--- 7.4 mandatory-y
- mandatory-y is essentially used by include/uapi/asm-generic/Kbuild.asm
- to define the minimum set of headers that must be exported in
- include/asm.
+ mandatory-y is essentially used by include/(uapi/)asm-generic/Kbuild.asm
+ to define the minimum set of ASM headers that all architectures must have.
+ This works like optional generic-y. If a mandatory header is missing
+ in arch/$(ARCH)/include/(uapi/)/asm, Kbuild will automatically generate
+ a wrapper of the asm-generic one.
The convention is to list one subdir per line and
preferably in alphabetic order.
include scripts/Kbuild.include
+# If arch does not implement mandatory headers, fallback to asm-generic ones.
+mandatory-y := $(filter-out $(generated-y), $(mandatory-y))
+generic-y += $(foreach f, $(mandatory-y), $(if $(wildcard $(srctree)/$(src)/$(f)),,$(f)))
generic-y := $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(generic-y))
generated-y := $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(generated-y))
all-files := $(header-files) $(genhdr-files)
output-files := $(addprefix $(installdir)/, $(all-files))
-ifneq ($(mandatory-y),)
-missing := $(filter-out $(all-files),$(mandatory-y))
-ifneq ($(missing),)
-$(error Some mandatory headers ($(missing)) are missing in $(obj))
# Work out what needs to be removed
oldheaders := $(patsubst $(installdir)/%,%,$(wildcard $(installdir)/*.h))
unwanted := $(filter-out $(all-files),$(oldheaders))