void* PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy::New(size_t size) {
- return isolate_->PreallocatedStorageNew(size);
+ return Isolate::Current()->PreallocatedStorageNew(size);
void PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy::Delete(void* p) {
- return isolate_->PreallocatedStorageDelete(p);
+ return Isolate::Current()->PreallocatedStorageDelete(p);
// and free. Used as the default policy for lists.
class FreeStoreAllocationPolicy {
- typedef FreeStoreAllocationPolicy Deleter;
INLINE(void* New(size_t size)) { return Malloced::New(size); }
INLINE(static void Delete(void* p)) { Malloced::Delete(p); }
-class Isolate;
-class PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy {
- public:
- typedef PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy Deleter;
- INLINE(explicit PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy(Isolate* isolate))
- : isolate_(isolate) { }
- INLINE(PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy(
- const PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy& policy))
- : isolate_(policy.isolate_) { }
+struct PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy {
INLINE(void* New(size_t size));
- INLINE(void Delete(void* ptr));
- private:
- Isolate* isolate_;
+ INLINE(static void Delete(void* ptr));
delete eternal_handles_;
eternal_handles_ = NULL;
- DebugObjectCache::Delete(string_stream_debug_object_cache_);
+ delete string_stream_debug_object_cache_;
string_stream_debug_object_cache_ = NULL;
delete external_reference_table_;
// template <typename T,
// class AllocationPolicy = FreeStoreAllocationPolicy> class List;
template <typename T, class AllocationPolicy>
-class List : private AllocationPolicy::Deleter {
+class List {
- explicit List(AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy())
- : AllocationPolicy::Deleter(allocator) {
+ explicit List(AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy()) {
Initialize(0, allocator);
INLINE(explicit List(int capacity,
- AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy()))
- : AllocationPolicy::Deleter(allocator) {
+ AllocationPolicy allocator = AllocationPolicy())) {
Initialize(capacity, allocator);
INLINE(~List()) { DeleteData(data_); }
return allocator.New(static_cast<int>(size));
INLINE(void operator delete(void* p)) {
- AllocationPolicy::Deleter::Delete(p);
+ AllocationPolicy::Delete(p);
// Please the MSVC compiler. We should never have to execute this.
- // Delete via the instance Deleter
- static void Delete(List* p) {
- if (p == NULL) return;
- p->~List();
- p->AllocationPolicy::Deleter::Delete(p);
- }
// Returns a reference to the element at index i. This reference is
// not safe to use after operations that can change the list's
// backing store (e.g. Add).
return static_cast<T*>(allocator.New(n * sizeof(T)));
INLINE(void DeleteData(T* data)) {
- this->AllocationPolicy::Deleter::Delete(data);
+ AllocationPolicy::Delete(data);
// Increase the capacity of a full list, and add an element.
if (debug_object_cache->length() < kMentionedObjectCacheMaxSize) {
Add("#%d#", debug_object_cache->length());
- HeapObject* ho = HeapObject::cast(o);
- PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy policy(ho->GetIsolate());
- debug_object_cache->Add(ho, policy);
+ debug_object_cache->Add(HeapObject::cast(o));
} else {
Add("@%p", o);
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (isolate->string_stream_debug_object_cache() == NULL) {
- PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy policy(isolate);
- new(policy) DebugObjectCache(policy));
+ new List<HeapObject*, PreallocatedStorageAllocationPolicy>(0));
// structures to allocate themselves and their elements in the Zone.
struct ZoneAllocationPolicy {
- class Deleter {
- public:
- INLINE(explicit Deleter(const ZoneAllocationPolicy&)) {}
- INLINE(static void Delete(void *pointer)) { }
- };
explicit ZoneAllocationPolicy(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone) { }
INLINE(void* New(size_t size));
INLINE(static void Delete(void *pointer)) { }
// Use a testing allocator that clears memory before deletion.
class ZeroingAllocationPolicy {
- typedef ZeroingAllocationPolicy Deleter;
void* New(size_t size) {
// Stash the size in the first word to use for Delete.
size_t true_size = size + sizeof(size_t);