[REFACTOR] renaming : tizen -> capi, osp -> tizen
authorVitaliy Cherepanov <v.cherepanov@samsung.com>
Fri, 20 Sep 2013 15:17:13 +0000 (19:17 +0400)
committerVitaliy Cherepanov <v.cherepanov@samsung.com>
Fri, 20 Sep 2013 15:17:13 +0000 (19:17 +0400)
merge dynamic-analysis-probe
(commit 64df7f4b5e5b1ff8c810c765e647161ef6f46924)
- change terms appropriately : tizen -> capi, osp -> tizen
- change directory name, file name, variable/flag name inside source

Change-Id: I18c738ec741151e4cb80dfe303b2e0f2ae7522be
Signed-off-by: Vitaliy Cherepanov <v.cherepanov@samsung.com>
34 files changed:
include/osp_probe.h [deleted file]
include/tizen_probe.h [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_badaapi/bada_file.cpp [deleted file]
probe_badaapi/bada_lifecycle.cpp [deleted file]
probe_badaapi/bada_sync.cpp [deleted file]
probe_badaapi/bada_thread.cpp [deleted file]
probe_badaapi/osp_constructor.cpp [deleted file]
probe_badaapi/osp_controls.cpp [deleted file]
probe_capi/capi_appfw.c [new file with mode: 0644]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_appfw.c [deleted file]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_constructor.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_controls.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_file.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_lifecycle.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_sync.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_tizenapi/tizen_thread.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_ui/capi_capture.c [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_ui/osp_capture.cpp [deleted file]
probe_ui/osp_display.cpp [deleted file]
probe_ui/osp_frameani.cpp [deleted file]
probe_ui/osp_frameani.h [deleted file]
probe_ui/osp_scenemanager.cpp [deleted file]
probe_ui/tizen_capture.c [deleted file]
probe_ui/tizen_capture.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]
probe_ui/tizen_display.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
probe_ui/tizen_frameani.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
probe_ui/tizen_frameani.h [new file with mode: 0644]
probe_ui/tizen_scenemanager.cpp [new file with mode: 0755]

index 61ede4551ae3e7a3fd7ec995c289bec1d21a6dfe..fba8fc1cfbaede3e0ce9df0643eed9211728879b 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ INC_COMMON = -I./include \
                         -I/usr/include/e_dbus-1 \
                         -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 \
-INC_TIZEN = $(INC_COMMON) #-I/usr/include/vconf -I/usr/include/pixman-1
-INC_OSP = $(INC_COMMON) -I/usr/include/osp
+INC_CAPI = $(INC_COMMON) #-I/usr/include/vconf -I/usr/include/pixman-1
+INC_TIZEN = $(INC_COMMON) -I/usr/include/osp
 COMMON_SRCS =  ./helper/libdaprobe.c \
                                ./helper/dahelper.c \
@@ -41,68 +41,67 @@ COMMON_SRCS =       ./helper/libdaprobe.c \
                                ./probe_file/da_io_posix.c \
                        ./helper/addr-capi.c \
-                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_appfw.c \
-                       ./probe_ui/tizen_capture.c
+                       ./probe_capi/capi_appfw.c \
+                       ./probe_ui/capi_capture.c
                        ./helper/addr-tizen.c \
                        ./probe_memory/libdanew.cpp \
-                       ./probe_badaapi/bada_file.cpp \
-                       ./probe_badaapi/bada_thread.cpp \
-                       ./probe_badaapi/bada_lifecycle.cpp \
-                       ./probe_badaapi/bada_sync.cpp \
-                       ./probe_badaapi/osp_controls.cpp \
-                       ./probe_badaapi/osp_constructor.cpp \
+                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_file.cpp \
+                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_thread.cpp \
+                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_lifecycle.cpp \
+                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_sync.cpp \
+                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_controls.cpp \
+                       ./probe_tizenapi/tizen_constructor.cpp \
                        ./probe_event/gesture.cpp \
-                       ./probe_ui/osp_capture.cpp \
-                       ./probe_ui/osp_scenemanager.cpp \
-                       ./probe_ui/osp_frameani.cpp \
-                       ./probe_ui/osp_display.cpp \
-                       ./probe_graphics/da_gles20.cpp
+                       ./probe_graphics/da_gles20.cpp \
+                       ./probe_ui/tizen_capture.cpp \
+                       ./probe_ui/tizen_scenemanager.cpp \
+                       ./probe_ui/tizen_frameani.cpp \
+                       ./probe_ui/tizen_display.cpp 
 DUMMY_SRCS = ./custom_chart/da_chart_dummy.c
+CAPI_TARGET = da_probe_osp.so
 TIZEN_TARGET = da_probe_tizen.so
-OSP_TARGET = da_probe_osp.so
 DUMMY_TARGET = libdaprobe.so
 COMMON_FLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -shared -Wall -funwind-tables -fomit-frame-pointer -Xlinker --no-undefined
-LIBDIR_OSP = $(LIBDIR_COMMON) -L/usr/lib/osp
 COMMON_LDFLAGS = -ldl -lpthread -lrt -lecore -levas -lecore_input -leina -lecore_x -lcapi-system-runtime-info -lcapi-appfw-application -lX11 -lXext
-OSP_LDFLAGS = $(COMMON_LDFLAGS) -lstdc++ -losp-uifw -losp-appfw
+TIZEN_LDFLAGS = $(COMMON_LDFLAGS) -lstdc++ -losp-uifw -losp-appfw
+capi:  $(CAPI_TARGET)
 tizen: $(TIZEN_TARGET)
-osp:   $(OSP_TARGET)
 dummy: $(DUMMY_TARGET)
        cat ./scripts/api_names.txt | awk -f ./scripts/gen_api_id_mapping_header.awk > include/api_id_mapping.h
        cat ./scripts/api_names.txt | awk -f ./scripts/gen_api_id_mapping_header_list.awk > include/api_id_list.h
-       $(CC) $(INC_OSP) $(OSP_FLAGS) $(LIBDIR_OSP) -o $@ $(OSP_SRCS) $(OSP_LDFLAGS)
        [ -d "$(DESTDIR)/$(INSTALLDIR)" ] || mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(INSTALLDIR)
        rm -f *.so *.o
index d4620c6f4d464842b4df47472f92c30351939c5b..69a20e52c5da55e86a3a09eaec92df7f211df464 100755 (executable)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 #include "binproto.h"
 #define APP_INSTALL_PATH               "/opt/apps"
-#define OSP_APP_POSTFIX                        ".exe"
+#define TISEN_APP_POSTFIX                      ".exe"
 #define UDS_NAME                               "/tmp/da.socket"
 #define TIMERFD_INTERVAL               100000000               // 0.1 sec
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ static int determineCaller(char* tracestring)
        else                            // user binary
-#ifdef OSPAPP
-               substr = strstr(tracestring, OSP_APP_POSTFIX);
+#ifdef TISENAPP
+               substr = strstr(tracestring, TISEN_APP_POSTFIX);
                if(substr == NULL)
                        return 1;
index 8a94cc040ea83d1c958f370cce4694b1ac8ae032..0b5609f3bf7b85e93126422ce0fdee2335e2f3c9 100644 (file)
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ static inline char *pack_args(char *to, const char *fmt, ...)
        if(thread_type == THREAD_PTHREAD) {                             \
            BUF_PTR = pack_int64(BUF_PTR, thread_id);                   \
            BUF_PTR = pack_int64(BUF_PTR, 0);                           \
-       } else if(thread_type == THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER                \
-                   || thread_type == THREAD_OSPTHREAD_EVENTDRIVEN) {   \
+       } else if(thread_type == THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER              \
+                   || thread_type == THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_EVENTDRIVEN) {   \
            BUF_PTR = pack_int64(BUF_PTR, 0);                           \
            BUF_PTR = pack_int64(BUF_PTR, thread_id);                   \
        } else {                                                        \
diff --git a/include/osp_probe.h b/include/osp_probe.h
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 3c0c12a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- *
- */
-#ifndef __BADA_PROBE_H__
-#define __BADA_PROBE_H__
-#include <string.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(FUNCNAME, LIBNAME, FUNCTIONPOINTER)                                          \
-       do {                                                                                            \
-               if(!FUNCTIONPOINTER) {                                                                  \
-                       probeBlockStart();                                                              \
-                       if(lib_handle[LIBNAME] == NULL) {                                               \
-                               lib_handle[LIBNAME] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBNAME], RTLD_LAZY);           \
-                               if(lib_handle[LIBNAME] == NULL) {                                       \
-                                       char perror_msg[PERROR_MSG_MAX];                                \
-                                       sprintf(perror_msg, "dlopen failed : %s", lib_string[LIBNAME]); \
-                                       perror(perror_msg);                                             \
-                                       exit(0);                                                        \
-                               }                                                                       \
-                       }                                                                               \
-                       void* funcp = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBNAME], #FUNCNAME);                            \
-                       if(funcp == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {                                        \
-                               perror("dlsym failed : " #FUNCNAME);                                    \
-                               exit(0);                                                                \
-                       }                                                                               \
-                       memcpy(&FUNCTIONPOINTER, &funcp, sizeof(void*));                                \
-                       probeBlockEnd();                                                                \
-               }                                                                                       \
-       } while(0)
-#define PRE_PROBEBLOCK_OSP(FILTER)                                                                                             \
-       do {                                                                                                                                            \
-               if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, FILTER, _sopt)) != 0) { \
-                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);                                      \
-                       preBlockEnd();                                                  \
-               }                                                                       \
-       } while(0)
-extern int SceneManagerUsed;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
index 27e28a4fbafa350a63dc6586b7a2a995edec18f1..5b448d6937c1e60b2f2482c6e9f4d3adfbde5d3f 100755 (executable)
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ extern "C"{
 #define                USERFUNC_EXIT           1
 #define                THREAD_PTHREAD                  0
-#define                THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER         1
-#define                THREAD_OSPTHREAD_EVENTDRIVEN    2
+#define                THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER               1
+#define                THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_EVENTDRIVEN  2
 #define                THREAD_API_NEW                          0
 #define                THREAD_API_START                        1
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ extern "C"{
 #define                THREAD_API_INTERNAL_STOP                7
 #define                THREAD_API_OTHER                        8
-#define        SYNC_OSP_MUTEX                          0
-#define                SYNC_OSP_MONITOR                        1
-#define                SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE                      2
+#define        SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX                                0
+#define                SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR                      1
+#define                SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE                    2
 #define                SYNC_PTHREAD_MUTEX                      3
 #define                SYNC_PTHREAD_COND_VARIABLE              4
 #define                SYNC_PTHREAD_RWLOCK                     5
diff --git a/include/tizen_probe.h b/include/tizen_probe.h
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..f9fec97
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __BADA_PROBE_H__
+#define __BADA_PROBE_H__
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define GET_REAL_FUNC_TISEN(FUNCNAME, LIBNAME, FUNCTIONPOINTER)                                                \
+       do {                                                                                            \
+               if(!FUNCTIONPOINTER) {                                                                  \
+                       probeBlockStart();                                                              \
+                       if(lib_handle[LIBNAME] == NULL) {                                               \
+                               lib_handle[LIBNAME] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBNAME], RTLD_LAZY);           \
+                               if(lib_handle[LIBNAME] == NULL) {                                       \
+                                       char perror_msg[PERROR_MSG_MAX];                                \
+                                       sprintf(perror_msg, "dlopen failed : %s", lib_string[LIBNAME]); \
+                                       perror(perror_msg);                                             \
+                                       exit(0);                                                        \
+                               }                                                                       \
+                       }                                                                               \
+                       void* funcp = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBNAME], #FUNCNAME);                            \
+                       if(funcp == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {                                        \
+                               perror("dlsym failed : " #FUNCNAME);                                    \
+                               exit(0);                                                                \
+                       }                                                                               \
+                       memcpy(&FUNCTIONPOINTER, &funcp, sizeof(void*));                                \
+                       probeBlockEnd();                                                                \
+               }                                                                                       \
+       } while(0)
+#define PRE_PROBEBLOCK_TISEN(FILTER)                                                                                           \
+       do {                                                                                                                                            \
+               if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, FILTER, _sopt)) != 0) { \
+                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);                                      \
+                       preBlockEnd();                                                  \
+               }                                                                       \
+       } while(0)
+extern int SceneManagerUsed;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
index e7ee5584a3b5fdb06d20f84b43b89e5bbbeef0be..8b9b94152f911e29a25350668041677d5d533493 100644 (file)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
 %manifest swap-probe.manifest
diff --git a/probe_badaapi/bada_file.cpp b/probe_badaapi/bada_file.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 7c274b6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1080 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (File::*c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact: 
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- * 
- */
-#include <FIo.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_FILE;
-namespace Tizen {
-namespace Io {
-result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-               const Tizen::Base::String& openMode, bool createParentDirectories) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-                       const Tizen::Base::String& openMode, bool createParentDirectories);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp_path[50];
-       char temp_mode[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringES5_b");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, openMode, createParentDirectories);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp_path,filePath.GetPointer());
-               WcharToChar(temp_mode,openMode.GetPointer()); 
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-               PACK_COMMON_BEGIN(MSG_PROBE_RESOURCE, API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_Tizen__Base__String__openMode__bool_createParentDirectories_,
-                                 "ssd", temp_path, temp_mode, createParentDirectories);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp_path);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-               const Tizen::Base::String& openMode) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-                       const Tizen::Base::String& openMode);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp_path[50];
-       char temp_mode[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if(!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringES5_");
-               if(tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, openMode);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp_path,filePath.GetPointer());
-               WcharToChar(temp_mode,openMode.GetPointer());
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_Tizen__Base__String__openMode_,
-                                 "ss", temp_path, temp_mode);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp_path);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-               const char *pOpenMode) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-                       const char *pOpenMode);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if(!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringEPKc");
-               if(tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, pOpenMode);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp,filePath.GetPointer());
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_char__pOpenMode_,
-                                 "sp", temp, pOpenMode);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-               const char *pOpenMode,
-               const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& secretKey) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-                       const char *pOpenMode,
-                       const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& secretKey);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if(!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringEPKcRKNS2_10ByteBufferE");
-               if(tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, pOpenMode, secretKey);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp,filePath.GetPointer());
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_char__pOpenMode__const_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__secretKey_,
-                                 "sp", temp, pOpenMode);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Flush(void) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Flushp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Flushp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5FlushEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Flush");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Flushp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Flushp)();
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Flush_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-Tizen::Base::String File::GetName(void) const{
-       typedef Tizen::Base::String (File::*methodType)(void) const;
-       static methodType GetNamep = 0;
-       Tizen::Base::String ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!GetNamep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZNK5Tizen2Io4File7GetNameEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::GetName");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&GetNamep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*GetNamep)();
-       result res = GetLastResult();
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp,ret.GetPointer());
-               if (E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_Tizen__Base__String_File__GetName_void__const,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret.GetPointer(), res, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-                postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Read(Tizen::Base::String& buffer) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(Tizen::Base::String & buffer);
-       static methodType Readp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       int nRead = 0;
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Readp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4ReadERNS_4Base6StringE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Read");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Readp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
-                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_START, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Readp)(buffer);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               nRead = buffer.GetLength();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
-                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(nRead, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_END, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Read(Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& buffer) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer & buffer);
-       static methodType Readp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       int nRead = 0;
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Readp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4ReadERNS_4Base10ByteBufferE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Read");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Readp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
-                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_START, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Readp)(buffer);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               buffer.GetInt(nRead);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
-                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(nRead, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_END, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-int File::Read(void *buffer, int length) {
-       typedef int (File::*methodType)(void *buffer, int length);
-       static methodType Readp = 0;
-       int ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       int nRead = 0;
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Readp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4ReadEPvi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Read");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Readp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               nRead = Tell();
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_int_File__Read_void__buffer__int_length_,
-                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_START, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Readp)(buffer, length);
-       result res = GetLastResult();
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               nRead = Tell() - nRead;
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_int_File__Read_void__buffer__int_length_,
-                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, res, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(nRead, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_END, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Seek(FileSeekPosition position, long offset) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(FileSeekPosition position, long offset);
-       static methodType Seekp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       char temp_pos[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size;
-       if (!Seekp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4SeekENS0_16FileSeekPositionEl");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Seek");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Seekp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Seekp)(position, offset);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-                if(FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN == position)
-                        strcpy(temp_pos, "FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN");
-                else if(FILESEEKPOSITION_CURRENT == position)
-                        strcpy(temp_pos, "FILESEEKPOSITION_CURRENT");
-                else if(FILESEEKPOSITION_END == position)
-                        strcpy(temp_pos, "FILESEEKPOSITION_END");
-                else
-               sprintf(temp_pos, "%d", position);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Seek_FileSeekPosition_position__long_offset_,
-                                 "sx", temp_pos, offset);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-                postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-int File::Tell(void) const {
-       typedef int (File::*methodType)(void) const;
-       static methodType Tellp = 0;
-       int ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Tellp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZNK5Tizen2Io4File4TellEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Tell");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Tellp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Tellp)();
-       result res = GetLastResult();
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_int_File__Tell_void__const,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, res, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-                postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Truncate(int length) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(int length);
-       static methodType Truncatep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Truncatep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File8TruncateEi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Truncate");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Truncatep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Truncatep)(length);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Truncate_int_length_,
-                                 "d", length);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-                postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Write(const void *buffer, int length) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const void *buffer, int length);
-       static methodType Writep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       int nWritten = 0;
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Writep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5WriteEPKvi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Write");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Writep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               nWritten = Tell();
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_void__buffer__int_length_,
-                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_START, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Writep)(buffer, length);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_void__buffer__int_length_,
-                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(nWritten, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_END, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Write(const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& buffer) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& buffer);
-       static methodType Writep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp[50];
-       int nWritten = 0;
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Writep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5WriteERKNS_4Base10ByteBufferE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Write");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Writep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               nWritten = Tell();
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
-                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_START, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Writep)(buffer);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
-                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(nWritten, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_END, size, temp);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result File::Write(const Tizen::Base::String& buffer) {
-       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& buffer);
-       static methodType Writep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       char temp_buf[50];
-       char temp_path[50];
-       int nWritten = 0;
-       FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!Writep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5WriteERKNS_4Base6StringE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Write");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Writep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               nWritten = Tell();
-               WcharToChar(temp_buf, buffer.GetPointer());
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               WcharToChar(temp_path, this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
-                                 "s", temp_buf);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_START, size, temp_path);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       ret = (this->*Writep)(buffer);
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               WcharToChar(temp_buf,buffer.GetPointer());
-               WcharToChar(temp_path,this->GetName().GetPointer());
-               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
-               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(),attr))
-                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
-                                 "s", temp_buf);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(nWritten, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_END, size, temp_path);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-File::~File(void) {
-       typedef void (File::*methodType)();
-       static methodType FileDp = 0;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       // FileAttributes attr;
-       long long size = 0L;
-       if (!FileDp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4FileD1Ev");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::~File");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&FileDp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-// error occur if File class was failed to contruct
-               // if (ret == E_SUCCESS &&
-               //     E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
-               //     size = attr.GetFileSize();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       (this->*FileDp)();
-       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_File___File_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_CLOSE, size, "");
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-// static methods
-//static result File::ConvertToSecureFile(const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
-//             const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath) {
-//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath);
-//     static methodType ConvertToSecureFilep = 0;
-//static result File::ConvertToSecureFile(const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
-//             const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath,
-//             const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& key) {
-//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath,
-//                     const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& key);
-//     static methodType ConvertToSecureFilep = 0;
-//static result File::Copy(const Tizen::Base::String& srcFilePath,
-//             const Tizen::Base::String& destFilePath, bool failIfExist) {
-//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& srcFilePath,
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String& destFilePath, bool failIfExist);
-//     static methodType Copyp = 0;
-//static result File::GetAttributes(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-//             FileAttributes& attribute) {
-//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
-//                     FileAttributes& attribute);
-//     static methodType GetAttributesp = 0;
-//static const Tizen::Base::String File::GetFileExtension(
-//             const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
-//     typedef const Tizen::Base::String (File::*methodType)(
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
-//     static methodType GetFileExtensionp = 0;
-//const Tizen::Base::String File::GetFileName(
-//             const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
-//     typedef const Tizen::Base::String (File::*methodType)(
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
-//     static methodType GetFileNamep = 0;
-//     Tizen::Base::String ret;
-//     if (!GetFileNamep) {
-//                     probeBlockStart();
-//                     void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
-//                                     "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File11GetFileNameERKNS_4Base6StringE");
-//                     if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                             perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::GetFileName");
-//                             exit(0);
-//                     }
-//                     memcpy(&GetFileNamep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//                     probeBlockEnd();
-//             }
-//     ret = (File::(*GetFileNamep))(filePath);
-//return ret;
-//static bool File::IsEncrypted(const Tizen::Base::String &filePath) {
-//     typedef bool (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &filePath);
-//     static methodType IsEncryptedp = 0;
-//static bool File::IsFileExist(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
-//     typedef bool (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
-//     static methodType IsFileExistp = 0;
-//static result File::Move(const Tizen::Base::String& oldFilePath,
-//             const Tizen::Base::String& newFilePath) {
-//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& oldFilePath,
