throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(fileTime), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_FileTimeInvalid);
+#pragma warning disable 162 // Unrechable code on Unix
if (s_systemSupportsLeapSeconds)
return FromFileTimeLeapSecondsAware(fileTime);
+#pragma warning restore 162
// This is the ticks in Universal time for this fileTime.
long universalTicks = fileTime + FileTimeOffset;
// Treats the input as universal if it is not specified
long ticks = ((InternalKind & LocalMask) != 0) ? ToUniversalTime().InternalTicks : this.InternalTicks;
+#pragma warning disable 162 // Unrechable code on Unix
if (s_systemSupportsLeapSeconds)
return ToFileTimeLeapSecondsAware(ticks);
+#pragma warning restore 162
ticks -= FileTimeOffset;
if (ticks < 0)