+void CodeGenerator::EmitKeyedPropertyAssignment(Assignment* node) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ int original_height = frame()->height();
+ Comment cmnt(masm_, "[ Keyed Property Assignment");
+ Property* prop = node->target()->AsProperty();
+ // Evaluate the receiver subexpression.
+ Load(prop->obj());
+ // Change to slow case in the beginning of an initialization block to
+ // avoid the quadratic behavior of repeatedly adding fast properties.
+ if (node->starts_initialization_block()) {
+ frame_->Dup();
+ Result ignored = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToSlowProperties, 1);
+ }
+ // Change to fast case at the end of an initialization block. To prepare for
+ // that add an extra copy of the receiver to the frame, so that it can be
+ // converted back to fast case after the assignment.
+ if (node->ends_initialization_block()) {
+ frame_->Dup();
+ }
+ // Evaluate the key subexpression.
+ Load(prop->key());
+ // Stack layout:
+ // [tos] : key
+ // [tos+1] : receiver
+ // [tos+2] : receiver if at the end of an initialization block
+ // Evaluate the right-hand side.
+ if (node->is_compound()) {
+ // For a compound assignment the right-hand side is a binary operation
+ // between the current property value and the actual right-hand side.
+ // Duplicate receiver and key for loading the current property value.
+ frame()->PushElementAt(1);
+ frame()->PushElementAt(1);
+ Result value = EmitKeyedLoad();
+ frame()->Push(&value);
+ Load(node->value());
+ // Perform the binary operation.
+ bool overwrite_value =
+ (node->value()->AsBinaryOperation() != NULL &&
+ node->value()->AsBinaryOperation()->ResultOverwriteAllowed());
+ BinaryOperation expr(node, node->binary_op(), node->target(),
+ node->value());
+ GenericBinaryOperation(&expr,
+ overwrite_value ? OVERWRITE_RIGHT : NO_OVERWRITE);
+ } else {
+ // For non-compound assignment just load the right-hand side.
+ Load(node->value());
+ }
+ // Stack layout:
+ // [tos] : value
+ // [tos+1] : key
+ // [tos+2] : receiver
+ // [tos+3] : receiver if at the end of an initialization block
+ // Perform the assignment. It is safe to ignore constants here.
+ ASSERT(node->op() != Token::INIT_CONST);
+ CodeForSourcePosition(node->position());
+ Result answer = EmitKeyedStore(prop->key()->type());
+ frame()->Push(&answer);
+ // Stack layout:
+ // [tos] : result
+ // [tos+1] : receiver if at the end of an initialization block
+ // Change to fast case at the end of an initialization block.
+ if (node->ends_initialization_block()) {
+ // The argument to the runtime call is the extra copy of the receiver,
+ // which is below the value of the assignment. Swap the receiver and
+ // the value of the assignment expression.
+ Result result = frame()->Pop();
+ Result receiver = frame()->Pop();
+ frame()->Push(&result);
+ frame()->Push(&receiver);
+ Result ignored = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToFastProperties, 1);
+ }
+ // Stack layout:
+ // [tos] : result
+ ASSERT(frame()->height() == original_height + 1);
void CodeGenerator::VisitAssignment(Assignment* node) {
#ifdef DEBUG
int original_height = frame()->height();
// global 'this' because it is not a valid left-hand side.
- } else {
- Comment cmnt(masm_, "[ Assignment");
+ } else if (prop != NULL) {
+ // Other properties (including rewritten parameters for a function that
+ // uses arguments) are keyed property assignments.
+ EmitKeyedPropertyAssignment(node);
- { Reference target(this, node->target(), node->is_compound());
- if (target.is_illegal()) {
- // Fool the virtual frame into thinking that we left the assignment's
- // value on the frame.
- frame_->Push(Smi::FromInt(0));
- return;
- }
- if (node->starts_initialization_block()) {
- ASSERT(target.type() == Reference::NAMED ||
- target.type() == Reference::KEYED);
- // Change to slow case in the beginning of an initialization
- // block to avoid the quadratic behavior of repeatedly adding
- // fast properties.
