::string { return std::string(S) + JITImplSuffix; },
+ [=](StringRef S)
+ -> std::string { return std::string(S) + JITAddrSuffix; });
+explode(const Module &OrigMod,
+ const std::function<bool(const Function &)> &ShouldExtract) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>> NewModules;
+ // Split all the globals, non-indirected functions, etc. into a single module.
+ auto ExtractGlobalVars = [&](GlobalVariable &New, const GlobalVariable &Orig,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ copyGVInitializer(New, Orig, VMap);
+ if (New.getLinkage() == GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage) {
+ New.setLinkage(GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
+ New.setVisibility(GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility);
+ }
+ };
+ auto ExtractNonImplFunctions =
+ [&](Function &New, const Function &Orig, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ if (!ShouldExtract(New))
+ copyFunctionBody(New, Orig, VMap);
+ };
+ NewModules.push_back(CloneSubModule(OrigMod, ExtractGlobalVars,
+ ExtractNonImplFunctions, true));
+ // Preserve initializers for Common linkage vars, and make private linkage
+ // globals external: they are now provided by the globals module extracted
+ // above.
+ auto DropGlobalVars = [&](GlobalVariable &New, const GlobalVariable &Orig,
+ ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ if (New.getLinkage() == GlobalValue::CommonLinkage)
+ copyGVInitializer(New, Orig, VMap);
+ else if (New.getLinkage() == GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage)
+ New.setLinkage(GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
+ };
+ // Split each 'impl' function out in to its own module.
+ for (const auto &Func : OrigMod) {
+ if (Func.isDeclaration() || !ShouldExtract(Func))
+ continue;
+ auto ExtractNamedFunction =
+ [&](Function &New, const Function &Orig, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ if (New.getName() == Func.getName())
+ copyFunctionBody(New, Orig, VMap);
+ };
+ NewModules.push_back(
+ CloneSubModule(OrigMod, DropGlobalVars, ExtractNamedFunction, false));
+ }
+ return NewModules;
+explode(const Module &OrigMod, const JITIndirections &Indirections) {
+ std::set<std::string> ImplNames;
+ for (const auto &FuncName : Indirections.IndirectedNames)
+ ImplNames.insert(Indirections.GetImplName(FuncName));
+ return explode(
+ OrigMod, [&](const Function &F) { return ImplNames.count(F.getName()); });
--- /dev/null
+;===- ./lib/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/LLVMBuild.txt ----------------*- Conf -*--===;
+; The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+; This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+; License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+; This is an LLVMBuild description file for the components in this subdirectory.
+; For more information on the LLVMBuild system, please see:
+type = Library
+name = OrcJIT
+parent = ExecutionEngine
+required_libraries = Core ExecutionEngine Object RuntimeDyld Support Target
--- /dev/null
+##===- lib/ExecutionEngine/OrcJIT/Makefile -----------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+LEVEL = ../../..
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
--- /dev/null
+//===-------- OrcMCJITReplacement.cpp - Orc-based MCJIT replacement -------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "OrcMCJITReplacement.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h"
+namespace {
+static struct RegisterJIT {
+ RegisterJIT() { llvm::OrcMCJITReplacement::Register(); }
+} JITRegistrator;
+extern "C" void LLVMLinkInOrcMCJITReplacement() {}
+namespace llvm {
+OrcMCJITReplacement::runFunction(Function *F,
+ const std::vector<GenericValue> &ArgValues) {
+ assert(F && "Function *F was null at entry to run()");
+ void *FPtr = getPointerToFunction(F);
+ assert(FPtr && "Pointer to fn's code was null after getPointerToFunction");
+ FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
+ Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
+ assert((FTy->getNumParams() == ArgValues.size() ||
+ (FTy->isVarArg() && FTy->getNumParams() <= ArgValues.size())) &&
+ "Wrong number of arguments passed into function!");
+ assert(FTy->getNumParams() == ArgValues.size() &&
+ "This doesn't support passing arguments through varargs (yet)!");
+ // Handle some common cases first. These cases correspond to common `main'
+ // prototypes.