-//                     const Tizen::Base::String& newFilePath);
-//     static methodType Movep = 0;
-//static result File::Remove(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
-//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
-//     static methodType Removep = 0;
diff --git a/probe_badaapi/bada_lifecycle.cpp b/probe_badaapi/bada_lifecycle.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index c493fe4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (File::*c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- *
- */
-#include <app.h>
-#include <Ecore.h>
-#include <FApp.h>
-#include <FBase.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "osp_probe.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-extern "C"
-Ecore_Event_Handler* register_orientation_event_listener();
-void unregister_orientation_event_listener(Ecore_Event_Handler* handler);
-using namespace Tizen::Base;
-using namespace Tizen::Base::Collection;
-namespace Tizen { namespace App
-//class _IAppImpl
-//     virtual void OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation) = 0;
-class _AppImpl
-       static void OnTerminate(void* user_data);
-//     static void OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation, void* user_data);
-class _UiAppImpl
-//     : public Tizen::Base::Object
-//     , public _IAppImpl
-       void OnBackground(void);
-       void OnForeground(void);
-//     virtual void OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation);
-class _AppInfo
-       static void SetAppState(AppState appstate);
-result UiApp::Execute(UiAppInstanceFactory pUiAppFactory,
-               const IList* pArguments)
-       typedef result (*methodType)(UiAppInstanceFactory pFactory, const IList* pArgs);
-       static methodType uiapp_executep;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       int __attribute__((unused)) ret;
-       Ecore_Event_Handler* handler;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App5UiApp7ExecuteEPFPS1_vEPKNS_4Base10Collection5IListE,
-               LIBOSP_UIFW, uiapp_executep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       handler = register_orientation_event_listener();
-       if(gTraceInfo.exec_map.map_start == NULL)
-       {
-               get_map_address(CALLER_ADDRESS, &(gTraceInfo.exec_map.map_start),
-                                               &(gTraceInfo.exec_map.map_end));
-       }
-       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = uiapp_executep(pUiAppFactory, pArguments);
-       probeBlockStart();
-                         API_ID_result_UiApp__Execute_UiAppInstanceFactory_pUiAppFactory__const_IList__pArguments_,
-                         "pp", pUiAppFactory, pArguments);
-       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       unregister_orientation_event_listener(handler);
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-void _AppImpl::OnTerminate(void* user_data)
-       typedef void (*methodType)(void*);
-       static methodType appimpl_onterminatep;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App8_AppImpl11OnTerminateEPv, LIBOSP_APPFW, appimpl_onterminatep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                         API_ID_void__AppImpl__OnTerminate_void__user_data_,
-                         "p", user_data);
-       PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       appimpl_onterminatep(user_data);
-void _AppImpl::OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation, void* user_data)
-       typedef void (*methodType)(app_device_orientation_e, void*);
-       static methodType appimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App8_AppImpl26OnDeviceOrientationChangedE24app_device_orientation_ePv,
-                       LIBOSP_APPFW, appimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       on_orientation_changed((int)orientation, false);
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       appimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp(orientation, user_data);
-void _AppInfo::SetAppState(AppState appState)
-       typedef void (*methodType)(AppState appstate);
-       static methodType appinfo_setappstatep;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App8_AppInfo11SetAppStateENS0_8AppStateE, LIBOSP_APPFW, appinfo_setappstatep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(appState == RUNNING)
-       {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_void__AppInfo__SetAppState_AppState_appState_,
-                                 "p", appState);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       appinfo_setappstatep(appState);
-void _UiAppImpl::OnBackground(void)
-       typedef void (_UiAppImpl::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType uiappimpl_onbackgroundp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App10_UiAppImpl12OnBackgroundEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiappimpl_onbackgroundp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                         API_ID_void__UiAppImpl__OnBackground_void_,
-                         "", 0);
-       PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*uiappimpl_onbackgroundp)();
-void _UiAppImpl::OnForeground(void)
-       typedef void (_UiAppImpl::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType uiappimpl_onforegroundp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App10_UiAppImpl12OnForegroundEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiappimpl_onforegroundp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                         API_ID_void__UiAppImpl__OnForeground_void_,
-                         "", 0);
-       PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*uiappimpl_onforegroundp)();
-void _UiAppImpl::OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation)
-       typedef void (*methodType)(_UiAppImpl* th, app_device_orientation_e orientation);
-       static methodType uiappimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZThn4_N5Tizen3App10_UiAppImpl26OnDeviceOrientationChangedE24app_device_orientation_e,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, uiappimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       on_orientation_changed((int)orientation, false);
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       uiappimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp(static_cast<_UiAppImpl*>(dynamic_cast<_IAppImpl*>(this)), orientation);
-} }    // end of namespace
diff --git a/probe_badaapi/bada_sync.cpp b/probe_badaapi/bada_sync.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index c339002..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,945 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- *
- */
-#include <FBase.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_THREAD;
-namespace Tizen {
-namespace Base {
-namespace Runtime {
-result Mutex::Create(void) {
-       typedef result
-               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Createp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Createp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex6CreateEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Create");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Createp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Create_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MUTEX, SYNC_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Mutex::Create(const Tizen::Base::String& name) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Mutex::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& name);
-       static methodType Createp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!Createp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex6CreateERKNS0_6StringE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Create");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Createp)(name);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Create_const_Tizen__Base__String__name_,
-                                 "s", temp);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MUTEX, SYNC_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Mutex::Release(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Releasep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Releasep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex7ReleaseEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Release");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Releasep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Releasep)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Release_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MUTEX, SYNC_API_RELEASE);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Mutex::Acquire(void) {
-       typedef result
-               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Acquirep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Acquirep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex7AcquireEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Acquire");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Acquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Acquire_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MUTEX, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_START);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Acquirep)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Acquire_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MUTEX, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_END);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Mutex::TryToAcquire(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType TryToAcquirep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!TryToAcquirep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex12TryToAcquireEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::TryToAcquire");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&TryToAcquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*TryToAcquirep)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__TryToAcquire_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MUTEX, SYNC_API_TRY_ACQUIRE);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Semaphore::Create(int count) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Semaphore::*methodType)(int count);
-       static methodType Createp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Createp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore6CreateEi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Create");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Createp)(count);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Create_int_count_,
-                                 "d", count);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Semaphore::Create(const Tizen::Base::String& name, int count) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Semaphore::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& name, int count);
-       static methodType Createp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!Createp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore6CreateERKNS0_6StringEi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Create");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Createp)(name, count);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Create_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__int_count_,
-                                 "sd", temp, count);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Semaphore::Acquire(long timeout) {
-       typedef result
-               (Semaphore::*methodType)(long timeout);
-       static methodType Acquirep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Acquirep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore7AcquireEl");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Acquire");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Acquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Acquire_long_timeout_,
-                                 "x", timeout);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_START);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Acquirep)(timeout);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Acquire_long_timeout_,
-                                 "x", timeout);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_END);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Semaphore::TryToAcquire(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Semaphore::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType TryToAcquirep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!TryToAcquirep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore12TryToAcquireEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::TryToAcquire");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&TryToAcquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*TryToAcquirep)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__TryToAcquire_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_TRY_ACQUIRE);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Semaphore::Release(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Semaphore::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Releasep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Releasep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore7ReleaseEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Release");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Releasep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Releasep)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Release_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_RELEASE);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Monitor::Construct(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor9ConstructEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Construct_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Monitor::Enter(void) {
-       typedef result
-               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Enterp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Enterp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor5EnterEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Enter");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Enterp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Enter_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_START);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Enterp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Enter_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_END);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Monitor::Exit(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Exitp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Exitp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor4ExitEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Exit");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Exitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Exitp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                  API_ID_result_Monitor__Exit_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_RELEASE);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Monitor::Wait(void) {
-       typedef result
-               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Waitp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Waitp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor4WaitEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Wait");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Waitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Wait_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_COND_WAIT_START);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Waitp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Wait_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_COND_WAIT_END);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Monitor::Notify(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Notifyp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Notifyp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor6NotifyEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Notify");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Notifyp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Notifyp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Notify_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_NOTIFY);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Monitor::NotifyAll(void) {
-       typedef result 
-               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType NotifyAllp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!NotifyAllp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor9NotifyAllEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::NotifyAll");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&NotifyAllp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*NotifyAllp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__NotifyAll_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_OSP_MONITOR, SYNC_API_NOTIFY_ALL);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_badaapi/bada_thread.cpp b/probe_badaapi/bada_thread.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index d237838..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1515 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (Thread::*c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Yeongtaik Byeon <yeongtaik.byeon@samsung.com>
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- *
- */
-#include <FBase.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_THREAD;
-namespace Tizen {
-namespace Base {
-namespace Runtime {
-class _ThreadImpl {
-//     virtual result Stop(void);
-//     virtual result Finalize(void);
-       const Thread* GetThread(void) const;
-       static void* ThreadProc(void* pParam);
-//     Thread* _pThread;
-//const Thread*
-//_ThreadImpl::GetThread(void) const
-//     typedef const Thread*
-//     (_ThreadImpl::*methodType)(void) const;
-//     static methodType GetThreadp = 0;
-//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-//     log_t log;
-//     int blockresult;
-//     bool bfiltering = false;
-//     void *tmpPtr;
-//     if (!GetThreadp) {
-//             probeBlockStart();
-//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
-//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZNK5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl9GetThreadEv");
-//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::GetThreadp");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             memcpy(&GetThreadp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//             probeBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-//             preBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     //
-//     const Thread* ret = (this->*GetThreadp)();
-//     result res = GetLastResult();
-//     //
-//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-//             log.type = 0;
-//             log.length = 0;
-//             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
-//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "_ThreadImpl::GetThread", probeInfo.currentTime,
-//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
-//             //Input,ret
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,0x%x",ret);
-//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
-//                             "`,0`,%ld`,%d`,0`,%u`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", res,blockresult,
-//                             (unsigned int)CALLER_ADDRESS, (unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
-//             //callstack
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
-//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
-//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-//             postBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     return ret;
-_ThreadImpl::ThreadProc(void* params) {
-       typedef void*
-       (*methodType)(void*);
-       static methodType ThreadProcp = 0;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = false;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!ThreadProcp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl10ThreadProcEPv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::ThreadProc");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&ThreadProcp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               _ThreadImpl* pSelf =(_ThreadImpl*)params;
-               const Thread* pThread = NULL;
-               if(pSelf != null){
-                       pThread = pSelf->GetThread();
-               }
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_void___ThreadImpl__ThreadProc_void__params_,
-                                 "p", params);
-               PACK_COMMON_END((unsigned int)pSelf, 0, blockresult);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       // all probe should be reachable inside thread start_routine (user implemented Thread::Run)
-       probingEnd();
-       (ThreadProcp)(params);
-       probingStart();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               _ThreadImpl* pSelf =(_ThreadImpl*)params;
-               const Thread* pThread = NULL;
-               if(pSelf != null){
-                       pThread = pSelf->GetThread();
-               }
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_void___ThreadImpl__ThreadProc_void__params_,
-                                 "p", params);
-               PACK_COMMON_END((unsigned int)pSelf, 0, blockresult);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return null;
-//result _ThreadImpl::Stop(void) {
-//     typedef result
-//     (_ThreadImpl::*methodType)(void);
-//     static methodType Stopp = 0;
-//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-//     log_t log;
-//     int blockresult;
-//     bool bfiltering = true;
-//     void *tmpPtr;
-//     if (!Stopp) {
-//             probeBlockStart();
-//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
-//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl4StopEv");
-//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::Stopp");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             memcpy(&Stopp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//             probeBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-//             preBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     //
-//     result ret= (this->*Stopp)();
-//     //
-//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-//             log.type = 0;
-//             log.length = 0;
-//             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
-//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "_ThreadImpl::Stop", probeInfo.currentTime,
-//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
-//             //Input,ret
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,%ld", ret);
-//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
-//                             "`,0`,%ld`,%d`,0`,%u`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", ret, blockresult,
-//                             (unsigned int)CALLER_ADDRESS, (unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_CLOSE);
-//             //callstack
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
-//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
-//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-//             postBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     return ret;
-//result _ThreadImpl::Finalize(void) {
-//     typedef result
-//     (_ThreadImpl::*methodType)(void);
-//     static methodType Finalizep = 0;
-//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-//     log_t log;
-//     int blockresult;
-//     bool bfiltering = false;
-//     void *tmpPtr;
-//     if (!Finalizep) {
-//             probeBlockStart();
-//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
-//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl8FinalizeEv");
-//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::Finalizep");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             memcpy(&Finalizep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//             probeBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-//             preBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     //
-//     result ret= (this->*Finalizep)();
-//     //
-//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-//             log.type = 0;
-//             log.length = 0;
-//             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
-//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "_ThreadImpl::Finalize", probeInfo.currentTime,
-//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
-//             //Input,ret
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,%ld", ret);
-//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
-//                             "`,0`,%ld`,%d`,0`,%u`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", ret, blockresult,
-//                             (unsigned int)CALLER_ADDRESS, (unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_CLOSE);
-//             //callstack
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
-//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
-//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-//             postBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     return ret;
-//Thread::Thread(void) {
-//     typedef void (Thread::*methodType)();
-//     static methodType Threadp = 0;
-//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-//     log_t log;
-//     int blockresult;
-//     bool bfiltering = true;
-//     void *tmpPtr;
-//     if (!Threadp) {
-//             probeBlockStart();
-//             tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6ThreadC1Ev");
-//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                     log.type = 0;
-//                                                                                     log.length = 0;
-//                                                                                     log.data[0] = '\0';
-//                                                                                     log.length = sprintf(log.data,"dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Thread");
-//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Thread");
-//                     printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
-//                     return;
-//             }
-//             memcpy(&Threadp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//             probeBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-//             preBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     (this->*Threadp)();
-//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-//             log.type = 0;
-//             log.length = 0;
-//             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
-//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "Thread::Thread", probeInfo.currentTime,
-//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
-//             //Input,ret
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,");
-//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
-//                             "`,0`,0`,%d`,0`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", blockresult,
-//                             (unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OPEN);
-//             //callstack
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
-//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
-//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-//             postBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//Thread::~Thread(void) {
-//     typedef void (Thread::*methodType)();
-//     static methodType ThreadDp = 0;
-//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-//     log_t log;
-//     int blockresult;
-//     bool bfiltering = true;
-//     void *tmpPtr;
-//     if (!ThreadDp) {
-//             probeBlockStart();
-//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
-//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6ThreadD0Ev");
-//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::~Thread");
-//                     exit(0);
-//             }
-//             memcpy(&ThreadDp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//             probeBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-//             preBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     (this->*ThreadDp)();
-//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-//             log.type = 0;
-//             log.length = 0;
-//             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
-//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "Thread::~Thread", probeInfo.currentTime,
-//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
-//             //Input,ret
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,");
-//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
-//                             "`,0`,0`,%d`,0`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", blockresult,
-//                             (unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_CLOSE);
-//             //callstack
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
-//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
-//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-//             postBlockEnd();
-//     }
-result Thread::Sleep(long milliSeconds) {
-       typedef result
-       (*methodType)(long);
-       static methodType Sleepp = 0;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Sleepp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread5SleepEl");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Sleep");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Sleepp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               Thread *currentThread;
-               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Sleep_long_milliSeconds_,
-                                 "x", milliSeconds);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_WAIT_START);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       result ret = (Sleepp)(milliSeconds);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               Thread *currentThread;
-               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Yield_void_,
-                                 "x", milliSeconds);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_WAIT_END);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-Thread* Thread::GetCurrentThread(void) {
-       typedef Thread*
-               (*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType GetCurrentThreadp = 0;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!GetCurrentThreadp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread16GetCurrentThreadEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::GetCurrentThread");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&GetCurrentThreadp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       Thread *currentThread = (GetCurrentThreadp)();
-       result res = GetLastResult();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_Thread__Thread__GetCurrentThread_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END((unsigned int)currentThread, res, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return currentThread;
-result Thread::Yield(void) {
-       typedef result
-               (*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Yieldp = 0;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Yieldp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread5YieldEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Yield");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Yieldp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       result ret = (Yieldp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               Thread *currentThread;
-               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Yield_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Exit(int exitCode) {
-       typedef result
-               (*methodType)(int exitCode);
-       static methodType Exitp = 0;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Exitp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread4ExitEi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Exit");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Exitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               Thread *currentThread;
-               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Exit_int_exitCode_,
-                                 "d", exitCode);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_EXIT);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       result ret = (Exitp)(exitCode);
-       //
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Construct(ThreadType threadType, long stackSize,
-               ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(ThreadType threadType, long stackSize,
-                       ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr =
-                               dlsym(
-                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructENS1_10ThreadTypeElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(threadType, stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_ThreadType_threadType__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "dxd", threadType, stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Construct(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "xd", stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize,
-               ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize,
-                       ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr =
-                               dlsym(
-                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "sxd", temp, stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, ThreadType threadType,
-               long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, ThreadType threadType,
-                       long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr =
-                               dlsym(
-                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringENS1_10ThreadTypeElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, threadType, stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__ThreadType_threadType__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "sdxd", temp, threadType, stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Construct(IRunnable &target, long stackSize,
-               ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(IRunnable &target, long stackSize,
-                       ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr =
-                               dlsym(
-                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERNS1_9IRunnableElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(target, stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_IRunnable__target__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "xxd", (unsigned int) &target, stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, IRunnable &target,
-               long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, IRunnable &target,
-                       long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr =
-                               dlsym(
-                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringERNS1_9IRunnableElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, target, stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__IRunnable__target__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "sxxd", temp, (unsigned int) &target, stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::GetExitCode(int &exitCode) const {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(int &exitCode) const;
-       static methodType GetExitCodep = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-//     int exitOld = exitCode;
