+ // Keep the this object alive across the native call, similar to how we handle marshalling managed delegates.
+ // We do this right after the NotifyForSuccessfulInvoke phase as that phase is where the delegate objects are kept alive.
+ // If we ever move the "this" object handling out of this type, we'll move the handling to be emitted in that phase.
+ // GC.KeepAlive(this);
+ tryStatements.Add(
+ ExpressionStatement(
+ InvocationExpression(
+ MemberAccessExpression(SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression,
+ ParseTypeName(TypeNames.System_GC),
+ IdentifierName("KeepAlive")),
+ ArgumentList(SingletonSeparatedList(Argument(ThisExpression()))))));
List<StatementSyntax> allStatements = setupStatements;