+ if (RetTy->isIntegerTy(32) || RetTy->isVoidTy()) {
+ switch (ArgValues.size()) {
+ case 3:
+ if (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
+ FTy->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy() &&
+ FTy->getParamType(2)->isPointerTy()) {
+ int (*PF)(int, char **, const char **) =
+ (int (*)(int, char **, const char **))(intptr_t)FPtr;
+ // Call the function.
+ GenericValue rv;
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
+ (char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[1]),
+ (const char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[2])));
+ return rv;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
+ FTy->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy()) {
+ int (*PF)(int, char **) = (int (*)(int, char **))(intptr_t)FPtr;
+ // Call the function.
+ GenericValue rv;
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
+ (char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[1])));
+ return rv;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (FTy->getNumParams() == 1 && FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32)) {
+ GenericValue rv;
+ int (*PF)(int) = (int (*)(int))(intptr_t)FPtr;
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue()));
+ return rv;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle cases where no arguments are passed first.
+ if (ArgValues.empty()) {
+ GenericValue rv;
+ switch (RetTy->getTypeID()) {
+ default:
+ llvm_unreachable("Unknown return type for function call!");
+ case Type::IntegerTyID: {
+ unsigned BitWidth = cast<IntegerType>(RetTy)->getBitWidth();
+ if (BitWidth == 1)
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((bool (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ else if (BitWidth <= 8)
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((char (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ else if (BitWidth <= 16)
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((short (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ else if (BitWidth <= 32)
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((int (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ else if (BitWidth <= 64)
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((int64_t (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ else
+ llvm_unreachable("Integer types > 64 bits not supported");
+ return rv;
+ }
+ case Type::VoidTyID:
+ rv.IntVal = APInt(32, ((int (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ return rv;
+ case Type::FloatTyID:
+ rv.FloatVal = ((float (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)();
+ return rv;
+ case Type::DoubleTyID:
+ rv.DoubleVal = ((double (*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)();
+ return rv;
+ case Type::X86_FP80TyID:
+ case Type::FP128TyID:
+ case Type::PPC_FP128TyID:
+ llvm_unreachable("long double not supported yet");
+ case Type::PointerTyID:
+ return PTOGV(((void *(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
+ }
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("Full-featured argument passing not supported yet!");
--- /dev/null
+//===---- OrcMCJITReplacement.h - Orc based MCJIT replacement ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Orc based MCJIT replacement.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileUtils.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IRCompileLayer.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/LazyEmittingLayer.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/ObjectLinkingLayer.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetSubtargetInfo.h"
+namespace llvm {
+class OrcMCJITReplacement : public ExecutionEngine {
+ class ForwardingRTDyldMM : public RTDyldMemoryManager {
+ public:
+ ForwardingRTDyldMM(OrcMCJITReplacement &M) : M(M) {}
+ uint8_t *allocateCodeSection(uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment,
+ unsigned SectionID,
+ StringRef SectionName) override {
+ uint8_t *Addr =
+ M.MM->allocateCodeSection(Size, Alignment, SectionID, SectionName);
+ M.SectionsAllocatedSinceLastLoad.insert(Addr);
+ return Addr;
+ }
+ uint8_t *allocateDataSection(uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment,
+ unsigned SectionID, StringRef SectionName,
+ bool IsReadOnly) override {
+ uint8_t *Addr = M.MM->allocateDataSection(Size, Alignment, SectionID,
+ SectionName, IsReadOnly);
+ M.SectionsAllocatedSinceLastLoad.insert(Addr);
+ return Addr;
+ }
