show_expr (c->expr1);
fprintf (dumpfile, "%d", c->ext.stop_code);
+ if (c->expr2 != NULL)
+ {
+ fputs (" QUIET=", dumpfile);
+ show_expr (c->expr2);
+ }
R856 allstop-stmt is ALL STOP [ stop-code ]
R857 stop-code is scalar-default-char-constant-expr
or scalar-int-constant-expr
+Fortran 2018 has
+ R1160 stop-stmt is STOP [ stop-code ] [ , QUIET = scalar-logical-expr]
+ R1161 error-stop-stmt is
+ ERROR STOP [ stop-code ] [ , QUIET = scalar-logical-expr]
+ R1162 stop-code is scalar-default-char-expr
+ or scalar-int-expr
For free-form source code, all standards contain a statement of the form:
gfc_match_stopcode (gfc_statement st)
gfc_expr *e = NULL;
+ gfc_expr *quiet = NULL;
match m;
bool f95, f03, f08;
+ char c;
/* Set f95 for -std=f95. */
f95 = (gfc_option.allow_std == GFC_STD_OPT_F95);
/* Set f08 for -std=f2008. */
f08 = (gfc_option.allow_std == GFC_STD_OPT_F08);
- /* Look for a blank between STOP and the stop-code for F2008 or later. */
- if (gfc_current_form != FORM_FIXED && !(f95 || f03))
- {
- char c = gfc_peek_ascii_char ();
+ /* Plain STOP statement? */
+ if (gfc_match_eos () == MATCH_YES)
+ goto checks;
+ /* Look for a blank between STOP and the stop-code for F2008 or later.
+ But allow for F2018's ,QUIET= specifier. */
+ c = gfc_peek_ascii_char ();
+ if (gfc_current_form != FORM_FIXED && !(f95 || f03) && c != ',')
+ {
/* Look for end-of-statement. There is no stop-code. */
if (c == '\n' || c == '!' || c == ';')
goto done;
- if (gfc_match_eos () != MATCH_YES)
+ if (c == ' ')
+ {
+ gfc_gobble_whitespace ();
+ c = gfc_peek_ascii_char ();
+ }
+ if (c != ',')
int stopcode;
locus old_locus;
goto cleanup;
if (m == MATCH_NO)
goto syntax;
+ }
- if (gfc_match_eos () != MATCH_YES)
- goto syntax;
+ if (gfc_match (" , quiet = %e", &quiet) == MATCH_YES)
+ {
+ if (!gfc_notify_std (GFC_STD_F2018, "QUIET= specifier for %s at %L",
+ gfc_ascii_statement (st), &quiet->where))
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (gfc_match_eos () != MATCH_YES)
+ goto syntax;
if (gfc_pure (NULL))
if (st == ST_ERROR_STOP)
goto cleanup;
- if (e->ts.type == BT_INTEGER && e->ts.kind != gfc_default_integer_kind)
+ if (e->ts.type == BT_INTEGER && e->ts.kind != gfc_default_integer_kind
+ && !gfc_notify_std (GFC_STD_F2018,
+ "STOP code at %L must be default integer KIND=%d",
+ &e->where, (int) gfc_default_integer_kind))
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (quiet != NULL)
+ {
+ if (!gfc_simplify_expr (quiet, 0))
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (quiet->rank != 0)
- gfc_error ("STOP code at %L must be default integer KIND=%d",
- &e->where, (int) gfc_default_integer_kind);
+ gfc_error ("QUIET specifier at %L must be a scalar LOGICAL",
+ &quiet->where);
goto cleanup;
new_st.expr1 = e;
+ new_st.expr2 = quiet;
new_st.ext.stop_code = -1;
return MATCH_YES;
gfc_free_expr (e);
+ gfc_free_expr (quiet);
+ break;
+ if (code->expr2 != NULL
+ && (code->expr2->ts.type != BT_LOGICAL
+ || code->expr2->rank != 0))
+ gfc_error ("QUIET specifier at %L must be a scalar LOGICAL",
+ &code->expr2->where);
+ break;
gfc_se se;
tree tmp;
+ tree quiet;
/* Start a new block for this statement. */
gfc_init_se (&se, NULL);
gfc_start_block (&se.pre);
+ if (code->expr2)
+ {
+ gfc_conv_expr_val (&se, code->expr2);
+ quiet = fold_convert (boolean_type_node, se.expr);
+ }
+ else
+ quiet = boolean_false_node;
if (code->expr1 == NULL)
tmp = build_int_cst (size_type_node, 0);
? gfor_fndecl_caf_stop_str
: gfor_fndecl_stop_string),
3, build_int_cst (pchar_type_node, 0), tmp,
- boolean_false_node);
+ quiet);
else if (code->expr1->ts.type == BT_INTEGER)
? gfor_fndecl_caf_stop_numeric
: gfor_fndecl_stop_numeric), 2,
fold_convert (integer_type_node, se.expr),
- boolean_false_node);
+ quiet);
: gfor_fndecl_stop_string),
3, se.expr, fold_convert (size_type_node,
- boolean_false_node);
+ quiet);
gfc_add_expr_to_block (&se.pre, tmp);
--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do compile }
+! { dg-options "-std=f2018" }
+ implicit none
+ logical :: q = .false.