-       if (!GetExitCodep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                               "_ZNK5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread11GetExitCodeERi");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::GetExitCode");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&GetExitCodep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*GetExitCodep)(exitCode);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__GetExitCode_int__exitCode__const,
-                                 "d", exitCode);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-const Tizen::Base::String & Thread::GetName(void) const {
-       typedef const Tizen::Base::String &
-       (Thread::*methodType)(void) const;
-       static methodType GetNamep = 0;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!GetNamep) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZNK5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread7GetNameEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::GetName");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&GetNamep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       const Tizen::Base::String& ret = (this->*GetNamep)();
-       result res = GetLastResult();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp, ret.GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_const_Tizen__Base__String___Thread__GetName_void__const,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret.GetPointer(), res, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Join(void) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Joinp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Joinp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread4JoinEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Join");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Joinp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Join_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Joinp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Join_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_WAIT_END);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-//Tizen::Base::Object * Thread::Run(void) {
-//     typedef Tizen::Base::Object * (Thread::*methodType)(void);
-//     static methodType Runp = 0;
-//     Tizen::Base::Object * ret;
-//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-//     log_t log;
-//     int blockresult;
-//     bool bfiltering = true;
-//     void *tmpPtr;
-//     log.type = 0;
-//                             log.length = 0;
-//                             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//                             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "call Thread::Run");
-//                             printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
-//                             return null;
-//     if (!Runp) {
-//             probeBlockStart();
-//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
-//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-//                     log.type = 0;
-//                     log.length = 0;
-//                     log.data[0] = '\0';
-//                     log.length = sprintf(log.data, "dlopen failed :libosp-appfw.so");
-//                     printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
-//                     return null;
-//             }
-//             tmpPtr =
-//                             dlsym(
-//                                             RTLD_NEXT,
-//                                             "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread3RunEv");
-//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-//                     perror("dlsym failed : Thread::Run");
-//                     log.type = 0;
-//                     log.length = 0;
-//                     log.data[0] = '\0';
-//                     log.length = sprintf(log.data, "dlsym failed : Thread::Run");
-//                     printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
-//                     return null;
-//             }
-//             memcpy(&Runp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-//             probeBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-//             preBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     //
-//     ret = (this->*Runp)();
-//     //
-//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-//             log.type = 0;
-//             log.length = 0;
-//             log.data[0] = '\0';
-//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
-//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "Thread::Run",
-//                             probeInfo.currentTime, probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
-//             //Input,ret
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,0x%x",(unsigned int)ret;
-//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
-//                             "`,0`,0`,%d`,0`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", blockresult,
-//                             (unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
-//             //callstack
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
-//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
-//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
-//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-//             postBlockEnd();
-//     }
-//     return ret;
-result Thread::Start(void) {
-       typedef result (Thread::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Startp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Startp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread5StartEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Start");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Startp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Startp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Start_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_START);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result Thread::Stop(void) {
-       typedef result (Thread::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Stopp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Stopp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread4StopEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Stop");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Stopp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Stopp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Stop_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_OSPTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_STOP);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result EventDrivenThread::Construct(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime17EventDrivenThread9ConstructElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::EventDrivenThread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_EventDrivenThread__Construct_long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "xd", stackSize, priority);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result EventDrivenThread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize, 
-               ThreadPriority priority) {
-       typedef result
-       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize,
-                       ThreadPriority priority);
-       static methodType Constructp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       char temp[50];
-       if (!Constructp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr =
-                               dlsym(
-                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
-                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime17EventDrivenThread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::EventDrivenThread::Construct");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, stackSize, priority);
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_EventDrivenThread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
-                                 "sx", temp, stackSize);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
-result EventDrivenThread::Quit() {
-       typedef result (Thread::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType Quitp = 0;
-       result ret;
-       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
-       int blockresult;
-       bool bfiltering = true;
-       void *tmpPtr;
-       if (!Quitp) {
-               probeBlockStart();
-               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
-                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
-                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
-                               exit(0);
-                       }
-               }
-               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime17EventDrivenThread4QuitEv");
-               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::EventThread::Quit");
-                       exit(0);
-               }
-               memcpy(&Quitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
-               probeBlockEnd();
-       }
-       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               preBlockEnd();
-       }
-       //
-       ret = (this->*Quitp)();
-       //
-       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_result_EventDrivenThread__Quit__,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               postBlockEnd();
-       }
-       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_badaapi/osp_constructor.cpp b/probe_badaapi/osp_constructor.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 371bfca..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1164 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- *
- */
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "dacollection.h"
-#include "osp_probe.h"
-namespace Tizen { namespace Ui {
-class Control
-       Control(void);
-       ~Control(void);
-class CustomControlBase
-       CustomControlBase(void);
-class Container
-       Container(void);
-class Window
-       Window(void);
-       typedef void (Control::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType control_controlp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7ControlC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, control_controlp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Control");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*control_controlp)();
-       typedef void (Control::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType control__controlvoidp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7ControlD2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, control__controlvoidp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       del_object_hash(static_cast<void*>(this));
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*control__controlvoidp)();
-       typedef void (CustomControlBase::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType customcontrolbase_customcontrolbasep;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui17CustomControlBaseC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, customcontrolbase_customcontrolbasep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "CustomControlBase");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*customcontrolbase_customcontrolbasep)();
-       typedef void (Container::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType container_containerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9ContainerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_containerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Container");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*container_containerp)();
-       typedef void (Window::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType window_windowp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui6WindowC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, window_windowp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Window");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*window_windowp)();
-namespace Controls {
-class Animation
-       Animation(void);
-class Button
-       Button(void);
-class CheckButton
-       CheckButton(void);
-class ColorPicker
-       ColorPicker(void);
-class CustomList
-       CustomList(void);
-class EditArea
-       EditArea(void);
-class EditDate
-       EditDate(void);
-class EditField
-       EditField(void);
-class EditTime
-       EditTime(void);
-class ExpandableEditArea
-       ExpandableEditArea(void);
-class ExpandableList
-       ExpandableList(void);
-class Footer
-       Footer(void);
-class Gallery
-       Gallery(void);
-class GroupedList
-       GroupedList(void);
-class GroupedListView
-       GroupedListView(void);
-class Header
-       Header(void);
-class IconList
-       IconList(void);
-class IconListView
-       IconListView(void);
-class Label
-       Label(void);
-class List
-       List(void);
-class ListView
-       ListView(void);
-class Progress
-       Progress(void);
-class RadioGroup
-       RadioGroup(void);
-class SearchBar
-       SearchBar(void);
-class SlidableGroupedList
-       SlidableGroupedList(void);
-class SlidableList
-       SlidableList(void);
-class Slider
-       Slider(void);
-class SplitPanel
-       SplitPanel(void);
-class Tab
-       Tab(void);
-class TabBar
-       TabBar(void);
-class TextBox
-       TextBox(void);
-class Form
-       Form(void);
-class GroupedTableView
-       GroupedTableView(void);
-class Panel
-       Panel(void);
-class OverlayPanel
-       OverlayPanel(void);
-class ScrollPanel
-       ScrollPanel(void);
-class SectionTableView
-       SectionTableView(void);
-class TableView
-       TableView(void);
-class TableViewItemBase
-       TableViewItemBase(void);
-class TableViewContextItem
-       TableViewContextItem(void);
-class TableViewGroupItem
-       TableViewGroupItem(void);
-class TableViewItem
-       TableViewItem(void);
-class TableViewSimpleGroupItem
-       TableViewSimpleGroupItem(void);
-class TableViewSimpleItem
-       TableViewSimpleItem(void);
-class ContextMenu
-       ContextMenu(void);
-class DatePicker
-       DatePicker(void);
-class DateTimePicker
-       DateTimePicker(void);
-class Frame
-       Frame(void);
-class Keypad
-       Keypad(void);
-class MessageBox
-       MessageBox(void);
-class OptionMenu
-       OptionMenu(void);
-class Popup
-       Popup(void);
-class TimePicker
-       TimePicker(void);
-       typedef void (Animation::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType animation_animationp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9AnimationC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, animation_animationp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Animation");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*animation_animationp)();
-       typedef void (Button::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType button_buttonp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6ButtonC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, button_buttonp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Button");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*button_buttonp)();
-       typedef void (CheckButton::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType checkbutton_checkbuttonp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11CheckButtonC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, checkbutton_checkbuttonp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "CheckButton");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*checkbutton_checkbuttonp)();
-       typedef void (ColorPicker::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType colorpicker_colorpickerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11ColorPickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, colorpicker_colorpickerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ColorPicker");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*colorpicker_colorpickerp)();
-       typedef void (CustomList::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType customlist_customlistp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10CustomListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, customlist_customlistp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "CustomList");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*customlist_customlistp)();
-       typedef void (EditArea::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType editarea_editareap;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8EditAreaC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, editarea_editareap);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditArea");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*editarea_editareap)();
-       typedef void (EditDate::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType editdate_editdatep;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8EditDateC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, editdate_editdatep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditDate");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*editdate_editdatep)();
-       typedef void (EditField::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType editfield_editfieldp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9EditFieldC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, editfield_editfieldp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditField");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*editfield_editfieldp)();
-       typedef void (EditTime::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType edittime_edittimep;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8EditTimeC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, edittime_edittimep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditTime");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*edittime_edittimep)();
-       typedef void (ExpandableEditArea::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType expandableeditarea_expandableeditareap;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls18ExpandableEditAreaC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, expandableeditarea_expandableeditareap);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ExpandableEditArea");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*expandableeditarea_expandableeditareap)();
-       typedef void (ExpandableList::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType expandablelist_expandablelistp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls14ExpandableListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, expandablelist_expandablelistp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ExpandableList");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*expandablelist_expandablelistp)();
-       typedef void (Footer::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType footer_footerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6FooterC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, footer_footerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Footer");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*footer_footerp)();
-       typedef void (Gallery::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType gallery_galleryp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls7GalleryC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, gallery_galleryp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Gallery");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*gallery_galleryp)();
-       typedef void (GroupedList::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType groupedlist_groupedlistp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11GroupedListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, groupedlist_groupedlistp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "GroupedList");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*groupedlist_groupedlistp)();
-       typedef void (GroupedListView::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType groupedlistview_groupedlistviewp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls15GroupedListViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, groupedlistview_groupedlistviewp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "GroupedListView");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*groupedlistview_groupedlistviewp)();
-       typedef void (Header::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType header_headerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6HeaderC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, header_headerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Header");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*header_headerp)();
-       typedef void (IconList::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType iconlist_iconlistp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8IconListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, iconlist_iconlistp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "IconList");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*iconlist_iconlistp)();
-       typedef void (IconListView::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType iconlistview_iconlistviewp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls12IconListViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, iconlistview_iconlistviewp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "IconListView");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*iconlistview_iconlistviewp)();
-       typedef void (Label::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType label_labelp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5LabelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, label_labelp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Label");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*label_labelp)();
-       typedef void (List::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType list_listp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls4ListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, list_listp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "List");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*list_listp)();
-       typedef void (ListView::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType listview_listviewp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8ListViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, listview_listviewp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ListView");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*listview_listviewp)();
-       typedef void (Progress::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType progress_progressp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8ProgressC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, progress_progressp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Progress");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*progress_progressp)();
-       typedef void (RadioGroup::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType radiogroup_radiogroupp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10RadioGroupC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, radiogroup_radiogroupp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "RadioGroup");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*radiogroup_radiogroupp)();
-       typedef void (SearchBar::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType searchbar_searchbarp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9SearchBarC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, searchbar_searchbarp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SearchBar");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*searchbar_searchbarp)();
-       typedef void (SlidableGroupedList::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType slidablegroupedlist_slidablegroupedlistp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls19SlidableGroupedListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, slidablegroupedlist_slidablegroupedlistp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SlidableGroupedList");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*slidablegroupedlist_slidablegroupedlistp)();
-       typedef void (SlidableList::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType slidablelist_slidablelistp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls12SlidableListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, slidablelist_slidablelistp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SlidableList");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*slidablelist_slidablelistp)();
-       typedef void (Slider::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType slider_sliderp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6SliderC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, slider_sliderp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Slider");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*slider_sliderp)();
-       typedef void (SplitPanel::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType splitpanel_splitpanelp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10SplitPanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, splitpanel_splitpanelp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SplitPanel");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*splitpanel_splitpanelp)();
-       typedef void (Tab::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tab_tabp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls3TabC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tab_tabp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Tab");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tab_tabp)();
-       typedef void (TabBar::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tabbar_tabbarp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6TabBarC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tabbar_tabbarp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TabBar");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tabbar_tabbarp)();
-       typedef void (TextBox::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType textbox_textboxp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls7TextBoxC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, textbox_textboxp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TextBox");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*textbox_textboxp)();
-       typedef void (Form::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType form_formp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls4FormC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, form_formp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Form");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*form_formp)();
-       typedef void (GroupedTableView::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType groupedtableview_groupedtableviewp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls16GroupedTableViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, groupedtableview_groupedtableviewp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "GroupedTableView");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*groupedtableview_groupedtableviewp)();
-       typedef void (Panel::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType panel_panelp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5PanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, panel_panelp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Panel");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*panel_panelp)();
-       typedef void (OverlayPanel::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType overlaypanel_overlaypanelp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls12OverlayPanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, overlaypanel_overlaypanelp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "OverlayPanel");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*overlaypanel_overlaypanelp)();
-       typedef void (ScrollPanel::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType scrollpanel_scrollpanelp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11ScrollPanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, scrollpanel_scrollpanelp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ScrollPanel");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*scrollpanel_scrollpanelp)();
-       typedef void (SectionTableView::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType sectiontableview_sectiontableviewp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls16SectionTableViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, sectiontableview_sectiontableviewp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SectionTableView");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*sectiontableview_sectiontableviewp)();
-       typedef void (TableView::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableview_tableviewp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9TableViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableview_tableviewp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableView");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableview_tableviewp)();
-       typedef void (TableViewItemBase::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableviewitembase_tableviewitembasep;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls17TableViewItemBaseC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewitembase_tableviewitembasep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewItemBase");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableviewitembase_tableviewitembasep)();
-       typedef void (TableViewContextItem::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableviewcontextitem_tableviewcontextitemp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls20TableViewContextItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewcontextitem_tableviewcontextitemp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewContextItem");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableviewcontextitem_tableviewcontextitemp)();
-       typedef void (TableViewGroupItem::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableviewgroupitem_tableviewgroupitemp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls18TableViewGroupItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewgroupitem_tableviewgroupitemp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewGroupItem");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableviewgroupitem_tableviewgroupitemp)();
-       typedef void (TableViewItem::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableviewitem_tableviewitemp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls13TableViewItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewitem_tableviewitemp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewItem");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableviewitem_tableviewitemp)();
-       typedef void (TableViewSimpleGroupItem::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableviewsimplegroupitem_tableviewsimplegroupitemp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls24TableViewSimpleGroupItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewsimplegroupitem_tableviewsimplegroupitemp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewSimpleGroupItem");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableviewsimplegroupitem_tableviewsimplegroupitemp)();
-       typedef void (TableViewSimpleItem::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType tableviewsimpleitem_tableviewsimpleitemp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls19TableViewSimpleItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewsimpleitem_tableviewsimpleitemp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewSimpleItem");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*tableviewsimpleitem_tableviewsimpleitemp)();
-       typedef void (ContextMenu::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType contextmenu_contextmenup;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11ContextMenuC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, contextmenu_contextmenup);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ContextMenu");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*contextmenu_contextmenup)();
-       typedef void (DatePicker::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType datepicker_datepickerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10DatePickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, datepicker_datepickerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "DatePicker");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*datepicker_datepickerp)();
-       typedef void (DateTimePicker::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType datetimepicker_datetimepickerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls14DateTimePickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, datetimepicker_datetimepickerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "DateTimePicker");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*datetimepicker_datetimepickerp)();
-       typedef void (Frame::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType frame_framep;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5FrameC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, frame_framep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Frame");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*frame_framep)();
-       typedef void (Keypad::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType keypad_keypadp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6KeypadC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, keypad_keypadp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Keypad");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*keypad_keypadp)();
-       typedef void (MessageBox::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType messagebox_messageboxp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10MessageBoxC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, messagebox_messageboxp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "MessageBox");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*messagebox_messageboxp)();
-       typedef void (OptionMenu::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType optionmenu_optionmenup;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10OptionMenuC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, optionmenu_optionmenup);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "OptionMenu");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*optionmenu_optionmenup)();
-       typedef void (Popup::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType popup_popupp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5PopupC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, popup_popupp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Popup");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*popup_popupp)();
-       typedef void (TimePicker::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType timepicker_timepickerp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10TimePickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, timepicker_timepickerp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TimePicker");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*timepicker_timepickerp)();
-}              // end of namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls
-} }            // end of namespace Tizen::Ui
-namespace Tizen { namespace Web { namespace Controls {
-class Web
-       Web(void);
-       typedef void (Web::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType web_webp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3Web8Controls3WebC2Ev, LIBOSP_WEB, web_webp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Web");