+ void reserveAllocationSpace(uintptr_t CodeSize, uintptr_t DataSizeRO,
+ uintptr_t DataSizeRW) override {
+ return M.MM->reserveAllocationSpace(CodeSize, DataSizeRO, DataSizeRW);
+ }
+ bool needsToReserveAllocationSpace() override {
+ return M.MM->needsToReserveAllocationSpace();
+ }
+ void registerEHFrames(uint8_t *Addr, uint64_t LoadAddr,
+ size_t Size) override {
+ return M.MM->registerEHFrames(Addr, LoadAddr, Size);
+ }
+ void deregisterEHFrames(uint8_t *Addr, uint64_t LoadAddr,
+ size_t Size) override {
+ return M.MM->deregisterEHFrames(Addr, LoadAddr, Size);
+ }
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(const std::string &Name) override {
+ return M.getSymbolAddressWithoutMangling(Name);
+ }
+ void *getPointerToNamedFunction(const std::string &Name,
+ bool AbortOnFailure = true) override {
+ return M.MM->getPointerToNamedFunction(Name, AbortOnFailure);
+ }
+ void notifyObjectLoaded(ExecutionEngine *EE,
+ const object::ObjectFile &O) override {
+ return M.MM->notifyObjectLoaded(EE, O);
+ }
+ bool finalizeMemory(std::string *ErrMsg = nullptr) override {
+ // Each set of objects loaded will be finalized exactly once, but since
+ // symbol lookup during relocation may recursively trigger the
+ // loading/relocation of other modules, and since we're forwarding all
+ // finalizeMemory calls to a single underlying memory manager, we need to
+ // defer forwarding the call on until all necessary objects have been
+ // loaded. Otherwise, during the relocation of a leaf object, we will end
+ // up finalizing memory, causing a crash further up the stack when we
+ // attempt to apply relocations to finalized memory.
+ // To avoid finalizing too early, look at how many objects have been
+ // loaded but not yet finalized. This is a bit of a hack that relies on
+ // the fact that we're lazily emitting object files: The only way you can
+ // get more than one set of objects loaded but not yet finalized is if
+ // they were loaded during relocation of another set.
+ if (M.UnfinalizedSections.size() == 1)
+ return M.MM->finalizeMemory(ErrMsg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ OrcMCJITReplacement &M;
+ };
+ static ExecutionEngine *
+ createOrcMCJITReplacement(std::string *ErrorMsg,
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> OrcJMM,
+ std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> TM) {
+ return new llvm::OrcMCJITReplacement(std::move(OrcJMM), std::move(TM));
+ }
+ static void Register() {
+ OrcMCJITReplacementCtor = createOrcMCJITReplacement;
+ }
+ OrcMCJITReplacement(std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM,
+ std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM)
+ : TM(std::move(TM)), MM(std::move(MM)),
+ Mang(this->TM->getSubtargetImpl()->getDataLayout()),
+ NotifyObjectLoaded(*this), NotifyFinalized(*this),
+ ObjectLayer(NotifyObjectLoaded, NotifyFinalized),
+ CompileLayer(ObjectLayer, SimpleCompiler(*this->TM)),
+ LazyEmitLayer(CompileLayer) {
+ setDataLayout(this->TM->getSubtargetImpl()->getDataLayout());
+ }
+ void addModule(std::unique_ptr<Module> M) {
+ // If this module doesn't have a DataLayout attached then attach the
+ // default.
+ if (!M->getDataLayout())
+ M->setDataLayout(getDataLayout());
+ OwnedModules.push_back(std::move(M));
+ std::vector<Module *> Ms;
+ Ms.push_back(&*OwnedModules.back());
+ LazyEmitLayer.addModuleSet(std::move(Ms),
+ llvm::make_unique<ForwardingRTDyldMM>(*this));
+ }
+ void addObjectFile(std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile> O) override {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> Objs;
+ Objs.push_back(std::move(O));
+ ObjectLayer.addObjectSet(std::move(Objs),
+ llvm::make_unique<ForwardingRTDyldMM>(*this));
+ }
+ void addObjectFile(object::OwningBinary<object::ObjectFile> O) override {
+ std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile> Obj;
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buf;
+ std::tie(Obj, Buf) = O.takeBinary();
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> Objs;
+ Objs.push_back(std::move(Obj));
+ ObjectLayer.addObjectSet(std::move(Objs),
+ llvm::make_unique<ForwardingRTDyldMM>(*this));
+ }
+ void addArchive(object::OwningBinary<object::Archive> A) override {
+ Archives.push_back(std::move(A));
+ }
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddress(StringRef Name) {
+ return getSymbolAddressWithoutMangling(Mangle(Name));
+ }
+ void finalizeObject() override {
+ // This is deprecated - Aim to remove in ExecutionEngine.
