bool ok = false;
QVariant v;
- if (variantType == QVariant::String)
- v = QQmlStringConverters::variantFromString(value.toString(), propertyType, &ok);
+ if (variantType == QVariant::String) {
+ const QString &str = value.toString();
+ const bool targetIsChar = (propertyType == qMetaTypeId<QChar>()
+ || propertyType == qMetaTypeId<char>()
+ || propertyType == qMetaTypeId<unsigned char>());
+ // If the string contains only one character and the target is a char, try converting it.
+ if (targetIsChar) {
+ if (str.size() != 1)
+ return false; // We can only convert if the string contains exactly one character.
+ const QChar &qChar =;
+ if (propertyType == qMetaTypeId<QChar>()) {
+ v = qChar;
+ ok = true;
+ } else if (propertyType == qMetaTypeId<char>() || propertyType == qMetaTypeId<unsigned char>()) {
+ const char c = qChar.toLatin1();
+ v = c;
+ ok = (qChar == c);
+ }
+ } else {
+ v = QQmlStringConverters::variantFromString(str, propertyType, &ok);
+ }
+ }
if (!ok) {
v = value;
if (v.convert(propertyType)) {
Q_PROPERTY(int propertyWithNotify READ propertyWithNotify WRITE setPropertyWithNotify NOTIFY oddlyNamedNotifySignal)
Q_PROPERTY(MyQmlObject *qmlObject READ qmlObject)
Q_PROPERTY(MyQObject *qObject READ qObject WRITE setQObject NOTIFY qObjectChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString stringProperty READ stringProperty WRITE setStringProperty)
+ Q_PROPERTY(char charProperty READ charProperty WRITE setCharProperty)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QChar qcharProperty READ qcharProperty WRITE setQcharProperty)
+ Q_PROPERTY(char constChar READ constChar STORED false CONSTANT FINAL)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int constInt READ constInt STORED false CONSTANT FINAL)
Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "defaultProperty")
- PropertyObject() : m_resetProperty(9), m_qObject(0) {}
+ PropertyObject() : m_resetProperty(9), m_qObject(0), m_stringProperty("foo") {}
int defaultProperty() { return 10; }
QRect rectProperty() { return QRect(10, 10, 1, 209); }
+ QString stringProperty() const { return m_stringProperty;}
+ char charProperty() const { return m_charProperty; }
+ QChar qcharProperty() const { return m_qcharProperty; }
+ QChar constQChar() const { return 0x25cf; /* Unicode: black circle */ }
+ char constChar() const { return 'A'; }
+ int constInt() const { return 123456; }
+ void setStringProperty(QString arg) { m_stringProperty = arg; }
+ void setCharProperty(char arg) { m_charProperty = arg; }
+ void setQcharProperty(QChar arg) { m_qcharProperty = arg; }
void clicked();
void oddlyNamedNotifySignal();
int m_propertyWithNotify;
MyQmlObject m_qmlObject;
MyQObject *m_qObject;
+ QString m_stringProperty;
+ char m_charProperty;
+ QChar m_qcharProperty;
QCOMPARE(o.url(), result);
+ // Char/string-property
+ {
+ PropertyObject o;
+ QQmlProperty charProperty(&o, "charProperty");
+ QQmlProperty qcharProperty(&o, "qcharProperty");
+ QQmlProperty stringProperty(&o, "stringProperty");
+ const int black_circle = 0x25cf;
+ QCOMPARE(charProperty.write(QString("foo")), false);
+ QCOMPARE(charProperty.write('Q'), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant('Q'));
+ QCOMPARE(charProperty.write(QString("t")), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant('t'));
+ QCOMPARE(qcharProperty.write(QString("foo")), false);
+ QCOMPARE(qcharProperty.write('Q'), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant('Q'));
+ QCOMPARE(qcharProperty.write(QString("t")), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant('t'));
+ QCOMPARE(qcharProperty.write(QChar(black_circle)), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant(QChar(black_circle)));
+ QCOMPARE(o.stringProperty(), QString("foo")); // Default value
+ QCOMPARE(stringProperty.write(QString("bar")), true);
+ QCOMPARE(o.stringProperty(), QString("bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(stringProperty.write(QVariant(1234)), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QString::number(1234));
+ QCOMPARE(stringProperty.write(QChar(black_circle)), true);
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant(QString(QChar(black_circle))));
+ { // char -> QString
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine);
+ component.setData("import Test 1.0\nPropertyObject { stringProperty: constChar }", QUrl());
+ PropertyObject *obj = qobject_cast<PropertyObject*>(component.create());
+ QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+ if (obj) {
+ QQmlProperty stringProperty(obj, "stringProperty");
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant(QString(obj->constChar())));
+ }
+ }
+ { // QChar -> QString
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine);
+ component.setData("import Test 1.0\nPropertyObject { stringProperty: constQChar }", QUrl());
+ PropertyObject *obj = qobject_cast<PropertyObject*>(component.create());
+ QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+ if (obj) {
+ QQmlProperty stringProperty(obj, "stringProperty");
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant(QString(obj->constQChar())));
+ }
+ }
+ { // int -> QString
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine);
+ component.setData("import Test 1.0\nPropertyObject { stringProperty: constInt }", QUrl());
+ PropertyObject *obj = qobject_cast<PropertyObject*>(component.create());
+ QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+ if (obj) {
+ QQmlProperty stringProperty(obj, "stringProperty");
+ QCOMPARE(, QVariant(QString::number(obj->constInt())));
+ }
+ }
+ }
// VariantMap-property
QVariantMap vm;
vm.insert("key", "value");