(Lib_Filename : String;
Def_Filename : String)
- procedure Build_Import_Library (Lib_Filename : String);
- -- Build an import library. This is to build only a .a library to link
- -- against a DLL.
+ function Strip_Lib_Prefix (Filename : String) return String;
+ -- Return Filename without the lib prefix if present
- --------------------------
- -- Build_Import_Library --
- --------------------------
- procedure Build_Import_Library (Lib_Filename : String) is
- function No_Lib_Prefix (Filename : String) return String;
- -- Return Filename without the lib prefix if present
- -------------------
- -- No_Lib_Prefix --
- -------------------
- function No_Lib_Prefix (Filename : String) return String is
- begin
- if Filename (Filename'First .. Filename'First + 2) = "lib" then
- return Filename (Filename'First + 3 .. Filename'Last);
- else
- return Filename;
- end if;
- end No_Lib_Prefix;
- -- Local variables
- Def_File : String renames Def_Filename;
- Dll_File : constant String := Get_Dll_Name (Lib_Filename);
- Base_Filename : constant String :=
- MDLL.Fil.Ext_To (No_Lib_Prefix (Lib_Filename));
- Lib_File : constant String := "lib" & Base_Filename & ".dll.a";
- -- Start of processing for Build_Import_Library
+ ----------------------
+ -- Strip_Lib_Prefix --
+ ----------------------
+ function Strip_Lib_Prefix (Filename : String) return String is
- if not Quiet then
- Text_IO.Put_Line ("Building import library...");
- Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("make " & Lib_File & " to use dynamic library " & Dll_File);
+ if Filename (Filename'First .. Filename'First + 2) = "lib" then
+ return Filename (Filename'First + 3 .. Filename'Last);
+ else
+ return Filename;
end if;
+ end Strip_Lib_Prefix;
- Utl.Dlltool
- (Def_File, Dll_File, Lib_File, Build_Import => True);
- end Build_Import_Library;
+ -- Local variables
+ Def_File : String renames Def_Filename;
+ Dll_File : constant String := Get_Dll_Name (Lib_Filename);
+ Base_Filename : constant String :=
+ MDLL.Fil.Ext_To (Strip_Lib_Prefix (Lib_Filename));
+ Lib_File : constant String := "lib" & Base_Filename & ".dll.a";
-- Start of processing for Build_Import_Library
- Build_Import_Library (Lib_Filename);
+ if not Quiet then
+ Text_IO.Put_Line ("Building import library...");
+ Text_IO.Put_Line
+ ("make " & Lib_File & " to use dynamic library " & Dll_File);
+ end if;
+ Utl.Dlltool
+ (Def_File, Dll_File, Lib_File, Build_Import => True);
end Build_Import_Library;