GLOBAL asmstr:data asmstr.end-asmstr ; [2]
GLOBAL textptr:data 8 ; [2]
GLOBAL selfptr:data 8 ; [2]
+ GLOBAL useless:data 8 ; [3]
GLOBAL integer:data 8 ; [3]
EXTERN printf ; [10]
COMMON commvar 8:8 ; [7]
;; (Large model cannot be linked with other code)
+ ;; This instruction is useless, this is only a test...
+ cmp qword [rel integer wrt],0
mov rax,[rel commvar wrt] ; &commvar
mov rcx,[rax] ; commvar
mov rax,[rel integer wrt] ; &integer
selfptr dq selfptr wrt ..sym ; [16]
+; a useless symbol
+useless resq 1
; an integer
integer resq 1 ; [3]