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*web_webp)();
-} } }  // end of namespace Tizen::Web::Controls
diff --git a/probe_badaapi/osp_controls.cpp b/probe_badaapi/osp_controls.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 41a8661..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- *
- */
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <FApp.h>
-#include <FUi.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dacollection.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "osp_probe.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-using namespace Tizen::Ui;
-using namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls;
-using namespace Tizen::Ui::Animations;
-extern IFrameAnimatorEventListener& GetFrameAnimatorEventListener();
-bool IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener = false;
-namespace Tizen { namespace App {
-result UiApp::AddFrame(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame& frame)
-       typedef result (UiApp::*methodType)(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame& frame);
-       static methodType uiapp_addframep;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App5UiApp8AddFrameERKNS_2Ui8Controls5FrameE, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiapp_addframep);
-       ret = (this->*uiapp_addframep)(frame);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(ret == E_SUCCESS)
-       {
-               frame.IsInTouchMode();
-               if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
-               {
-                       Control* parent = NULL;
-                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                         API_ID_result_UiApp__AddFrame_const_Tizen__Ui__Controls__Frame__frame_,
-                                         "p", &frame);
-                       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
-                       PACK_UICONTROL(parent);
-                       PACK_UICONTROL(&frame);
-                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result UiApp::RemoveFrame(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame &frame)
-       typedef result (UiApp::*methodType)(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame& frame);
-       static methodType uiapp_removeframep;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       bool bOption;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen3App5UiApp11RemoveFrameERKNS_2Ui8Controls5FrameE, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiapp_removeframep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       frame.IsInTouchMode();
-       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
-       {
-               Control* parent = NULL;
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                                 API_ID_result_UiApp__RemoveFrame_const_Tizen__Ui__Controls__Frame__frame_,
-                                 "p", &frame);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(parent);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(&frame);
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*uiapp_removeframep)(frame);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(bOption)
-       {
-               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
-       }
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-} }            // end of namespce Tizen::App
-namespace Tizen { namespace Ui {
-bool Control::IsInTouchMode(void) const
-       typedef bool (Control::*methodType)(void) const;
-       static methodType control_isintouchmodep;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZNK5Tizen2Ui7Control13IsInTouchModeEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, control_isintouchmodep);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       add_object_hash_class((void*)(this), typeid(*this).name());
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return (this->*control_isintouchmodep)();
-void Control::SetName(const Tizen::Base::String &name)
-       typedef void (Control::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name);
-       static methodType control_setnamep;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7Control7SetNameERKNS_4Base6StringE, LIBOSP_UIFW, control_setnamep);
-       (this->*control_setnamep)(name);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       IsInTouchMode();
-       if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
-       {
-               Control* parent = NULL;
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_void_Control__SetName_const_Tizen__Base__String__name_,
-                                 "p", &name);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(parent);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-result Container::AddControl(const Control &control)
-       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(const Control &control);
-       static methodType container_addcontrolp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container10AddControlERKNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_addcontrolp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(unlikely(IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener == false))
-       {
-               char *type = NULL, *classname = NULL;
-               if(likely(find_object_hash((void*)this, &type, &classname) == 1))       // there is entry in object hash
-               {
-                       if(strcmp(type, "Frame") == 0)
-                       {
-                               FrameAnimator* fa = ((Frame*)this)->GetFrameAnimator();
-                               if(fa != NULL)
-                               {
-                                       fa->AddFrameAnimatorEventListener(GetFrameAnimatorEventListener());
-                                       IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener = true;
-                               }
-                               else    // frame is not yet constructed
-                               {
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*container_addcontrolp)(control);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(ret == E_SUCCESS)
-       {
-               IsInTouchMode();
-               control.IsInTouchMode();
-               if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
-               {
-                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                         API_ID_result_Container__AddControl_const_Control__control_,
-                                         "p", &control);
-                       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
-                       PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-                       PACK_UICONTROL(&control);
-                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result Container::AddControl(Control* control)
-       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(Control* control);
-       static methodType container_addcontrolp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container10AddControlEPNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_addcontrolp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(unlikely(IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener == false))
-       {
-               char *type = NULL, *classname = NULL;
-               if(likely(find_object_hash((void*)this, &type, &classname) == 1))       // there is entry in object hash
-               {
-                       if(strcmp(type, "Frame") == 0)
-                       {
-                               FrameAnimator* fa = ((Frame*)this)->GetFrameAnimator();
-                               if(fa != NULL)
-                               {
-                                       fa->AddFrameAnimatorEventListener(GetFrameAnimatorEventListener());
-                                       IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener = true;
-                               }
-                               else    // frame is not yet constructed
-                               {
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*container_addcontrolp)(control);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(ret == E_SUCCESS)
-       {
-               IsInTouchMode();
-               control->IsInTouchMode();
-               if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
-               {
-                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                         API_ID_result_Container__AddControl_Control__control_,
-                                         "p", control);
-                       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
-                       PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-                       PACK_UICONTROL(control);
-                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result Container::RemoveControl(const Control &control)
-       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(const Control &control);
-       static methodType container_removecontrolp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       bool bOption;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container13RemoveControlERKNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removecontrolp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       control.IsInTouchMode();
-       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
-       {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                                 API_ID_result_Container__RemoveControl_const_Control__control_,
-                                 "p", &control);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(&control);
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*container_removecontrolp)(control);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(bOption)
-       {
-               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
-       }
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();      
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result Container::RemoveControl(Control* control)
-       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(Control* control);
-       static methodType container_removecontrolp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       bool bOption;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container13RemoveControlEPNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removecontrolp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       control->IsInTouchMode();
-       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
-       {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                                 API_ID_result_Container__RemoveControl_Control__control_,
-                                 "p", control);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(control);
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*container_removecontrolp)(control);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(bOption)
-       {
-               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
-       }
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();      
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result Container::RemoveControl(int index)
-       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(int index);
-       static methodType container_removecontrolip;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       result ret;
-       bool bOption;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container13RemoveControlEi, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removecontrolip);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       Control* pcontrol = GetControl(index);
-       pcontrol->IsInTouchMode();
-       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
-       {
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                                 API_ID_result_Container__RemoveControl_int_index_,
-                                 "d", index);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(pcontrol);
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*container_removecontrolip)(index);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(bOption)
-       {
-               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
-       }
-       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-void Container::RemoveAllControls(void)
-       typedef void (Container::*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType container_removeallcontrolp;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container17RemoveAllControlsEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removeallcontrolp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
-       {
-               Control* pcontrol = NULL;
-               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                                 API_ID_void_Container__RemoveAllControls_void_,
-                                 "", 0);
-               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
-               PACK_UICONTROL(pcontrol);
-               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*container_removeallcontrolp)();
-} }    // end of namespace Tizen::Ui
diff --git a/probe_capi/capi_appfw.c b/probe_capi/capi_appfw.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e5369ae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact: 
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ * 
+ */
+#include <app.h>
+#include <Ecore.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "probeinfo.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+Ecore_Event_Handler* register_orientation_event_listener();
+void unregister_orientation_event_listener(Ecore_Event_Handler* handler);
+app_event_callback_s gAppCallback;
+       newerrno = errno;                                                                                                                                               \
+       do {                                                                                                                                                                    \
+               if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {                                                                                                       \
+                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();                                                                                                                    \
+                       PACK_COMMON_END(RVAL, newerrno, blockresult);                                                                   \
+                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();                                                                                                                              \
+                       postBlockEnd();                                                                                                                                 \
+               }                                                                                                                                                                       \
+       } while(0);                                                                                                                                                             \
+       errno = (newerrno != 0) ? newerrno : olderrno
+static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_ALWAYSON;
+static bool _dalc_app_create(void* user_data)
+       bool bret;
+       bfiltering = false;
+       bret = gAppCallback.create(user_data);
+       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_create, bret, "p", user_data);
+       return bret;
+static void _dalc_app_terminate(void* user_data)
+       bfiltering = false;
+       gAppCallback.terminate(user_data);
+       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_terminate, 0, "p", user_data);
+static void _dalc_app_pause(void* user_data)
+       bfiltering = false;
+       gAppCallback.pause(user_data);
+       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_pause, 0, "p", user_data);
+static void _dalc_app_resume(void* user_data)
+       bfiltering = false;
+       gAppCallback.resume(user_data);
+       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_resume, 0, "p", user_data);
+static void _dalc_app_service(service_h service, void* user_data)
+       bfiltering = false;
+       gAppCallback.service(service, user_data);
+       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_service, 0, "dp", (unsigned int)service, user_data);
+static void _dalc_app_deviceorientationchanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation, void* user_data)
+       on_orientation_changed((int)orientation, true);
+       if(gAppCallback.device_orientation)
+               gAppCallback.device_orientation(orientation, user_data);
+int app_efl_main(int *argc, char ***argv, app_event_callback_s *callback, void *user_data)
+       static int (*app_efl_mainp)(int* argc, char*** argv, app_event_callback_s* callback, void* user_data);
+       Ecore_Event_Handler* handler;
+       int ret;
+       probeBlockStart();
+       handler = register_orientation_event_listener();
+       gAppCallback.create = callback->create;
+       gAppCallback.terminate = callback->terminate;
+       gAppCallback.pause = callback->pause;
+       gAppCallback.resume = callback->resume;
+       gAppCallback.service = callback->service;
+       gAppCallback.device_orientation = callback->device_orientation;
+       if(callback->create)
+               callback->create = _dalc_app_create;
+       if(callback->terminate)
+               callback->terminate = _dalc_app_terminate;
+       if(callback->pause)
+               callback->pause = _dalc_app_pause;
+       if(callback->resume)
+               callback->resume = _dalc_app_resume;
+       if(callback->service)
+               callback->service = _dalc_app_service;
+       callback->device_orientation = _dalc_app_deviceorientationchanged;
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = app_efl_mainp(argc, argv, callback, user_data);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       unregister_orientation_event_listener(handler);
+       callback->create = gAppCallback.create;
+       callback->terminate = gAppCallback.terminate;
+       callback->pause = gAppCallback.pause;
+       callback->resume = gAppCallback.resume;
+       callback->service = gAppCallback.service;
+       callback->device_orientation = gAppCallback.device_orientation;
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
index 4da7a3c212d2064526720b0d70d08cbe096c3d14..c5cc4a284777c0633ef2a6ab0cd1d143c33c2ed0 100755 (executable)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 #include "daprobe.h"
 #include "dahelper.h"
 #include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "osp_probe.h"
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
 #include "dacollection.h"
 #include "da_event.h"
 #include "gesture.h"
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ result TouchFlickGestureDetector::AddFlickGestureEventListener(ITouchFlickGestur
        static methodType addflickgestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui25TouchFlickGestureDetector28AddFlickGestureEventListenerERNS0_31ITouchFlickGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui25TouchFlickGestureDetector28AddFlickGestureEventListenerERNS0_31ITouchFlickGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addflickgestureeventlistenerp);
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ result TouchLongPressGestureDetector::AddLongPressGestureEventListener(ITouchLon
        static methodType addlongpressgestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui29TouchLongPressGestureDetector32AddLongPressGestureEventListenerERNS0_35ITouchLongPressGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui29TouchLongPressGestureDetector32AddLongPressGestureEventListenerERNS0_35ITouchLongPressGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addlongpressgestureeventlistenerp);
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ result TouchPanningGestureDetector::AddPanningGestureEventListener(ITouchPanning
        static methodType addpanninggestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui27TouchPanningGestureDetector30AddPanningGestureEventListenerERNS0_33ITouchPanningGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui27TouchPanningGestureDetector30AddPanningGestureEventListenerERNS0_33ITouchPanningGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addpanninggestureeventlistenerp);
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ result TouchPinchGestureDetector::AddPinchGestureEventListener(ITouchPinchGestur
        static methodType addpinchgestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui25TouchPinchGestureDetector28AddPinchGestureEventListenerERNS0_31ITouchPinchGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui25TouchPinchGestureDetector28AddPinchGestureEventListenerERNS0_31ITouchPinchGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addpinchgestureeventlistenerp);
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ result TouchRotationGestureDetector::AddRotationGestureEventListener(ITouchRotat
        static methodType addrotationgestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui28TouchRotationGestureDetector31AddRotationGestureEventListenerERNS0_34ITouchRotationGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui28TouchRotationGestureDetector31AddRotationGestureEventListenerERNS0_34ITouchRotationGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addrotationgestureeventlistenerp);
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ result TouchTapGestureDetector::AddTapGestureEventListener(ITouchTapGestureEvent
        static methodType addtapgestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui23TouchTapGestureDetector26AddTapGestureEventListenerERNS0_29ITouchTapGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui23TouchTapGestureDetector26AddTapGestureEventListenerERNS0_29ITouchTapGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addtapgestureeventlistenerp);
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ result TouchGestureDetector::AddGestureEventListener(ITouchGestureEventListener&
        static methodType addgestureeventlistenerp;
        result iret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui20TouchGestureDetector23AddGestureEventListenerERNS0_26ITouchGestureEventListenerE,
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui20TouchGestureDetector23AddGestureEventListenerERNS0_26ITouchGestureEventListenerE,
                        LIBOSP_UIFW, addgestureeventlistenerp);
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_appfw.c b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_appfw.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e5369ae..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact: 
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- * 
- */
-#include <app.h>
-#include <Ecore.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-Ecore_Event_Handler* register_orientation_event_listener();
-void unregister_orientation_event_listener(Ecore_Event_Handler* handler);
-app_event_callback_s gAppCallback;
-       newerrno = errno;                                                                                                                                               \
-       do {                                                                                                                                                                    \
-               if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {                                                                                                       \
-                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();                                                                                                                    \
-                       PACK_COMMON_END(RVAL, newerrno, blockresult);                                                                   \
-                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();                                                                                                                              \
-                       postBlockEnd();                                                                                                                                 \
-               }                                                                                                                                                                       \
-       } while(0);                                                                                                                                                             \
-       errno = (newerrno != 0) ? newerrno : olderrno
-static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_ALWAYSON;
-static bool _dalc_app_create(void* user_data)
-       bool bret;
-       bfiltering = false;
-       bret = gAppCallback.create(user_data);
-       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_create, bret, "p", user_data);
-       return bret;
-static void _dalc_app_terminate(void* user_data)
-       bfiltering = false;
-       gAppCallback.terminate(user_data);
-       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_terminate, 0, "p", user_data);
-static void _dalc_app_pause(void* user_data)
-       bfiltering = false;
-       gAppCallback.pause(user_data);
-       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_pause, 0, "p", user_data);
-static void _dalc_app_resume(void* user_data)
-       bfiltering = false;
-       gAppCallback.resume(user_data);
-       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_resume, 0, "p", user_data);
-static void _dalc_app_service(service_h service, void* user_data)
-       bfiltering = false;
-       gAppCallback.service(service, user_data);
-       PACK_ORIGINAL_APPFWCYCLE(API_ID__dalc_app_service, 0, "dp", (unsigned int)service, user_data);
-static void _dalc_app_deviceorientationchanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation, void* user_data)
-       on_orientation_changed((int)orientation, true);
-       if(gAppCallback.device_orientation)
-               gAppCallback.device_orientation(orientation, user_data);
-int app_efl_main(int *argc, char ***argv, app_event_callback_s *callback, void *user_data)
-       static int (*app_efl_mainp)(int* argc, char*** argv, app_event_callback_s* callback, void* user_data);
-       Ecore_Event_Handler* handler;
-       int ret;
-       probeBlockStart();
-       handler = register_orientation_event_listener();
-       gAppCallback.create = callback->create;
-       gAppCallback.terminate = callback->terminate;
-       gAppCallback.pause = callback->pause;
-       gAppCallback.resume = callback->resume;
-       gAppCallback.service = callback->service;
-       gAppCallback.device_orientation = callback->device_orientation;
-       if(callback->create)
-               callback->create = _dalc_app_create;
-       if(callback->terminate)
-               callback->terminate = _dalc_app_terminate;
-       if(callback->pause)
-               callback->pause = _dalc_app_pause;
-       if(callback->resume)
-               callback->resume = _dalc_app_resume;
-       if(callback->service)
-               callback->service = _dalc_app_service;
-       callback->device_orientation = _dalc_app_deviceorientationchanged;
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = app_efl_mainp(argc, argv, callback, user_data);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       unregister_orientation_event_listener(handler);
-       callback->create = gAppCallback.create;
-       callback->terminate = gAppCallback.terminate;
-       callback->pause = gAppCallback.pause;
-       callback->resume = gAppCallback.resume;
-       callback->service = gAppCallback.service;
-       callback->device_orientation = gAppCallback.device_orientation;
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_constructor.cpp b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_constructor.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..efbea65
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ *
+ */
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "dacollection.h"
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
+namespace Tizen { namespace Ui {
+class Control
+       Control(void);
+       ~Control(void);
+class CustomControlBase
+       CustomControlBase(void);
+class Container
+       Container(void);
+class Window
+       Window(void);
+       typedef void (Control::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType control_controlp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7ControlC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, control_controlp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Control");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*control_controlp)();
+       typedef void (Control::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType control__controlvoidp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7ControlD2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, control__controlvoidp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       del_object_hash(static_cast<void*>(this));
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*control__controlvoidp)();
+       typedef void (CustomControlBase::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType customcontrolbase_customcontrolbasep;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui17CustomControlBaseC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, customcontrolbase_customcontrolbasep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "CustomControlBase");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*customcontrolbase_customcontrolbasep)();
+       typedef void (Container::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType container_containerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9ContainerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_containerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Container");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*container_containerp)();
+       typedef void (Window::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType window_windowp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui6WindowC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, window_windowp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Window");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*window_windowp)();
+namespace Controls {
+class Animation
+       Animation(void);
+class Button
+       Button(void);
+class CheckButton
+       CheckButton(void);
+class ColorPicker
+       ColorPicker(void);
+class CustomList
+       CustomList(void);
+class EditArea
+       EditArea(void);
+class EditDate
+       EditDate(void);
+class EditField
+       EditField(void);
+class EditTime
+       EditTime(void);
+class ExpandableEditArea
+       ExpandableEditArea(void);
+class ExpandableList
+       ExpandableList(void);
+class Footer
+       Footer(void);
+class Gallery
+       Gallery(void);
+class GroupedList
+       GroupedList(void);
+class GroupedListView
+       GroupedListView(void);
+class Header
+       Header(void);
+class IconList
+       IconList(void);
+class IconListView
+       IconListView(void);
+class Label
+       Label(void);
+class List
+       List(void);
+class ListView
+       ListView(void);
+class Progress
+       Progress(void);
+class RadioGroup
+       RadioGroup(void);
+class SearchBar
+       SearchBar(void);
+class SlidableGroupedList
+       SlidableGroupedList(void);
+class SlidableList
+       SlidableList(void);
+class Slider
+       Slider(void);
+class SplitPanel
+       SplitPanel(void);
+class Tab
+       Tab(void);
+class TabBar
+       TabBar(void);
+class TextBox
+       TextBox(void);
+class Form
+       Form(void);
+class GroupedTableView
+       GroupedTableView(void);
+class Panel
+       Panel(void);
+class OverlayPanel
+       OverlayPanel(void);
+class ScrollPanel
+       ScrollPanel(void);
+class SectionTableView
+       SectionTableView(void);
+class TableView
+       TableView(void);
+class TableViewItemBase
+       TableViewItemBase(void);
+class TableViewContextItem
+       TableViewContextItem(void);
+class TableViewGroupItem
+       TableViewGroupItem(void);
+class TableViewItem
+       TableViewItem(void);
+class TableViewSimpleGroupItem
+       TableViewSimpleGroupItem(void);
+class TableViewSimpleItem
+       TableViewSimpleItem(void);
+class ContextMenu
+       ContextMenu(void);
+class DatePicker
+       DatePicker(void);
+class DateTimePicker
+       DateTimePicker(void);
+class Frame
+       Frame(void);
+class Keypad
+       Keypad(void);
+class MessageBox
+       MessageBox(void);
+class OptionMenu
+       OptionMenu(void);
+class Popup
+       Popup(void);
+class TimePicker
+       TimePicker(void);
+       typedef void (Animation::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType animation_animationp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9AnimationC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, animation_animationp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Animation");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*animation_animationp)();
+       typedef void (Button::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType button_buttonp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6ButtonC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, button_buttonp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Button");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*button_buttonp)();
+       typedef void (CheckButton::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType checkbutton_checkbuttonp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11CheckButtonC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, checkbutton_checkbuttonp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "CheckButton");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*checkbutton_checkbuttonp)();
+       typedef void (ColorPicker::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType colorpicker_colorpickerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11ColorPickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, colorpicker_colorpickerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ColorPicker");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*colorpicker_colorpickerp)();
+       typedef void (CustomList::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType customlist_customlistp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10CustomListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, customlist_customlistp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "CustomList");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*customlist_customlistp)();
+       typedef void (EditArea::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType editarea_editareap;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8EditAreaC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, editarea_editareap);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditArea");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*editarea_editareap)();
+       typedef void (EditDate::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType editdate_editdatep;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8EditDateC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, editdate_editdatep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditDate");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*editdate_editdatep)();