+ // REMOVE IF POSSIBLE - Doesn't make sense for New JIT.
+ }
+ void mapSectionAddress(const void *LocalAddress,
+ uint64_t TargetAddress) override {
+ for (auto &P : UnfinalizedSections)
+ if (P.second.count(LocalAddress))
+ ObjectLayer.mapSectionAddress(P.first, LocalAddress, TargetAddress);
+ }
+ uint64_t getGlobalValueAddress(const std::string &Name) override {
+ return getSymbolAddress(Name);
+ }
+ uint64_t getFunctionAddress(const std::string &Name) override {
+ return getSymbolAddress(Name);
+ }
+ void *getPointerToFunction(Function *F) override {
+ uint64_t FAddr = getSymbolAddress(F->getName());
+ return reinterpret_cast<void *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(FAddr));
+ }
+ void *getPointerToNamedFunction(StringRef Name,
+ bool AbortOnFailure = true) override {
+ uint64_t Addr = getSymbolAddress(Name);
+ if (!Addr && AbortOnFailure)
+ llvm_unreachable("Missing symbol!");
+ return reinterpret_cast<void *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(Addr));
+ }
+ GenericValue runFunction(Function *F,
+ const std::vector<GenericValue> &ArgValues) override;
+ void setObjectCache(ObjectCache *NewCache) override {
+ CompileLayer.setObjectCache(NewCache);
+ }
+ uint64_t getSymbolAddressWithoutMangling(StringRef Name) {
+ if (uint64_t Addr = LazyEmitLayer.getSymbolAddress(Name, false))
+ return Addr;
+ if (uint64_t Addr = MM->getSymbolAddress(Name))
+ return Addr;
+ if (uint64_t Addr = scanArchives(Name))
+ return Addr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint64_t scanArchives(StringRef Name) {
+ for (object::OwningBinary<object::Archive> &OB : Archives) {
+ object::Archive *A = OB.getBinary();
+ // Look for our symbols in each Archive
+ object::Archive::child_iterator ChildIt = A->findSym(Name);
+ if (ChildIt != A->child_end()) {
+ // FIXME: Support nested archives?
+ ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<object::Binary>> ChildBinOrErr =
+ ChildIt->getAsBinary();
+ if (ChildBinOrErr.getError())
+ continue;
+ std::unique_ptr<object::Binary> &ChildBin = ChildBinOrErr.get();
+ if (ChildBin->isObject()) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> ObjSet;
+ ObjSet.push_back(std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>(
+ static_cast<object::ObjectFile *>(ChildBin.release())));
+ ObjectLayer.addObjectSet(
+ std::move(ObjSet), llvm::make_unique<ForwardingRTDyldMM>(*this));
+ if (uint64_t Addr = ObjectLayer.getSymbolAddress(Name, true))
+ return Addr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ class NotifyObjectLoadedT {
+ public:
+ typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<object::ObjectFile>> ObjListT;
+ typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeDyld::LoadedObjectInfo>>