- // The receiver is the argument to the runtime call. It is the
- // first value pushed when the reference was loaded to the
- // frame.
- frame_->PushElementAt(target.size() - 1);
- Result ignored = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToSlowProperties, 1);
- }
- if (node->ends_initialization_block()) {
- // Add an extra copy of the receiver to the frame, so that it can be
- // converted back to fast case after the assignment.
- ASSERT(target.type() == Reference::NAMED ||
- target.type() == Reference::KEYED);
- if (target.type() == Reference::NAMED) {
- frame_->Dup();
- // Dup target receiver on stack.
- } else {
- ASSERT(target.type() == Reference::KEYED);
- Result temp = frame_->Pop();
- frame_->Dup();
- frame_->Push(&temp);
- }
- }
- if (node->op() == Token::ASSIGN ||
- node->op() == Token::INIT_VAR ||
- node->op() == Token::INIT_CONST) {
- Load(node->value());
- } else { // Assignment is a compound assignment.
- Literal* literal = node->value()->AsLiteral();
- bool overwrite_value =
- (node->value()->AsBinaryOperation() != NULL &&
- node->value()->AsBinaryOperation()->ResultOverwriteAllowed());
- Variable* right_var = node->value()->AsVariableProxy()->AsVariable();
- // There are two cases where the target is not read in the right hand
- // side, that are easy to test for: the right hand side is a literal,
- // or the right hand side is a different variable. TakeValue
- // invalidates the target, with an implicit promise that it will be
- // written to again
- // before it is read.
- if (literal != NULL || (right_var != NULL && right_var != var)) {
- target.TakeValue();
- } else {
- target.GetValue();
- }
- Load(node->value());
- BinaryOperation expr(node, node->binary_op(), node->target(),
- node->value());
- GenericBinaryOperation(
- &expr, overwrite_value ? OVERWRITE_RIGHT : NO_OVERWRITE);
- }
- if (var != NULL &&
- var->mode() == Variable::CONST &&
- node->op() != Token::INIT_VAR && node->op() != Token::INIT_CONST) {
- // Assignment ignored - leave the value on the stack.
- UnloadReference(&target);
- } else {
- CodeForSourcePosition(node->position());
- if (node->op() == Token::INIT_CONST) {
- // Dynamic constant initializations must use the function context
- // and initialize the actual constant declared. Dynamic variable
- // initializations are simply assignments and use SetValue.
- target.SetValue(CONST_INIT);
- } else {
- target.SetValue(NOT_CONST_INIT);
- }
- if (node->ends_initialization_block()) {
- ASSERT(target.type() == Reference::UNLOADED);
- // End of initialization block. Revert to fast case. The
- // argument to the runtime call is the extra copy of the receiver,
- // which is below the value of the assignment.
- // Swap the receiver and the value of the assignment expression.
- Result lhs = frame_->Pop();
- Result receiver = frame_->Pop();
- frame_->Push(&lhs);
- frame_->Push(&receiver);
- Result ignored = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kToFastProperties, 1);
- }
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ // Invalid left-hand side.
+ Load(node->target());
+ Result result = frame()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowReferenceError, 1);
+ // The runtime call doesn't actually return but the code generator will
+ // still generate code and expects a certain frame height.
+ frame()->Push(&result);
- // Stack layout:
- // [tos] : result
ASSERT(frame()->height() == original_height + 1);
+Result CodeGenerator::EmitKeyedStore(StaticType* key_type) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ int original_height = frame()->height();
+ Result result;
+ // Generate inlined version of the keyed store if the code is in a loop
+ // and the key is likely to be a smi.
+ if (loop_nesting() > 0 && key_type->IsLikelySmi()) {
+ Comment cmnt(masm(), "[ Inlined store to keyed Property");
+ // Get the receiver, key and value into registers.
+ result = frame()->Pop();
+ Result key = frame()->Pop();
+ Result receiver = frame()->Pop();
+ Result tmp = allocator_->Allocate();
+ ASSERT(tmp.is_valid());
+ Result tmp2 = allocator_->Allocate();
+ ASSERT(tmp2.is_valid());
+ // Determine whether the value is a constant before putting it in a
+ // register.