+       typedef void (EditField::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType editfield_editfieldp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9EditFieldC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, editfield_editfieldp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditField");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*editfield_editfieldp)();
+       typedef void (EditTime::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType edittime_edittimep;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8EditTimeC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, edittime_edittimep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "EditTime");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*edittime_edittimep)();
+       typedef void (ExpandableEditArea::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType expandableeditarea_expandableeditareap;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls18ExpandableEditAreaC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, expandableeditarea_expandableeditareap);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ExpandableEditArea");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*expandableeditarea_expandableeditareap)();
+       typedef void (ExpandableList::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType expandablelist_expandablelistp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls14ExpandableListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, expandablelist_expandablelistp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ExpandableList");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*expandablelist_expandablelistp)();
+       typedef void (Footer::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType footer_footerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6FooterC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, footer_footerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Footer");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*footer_footerp)();
+       typedef void (Gallery::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType gallery_galleryp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls7GalleryC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, gallery_galleryp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Gallery");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*gallery_galleryp)();
+       typedef void (GroupedList::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType groupedlist_groupedlistp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11GroupedListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, groupedlist_groupedlistp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "GroupedList");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*groupedlist_groupedlistp)();
+       typedef void (GroupedListView::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType groupedlistview_groupedlistviewp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls15GroupedListViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, groupedlistview_groupedlistviewp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "GroupedListView");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*groupedlistview_groupedlistviewp)();
+       typedef void (Header::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType header_headerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6HeaderC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, header_headerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Header");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*header_headerp)();
+       typedef void (IconList::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType iconlist_iconlistp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8IconListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, iconlist_iconlistp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "IconList");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*iconlist_iconlistp)();
+       typedef void (IconListView::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType iconlistview_iconlistviewp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls12IconListViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, iconlistview_iconlistviewp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "IconListView");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*iconlistview_iconlistviewp)();
+       typedef void (Label::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType label_labelp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5LabelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, label_labelp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Label");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*label_labelp)();
+       typedef void (List::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType list_listp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls4ListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, list_listp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "List");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*list_listp)();
+       typedef void (ListView::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType listview_listviewp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8ListViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, listview_listviewp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ListView");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*listview_listviewp)();
+       typedef void (Progress::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType progress_progressp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls8ProgressC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, progress_progressp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Progress");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*progress_progressp)();
+       typedef void (RadioGroup::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType radiogroup_radiogroupp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10RadioGroupC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, radiogroup_radiogroupp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "RadioGroup");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*radiogroup_radiogroupp)();
+       typedef void (SearchBar::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType searchbar_searchbarp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9SearchBarC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, searchbar_searchbarp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SearchBar");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*searchbar_searchbarp)();
+       typedef void (SlidableGroupedList::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType slidablegroupedlist_slidablegroupedlistp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls19SlidableGroupedListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, slidablegroupedlist_slidablegroupedlistp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SlidableGroupedList");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*slidablegroupedlist_slidablegroupedlistp)();
+       typedef void (SlidableList::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType slidablelist_slidablelistp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls12SlidableListC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, slidablelist_slidablelistp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SlidableList");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*slidablelist_slidablelistp)();
+       typedef void (Slider::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType slider_sliderp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6SliderC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, slider_sliderp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Slider");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*slider_sliderp)();
+       typedef void (SplitPanel::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType splitpanel_splitpanelp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10SplitPanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, splitpanel_splitpanelp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SplitPanel");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*splitpanel_splitpanelp)();
+       typedef void (Tab::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tab_tabp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls3TabC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tab_tabp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Tab");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tab_tabp)();
+       typedef void (TabBar::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tabbar_tabbarp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6TabBarC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tabbar_tabbarp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TabBar");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tabbar_tabbarp)();
+       typedef void (TextBox::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType textbox_textboxp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls7TextBoxC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, textbox_textboxp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TextBox");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*textbox_textboxp)();
+       typedef void (Form::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType form_formp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls4FormC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, form_formp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Form");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*form_formp)();
+       typedef void (GroupedTableView::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType groupedtableview_groupedtableviewp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls16GroupedTableViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, groupedtableview_groupedtableviewp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "GroupedTableView");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*groupedtableview_groupedtableviewp)();
+       typedef void (Panel::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType panel_panelp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5PanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, panel_panelp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Panel");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*panel_panelp)();
+       typedef void (OverlayPanel::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType overlaypanel_overlaypanelp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls12OverlayPanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, overlaypanel_overlaypanelp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "OverlayPanel");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*overlaypanel_overlaypanelp)();
+       typedef void (ScrollPanel::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType scrollpanel_scrollpanelp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11ScrollPanelC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, scrollpanel_scrollpanelp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ScrollPanel");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*scrollpanel_scrollpanelp)();
+       typedef void (SectionTableView::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType sectiontableview_sectiontableviewp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls16SectionTableViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, sectiontableview_sectiontableviewp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "SectionTableView");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*sectiontableview_sectiontableviewp)();
+       typedef void (TableView::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableview_tableviewp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls9TableViewC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableview_tableviewp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableView");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableview_tableviewp)();
+       typedef void (TableViewItemBase::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableviewitembase_tableviewitembasep;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls17TableViewItemBaseC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewitembase_tableviewitembasep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewItemBase");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableviewitembase_tableviewitembasep)();
+       typedef void (TableViewContextItem::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableviewcontextitem_tableviewcontextitemp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls20TableViewContextItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewcontextitem_tableviewcontextitemp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewContextItem");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableviewcontextitem_tableviewcontextitemp)();
+       typedef void (TableViewGroupItem::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableviewgroupitem_tableviewgroupitemp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls18TableViewGroupItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewgroupitem_tableviewgroupitemp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewGroupItem");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableviewgroupitem_tableviewgroupitemp)();
+       typedef void (TableViewItem::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableviewitem_tableviewitemp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls13TableViewItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewitem_tableviewitemp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewItem");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableviewitem_tableviewitemp)();
+       typedef void (TableViewSimpleGroupItem::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableviewsimplegroupitem_tableviewsimplegroupitemp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls24TableViewSimpleGroupItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewsimplegroupitem_tableviewsimplegroupitemp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewSimpleGroupItem");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableviewsimplegroupitem_tableviewsimplegroupitemp)();
+       typedef void (TableViewSimpleItem::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType tableviewsimpleitem_tableviewsimpleitemp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls19TableViewSimpleItemC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, tableviewsimpleitem_tableviewsimpleitemp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TableViewSimpleItem");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*tableviewsimpleitem_tableviewsimpleitemp)();
+       typedef void (ContextMenu::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType contextmenu_contextmenup;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls11ContextMenuC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, contextmenu_contextmenup);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "ContextMenu");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*contextmenu_contextmenup)();
+       typedef void (DatePicker::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType datepicker_datepickerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10DatePickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, datepicker_datepickerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "DatePicker");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*datepicker_datepickerp)();
+       typedef void (DateTimePicker::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType datetimepicker_datetimepickerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls14DateTimePickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, datetimepicker_datetimepickerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "DateTimePicker");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*datetimepicker_datetimepickerp)();
+       typedef void (Frame::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType frame_framep;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5FrameC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, frame_framep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Frame");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*frame_framep)();
+       typedef void (Keypad::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType keypad_keypadp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls6KeypadC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, keypad_keypadp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Keypad");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*keypad_keypadp)();
+       typedef void (MessageBox::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType messagebox_messageboxp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10MessageBoxC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, messagebox_messageboxp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "MessageBox");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*messagebox_messageboxp)();
+       typedef void (OptionMenu::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType optionmenu_optionmenup;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10OptionMenuC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, optionmenu_optionmenup);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "OptionMenu");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*optionmenu_optionmenup)();
+       typedef void (Popup::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType popup_popupp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5PopupC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, popup_popupp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Popup");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*popup_popupp)();
+       typedef void (TimePicker::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType timepicker_timepickerp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls10TimePickerC2Ev, LIBOSP_UIFW, timepicker_timepickerp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "TimePicker");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*timepicker_timepickerp)();
+}              // end of namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls
+} }            // end of namespace Tizen::Ui
+namespace Tizen { namespace Web { namespace Controls {
+class Web
+       Web(void);
+       typedef void (Web::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType web_webp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3Web8Controls3WebC2Ev, LIBOSP_WEB, web_webp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_type((void*)this, "Web");
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*web_webp)();
+} } }  // end of namespace Tizen::Web::Controls
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_controls.cpp b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_controls.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..9e0b987
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ *
+ */
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <FApp.h>
+#include <FUi.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dacollection.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+using namespace Tizen::Ui;
+using namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls;
+using namespace Tizen::Ui::Animations;
+extern IFrameAnimatorEventListener& GetFrameAnimatorEventListener();
+bool IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener = false;
+namespace Tizen { namespace App {
+result UiApp::AddFrame(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame& frame)
+       typedef result (UiApp::*methodType)(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame& frame);
+       static methodType uiapp_addframep;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App5UiApp8AddFrameERKNS_2Ui8Controls5FrameE, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiapp_addframep);
+       ret = (this->*uiapp_addframep)(frame);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(ret == E_SUCCESS)
+       {
+               frame.IsInTouchMode();
+               if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
+               {
+                       Control* parent = NULL;
+                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                         API_ID_result_UiApp__AddFrame_const_Tizen__Ui__Controls__Frame__frame_,
+                                         "p", &frame);
+                       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
+                       PACK_UICONTROL(parent);
+                       PACK_UICONTROL(&frame);
+                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result UiApp::RemoveFrame(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame &frame)
+       typedef result (UiApp::*methodType)(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Frame& frame);
+       static methodType uiapp_removeframep;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       bool bOption;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App5UiApp11RemoveFrameERKNS_2Ui8Controls5FrameE, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiapp_removeframep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       frame.IsInTouchMode();
+       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
+       {
+               Control* parent = NULL;
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                                 API_ID_result_UiApp__RemoveFrame_const_Tizen__Ui__Controls__Frame__frame_,
+                                 "p", &frame);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(parent);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(&frame);
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*uiapp_removeframep)(frame);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(bOption)
+       {
+               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
+       }
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+} }            // end of namespce Tizen::App
+namespace Tizen { namespace Ui {
+bool Control::IsInTouchMode(void) const
+       typedef bool (Control::*methodType)(void) const;
+       static methodType control_isintouchmodep;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZNK5Tizen2Ui7Control13IsInTouchModeEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, control_isintouchmodep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       add_object_hash_class((void*)(this), typeid(*this).name());
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return (this->*control_isintouchmodep)();
+void Control::SetName(const Tizen::Base::String &name)
+       typedef void (Control::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name);
+       static methodType control_setnamep;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7Control7SetNameERKNS_4Base6StringE, LIBOSP_UIFW, control_setnamep);
+       (this->*control_setnamep)(name);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       IsInTouchMode();
+       if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
+       {
+               Control* parent = NULL;
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_void_Control__SetName_const_Tizen__Base__String__name_,
+                                 "p", &name);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(parent);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+result Container::AddControl(const Control &control)
+       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(const Control &control);
+       static methodType container_addcontrolp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container10AddControlERKNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_addcontrolp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(unlikely(IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener == false))
+       {
+               char *type = NULL, *classname = NULL;
+               if(likely(find_object_hash((void*)this, &type, &classname) == 1))       // there is entry in object hash
+               {
+                       if(strcmp(type, "Frame") == 0)
+                       {
+                               FrameAnimator* fa = ((Frame*)this)->GetFrameAnimator();
+                               if(fa != NULL)
+                               {
+                                       fa->AddFrameAnimatorEventListener(GetFrameAnimatorEventListener());
+                                       IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener = true;
+                               }
+                               else    // frame is not yet constructed
+                               {
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*container_addcontrolp)(control);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(ret == E_SUCCESS)
+       {
+               IsInTouchMode();
+               control.IsInTouchMode();
+               if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
+               {
+                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                         API_ID_result_Container__AddControl_const_Control__control_,
+                                         "p", &control);
+                       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
+                       PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+                       PACK_UICONTROL(&control);
+                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result Container::AddControl(Control* control)
+       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(Control* control);
+       static methodType container_addcontrolp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container10AddControlEPNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_addcontrolp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(unlikely(IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener == false))
+       {
+               char *type = NULL, *classname = NULL;
+               if(likely(find_object_hash((void*)this, &type, &classname) == 1))       // there is entry in object hash
+               {
+                       if(strcmp(type, "Frame") == 0)
+                       {
+                               FrameAnimator* fa = ((Frame*)this)->GetFrameAnimator();
+                               if(fa != NULL)
+                               {
+                                       fa->AddFrameAnimatorEventListener(GetFrameAnimatorEventListener());
+                                       IsRegisteredFrameAnimatorEventListener = true;
+                               }
+                               else    // frame is not yet constructed
+                               {
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*container_addcontrolp)(control);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(ret == E_SUCCESS)
+       {
+               IsInTouchMode();
+               control->IsInTouchMode();
+               if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
+               {
+                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                       PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                         API_ID_result_Container__AddControl_Control__control_,
+                                         "p", control);
+                       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
+                       PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+                       PACK_UICONTROL(control);
+                       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result Container::RemoveControl(const Control &control)
+       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(const Control &control);
+       static methodType container_removecontrolp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       bool bOption;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container13RemoveControlERKNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removecontrolp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       control.IsInTouchMode();
+       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
+       {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                                 API_ID_result_Container__RemoveControl_const_Control__control_,
+                                 "p", &control);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(&control);
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*container_removecontrolp)(control);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(bOption)
+       {
+               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
+       }
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();      
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result Container::RemoveControl(Control* control)
+       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(Control* control);
+       static methodType container_removecontrolp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       bool bOption;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container13RemoveControlEPNS0_7ControlE, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removecontrolp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       control->IsInTouchMode();
+       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
+       {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                                 API_ID_result_Container__RemoveControl_Control__control_,
+                                 "p", control);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(control);
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*container_removecontrolp)(control);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(bOption)
+       {
+               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
+       }
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();      
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result Container::RemoveControl(int index)
+       typedef result (Container::*methodType)(int index);
+       static methodType container_removecontrolip;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       result ret;
+       bool bOption;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container13RemoveControlEi, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removecontrolip);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       Control* pcontrol = GetControl(index);
+       pcontrol->IsInTouchMode();
+       if((bOption = isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI)))
+       {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                                 API_ID_result_Container__RemoveControl_int_index_,
+                                 "d", index);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(pcontrol);
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*container_removecontrolip)(index);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(bOption)
+       {
+               PACK_RETURN_END(ret);
+       }
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+void Container::RemoveAllControls(void)
+       typedef void (Container::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType container_removeallcontrolp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui9Container17RemoveAllControlsEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, container_removeallcontrolp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
+       {
+               Control* pcontrol = NULL;
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_void_Container__RemoveAllControls_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(this);
+               PACK_UICONTROL(pcontrol);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*container_removeallcontrolp)();
+} }    // end of namespace Tizen::Ui
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_file.cpp b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_file.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..7c274b6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (File::*c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact: 
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ * 
+ */
+#include <FIo.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "probeinfo.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_FILE;
+namespace Tizen {
+namespace Io {
+result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+               const Tizen::Base::String& openMode, bool createParentDirectories) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+                       const Tizen::Base::String& openMode, bool createParentDirectories);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp_path[50];
+       char temp_mode[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringES5_b");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, openMode, createParentDirectories);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp_path,filePath.GetPointer());
+               WcharToChar(temp_mode,openMode.GetPointer()); 
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+               PACK_COMMON_BEGIN(MSG_PROBE_RESOURCE, API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_Tizen__Base__String__openMode__bool_createParentDirectories_,
+                                 "ssd", temp_path, temp_mode, createParentDirectories);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp_path);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+               const Tizen::Base::String& openMode) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+                       const Tizen::Base::String& openMode);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp_path[50];
+       char temp_mode[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if(!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringES5_");
+               if(tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, openMode);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp_path,filePath.GetPointer());
+               WcharToChar(temp_mode,openMode.GetPointer());
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_Tizen__Base__String__openMode_,
+                                 "ss", temp_path, temp_mode);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp_path);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+               const char *pOpenMode) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+                       const char *pOpenMode);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if(!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringEPKc");
+               if(tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, pOpenMode);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp,filePath.GetPointer());
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_char__pOpenMode_,
+                                 "sp", temp, pOpenMode);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+               const char *pOpenMode,
+               const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& secretKey) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+                       const char *pOpenMode,
+                       const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& secretKey);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if(!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File9ConstructERKNS_4Base6StringEPKcRKNS2_10ByteBufferE");
+               if(tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(filePath, pOpenMode, secretKey);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp,filePath.GetPointer());
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__filePath__const_char__pOpenMode__const_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__secretKey_,