+ integer(2) :: p = 99
+ real :: x = 0.
+ character(5) :: s = "stopp"
+ print *, "Hello"
+ stop 1, quiet=.false.
+ stop 2, quiet=q
+ stop 3, quiet=f(x)
+ stop; stop!
+ stop ;stop 4!
+ stop 5; stop 6
+ stop 7 ;stop 8
+ stop 1_1; stop 2_2; stop 4_4; stop 8_8
+ stop&!
+ &;stop;&!
+ stop&!
+ s&
+ ; stop "x";&!
+ ; st&!
+ &op&!
+ p
+ stop s
+ if(f(x))then;stop 9,quiet=.false.;else;stop 10;endif
+ error stop 4, quiet=.true.
+ error stop 5 , quiet=.true.
+ error stop s, quiet=.true.
+ stop "last " // s, quiet=.false._2
+ stop, quiet=any([.false.])
+ stop , quiet=any([f(x)])
+ stop "stopp" , quiet=any([f(x)])
+ stop s, quiet=all([f(x)])
+ stop42, quiet=.false. ! { dg-error "Blank required" }
+ stop"stopp" , quiet=any([f(x)]) ! { dg-error "Blank required" }
+ stop 8, quiet=([f(x)]) ! { dg-error "must be a scalar LOGICAL" }
+ logical function f(x)
+ real, intent(in) :: x
+ f = .false.
+ end function f
--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do compile }
+! { dg-options "-std=f2018" }
+ implicit none
+ logical :: q = .false.
+ integer(2) :: p = 99
+ real :: x = 0.
+ character(5) :: s = "stopp"
+ stop 1, quiet=.false.
+ stop 2, quiet=q
+ stop 3, quiet=f(x)
+ stop42,quiet=.false.
+ error stop 4, quiet=.true.
+ error stop 5 , quiet=.true.
+ stop1_1;stop2_2;stop4_4;stop8_8
+ stopp;stops
+ st
+ &op42
+ stop, quiet=any([.false.])
+ stop , quiet=any([f(x)])
+ stop"stopp",quiet=any([f(x)])
+ stop "stopp" , quiet=any([f(x)])
+ s to ps,quiet=all([f(x)])
+ e r r o r s t o p 4 3 , q u i e t = . t r u e .
+ errorstop"stopp",quiet=.not.f(x)
+ contains
+ logical function f(x)
+ real, intent(in) :: x
+ f = .false.
+ end function f
+ end
--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do compile }
+! { dg-options "-std=f2003" }
+! F95 and F2003 do not require a blank after STOP
+ implicit none
+ integer, parameter :: p = 99
+ character(*), parameter :: s = "stopp"
+ stop1
+ stop2!
+ stop3;stop4!
+ stopp
+ stop&!
+ &;stop;&!
+ stop&!
+ s&
+ ;stop"x";&!
+ ;st&!
+ &op&!
+ p
+ stops
+ stop"last " // s
--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do run }
+! { dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-original -std=f2018" }
+! Check that the QUIET specifier to shut up a STOP statement is passed properly
+program p
+ logical(1) :: q = .true. ! using kind=1 to simplify scanning of tree dump
+ stop 0, quiet=q
+ stop 1, quiet=.true.
+ stop 2 ! the "noisy" default
+end program p
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "_gfortran_stop_numeric \\(0, q\\)" "original" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "_gfortran_stop_numeric \\(1, 1\\)" "original" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "_gfortran_stop_numeric \\(2, 0\\)" "original" } }