+ LoadedObjInfoListT;
+ NotifyObjectLoadedT(OrcMCJITReplacement &M) : M(M) {}
+ void operator()(ObjectLinkingLayerBase::ObjSetHandleT H,
+ const ObjListT &Objects,
+ const LoadedObjInfoListT &Infos) const {
+ M.UnfinalizedSections[H] = std::move(M.SectionsAllocatedSinceLastLoad);
+ M.SectionsAllocatedSinceLastLoad = {};
+ assert(Objects.size() == Infos.size() &&
+ "Incorrect number of Infos for Objects.");
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < Objects.size(); ++I)
+ M.MM->notifyObjectLoaded(&M, *Objects[I]);
+ };
+ private:
+ OrcMCJITReplacement &M;
+ };
+ class NotifyFinalizedT {
+ public:
+ NotifyFinalizedT(OrcMCJITReplacement &M) : M(M) {}
+ void operator()(ObjectLinkingLayerBase::ObjSetHandleT H) {
+ M.UnfinalizedSections.erase(H);
+ }
+ private:
+ OrcMCJITReplacement &M;
+ };
+ std::string Mangle(StringRef Name) {
+ std::string MangledName;
+ {
+ raw_string_ostream MangledNameStream(MangledName);
+ Mang.getNameWithPrefix(MangledNameStream, Name);
+ }
+ return MangledName;
+ }
+ typedef ObjectLinkingLayer<NotifyObjectLoadedT> ObjectLayerT;
+ typedef IRCompileLayer<ObjectLayerT> CompileLayerT;
+ typedef LazyEmittingLayer<CompileLayerT> LazyEmitLayerT;
+ std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM;
+ std::unique_ptr<RTDyldMemoryManager> MM;
+ Mangler Mang;
+ NotifyObjectLoadedT NotifyObjectLoaded;
+ NotifyFinalizedT NotifyFinalized;
+ ObjectLayerT ObjectLayer;
+ CompileLayerT CompileLayer;
+ LazyEmitLayerT LazyEmitLayer;
+ // MCJIT keeps modules alive - we need to do the same for backwards
+ // compatibility.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>> OwnedModules;
+ // We need to store ObjLayerT::ObjSetHandles for each of the object sets
+ // that have been emitted but not yet finalized so that we can forward the
+ // mapSectionAddress calls appropriately.
+ typedef std::set<const void *> SectionAddrSet;
+ struct ObjSetHandleCompare {
+ bool operator()(ObjectLayerT::ObjSetHandleT H1,
+ ObjectLayerT::ObjSetHandleT H2) const {
+ return &*H1 < &*H2;
+ }
+ };
+ SectionAddrSet SectionsAllocatedSinceLastLoad;
+ std::map<ObjectLayerT::ObjSetHandleT, SectionAddrSet, ObjSetHandleCompare>
+ UnfinalizedSections;
+ std::vector<object::OwningBinary<object::Archive>> Archives;
--- /dev/null
+#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IndirectionUtils.h"
+#include <array>
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+const char *JITCallbackFuncName = "call_jit_for_lazy_compile";
+const char *JITCallbackIndexLabelPrefix = "jit_resolve_";
+std::array<const char *, 12> X86GPRsToSave = {{
+ "rbp", "rbx", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", // Callee saved.
+ "rdi", "rsi", "rdx", "rcx", "r8", "r9", // Int args.