+ bool value_is_constant = result.is_constant();
+ // Make sure that value, key and receiver are in registers.
+ result.ToRegister();
+ key.ToRegister();
+ receiver.ToRegister();
+ DeferredReferenceSetKeyedValue* deferred =
+ new DeferredReferenceSetKeyedValue(result.reg(),
+ key.reg(),
+ receiver.reg());
+ // Check that the receiver is not a smi.
+ __ JumpIfSmi(receiver.reg(), deferred->entry_label());
+ // Check that the key is a smi.
+ if (!key.is_smi()) {
+ __ JumpIfNotSmi(key.reg(), deferred->entry_label());
+ } else if (FLAG_debug_code) {
+ __ AbortIfNotSmi(key.reg());
+ }
+ // Check that the receiver is a JSArray.
+ __ CmpObjectType(receiver.reg(), JS_ARRAY_TYPE, kScratchRegister);
+ deferred->Branch(not_equal);
+ // Check that the key is within bounds. Both the key and the length of
+ // the JSArray are smis. Use unsigned comparison to handle negative keys.
+ __ SmiCompare(FieldOperand(receiver.reg(), JSArray::kLengthOffset),
+ key.reg());
+ deferred->Branch(below_equal);
+ // Get the elements array from the receiver and check that it is not a
+ // dictionary.
+ __ movq(tmp.reg(),
+ FieldOperand(receiver.reg(), JSArray::kElementsOffset));
+ // Check whether it is possible to omit the write barrier. If the elements
+ // array is in new space or the value written is a smi we can safely update
+ // the elements array without write barrier.
+ Label in_new_space;
+ __ InNewSpace(tmp.reg(), tmp2.reg(), equal, &in_new_space);
+ if (!value_is_constant) {
+ __ JumpIfNotSmi(result.reg(), deferred->entry_label());
+ }
+ __ bind(&in_new_space);
+ // Bind the deferred code patch site to be able to locate the fixed
+ // array map comparison. When debugging, we patch this comparison to
+ // always fail so that we will hit the IC call in the deferred code
+ // which will allow the debugger to break for fast case stores.
+ __ bind(deferred->patch_site());
+ // Avoid using __ to ensure the distance from patch_site
+ // to the map address is always the same.
+ masm()->movq(kScratchRegister, Factory::fixed_array_map(),
+ __ cmpq(FieldOperand(tmp.reg(), HeapObject::kMapOffset),
+ kScratchRegister);
+ deferred->Branch(not_equal);
+ // Store the value.
+ SmiIndex index =
+ masm()->SmiToIndex(kScratchRegister, key.reg(), kPointerSizeLog2);
+ __ movq(FieldOperand(tmp.reg(),
+ index.reg,
+ index.scale,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize),
+ result.reg());
+ __ IncrementCounter(&Counters::keyed_store_inline, 1);
+ deferred->BindExit();
+ } else {
+ result = frame()->CallKeyedStoreIC();
+ // Make sure that we do not have a test instruction after the
+ // call. A test instruction after the call is used to
+ // indicate that we have generated an inline version of the
+ // keyed store.
+ __ nop();
+ }
+ ASSERT(frame()->height() == original_height - 3);
+ return result;
#undef __
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)
Slot* slot = expression_->AsVariableProxy()->AsVariable()->slot();
ASSERT(slot != NULL);
cgen_->StoreToSlot(slot, init_state);
- cgen_->UnloadReference(this);
+ set_unloaded();
case NAMED: {
Comment cmnt(masm, "[ Store to named Property");
- cgen_->frame()->Push(GetName());
- Result answer = cgen_->frame()->CallStoreIC();
+ Result answer = cgen_->EmitNamedStore(GetName(), false);
case KEYED: {
Comment cmnt(masm, "[ Store to keyed Property");
- // Generate inlined version of the keyed store if the code is in
- // a loop and the key is likely to be a smi.