+                                 "sp", temp, pOpenMode);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OPEN, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Flush(void) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Flushp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Flushp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5FlushEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Flush");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Flushp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Flushp)();
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Flush_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+Tizen::Base::String File::GetName(void) const{
+       typedef Tizen::Base::String (File::*methodType)(void) const;
+       static methodType GetNamep = 0;
+       Tizen::Base::String ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!GetNamep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZNK5Tizen2Io4File7GetNameEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::GetName");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&GetNamep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*GetNamep)();
+       result res = GetLastResult();
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp,ret.GetPointer());
+               if (E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_Tizen__Base__String_File__GetName_void__const,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret.GetPointer(), res, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+                postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Read(Tizen::Base::String& buffer) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(Tizen::Base::String & buffer);
+       static methodType Readp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       int nRead = 0;
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Readp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4ReadERNS_4Base6StringE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Read");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Readp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
+                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_START, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Readp)(buffer);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               nRead = buffer.GetLength();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
+                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(nRead, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_END, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Read(Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& buffer) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer & buffer);
+       static methodType Readp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       int nRead = 0;
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Readp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4ReadERNS_4Base10ByteBufferE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Read");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Readp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
+                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_START, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Readp)(buffer);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               buffer.GetInt(nRead);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Read_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
+                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(nRead, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_END, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+int File::Read(void *buffer, int length) {
+       typedef int (File::*methodType)(void *buffer, int length);
+       static methodType Readp = 0;
+       int ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       int nRead = 0;
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Readp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4ReadEPvi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Read");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Readp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               nRead = Tell();
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_int_File__Read_void__buffer__int_length_,
+                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_START, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Readp)(buffer, length);
+       result res = GetLastResult();
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               nRead = Tell() - nRead;
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_int_File__Read_void__buffer__int_length_,
+                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, res, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(nRead, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_READ_END, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Seek(FileSeekPosition position, long offset) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(FileSeekPosition position, long offset);
+       static methodType Seekp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       char temp_pos[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size;
+       if (!Seekp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+                               "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File4SeekENS0_16FileSeekPositionEl");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Seek");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Seekp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Seekp)(position, offset);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+                if(FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN == position)
+                        strcpy(temp_pos, "FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN");
+                else if(FILESEEKPOSITION_CURRENT == position)
+                        strcpy(temp_pos, "FILESEEKPOSITION_CURRENT");
+                else if(FILESEEKPOSITION_END == position)
+                        strcpy(temp_pos, "FILESEEKPOSITION_END");
+                else
+               sprintf(temp_pos, "%d", position);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Seek_FileSeekPosition_position__long_offset_,
+                                 "sx", temp_pos, offset);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+                postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+int File::Tell(void) const {
+       typedef int (File::*methodType)(void) const;
+       static methodType Tellp = 0;
+       int ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Tellp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZNK5Tizen2Io4File4TellEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Tell");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Tellp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Tellp)();
+       result res = GetLastResult();
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_int_File__Tell_void__const,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, res, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+                postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Truncate(int length) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(int length);
+       static methodType Truncatep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Truncatep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File8TruncateEi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Truncate");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Truncatep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Truncatep)(length);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Truncate_int_length_,
+                                 "d", length);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_OTHER, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+                postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Write(const void *buffer, int length) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const void *buffer, int length);
+       static methodType Writep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       int nWritten = 0;
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Writep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5WriteEPKvi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Write");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Writep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               nWritten = Tell();
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_void__buffer__int_length_,
+                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_START, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Writep)(buffer, length);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_void__buffer__int_length_,
+                                 "xd", (unsigned long)buffer, length);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(nWritten, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_END, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Write(const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& buffer) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& buffer);
+       static methodType Writep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp[50];
+       int nWritten = 0;
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Writep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5WriteERKNS_4Base10ByteBufferE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Write");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Writep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               nWritten = Tell();
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
+                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_START, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Writep)(buffer);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp,this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__ByteBuffer__buffer_,
+                                 "x", (unsigned long)&buffer);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(nWritten, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_END, size, temp);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result File::Write(const Tizen::Base::String& buffer) {
+       typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& buffer);
+       static methodType Writep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       char temp_buf[50];
+       char temp_path[50];
+       int nWritten = 0;
+       FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!Writep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File5WriteERKNS_4Base6StringE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::Write");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Writep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               nWritten = Tell();
+               WcharToChar(temp_buf, buffer.GetPointer());
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               WcharToChar(temp_path, this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
+                                 "s", temp_buf);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_START, size, temp_path);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       ret = (this->*Writep)(buffer);
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               WcharToChar(temp_buf,buffer.GetPointer());
+               WcharToChar(temp_path,this->GetName().GetPointer());
+               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
+               if(E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(),attr))
+                       size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               nWritten = Tell() - nWritten;
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_File__Write_const_Tizen__Base__String__buffer_,
+                                 "s", temp_buf);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(nWritten, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_WRITE_END, size, temp_path);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+File::~File(void) {
+       typedef void (File::*methodType)();
+       static methodType FileDp = 0;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       // FileAttributes attr;
+       long long size = 0L;
+       if (!FileDp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen2Io4FileD1Ev");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::~File");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&FileDp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+// error occur if File class was failed to contruct
+               // if (ret == E_SUCCESS &&
+               //     E_SUCCESS == File::GetAttributes(this->GetName(), attr))
+               //     size = attr.GetFileSize();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       (this->*FileDp)();
+       if(postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_File___File_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_RESOURCE(0, (unsigned long)this, FD_API_CLOSE, size, "");
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+// static methods
+//static result File::ConvertToSecureFile(const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
+//             const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath) {
+//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath);
+//     static methodType ConvertToSecureFilep = 0;
+//static result File::ConvertToSecureFile(const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
+//             const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath,
+//             const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& key) {
+//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String &plainFilePath,
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String &secureFilePath,
+//                     const Tizen::Base::ByteBuffer& key);
+//     static methodType ConvertToSecureFilep = 0;
+//static result File::Copy(const Tizen::Base::String& srcFilePath,
+//             const Tizen::Base::String& destFilePath, bool failIfExist) {
+//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& srcFilePath,
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String& destFilePath, bool failIfExist);
+//     static methodType Copyp = 0;
+//static result File::GetAttributes(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+//             FileAttributes& attribute) {
+//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath,
+//                     FileAttributes& attribute);
+//     static methodType GetAttributesp = 0;
+//static const Tizen::Base::String File::GetFileExtension(
+//             const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
+//     typedef const Tizen::Base::String (File::*methodType)(
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
+//     static methodType GetFileExtensionp = 0;
+//const Tizen::Base::String File::GetFileName(
+//             const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
+//     typedef const Tizen::Base::String (File::*methodType)(
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
+//     static methodType GetFileNamep = 0;
+//     Tizen::Base::String ret;
+//     if (!GetFileNamep) {
+//                     probeBlockStart();
+//                     void *tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,
+//                                     "_ZN5Tizen2Io4File11GetFileNameERKNS_4Base6StringE");
+//                     if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                             perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Io::File::GetFileName");
+//                             exit(0);
+//                     }
+//                     memcpy(&GetFileNamep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//                     probeBlockEnd();
+//             }
+//     ret = (File::(*GetFileNamep))(filePath);
+//return ret;
+//static bool File::IsEncrypted(const Tizen::Base::String &filePath) {
+//     typedef bool (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &filePath);
+//     static methodType IsEncryptedp = 0;
+//static bool File::IsFileExist(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
+//     typedef bool (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
+//     static methodType IsFileExistp = 0;
+//static result File::Move(const Tizen::Base::String& oldFilePath,
+//             const Tizen::Base::String& newFilePath) {
+//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& oldFilePath,
+//                     const Tizen::Base::String& newFilePath);
+//     static methodType Movep = 0;
+//static result File::Remove(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath) {
+//     typedef result (File::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& filePath);
+//     static methodType Removep = 0;
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_lifecycle.cpp b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_lifecycle.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..d82e095
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (File::*c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ *
+ */
+#include <app.h>
+#include <Ecore.h>
+#include <FApp.h>
+#include <FBase.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "probeinfo.h"
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+extern "C"
+Ecore_Event_Handler* register_orientation_event_listener();
+void unregister_orientation_event_listener(Ecore_Event_Handler* handler);
+using namespace Tizen::Base;
+using namespace Tizen::Base::Collection;
+namespace Tizen { namespace App
+//class _IAppImpl
+//     virtual void OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation) = 0;
+class _AppImpl
+       static void OnTerminate(void* user_data);
+//     static void OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation, void* user_data);
+class _UiAppImpl
+//     : public Tizen::Base::Object
+//     , public _IAppImpl
+       void OnBackground(void);
+       void OnForeground(void);
+//     virtual void OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation);
+class _AppInfo
+       static void SetAppState(AppState appstate);
+result UiApp::Execute(UiAppInstanceFactory pUiAppFactory,
+               const IList* pArguments)
+       typedef result (*methodType)(UiAppInstanceFactory pFactory, const IList* pArgs);
+       static methodType uiapp_executep;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       int __attribute__((unused)) ret;
+       Ecore_Event_Handler* handler;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App5UiApp7ExecuteEPFPS1_vEPKNS_4Base10Collection5IListE,
+               LIBOSP_UIFW, uiapp_executep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       handler = register_orientation_event_listener();
+       if(gTraceInfo.exec_map.map_start == NULL)
+       {
+               get_map_address(CALLER_ADDRESS, &(gTraceInfo.exec_map.map_start),
+                                               &(gTraceInfo.exec_map.map_end));
+       }
+       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = uiapp_executep(pUiAppFactory, pArguments);
+       probeBlockStart();
+                         API_ID_result_UiApp__Execute_UiAppInstanceFactory_pUiAppFactory__const_IList__pArguments_,
+                         "pp", pUiAppFactory, pArguments);
+       PACK_COMMON_END(ret, 0, 0);
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       unregister_orientation_event_listener(handler);
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+void _AppImpl::OnTerminate(void* user_data)
+       typedef void (*methodType)(void*);
+       static methodType appimpl_onterminatep;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App8_AppImpl11OnTerminateEPv, LIBOSP_APPFW, appimpl_onterminatep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                         API_ID_void__AppImpl__OnTerminate_void__user_data_,
+                         "p", user_data);
+       PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       appimpl_onterminatep(user_data);
+void _AppImpl::OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation, void* user_data)
+       typedef void (*methodType)(app_device_orientation_e, void*);
+       static methodType appimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App8_AppImpl26OnDeviceOrientationChangedE24app_device_orientation_ePv,
+                       LIBOSP_APPFW, appimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       on_orientation_changed((int)orientation, false);
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       appimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp(orientation, user_data);
+void _AppInfo::SetAppState(AppState appState)
+       typedef void (*methodType)(AppState appstate);
+       static methodType appinfo_setappstatep;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App8_AppInfo11SetAppStateENS0_8AppStateE, LIBOSP_APPFW, appinfo_setappstatep);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(appState == RUNNING)
+       {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_void__AppInfo__SetAppState_AppState_appState_,
+                                 "p", appState);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       appinfo_setappstatep(appState);
+void _UiAppImpl::OnBackground(void)
+       typedef void (_UiAppImpl::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType uiappimpl_onbackgroundp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App10_UiAppImpl12OnBackgroundEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiappimpl_onbackgroundp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                         API_ID_void__UiAppImpl__OnBackground_void_,
+                         "", 0);
+       PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*uiappimpl_onbackgroundp)();
+void _UiAppImpl::OnForeground(void)
+       typedef void (_UiAppImpl::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType uiappimpl_onforegroundp;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen3App10_UiAppImpl12OnForegroundEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, uiappimpl_onforegroundp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                         API_ID_void__UiAppImpl__OnForeground_void_,
+                         "", 0);
+       PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+       FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*uiappimpl_onforegroundp)();
+void _UiAppImpl::OnDeviceOrientationChanged(app_device_orientation_e orientation)
+       typedef void (*methodType)(_UiAppImpl* th, app_device_orientation_e orientation);
+       static methodType uiappimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZThn4_N5Tizen3App10_UiAppImpl26OnDeviceOrientationChangedE24app_device_orientation_e,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, uiappimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       on_orientation_changed((int)orientation, false);
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       uiappimpl_ondeviceorientationchangedp(static_cast<_UiAppImpl*>(dynamic_cast<_IAppImpl*>(this)), orientation);
+} }    // end of namespace
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_sync.cpp b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_sync.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..1f111bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ *
+ */
+#include <FBase.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "probeinfo.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_THREAD;
+namespace Tizen {
+namespace Base {
+namespace Runtime {
+result Mutex::Create(void) {
+       typedef result
+               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Createp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Createp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex6CreateEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Create");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Createp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Create_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX, SYNC_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Mutex::Create(const Tizen::Base::String& name) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Mutex::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& name);
+       static methodType Createp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!Createp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex6CreateERKNS0_6StringE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Create");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Createp)(name);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Create_const_Tizen__Base__String__name_,
+                                 "s", temp);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX, SYNC_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Mutex::Release(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Releasep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Releasep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex7ReleaseEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Release");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Releasep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Releasep)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Release_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX, SYNC_API_RELEASE);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Mutex::Acquire(void) {
+       typedef result
+               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Acquirep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Acquirep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex7AcquireEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::Acquire");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Acquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Acquire_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_START);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Acquirep)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__Acquire_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_END);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Mutex::TryToAcquire(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Mutex::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType TryToAcquirep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!TryToAcquirep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime5Mutex12TryToAcquireEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Mutex::TryToAcquire");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&TryToAcquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*TryToAcquirep)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Mutex__TryToAcquire_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MUTEX, SYNC_API_TRY_ACQUIRE);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Semaphore::Create(int count) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Semaphore::*methodType)(int count);
+       static methodType Createp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Createp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore6CreateEi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Create");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Createp)(count);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Create_int_count_,
+                                 "d", count);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Semaphore::Create(const Tizen::Base::String& name, int count) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Semaphore::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String& name, int count);
+       static methodType Createp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!Createp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore6CreateERKNS0_6StringEi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Create");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Createp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Createp)(name, count);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Create_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__int_count_,
+                                 "sd", temp, count);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Semaphore::Acquire(long timeout) {
+       typedef result
+               (Semaphore::*methodType)(long timeout);
+       static methodType Acquirep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Acquirep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore7AcquireEl");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Acquire");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Acquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Acquire_long_timeout_,
+                                 "x", timeout);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_START);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Acquirep)(timeout);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Acquire_long_timeout_,
+                                 "x", timeout);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_END);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Semaphore::TryToAcquire(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Semaphore::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType TryToAcquirep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!TryToAcquirep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore12TryToAcquireEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::TryToAcquire");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&TryToAcquirep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*TryToAcquirep)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__TryToAcquire_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_TRY_ACQUIRE);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Semaphore::Release(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Semaphore::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Releasep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Releasep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime9Semaphore7ReleaseEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Semaphore::Release");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Releasep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Releasep)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Semaphore__Release_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_SEMAPHORE, SYNC_API_RELEASE);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Monitor::Construct(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor9ConstructEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Construct_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Monitor::Enter(void) {
+       typedef result
+               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Enterp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Enterp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor5EnterEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Enter");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Enterp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Enter_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_START);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Enterp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Enter_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_ACQUIRE_WAIT_END);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Monitor::Exit(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Exitp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Exitp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor4ExitEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Exit");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Exitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Exitp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                  API_ID_result_Monitor__Exit_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_RELEASE);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Monitor::Wait(void) {
+       typedef result
+               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Waitp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Waitp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor4WaitEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Wait");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Waitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Wait_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_COND_WAIT_START);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Waitp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Wait_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_COND_WAIT_END);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Monitor::Notify(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Notifyp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Notifyp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor6NotifyEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::Notify");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Notifyp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Notifyp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__Notify_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_NOTIFY);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Monitor::NotifyAll(void) {
+       typedef result 
+               (Monitor::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType NotifyAllp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!NotifyAllp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime7Monitor9NotifyAllEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Monitor::NotifyAll");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&NotifyAllp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*NotifyAllp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Monitor__NotifyAll_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_SYNC((unsigned int) this, SYNC_TIZEN_MONITOR, SYNC_API_NOTIFY_ALL);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_tizenapi/tizen_thread.cpp b/probe_tizenapi/tizen_thread.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..6361846
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1515 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (Thread::*c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Yeongtaik Byeon <yeongtaik.byeon@samsung.com>
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ *
+ */
+#include <FBase.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "probeinfo.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+static enum DaOptions _sopt = OPT_THREAD;
+namespace Tizen {
+namespace Base {
+namespace Runtime {
+class _ThreadImpl {
+//     virtual result Stop(void);
+//     virtual result Finalize(void);
+       const Thread* GetThread(void) const;
+       static void* ThreadProc(void* pParam);
+//     Thread* _pThread;
+//const Thread*
+//_ThreadImpl::GetThread(void) const
+//     typedef const Thread*
+//     (_ThreadImpl::*methodType)(void) const;
+//     static methodType GetThreadp = 0;
+//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+//     log_t log;
+//     int blockresult;
+//     bool bfiltering = false;
+//     void *tmpPtr;
+//     if (!GetThreadp) {
+//             probeBlockStart();
+//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
+//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZNK5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl9GetThreadEv");
+//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::GetThreadp");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             memcpy(&GetThreadp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//             probeBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+//             preBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     //
+//     const Thread* ret = (this->*GetThreadp)();
+//     result res = GetLastResult();
+//     //
+//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+//             log.type = 0;
+//             log.length = 0;
+//             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
+//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "_ThreadImpl::GetThread", probeInfo.currentTime,