+std::array<const char *, 8> X86XMMsToSave = {{
+ "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7" // FP args
+template <typename OStream> unsigned saveX86Regs(OStream &OS) {
+ for (const auto &GPR : X86GPRsToSave)
+ OS << " pushq %" << GPR << "\n";
+ OS << " subq $" << (16 * X86XMMsToSave.size()) << ", %rsp\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < X86XMMsToSave.size(); ++i)
+ OS << " movdqu %" << X86XMMsToSave[i] << ", "
+ << (16 * (X86XMMsToSave.size() - i - 1)) << "(%rsp)\n";
+ return (8 * X86GPRsToSave.size()) + (16 * X86XMMsToSave.size());
+template <typename OStream> void restoreX86Regs(OStream &OS) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < X86XMMsToSave.size(); ++i)
+ OS << " movdqu " << (16 * i) << "(%rsp), %"
+ << X86XMMsToSave[(X86XMMsToSave.size() - i - 1)] << "\n";
+ OS << " addq $" << (16 * X86XMMsToSave.size()) << ", %rsp\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < X86GPRsToSave.size(); ++i)
+ OS << " popq %" << X86GPRsToSave[X86GPRsToSave.size() - i - 1] << "\n";
+uint64_t call_jit_for_fn(JITResolveCallbackHandler *J, uint64_t FuncIdx) {
+ return J->resolve(FuncIdx);
+namespace llvm {
+std::string getJITResolveCallbackIndexLabel(unsigned I) {
+ std::ostringstream LabelStream;
+ LabelStream << JITCallbackIndexLabelPrefix << I;
+ return LabelStream.str();
+void insertX86CallbackAsm(Module &M, JITResolveCallbackHandler &J) {
+ uint64_t CallbackAddr =
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(call_jit_for_fn));
+ std::ostringstream JITCallbackAsm;
+ Triple TT(M.getTargetTriple());
+ if (TT.getOS() == Triple::Darwin)
+ JITCallbackAsm << ".section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions\n"
+ << ".align 4, 0x90\n";
+ else
+ JITCallbackAsm << ".text\n"
+ << ".align 16, 0x90\n";
+ JITCallbackAsm << "jit_object_addr:\n"
+ << " .quad " << &J << "\n" << JITCallbackFuncName << ":\n";
+ uint64_t ReturnAddrOffset = saveX86Regs(JITCallbackAsm);
+ // Compute index, load object address, and call JIT.
+ JITCallbackAsm << " movq " << ReturnAddrOffset << "(%rsp), %rax\n"
+ << " leaq (jit_indices_start+5)(%rip), %rbx\n"
+ << " subq %rbx, %rax\n"
+ << " xorq %rdx, %rdx\n"
+ << " movq $5, %rbx\n"
+ << " divq %rbx\n"
+ << " movq %rax, %rsi\n"
+ << " leaq jit_object_addr(%rip), %rdi\n"
+ << " movq (%rdi), %rdi\n"
+ << " movabsq $" << CallbackAddr << ", %rax\n"
+ << " callq *%rax\n"
+ << " movq %rax, " << ReturnAddrOffset << "(%rsp)\n";
+ restoreX86Regs(JITCallbackAsm);
+ JITCallbackAsm << " retq\n"
+ << "jit_indices_start:\n";
+ for (JITResolveCallbackHandler::StubIndex I = 0; I < J.getNumFuncs(); ++I)
+ JITCallbackAsm << getJITResolveCallbackIndexLabel(I) << ":\n"
+ << " callq " << JITCallbackFuncName << "\n";
+ M.appendModuleInlineAsm(JITCallbackAsm.str());
StringRef Name;
- assert((GlobalSymbolTable.find(Name) == GlobalSymbolTable.end()) &&
- "Common symbol in global symbol table.");
// Skip common symbols already elsewhere.
- if (GlobalSymbolTable.count(Name)) {
+ if (GlobalSymbolTable.count(Name) ||
+ MemMgr->getSymbolAddressInLogicalDylib(Name)) {
DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tSkipping already emitted common symbol '" << Name
<< "'\n");
+ OrcJIT
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITEventListener.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ObjectCache.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/OrcMCJITReplacement.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/SectionMemoryManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
cl::desc("Force interpretation: disable JIT"),
+ cl::opt<bool> UseOrcMCJITReplacement("use-orcmcjit",
+ cl::desc("Use the experimental "
+ "OrcMCJITReplacement as a "
+ "drop-in replacement for "
+ "MCJIT."),
+ cl::init(false));
// The MCJIT supports building for a target address space separate from
// the JIT compilation process. Use a forked process and a copying
// memory manager with IPC to execute using this functionality.
? EngineKind::Interpreter
: EngineKind::JIT);
+ builder.setUseOrcMCJITReplacement(UseOrcMCJITReplacement);
// If we are supposed to override the target triple, do so now.
if (!TargetTriple.empty())