Property* property = expression()->AsProperty();
ASSERT(property != NULL);
- StaticType* key_smi_analysis = property->key()->type();
- if (cgen_->loop_nesting() > 0 && key_smi_analysis->IsLikelySmi()) {
- Comment cmnt(masm, "[ Inlined store to keyed Property");
- // Get the receiver, key and value into registers.
- Result value = cgen_->frame()->Pop();
- Result key = cgen_->frame()->Pop();
- Result receiver = cgen_->frame()->Pop();
- Result tmp = cgen_->allocator_->Allocate();
- ASSERT(tmp.is_valid());
- Result tmp2 = cgen_->allocator_->Allocate();
- ASSERT(tmp2.is_valid());
- // Determine whether the value is a constant before putting it
- // in a register.
- bool value_is_constant = value.is_constant();
- // Make sure that value, key and receiver are in registers.
- value.ToRegister();
- key.ToRegister();
- receiver.ToRegister();
- DeferredReferenceSetKeyedValue* deferred =
- new DeferredReferenceSetKeyedValue(value.reg(),
- key.reg(),
- receiver.reg());
- // Check that the receiver is not a smi.
- __ JumpIfSmi(receiver.reg(), deferred->entry_label());
- // Check that the key is a smi.
- if (!key.is_smi()) {
- __ JumpIfNotSmi(key.reg(), deferred->entry_label());
- } else if (FLAG_debug_code) {
- __ AbortIfNotSmi(key.reg());
- }
- // Check that the receiver is a JSArray.
- __ CmpObjectType(receiver.reg(), JS_ARRAY_TYPE, kScratchRegister);
- deferred->Branch(not_equal);
- // Check that the key is within bounds. Both the key and the
- // length of the JSArray are smis. Use unsigned comparison to handle
- // negative keys.
- __ SmiCompare(FieldOperand(receiver.reg(), JSArray::kLengthOffset),
- key.reg());
- deferred->Branch(below_equal);
- // Get the elements array from the receiver and check that it
- // is a flat array (not a dictionary).
- __ movq(tmp.reg(),
- FieldOperand(receiver.reg(), JSObject::kElementsOffset));
- // Check whether it is possible to omit the write barrier. If the
- // elements array is in new space or the value written is a smi we can
- // safely update the elements array without write barrier.
- Label in_new_space;
- __ InNewSpace(tmp.reg(), tmp2.reg(), equal, &in_new_space);
- if (!value_is_constant) {
- __ JumpIfNotSmi(value.reg(), deferred->entry_label());
- }
- __ bind(&in_new_space);
- // Bind the deferred code patch site to be able to locate the
- // fixed array map comparison. When debugging, we patch this
- // comparison to always fail so that we will hit the IC call
- // in the deferred code which will allow the debugger to
- // break for fast case stores.
- __ bind(deferred->patch_site());
- // Avoid using __ to ensure the distance from patch_site
- // to the map address is always the same.
- masm->movq(kScratchRegister, Factory::fixed_array_map(),
- __ cmpq(FieldOperand(tmp.reg(), HeapObject::kMapOffset),
- kScratchRegister);
- deferred->Branch(not_equal);
- // Store the value.
- SmiIndex index =
- masm->SmiToIndex(kScratchRegister, key.reg(), kPointerSizeLog2);
- __ movq(FieldOperand(tmp.reg(),
- index.reg,
- index.scale,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize),
- value.reg());
- __ IncrementCounter(&Counters::keyed_store_inline, 1);
- deferred->BindExit();
- cgen_->frame()->Push(&value);
- } else {
- Result answer = cgen_->frame()->CallKeyedStoreIC();
- // Make sure that we do not have a test instruction after the
- // call. A test instruction after the call is used to
- // indicate that we have generated an inline version of the
- // keyed store.
- masm->nop();
- cgen_->frame()->Push(&answer);
- }
+ Result answer = cgen_->EmitKeyedStore(property->key()->type());
+ cgen_->frame()->Push(&answer);
- default:
+ case UNLOADED:
+ case ILLEGAL: