(rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi2, RXWI_W2_RSSI0) +
rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi2, RXWI_W2_RSSI1)) / 2;
- rxdesc->noise =
- (rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi3, RXWI_W3_SNR0) +
- rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi3, RXWI_W3_SNR1)) / 2;
rxdesc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi0, RXWI_W0_MPDU_TOTAL_BYTE_COUNT);
(rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi2, RXWI_W2_RSSI0) +
rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi2, RXWI_W2_RSSI1)) / 2;
- rxdesc->noise =
- (rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi3, RXWI_W3_SNR0) +
- rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi3, RXWI_W3_SNR1)) / 2;
rxdesc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(rxwi0, RXWI_W0_MPDU_TOTAL_BYTE_COUNT);
* @timestamp: RX Timestamp
* @signal: Signal of the received frame.
* @rssi: RSSI of the received frame.
- * @noise: Measured noise during frame reception.
* @size: Data size of the received frame.
* @flags: MAC80211 receive flags (See &enum mac80211_rx_flags).
* @dev_flags: Ralink receive flags (See &enum rxdone_entry_desc_flags).
u64 timestamp;
int signal;
int rssi;
- int noise;
int size;
int flags;
int dev_flags;