+//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
+//             //Input,ret
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,0x%x",ret);
+//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
+//                             "`,0`,%ld`,%d`,0`,%u`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", res,blockresult,
+//                             (unsigned int)CALLER_ADDRESS, (unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
+//             //callstack
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
+//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
+//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+//             postBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     return ret;
+_ThreadImpl::ThreadProc(void* params) {
+       typedef void*
+       (*methodType)(void*);
+       static methodType ThreadProcp = 0;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = false;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!ThreadProcp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl10ThreadProcEPv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::ThreadProc");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&ThreadProcp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               _ThreadImpl* pSelf =(_ThreadImpl*)params;
+               const Thread* pThread = NULL;
+               if(pSelf != null){
+                       pThread = pSelf->GetThread();
+               }
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_void___ThreadImpl__ThreadProc_void__params_,
+                                 "p", params);
+               PACK_COMMON_END((unsigned int)pSelf, 0, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       // all probe should be reachable inside thread start_routine (user implemented Thread::Run)
+       probingEnd();
+       (ThreadProcp)(params);
+       probingStart();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               _ThreadImpl* pSelf =(_ThreadImpl*)params;
+               const Thread* pThread = NULL;
+               if(pSelf != null){
+                       pThread = pSelf->GetThread();
+               }
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_void___ThreadImpl__ThreadProc_void__params_,
+                                 "p", params);
+               PACK_COMMON_END((unsigned int)pSelf, 0, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return null;
+//result _ThreadImpl::Stop(void) {
+//     typedef result
+//     (_ThreadImpl::*methodType)(void);
+//     static methodType Stopp = 0;
+//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+//     log_t log;
+//     int blockresult;
+//     bool bfiltering = true;
+//     void *tmpPtr;
+//     if (!Stopp) {
+//             probeBlockStart();
+//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
+//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl4StopEv");
+//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::Stopp");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             memcpy(&Stopp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//             probeBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+//             preBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     //
+//     result ret= (this->*Stopp)();
+//     //
+//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+//             log.type = 0;
+//             log.length = 0;
+//             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
+//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "_ThreadImpl::Stop", probeInfo.currentTime,
+//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
+//             //Input,ret
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,%ld", ret);
+//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
+//                             "`,0`,%ld`,%d`,0`,%u`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", ret, blockresult,
+//                             (unsigned int)CALLER_ADDRESS, (unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_CLOSE);
+//             //callstack
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
+//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
+//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+//             postBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     return ret;
+//result _ThreadImpl::Finalize(void) {
+//     typedef result
+//     (_ThreadImpl::*methodType)(void);
+//     static methodType Finalizep = 0;
+//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+//     log_t log;
+//     int blockresult;
+//     bool bfiltering = false;
+//     void *tmpPtr;
+//     if (!Finalizep) {
+//             probeBlockStart();
+//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
+//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime11_ThreadImpl8FinalizeEv");
+//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::_ThreadImpl::Finalizep");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             memcpy(&Finalizep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//             probeBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+//             preBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     //
+//     result ret= (this->*Finalizep)();
+//     //
+//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+//             log.type = 0;
+//             log.length = 0;
+//             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
+//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "_ThreadImpl::Finalize", probeInfo.currentTime,
+//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
+//             //Input,ret
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,%ld", ret);
+//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
+//                             "`,0`,%ld`,%d`,0`,%u`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", ret, blockresult,
+//                             (unsigned int)CALLER_ADDRESS, (unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_CLOSE);
+//             //callstack
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
+//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
+//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+//             postBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     return ret;
+//Thread::Thread(void) {
+//     typedef void (Thread::*methodType)();
+//     static methodType Threadp = 0;
+//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+//     log_t log;
+//     int blockresult;
+//     bool bfiltering = true;
+//     void *tmpPtr;
+//     if (!Threadp) {
+//             probeBlockStart();
+//             tmpPtr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6ThreadC1Ev");
+//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                     log.type = 0;
+//                                                                                     log.length = 0;
+//                                                                                     log.data[0] = '\0';
+//                                                                                     log.length = sprintf(log.data,"dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Thread");
+//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Thread");
+//                     printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
+//                     return;
+//             }
+//             memcpy(&Threadp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//             probeBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+//             preBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     (this->*Threadp)();
+//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+//             log.type = 0;
+//             log.length = 0;
+//             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
+//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "Thread::Thread", probeInfo.currentTime,
+//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
+//             //Input,ret
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,");
+//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
+//                             "`,0`,0`,%d`,0`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", blockresult,
+//                             (unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OPEN);
+//             //callstack
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
+//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
+//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+//             postBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//Thread::~Thread(void) {
+//     typedef void (Thread::*methodType)();
+//     static methodType ThreadDp = 0;
+//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+//     log_t log;
+//     int blockresult;
+//     bool bfiltering = true;
+//     void *tmpPtr;
+//     if (!ThreadDp) {
+//             probeBlockStart();
+//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
+//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle, "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6ThreadD0Ev");
+//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::~Thread");
+//                     exit(0);
+//             }
+//             memcpy(&ThreadDp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//             probeBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+//             preBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     (this->*ThreadDp)();
+//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+//             log.type = 0;
+//             log.length = 0;
+//             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
+//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "Thread::~Thread", probeInfo.currentTime,
+//                             probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
+//             //Input,ret
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,");
+//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
+//                             "`,0`,0`,%d`,0`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", blockresult,
+//                             (unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_CLOSE);
+//             //callstack
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
+//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
+//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+//             postBlockEnd();
+//     }
+result Thread::Sleep(long milliSeconds) {
+       typedef result
+       (*methodType)(long);
+       static methodType Sleepp = 0;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Sleepp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread5SleepEl");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Sleep");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Sleepp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               Thread *currentThread;
+               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Sleep_long_milliSeconds_,
+                                 "x", milliSeconds);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_WAIT_START);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       result ret = (Sleepp)(milliSeconds);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               Thread *currentThread;
+               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Yield_void_,
+                                 "x", milliSeconds);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_WAIT_END);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+Thread* Thread::GetCurrentThread(void) {
+       typedef Thread*
+               (*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType GetCurrentThreadp = 0;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!GetCurrentThreadp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread16GetCurrentThreadEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::GetCurrentThread");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&GetCurrentThreadp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       Thread *currentThread = (GetCurrentThreadp)();
+       result res = GetLastResult();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_Thread__Thread__GetCurrentThread_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END((unsigned int)currentThread, res, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return currentThread;
+result Thread::Yield(void) {
+       typedef result
+               (*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Yieldp = 0;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Yieldp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread5YieldEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Yield");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Yieldp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       result ret = (Yieldp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               Thread *currentThread;
+               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Yield_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Exit(int exitCode) {
+       typedef result
+               (*methodType)(int exitCode);
+       static methodType Exitp = 0;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Exitp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread4ExitEi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Exit");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Exitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               Thread *currentThread;
+               currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Exit_int_exitCode_,
+                                 "d", exitCode);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int)currentThread, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_EXIT);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       result ret = (Exitp)(exitCode);
+       //
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Construct(ThreadType threadType, long stackSize,
+               ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(ThreadType threadType, long stackSize,
+                       ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr =
+                               dlsym(
+                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructENS1_10ThreadTypeElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(threadType, stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_ThreadType_threadType__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "dxd", threadType, stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Construct(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "xd", stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize,
+               ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize,
+                       ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr =
+                               dlsym(
+                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "sxd", temp, stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, ThreadType threadType,
+               long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, ThreadType threadType,
+                       long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr =
+                               dlsym(
+                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringENS1_10ThreadTypeElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, threadType, stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__ThreadType_threadType__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "sdxd", temp, threadType, stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Construct(IRunnable &target, long stackSize,
+               ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(IRunnable &target, long stackSize,
+                       ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr =
+                               dlsym(
+                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERNS1_9IRunnableElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(target, stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_IRunnable__target__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "xxd", (unsigned int) &target, stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, IRunnable &target,
+               long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, IRunnable &target,
+                       long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr =
+                               dlsym(
+                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringERNS1_9IRunnableElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, target, stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__IRunnable__target__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "sxxd", temp, (unsigned int) &target, stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_NEW);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::GetExitCode(int &exitCode) const {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(int &exitCode) const;
+       static methodType GetExitCodep = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+//     int exitOld = exitCode;
+       if (!GetExitCodep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                               "_ZNK5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread11GetExitCodeERi");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::GetExitCode");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&GetExitCodep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*GetExitCodep)(exitCode);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__GetExitCode_int__exitCode__const,
+                                 "d", exitCode);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+const Tizen::Base::String & Thread::GetName(void) const {
+       typedef const Tizen::Base::String &
+       (Thread::*methodType)(void) const;
+       static methodType GetNamep = 0;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!GetNamep) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZNK5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread7GetNameEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::GetName");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&GetNamep, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       const Tizen::Base::String& ret = (this->*GetNamep)();
+       result res = GetLastResult();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp, ret.GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_const_Tizen__Base__String___Thread__GetName_void__const,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret.GetPointer(), res, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Join(void) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Joinp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Joinp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread4JoinEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Join");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Joinp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Join_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Joinp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Join_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+//Tizen::Base::Object * Thread::Run(void) {
+//     typedef Tizen::Base::Object * (Thread::*methodType)(void);
+//     static methodType Runp = 0;
+//     Tizen::Base::Object * ret;
+//     probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+//     log_t log;
+//     int blockresult;
+//     bool bfiltering = true;
+//     void *tmpPtr;
+//     log.type = 0;
+//                             log.length = 0;
+//                             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//                             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "call Thread::Run");
+//                             printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
+//                             return null;
+//     if (!Runp) {
+//             probeBlockStart();
+//             void* lib_handle = dlopen("libosp-appfw.so", RTLD_LAZY);
+//             if (lib_handle == NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+//                     log.type = 0;
+//                     log.length = 0;
+//                     log.data[0] = '\0';
+//                     log.length = sprintf(log.data, "dlopen failed :libosp-appfw.so");
+//                     printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
+//                     return null;
+//             }
+//             tmpPtr =
+//                             dlsym(
+//                                             RTLD_NEXT,
+//                                             "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread3RunEv");
+//             if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+//                     perror("dlsym failed : Thread::Run");
+//                     log.type = 0;
+//                     log.length = 0;
+//                     log.data[0] = '\0';
+//                     log.length = sprintf(log.data, "dlsym failed : Thread::Run");
+//                     printLog(&log, MSG_MSG);
+//                     return null;
+//             }
+//             memcpy(&Runp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+//             probeBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+//             setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+//             preBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     //
+//     ret = (this->*Runp)();
+//     //
+//     if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+//             log.type = 0;
+//             log.length = 0;
+//             log.data[0] = '\0';
+//             log.length = sprintf(log.data, "%d`,%d`,%s`,%lu`,%d`,%d", LC_THREAD,
+//                             probeInfo.eventIndex, "Thread::Run",
+//                             probeInfo.currentTime, probeInfo.pID, probeInfo.tID);
+//             //Input,ret
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,`,0x%x",(unsigned int)ret;
+//             //PCAddr,errno,InternalCall,size,FD,FDType,FDApiType,FileSize,FilePath
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length,
+//                             "`,0`,0`,%d`,0`,0x%x`,%d`,%d`,`,", blockresult,
+//                             (unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_OTHER);
+//             //callstack
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,\ncallstack_start`,");
+//             getBacktraceString(&log, 4096 - log.length - 17);
+//             log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,callstack_end");
+//             printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+//             postBlockEnd();
+//     }
+//     return ret;
+result Thread::Start(void) {
+       typedef result (Thread::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Startp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Startp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread5StartEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Start");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Startp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Startp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Start_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_START);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result Thread::Stop(void) {
+       typedef result (Thread::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Stopp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Stopp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime6Thread4StopEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::Thread::Stop");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Stopp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Stopp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_Thread__Stop_void_,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               PACK_THREAD((unsigned int) this, THREAD_TIZENTHREAD_WORKER, THREAD_API_STOP);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result EventDrivenThread::Construct(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(long stackSize, ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime17EventDrivenThread9ConstructElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::EventDrivenThread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_EventDrivenThread__Construct_long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "xd", stackSize, priority);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result EventDrivenThread::Construct(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize, 
+               ThreadPriority priority) {
+       typedef result
+       (Thread::*methodType)(const Tizen::Base::String &name, long stackSize,
+                       ThreadPriority priority);
+       static methodType Constructp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       char temp[50];
+       if (!Constructp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr =
+                               dlsym(
+                                               lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW],
+                                               "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime17EventDrivenThread9ConstructERKNS0_6StringElNS1_14ThreadPriorityE");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::EventDrivenThread::Construct");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Constructp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Constructp)(name, stackSize, priority);
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               WcharToChar(temp, name.GetPointer());
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_EventDrivenThread__Construct_const_Tizen__Base__String__name__long_stackSize__ThreadPriority_priority_,
+                                 "sx", temp, stackSize);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
+result EventDrivenThread::Quit() {
+       typedef result (Thread::*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType Quitp = 0;
+       result ret;
+       probeInfo_t probeInfo;
+       int blockresult;
+       bool bfiltering = true;
+       void *tmpPtr;
+       if (!Quitp) {
+               probeBlockStart();
+               if(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                       lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] = dlopen(lib_string[LIBOSP_APPFW], RTLD_LAZY);
+                       if (lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW] == NULL) {
+                               perror("dlopen failed : libosp-appfw.so");
+                               exit(0);
+                       }
+               }
+               tmpPtr = dlsym(lib_handle[LIBOSP_APPFW], "_ZN5Tizen4Base7Runtime17EventDrivenThread4QuitEv");
+               if (tmpPtr == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       perror("dlsym failed : Tizen::Base::Runtime::EventThread::Quit");
+                       exit(0);
+               }
+               memcpy(&Quitp, &tmpPtr, sizeof(tmpPtr));
+               probeBlockEnd();
+       }
+       if ((blockresult = preBlockBegin(CALLER_ADDRESS, bfiltering, _sopt)) != 0) {
+               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+               preBlockEnd();
+       }
+       //
+       ret = (this->*Quitp)();
+       //
+       if (postBlockBegin(blockresult)) {
+               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                                 API_ID_result_EventDrivenThread__Quit__,
+                                 "", 0);
+               PACK_COMMON_END(ret, ret, blockresult);
+               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+               postBlockEnd();
+       }
+       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_ui/capi_capture.c b/probe_ui/capi_capture.c
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..93712fb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact: 
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * 
+ */
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include <string.h>
+//#include <dlfcn.h>
+//#include <stdbool.h>
+//#include <memory.h>
+//#include <errno.h>
+#include <Evas.h>
+#include <Elementary.h>
+//#include <app.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "probeinfo.h"
+#include "da_ui.h"
+Evas_Object *elm_win_add(Evas_Object *parent, const char* name, Elm_Win_Type type)
+       static Evas_Object * (*elm_win_addp)(Evas_Object *parent, const char* name, Elm_Win_Type type);
+       ret = elm_win_addp(parent, name, type);
+       return ret;
+Evas_Object *  elm_controlbar_add (Evas_Object *parent)
+       static Evas_Object * (*elm_controlbar_addp)(Evas_Object *parent);
+       ret = elm_controlbar_addp(parent);
+       return ret;
+//     ecore_evas_callback_post_render_set(ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(parent)), _cbecore);
+Evas_Object *elm_naviframe_add(Evas_Object *parent)
+       static Evas_Object * (*elm_naviframe_addp)(Evas_Object *parent);
+       ret = elm_naviframe_addp(parent);
+       return ret;
+Evas_Object *elm_pager_add(Evas_Object *parent)
+       static Evas_Object * (*elm_pager_addp)(Evas_Object *parent);
+       ret = elm_pager_addp(parent);
+       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_ui/osp_capture.cpp b/probe_ui/osp_capture.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index f120e0c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact: 
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- * 
- */
-#include <Evas.h>
-#include <FUi.h>
-//#include <FMedia.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "dacollection.h"
-#include "daerror.h"
-//#include "da_ui.h"
-#include "osp_probe.h"
-using namespace Tizen::Base;
-using namespace Tizen::Ui;
-using namespace Tizen::Graphics;
-using namespace Tizen::Media;
-#define LIBUTILX       "libutilX.so.1"
-typedef void* (*utilx_create_screen_shot_type)(Display* dpy, int width, int height);
-typedef void (*utilx_release_screen_shot_type)(void);
-static Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap* sysutil_capture_screen()
-       static utilx_create_screen_shot_type utilx_create_screen_shotp;
-       static utilx_release_screen_shot_type utilx_release_screen_shotp;
-       result r;
-       Bitmap* pBitmap = NULL;
-       if(unlikely(utilx_create_screen_shotp == NULL))
-       {
-               void* lib_handle = dlopen(LIBUTILX, RTLD_LAZY);
-               if(lib_handle == NULL) {
-                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLOPEN);
-                       return NULL;
-               }
-               utilx_create_screen_shotp = (utilx_create_screen_shot_type)dlsym(lib_handle, "utilx_create_screen_shot");
-               if(utilx_create_screen_shotp == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLSYM);
-                       return NULL;
-               }
-       }
-       if(unlikely(utilx_release_screen_shotp == NULL))
-       {
-               void* lib_handle = dlopen(LIBUTILX, RTLD_LAZY);
-               if(lib_handle == NULL) {
-                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLOPEN);
-                       return NULL;
-               }
-               utilx_release_screen_shotp = (utilx_release_screen_shot_type)dlsym(lib_handle, "utilx_release_screen_shot");
-               if(utilx_release_screen_shotp == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
-                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLSYM);
-                       return NULL;
-               }
-       }
-       Display* pDpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
-       if(pDpy == NULL)
-       {
-               SetLastResult(ERR_USER - 1);
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       int width = DisplayWidth(pDpy, DefaultScreen(pDpy));
-       int height = DisplayHeight(pDpy, DefaultScreen(pDpy));
-       void* pDump = utilx_create_screen_shotp(pDpy, width, height);
-       if(likely(pDump != NULL))
-       {
-               ByteBuffer buffer;
-               r = buffer.Construct(static_cast<byte*>(pDump), 0, width*height*4, width*height*4);\
-               if(likely(r == E_SUCCESS))
-               {
-                       Tizen::Graphics::Dimension dim(width, height);
-                       Bitmap* pBitmap  = new Bitmap();
-                       if(likely(pBitmap != NULL))
-                       {
-                               r = pBitmap->Construct(buffer, dim, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
-                               if(unlikely(r != E_SUCCESS))
-                               {
-                                       SetLastResult(r);
-                                       delete pBitmap;
-                                       pBitmap = NULL;
-                               }
-                               else { SetLastResult(E_SUCCESS); }
-                       }
-                       else { SetLastResult(ERR_OUTOFMEMORY); }
-               }
-               else { SetLastResult(r); }
-       }
-       else { SetLastResult(ERR_USER - 2); }
-       utilx_release_screen_shotp();
-       return pBitmap;
-static Bitmap* getBitmapFromBuffer(void* pDump, int width, int height)
-       result r;
-       ByteBuffer buffer;
-       Bitmap* pBitmap = NULL;
-       r = buffer.Construct(static_cast<byte*>(pDump), 0, width*height*4, width*height*4);
-       if(likely(r == E_SUCCESS))
-       {
-               Tizen::Graphics::Dimension dim(width, height);
-               pBitmap  = new Bitmap();
-               if(likely(pBitmap != NULL))
-               {
-                       r = pBitmap->Construct(buffer, dim, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
-                       if(unlikely(r != E_SUCCESS))
-                       {
-                               SetLastResult(r);
-                               delete pBitmap;
-                               pBitmap = NULL;
-                       }
-                       else { SetLastResult(E_SUCCESS); }
-               }
-               else { SetLastResult(ERR_OUTOFMEMORY); }
-       }
-       else { SetLastResult(r); }
-       return pBitmap;
-// return 0 if succeed
-// return -1 if failed to capture
-int captureScreen()
-       Image img;
-       Bitmap* bitmap;
-       probeInfo_t     probeInfo; log_t log;
-       result r;
-       int ret = 0, width, height;
-       char* capbuf;
-       probeBlockStart();
-       capbuf = captureScreenShotX(&width, &height);
-       if(capbuf != NULL)
-       {
-               bitmap = getBitmapFromBuffer((void*)capbuf, width, height);
-               if(bitmap != NULL)
-               {
-                       String dstPath;
-                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                       dstPath.Format(MAX_PATH_LENGTH, L"/tmp/da/%d.jpg", probeInfo.eventIndex);
-                       img.Construct();
-                       r = img.EncodeToFile(*bitmap, IMG_FORMAT_JPG, dstPath, true);
-                       if(r == E_SUCCESS)
-                       {
-                               INIT_LOG;
-                               APPEND_LOG_BASIC_NAME(LC_SNAPSHOT, "captureScreen");
-                               APPEND_LOG_COMMON_NONE(0);
-                               log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,%S", dstPath.GetPointer());
-                               printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               ret = -1;
-                       }
-                       delete bitmap;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       char buf[128];
-                       r = GetLastResult();
-                       sprintf(buf, "bitmap is null (%p, %d, %s)\n", capbuf, (int)r, GetErrorMessage(r));
-                       ret = -1;
-               }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               ret = -1;
-       }
-       releaseScreenShotX();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-namespace Tizen { namespace Ui {
-class _EcoreEvas
-       Evas* GetEvas(void) const;
-class _EcoreEvasMgr
-       void SetEcoreEvas(const _EcoreEvas& ecoreevas);
-void _EcoreEvasMgr::SetEcoreEvas(const _EcoreEvas& ecoreevas)
-       typedef void (_EcoreEvasMgr::*methodType)(const _EcoreEvas& ecoreevas);
-       static methodType _ecoreevasmgr_setecoreevasp;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui13_EcoreEvasMgr12SetEcoreEvasERKNS0_10_EcoreEvasE,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, _ecoreevasmgr_setecoreevasp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       evas_event_callback_add(ecoreevas.GetEvas(),
-               EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_FLUSH_POST, _cb_render_post, NULL);
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       (this->*_ecoreevasmgr_setecoreevasp)(ecoreevas);
-result Control::SetShowState(bool state)
-       typedef result (Control::*methodType)(bool state);
-       static methodType control_setshowstatep;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7Control12SetShowStateEb,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, control_setshowstatep);
-       ret = (this->*control_setshowstatep)(state);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       {
-               char *type, *classname;
-               if(find_object_hash((void*)this, &type, &classname) == 1)
-               {
-                       if(strcmp(type, "Panel") == 0 || strcmp(type, "OverlayPanel") == 0 || strcmp(type, "ScrollPanel") == 0)
-                       {
-                               SCREENSHOT_SET();
-//                             SCREENSHOT_DONE();
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               // do nothing
-                       }
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       // never happened
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-namespace Controls {
-result Frame::SetCurrentForm(const Form& form)
-       typedef result (Frame::*methodType)(const Form& form);
-       static methodType frame_setcurrentformp;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5Frame14SetCurrentFormERKNS1_4FormE,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frame_setcurrentformp);
-       ret = (this->*frame_setcurrentformp)(form);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result Frame::SetCurrentForm(Form* pForm)
-       typedef result (Frame::*methodType)(Form* pForm);
-       static methodType frame_setcurrentformp;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5Frame14SetCurrentFormEPNS1_4FormE,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frame_setcurrentformp);
-       ret = (this->*frame_setcurrentformp)(pForm);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-}              // end of namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls
-namespace Animations {
-result FrameAnimator::SetCurrentForm(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form& form)
-       typedef result (FrameAnimator::*methodType)(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form& form);
-       static methodType frameanimator_setcurrentformp;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations13FrameAnimator14SetCurrentFormERKNS0_8Controls4FormE,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frameanimator_setcurrentformp);
-       ret = (this->*frameanimator_setcurrentformp)(form);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result FrameAnimator::SetCurrentForm(Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form* pForm)
-       typedef result (FrameAnimator::*methodType)(Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form* pForm);
-       static methodType frameanimator_setcurrentformp;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations13FrameAnimator14SetCurrentFormEPNS0_8Controls4FormE,
-                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frameanimator_setcurrentformp);
-       ret = (this->*frameanimator_setcurrentformp)(pForm);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-}              // end of namespace Tizen::Ui::Animations
-} }            // end of namespace Tizen::Ui
diff --git a/probe_ui/osp_display.cpp b/probe_ui/osp_display.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5eed0a9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#include <FUi.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "osp_probe.h"
-namespace Tizen { namespace Ui { namespace Animations {
-class _RootVisualElement
-class _DisplayManager
-//     bool RenderAll(bool check);
-//     bool Render(_RootVisualElement& root, bool check);
-       result PostRender(_RootVisualElement& root);
-//     result Flush(void);
-//     bool UpdateScene(bool force);
-bool _DisplayManager::RenderAll(bool check)
-       typedef bool (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(bool check);
-       static methodtype mp;
-       bool ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager9RenderAllEb, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*mp)(check);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-bool _DisplayManager::Render(_RootVisualElement& root, bool check)
-       typedef bool (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(_RootVisualElement& root, bool check);
-       static methodtype mp;
-       bool ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager6RenderERNS1_18_RootVisualElementEb, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*mp)(root, check);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result _DisplayManager::PostRender(_RootVisualElement& root)
-       typedef result (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(_RootVisualElement& root);
-       static methodtype mp;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager10PostRenderERNS1_18_RootVisualElementE, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*mp)(root);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-result _DisplayManager::Flush(void)
-       typedef result (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(void);
-       static methodtype mp;
-       result ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager5FlushEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*mp)();
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-bool _DisplayManager::UpdateScene(bool force)
-       typedef bool (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(bool force);
-       static methodtype mp;
-       bool ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager11UpdateSceneEb, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       ret = (this->*mp)(force);
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-} } }  // end of namespace
diff --git a/probe_ui/osp_frameani.cpp b/probe_ui/osp_frameani.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 74d8b3c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact: 
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * 
- */
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dahelper.h"
-#include "osp_frameani.h"
-DAFrameAnimationEventListener DAFrameAnimationEventListener::rInstance;
-void DAFrameAnimationEventListener::OnFormTransitionAnimationFinished(FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2)
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-void DAFrameAnimationEventListener::OnFormTransitionAnimationStarted(FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2)
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-void DAFrameAnimationEventListener::OnFormTransitionAnimationStopped(FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2)
-       probeBlockStart();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-DAFrameAnimationEventListener& DAFrameAnimationEventListener::GetInstance(void)
-       return rInstance;
-IFrameAnimatorEventListener& GetFrameAnimatorEventListener()
-       DAFrameAnimationEventListener& listener = DAFrameAnimationEventListener::GetInstance();
-       return static_cast<IFrameAnimatorEventListener&>(listener);
diff --git a/probe_ui/osp_frameani.h b/probe_ui/osp_frameani.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e8001a6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- *
- */
-#ifndef __OSP_FRAMEANI_H__
-#define __OSP_FRAMEANI_H__
-#include <FUi.h>
-using namespace Tizen::Ui::Animations;
-using namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls;
-class DAFrameAnimationEventListener :
-               public IFrameAnimatorEventListener
-       DAFrameAnimationEventListener();
-       virtual ~DAFrameAnimationEventListener();
-       virtual void    OnFormTransitionAnimationFinished (FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2);
-       virtual void    OnFormTransitionAnimationStarted (FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2);
-       virtual void    OnFormTransitionAnimationStopped (FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2);
-       static DAFrameAnimationEventListener& GetInstance(void);
-       static DAFrameAnimationEventListener rInstance;
-#endif // __OSP_FRAMEANI_H__
diff --git a/probe_ui/osp_scenemanager.cpp b/probe_ui/osp_scenemanager.cpp
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 2c80cbe..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact:
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
- *
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <FBase.h>
-#include <FUi.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "dacollection.h"      // for find_object_hash
-#include "dahelper.h"          // for captureScreen
-#include "osp_probe.h"
-#include "binproto.h"
-using namespace Tizen::Base;
-using namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls;
-using namespace Tizen::Ui::Scenes;
-int SceneManagerUsed = 0;
-class SceneManagerEventListener : public ISceneManagerEventListener
-       virtual void OnSceneTransitionCompleted(const SceneId &previousSceneId, const SceneId &currentSceneId);
-       virtual void OnSceneTransitionStarted(const SceneId &currentSceneId, const SceneId &nextSceneId);
-       static SceneManagerEventListener& GetInstance();
-       static SceneManagerEventListener rInstance;
-       unsigned long startTime;
-SceneManagerEventListener SceneManagerEventListener::rInstance;
-void SceneManagerEventListener::OnSceneTransitionCompleted(const SceneId &previousSceneId, const SceneId &currentSceneId)
-       probeBlockStart();
-       {
-               SceneManager* scenemanager = SceneManager::GetInstance();
-               if(scenemanager->GetCurrentSceneId() == currentSceneId)
-               {
-                       if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
-                       {
-                               probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
-                               Scene* scene;
-                               String sceneid, formid, panelid;
-                               Form* pform;
-                               Panel* ppanel;
-                               unsigned long transition, user = 0;
-                               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
-                               scene = scenemanager->GetCurrentScene();
-                               sceneid = scene->GetSceneId();
-                               formid = scene->GetFormId();
-                               panelid = scene->GetPanelId();
-                               pform = scene->GetForm();
-                               ppanel = scene->GetPanel();
-                               transition = (probeInfo.currentTime - startTime);
-                               char scene_name[50];
-                               WcharToChar(scene_name, sceneid.GetPointer());
-                               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
-                               PACK_COMMON_BEGIN(MSG_PROBE_SCENE,
-                                                 API_ID_void_SceneManagerEventListener__OnSceneTransitionCompleted_const_SceneId__previousSceneId__const_SceneId__currentSceneId_,
-                                                 "pp", &previousSceneId, &currentSceneId);
-                               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
-                               PACK_SCENE(scene_name, formid, pform, panelid, ppanel, transition, user);
-                               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
-                       }
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       // never happened
-                       assert(false);
-               }
-               SCREENSHOT_SET();
-//             SCREENSHOT_DONE();
-       }
-       SceneManagerUsed = 0;
-       probeBlockEnd();
-void SceneManagerEventListener::OnSceneTransitionStarted(const SceneId &currentSceneId, const SceneId &nextSceneId)
-       probeBlockStart();
-       SceneManagerUsed = 1;
-       startTime = getCurrentTime();
-       probeBlockEnd();
-SceneManagerEventListener& SceneManagerEventListener::GetInstance()
-       return rInstance;
-namespace Tizen { namespace Ui { namespace Scenes {
-SceneManager* SceneManager::GetInstance(void)
-       typedef SceneManager* (*methodType)(void);
-       static methodType scenemanager_getinstancep;
-       static int initialized = 0;
-       SceneManager* ret;
-       GET_REAL_FUNC_OSP(_ZN5Tizen2Ui6Scenes12SceneManager11GetInstanceEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, scenemanager_getinstancep);
-       ret = scenemanager_getinstancep();
-       probeBlockStart();
-       if(unlikely(initialized == 0))
-       {
-               if(likely(ret != NULL))
-               {
-                       ret->AddSceneManagerEventListener(SceneManagerEventListener::GetInstance());
-                       initialized = 1;
-               }
-       }
-       probeBlockEnd();
-       return ret;
-} } }  // end of namespace
diff --git a/probe_ui/tizen_capture.c b/probe_ui/tizen_capture.c
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 93712fb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- *  DA probe
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Contact: 
- *
- * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
- * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
- * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Contributors:
- * - S-Core Co., Ltd
- * 
- */
-//#include <stdio.h>
-//#include <stdlib.h>
-//#include <string.h>
-//#include <dlfcn.h>
-//#include <stdbool.h>
-//#include <memory.h>
-//#include <errno.h>
-#include <Evas.h>
-#include <Elementary.h>
-//#include <app.h>
-#include "daprobe.h"
-#include "probeinfo.h"
-#include "da_ui.h"
-Evas_Object *elm_win_add(Evas_Object *parent, const char* name, Elm_Win_Type type)
-       static Evas_Object * (*elm_win_addp)(Evas_Object *parent, const char* name, Elm_Win_Type type);
-       ret = elm_win_addp(parent, name, type);
-       return ret;
-Evas_Object *  elm_controlbar_add (Evas_Object *parent)
-       static Evas_Object * (*elm_controlbar_addp)(Evas_Object *parent);
-       ret = elm_controlbar_addp(parent);
-       return ret;
-//     ecore_evas_callback_post_render_set(ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(parent)), _cbecore);
-Evas_Object *elm_naviframe_add(Evas_Object *parent)
-       static Evas_Object * (*elm_naviframe_addp)(Evas_Object *parent);
-       ret = elm_naviframe_addp(parent);
-       return ret;
-Evas_Object *elm_pager_add(Evas_Object *parent)
-       static Evas_Object * (*elm_pager_addp)(Evas_Object *parent);
-       ret = elm_pager_addp(parent);
-       return ret;
diff --git a/probe_ui/tizen_capture.cpp b/probe_ui/tizen_capture.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..3ad6bfc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact: 
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ * 
+ */
+#include <Evas.h>
+#include <FUi.h>
+//#include <FMedia.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "dacollection.h"
+#include "daerror.h"
+//#include "da_ui.h"
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
+using namespace Tizen::Base;
+using namespace Tizen::Ui;
+using namespace Tizen::Graphics;
+using namespace Tizen::Media;
+#define LIBUTILX       "libutilX.so.1"
+typedef void* (*utilx_create_screen_shot_type)(Display* dpy, int width, int height);
+typedef void (*utilx_release_screen_shot_type)(void);
+static Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap* sysutil_capture_screen()
+       static utilx_create_screen_shot_type utilx_create_screen_shotp;
+       static utilx_release_screen_shot_type utilx_release_screen_shotp;
+       result r;
+       Bitmap* pBitmap = NULL;
+       if(unlikely(utilx_create_screen_shotp == NULL))
+       {
+               void* lib_handle = dlopen(LIBUTILX, RTLD_LAZY);
+               if(lib_handle == NULL) {
+                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLOPEN);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+               utilx_create_screen_shotp = (utilx_create_screen_shot_type)dlsym(lib_handle, "utilx_create_screen_shot");
+               if(utilx_create_screen_shotp == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLSYM);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       if(unlikely(utilx_release_screen_shotp == NULL))
+       {
+               void* lib_handle = dlopen(LIBUTILX, RTLD_LAZY);
+               if(lib_handle == NULL) {
+                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLOPEN);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+               utilx_release_screen_shotp = (utilx_release_screen_shot_type)dlsym(lib_handle, "utilx_release_screen_shot");
+               if(utilx_release_screen_shotp == NULL || dlerror() != NULL) {
+                       SetLastResult(ERR_DLSYM);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       Display* pDpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
+       if(pDpy == NULL)
+       {
+               SetLastResult(ERR_USER - 1);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       int width = DisplayWidth(pDpy, DefaultScreen(pDpy));
+       int height = DisplayHeight(pDpy, DefaultScreen(pDpy));
+       void* pDump = utilx_create_screen_shotp(pDpy, width, height);
+       if(likely(pDump != NULL))
+       {
+               ByteBuffer buffer;
+               r = buffer.Construct(static_cast<byte*>(pDump), 0, width*height*4, width*height*4);\
+               if(likely(r == E_SUCCESS))
+               {
+                       Tizen::Graphics::Dimension dim(width, height);
+                       Bitmap* pBitmap  = new Bitmap();
+                       if(likely(pBitmap != NULL))
+                       {
+                               r = pBitmap->Construct(buffer, dim, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
+                               if(unlikely(r != E_SUCCESS))
+                               {
+                                       SetLastResult(r);
+                                       delete pBitmap;
+                                       pBitmap = NULL;
+                               }
+                               else { SetLastResult(E_SUCCESS); }
+                       }
+                       else { SetLastResult(ERR_OUTOFMEMORY); }
+               }
+               else { SetLastResult(r); }
+       }
+       else { SetLastResult(ERR_USER - 2); }
+       utilx_release_screen_shotp();
+       return pBitmap;
+static Bitmap* getBitmapFromBuffer(void* pDump, int width, int height)
+       result r;
+       ByteBuffer buffer;
+       Bitmap* pBitmap = NULL;
+       r = buffer.Construct(static_cast<byte*>(pDump), 0, width*height*4, width*height*4);
+       if(likely(r == E_SUCCESS))
+       {
+               Tizen::Graphics::Dimension dim(width, height);
+               pBitmap  = new Bitmap();
+               if(likely(pBitmap != NULL))
+               {
+                       r = pBitmap->Construct(buffer, dim, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
+                       if(unlikely(r != E_SUCCESS))
+                       {
+                               SetLastResult(r);
+                               delete pBitmap;
+                               pBitmap = NULL;
+                       }
+                       else { SetLastResult(E_SUCCESS); }
+               }
+               else { SetLastResult(ERR_OUTOFMEMORY); }
+       }
+       else { SetLastResult(r); }
+       return pBitmap;
+// return 0 if succeed
+// return -1 if failed to capture
+int captureScreen()
+       Image img;
+       Bitmap* bitmap;
+       probeInfo_t     probeInfo; log_t log;
+       result r;
+       int ret = 0, width, height;
+       char* capbuf;
+       probeBlockStart();
+       capbuf = captureScreenShotX(&width, &height);
+       if(capbuf != NULL)
+       {
+               bitmap = getBitmapFromBuffer((void*)capbuf, width, height);
+               if(bitmap != NULL)
+               {
+                       String dstPath;
+                       setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                       dstPath.Format(MAX_PATH_LENGTH, L"/tmp/da/%d.jpg", probeInfo.eventIndex);
+                       img.Construct();
+                       r = img.EncodeToFile(*bitmap, IMG_FORMAT_JPG, dstPath, true);
+                       if(r == E_SUCCESS)
+                       {
+                               INIT_LOG;
+                               APPEND_LOG_BASIC_NAME(LC_SNAPSHOT, "captureScreen");
+                               APPEND_LOG_COMMON_NONE(0);
+                               log.length += sprintf(log.data + log.length, "`,%S", dstPath.GetPointer());
+                               printLog(&log, MSG_LOG);
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               ret = -1;
+                       }
+                       delete bitmap;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       char buf[128];
+                       r = GetLastResult();
+                       sprintf(buf, "bitmap is null (%p, %d, %s)\n", capbuf, (int)r, GetErrorMessage(r));
+                       ret = -1;
+               }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               ret = -1;
+       }
+       releaseScreenShotX();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+namespace Tizen { namespace Ui {
+class _EcoreEvas
+       Evas* GetEvas(void) const;
+class _EcoreEvasMgr
+       void SetEcoreEvas(const _EcoreEvas& ecoreevas);
+void _EcoreEvasMgr::SetEcoreEvas(const _EcoreEvas& ecoreevas)
+       typedef void (_EcoreEvasMgr::*methodType)(const _EcoreEvas& ecoreevas);
+       static methodType _ecoreevasmgr_setecoreevasp;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui13_EcoreEvasMgr12SetEcoreEvasERKNS0_10_EcoreEvasE,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, _ecoreevasmgr_setecoreevasp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       evas_event_callback_add(ecoreevas.GetEvas(),
+               EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_FLUSH_POST, _cb_render_post, NULL);
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       (this->*_ecoreevasmgr_setecoreevasp)(ecoreevas);
+result Control::SetShowState(bool state)
+       typedef result (Control::*methodType)(bool state);
+       static methodType control_setshowstatep;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui7Control12SetShowStateEb,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, control_setshowstatep);
+       ret = (this->*control_setshowstatep)(state);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       {
+               char *type, *classname;
+               if(find_object_hash((void*)this, &type, &classname) == 1)
+               {
+                       if(strcmp(type, "Panel") == 0 || strcmp(type, "OverlayPanel") == 0 || strcmp(type, "ScrollPanel") == 0)
+                       {
+                               SCREENSHOT_SET();
+//                             SCREENSHOT_DONE();
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               // do nothing
+                       }
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       // never happened
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+namespace Controls {
+result Frame::SetCurrentForm(const Form& form)
+       typedef result (Frame::*methodType)(const Form& form);
+       static methodType frame_setcurrentformp;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5Frame14SetCurrentFormERKNS1_4FormE,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frame_setcurrentformp);
+       ret = (this->*frame_setcurrentformp)(form);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result Frame::SetCurrentForm(Form* pForm)
+       typedef result (Frame::*methodType)(Form* pForm);
+       static methodType frame_setcurrentformp;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui8Controls5Frame14SetCurrentFormEPNS1_4FormE,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frame_setcurrentformp);
+       ret = (this->*frame_setcurrentformp)(pForm);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+}              // end of namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls
+namespace Animations {
+result FrameAnimator::SetCurrentForm(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form& form)
+       typedef result (FrameAnimator::*methodType)(const Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form& form);
+       static methodType frameanimator_setcurrentformp;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations13FrameAnimator14SetCurrentFormERKNS0_8Controls4FormE,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frameanimator_setcurrentformp);
+       ret = (this->*frameanimator_setcurrentformp)(form);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result FrameAnimator::SetCurrentForm(Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form* pForm)
+       typedef result (FrameAnimator::*methodType)(Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form* pForm);
+       static methodType frameanimator_setcurrentformp;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations13FrameAnimator14SetCurrentFormEPNS0_8Controls4FormE,
+                       LIBOSP_UIFW, frameanimator_setcurrentformp);
+       ret = (this->*frameanimator_setcurrentformp)(pForm);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+}              // end of namespace Tizen::Ui::Animations
+} }            // end of namespace Tizen::Ui
diff --git a/probe_ui/tizen_display.cpp b/probe_ui/tizen_display.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aa0e695
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#include <FUi.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
+namespace Tizen { namespace Ui { namespace Animations {
+class _RootVisualElement
+class _DisplayManager
+//     bool RenderAll(bool check);
+//     bool Render(_RootVisualElement& root, bool check);
+       result PostRender(_RootVisualElement& root);
+//     result Flush(void);
+//     bool UpdateScene(bool force);
+bool _DisplayManager::RenderAll(bool check)
+       typedef bool (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(bool check);
+       static methodtype mp;
+       bool ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager9RenderAllEb, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*mp)(check);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+bool _DisplayManager::Render(_RootVisualElement& root, bool check)
+       typedef bool (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(_RootVisualElement& root, bool check);
+       static methodtype mp;
+       bool ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager6RenderERNS1_18_RootVisualElementEb, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*mp)(root, check);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result _DisplayManager::PostRender(_RootVisualElement& root)
+       typedef result (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(_RootVisualElement& root);
+       static methodtype mp;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager10PostRenderERNS1_18_RootVisualElementE, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*mp)(root);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+result _DisplayManager::Flush(void)
+       typedef result (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(void);
+       static methodtype mp;
+       result ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager5FlushEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*mp)();
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+bool _DisplayManager::UpdateScene(bool force)
+       typedef bool (_DisplayManager::*methodtype)(bool force);
+       static methodtype mp;
+       bool ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui10Animations15_DisplayManager11UpdateSceneEb, LIBOSP_UIFW, mp);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       ret = (this->*mp)(force);
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+} } }  // end of namespace
diff --git a/probe_ui/tizen_frameani.cpp b/probe_ui/tizen_frameani.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3e9bfdf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact: 
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * 
+ */
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dahelper.h"
+#include "tizen_frameani.h"
+DAFrameAnimationEventListener DAFrameAnimationEventListener::rInstance;
+void DAFrameAnimationEventListener::OnFormTransitionAnimationFinished(FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2)
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+void DAFrameAnimationEventListener::OnFormTransitionAnimationStarted(FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2)
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+void DAFrameAnimationEventListener::OnFormTransitionAnimationStopped(FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2)
+       probeBlockStart();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+DAFrameAnimationEventListener& DAFrameAnimationEventListener::GetInstance(void)
+       return rInstance;
+IFrameAnimatorEventListener& GetFrameAnimatorEventListener()
+       DAFrameAnimationEventListener& listener = DAFrameAnimationEventListener::GetInstance();
+       return static_cast<IFrameAnimatorEventListener&>(listener);
diff --git a/probe_ui/tizen_frameani.h b/probe_ui/tizen_frameani.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..07beba6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __TIZEN_FRAMEANI_H__
+#define __TIZEN_FRAMEANI_H__
+#include <FUi.h>
+using namespace Tizen::Ui::Animations;
+using namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls;
+class DAFrameAnimationEventListener :
+               public IFrameAnimatorEventListener
+       DAFrameAnimationEventListener();
+       virtual ~DAFrameAnimationEventListener();
+       virtual void    OnFormTransitionAnimationFinished (FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2);
+       virtual void    OnFormTransitionAnimationStarted (FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2);
+       virtual void    OnFormTransitionAnimationStopped (FrameAnimator &source, Frame &frame, Form &form1, Form &form2);
+       static DAFrameAnimationEventListener& GetInstance(void);
+       static DAFrameAnimationEventListener rInstance;
+#endif // __TIZEN_FRAMEANI_H__
diff --git a/probe_ui/tizen_scenemanager.cpp b/probe_ui/tizen_scenemanager.cpp
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..cfbe326
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ *  DA probe
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Contact:
+ *
+ * Jaewon Lim <jaewon81.lim@samsung.com>
+ * Woojin Jung <woojin2.jung@samsung.com>
+ * Juyoung Kim <j0.kim@samsung.com>
+ * Anastasia Lyupa <a.lyupa@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+ * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * - S-Core Co., Ltd
+ * - Samsung RnD Institute Russia
+ *
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <FBase.h>
+#include <FUi.h>
+#include "daprobe.h"
+#include "dacollection.h"      // for find_object_hash
+#include "dahelper.h"          // for captureScreen
+#include "tizen_probe.h"
+#include "binproto.h"
+using namespace Tizen::Base;
+using namespace Tizen::Ui::Controls;
+using namespace Tizen::Ui::Scenes;
+int SceneManagerUsed = 0;
+class SceneManagerEventListener : public ISceneManagerEventListener
+       virtual void OnSceneTransitionCompleted(const SceneId &previousSceneId, const SceneId &currentSceneId);
+       virtual void OnSceneTransitionStarted(const SceneId &currentSceneId, const SceneId &nextSceneId);
+       static SceneManagerEventListener& GetInstance();
+       static SceneManagerEventListener rInstance;
+       unsigned long startTime;
+SceneManagerEventListener SceneManagerEventListener::rInstance;
+void SceneManagerEventListener::OnSceneTransitionCompleted(const SceneId &previousSceneId, const SceneId &currentSceneId)
+       probeBlockStart();
+       {
+               SceneManager* scenemanager = SceneManager::GetInstance();
+               if(scenemanager->GetCurrentSceneId() == currentSceneId)
+               {
+                       if(isOptionEnabled(OPT_UI))
+                       {
+                               probeInfo_t     probeInfo;
+                               Scene* scene;
+                               String sceneid, formid, panelid;
+                               Form* pform;
+                               Panel* ppanel;
+                               unsigned long transition, user = 0;
+                               setProbePoint(&probeInfo);
+                               scene = scenemanager->GetCurrentScene();
+                               sceneid = scene->GetSceneId();
+                               formid = scene->GetFormId();
+                               panelid = scene->GetPanelId();
+                               pform = scene->GetForm();
+                               ppanel = scene->GetPanel();
+                               transition = (probeInfo.currentTime - startTime);
+                               char scene_name[50];
+                               WcharToChar(scene_name, sceneid.GetPointer());
+                               PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF();
+                               PACK_COMMON_BEGIN(MSG_PROBE_SCENE,
+                                                 API_ID_void_SceneManagerEventListener__OnSceneTransitionCompleted_const_SceneId__previousSceneId__const_SceneId__currentSceneId_,
+                                                 "pp", &previousSceneId, &currentSceneId);
+                               PACK_COMMON_END(0, 0, 0);
+                               PACK_SCENE(scene_name, formid, pform, panelid, ppanel, transition, user);
+                               FLUSH_LOCAL_BUF();
+                       }
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       // never happened
+                       assert(false);
+               }
+               SCREENSHOT_SET();
+//             SCREENSHOT_DONE();
+       }
+       SceneManagerUsed = 0;
+       probeBlockEnd();
+void SceneManagerEventListener::OnSceneTransitionStarted(const SceneId &currentSceneId, const SceneId &nextSceneId)
+       probeBlockStart();
+       SceneManagerUsed = 1;
+       startTime = getCurrentTime();
+       probeBlockEnd();
+SceneManagerEventListener& SceneManagerEventListener::GetInstance()
+       return rInstance;
+namespace Tizen { namespace Ui { namespace Scenes {
+SceneManager* SceneManager::GetInstance(void)
+       typedef SceneManager* (*methodType)(void);
+       static methodType scenemanager_getinstancep;
+       static int initialized = 0;
+       SceneManager* ret;
+       GET_REAL_FUNC_TIZEN(_ZN5Tizen2Ui6Scenes12SceneManager11GetInstanceEv, LIBOSP_UIFW, scenemanager_getinstancep);
+       ret = scenemanager_getinstancep();
+       probeBlockStart();
+       if(unlikely(initialized == 0))
+       {
+               if(likely(ret != NULL))
+               {
+                       ret->AddSceneManagerEventListener(SceneManagerEventListener::GetInstance());
+                       initialized = 1;
+               }
+       }
+       probeBlockEnd();
+       return ret;
+} } }  // end of namespace