#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
#include <tzplatform.h>
#include <label_generator.h>
+#include <tests_common.h>
+#include <tzplatform.h>
#include "app_install_helper.h"
+namespace {
+ std::string genSkelPath() {
+ static std::string skelPkgDir;
+ if (!skelPkgDir.empty())
+ return skelPkgDir;
+ std::string app = TzPlatformConfig::getEnv(TZ_USER_APP);
+ std::string home = TzPlatformConfig::getEnv(TZ_USER_HOME);
+ std::string skelDir = "/etc/skel";
+ skelPkgDir.assign(app);
+ skelPkgDir.replace(0, home.length(), skelDir);
+ return skelPkgDir;
+ }
+ const AppInstallHelper::TypePathMap typeToPath = {
+ };
AppInstallHelper::AppInstallHelper(AppInstallHelper &&other)
: m_appName(std::move(other.m_appName)), m_pkgName(std::move(other.m_pkgName)),
m_isLocal(other.m_isLocal), m_uidGid(other.m_uidGid),
m_version(std::move(other.m_version)), m_installType(other.m_installType),
- m_isHybrid(other.m_isHybrid), m_installDir(std::move(other.m_installDir)),
+ m_isHybrid(other.m_isHybrid),
+ m_rootPaths(std::move(other.m_rootPaths)),
other.m_creatorPid = -1;
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getInstallDir() const {
- return m_installDir + getPkgId();
+void AppInstallHelper::setInstallPath(RootType type) const {
+ RootInfo &info = m_rootPaths[type];
+ if (!info.path.empty())
+ return;
+ switch (type) {
+ case RootType::BASE:
+ if (m_isLocal)
+ info.path = TzPlatformConfig::appDirPath(getUID()) + getPkgId();
+ else
+ info.path = TzPlatformConfig::globalAppDir() + "/" + getPkgId();
+ break;
+ case RootType::EXTENDED:
+ if (m_isLocal)
+ info.path = TzPlatformConfig::extendedSdUserDir(getUID()) + "/" + getPkgId();
+ else
+ info.path = TzPlatformConfig::extendedSdDir() + "/" + getPkgId();
+ break;
+ case RootType::SKEL:
+ info.path = genSkelPath() + "/" + getPkgId();
+ break;
+ }
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getTrustedDir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/trustedDir" + std::to_string(i);
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getInstallDir(RootType type) const {
+ setInstallPath(type);
+ return m_rootPaths[type].path;
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateDir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPath(app_install_path_type smType, PathType pType, int i, RootType rType) const {
+ std::string path;
+ switch (pType) {
+ case PathType::DIR:
+ path = getInstallDir(rType) + "/" + typeToPath.at(smType) + "_dir" + std::to_string(i);
+ break;
+ case PathType::FILE:
+ // put files in the directory of the same type
+ path = getInstallDir(rType) + "/" + typeToPath.at(smType) + "_dir0/" + typeToPath.at(smType) + std::to_string(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ return path;
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getTrustedDir(int i, RootType type) const {
+ return getPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_TRUSTED_RW, PathType::DIR, i , type);
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateRODir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir_ro" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateDir(int i, RootType type) const {
+ return getPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW, PathType::DIR, i, type);
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPublicDir() const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_public_ro/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateRODir(int i, RootType type) const {
+ return getPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RO, PathType::DIR, i, type);
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivatePath(int i) const {
- return getPrivateDir() + "shareme" + std::to_string(i);
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPublicDir(RootType type) const {
+ return getPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_PUBLIC_RO, PathType::DIR, 0, type);
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getSharedRODir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir_rw_others_ro" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivatePath(int i, RootType type) const {
+ return getPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW, PathType::FILE, i, type);
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getSharedRODir(int i, RootType type) const {
+ return getPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_OWNER_RW_OTHER_RO, PathType::DIR, i, type);
std::string AppInstallHelper::getAppId() const {
return m_uidGid;
-void AppInstallHelper::createInstallDir() {
- create(mkdir, getInstallDir());
- m_isInstallDirCreated = true;
+bool AppInstallHelper::createFile(app_install_path_type smType, const std::string &path) {
+ if (creat(path.c_str(), 0751) == 0) {
+ // Local paths need user change
+ m_fileTypeMap[smType].push_back(std::move(path));
+ if (!m_isLocal || chown(path.c_str(), m_uidGid, m_uidGid) == 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
-void AppInstallHelper::createTrustedDir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getTrustedDir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_TRUSTED_RW].emplace_back(getTrustedDir(i));
+bool AppInstallHelper::createDir(app_install_path_type smType, const std::string &path, bool isBasePath) {
+ mktreeSafe(path, 0777);
+ // Dont pass base pkg dirs to SM, because transmute will be forced on RO subdirs
+ if (!isBasePath)
+ m_dirTypeMap[smType].push_back(std::move(path));
+ if (!m_isLocal || chown(path.c_str(), m_uidGid, m_uidGid) == 0)
+ return true;
-void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateDir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getPrivateDir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW].emplace_back(getPrivateDir(i));
+ return false;
-void AppInstallHelper::createPublicDir() {
- if (mkdir(getPublicDir().c_str(), 0777) == 0) {
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_PUBLIC_RO].emplace_back(getPublicDir());
+void AppInstallHelper::createInstallDir(RootType type) {
+ setInstallPath(type);
+ RootInfo &info = m_rootPaths[type];
+ if (info.isCreated)
+ return;
+ createDir(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_PUBLIC_RO, info.path, true);
+ info.isCreated = true;
+void AppInstallHelper::createPath(app_install_path_type smType, PathType pType, int i, RootType rType) {
+ createInstallDir(rType);
+ std::string path = getPath(smType, pType, i, rType);
+ switch (pType) {
+ case PathType::DIR:
+ createDir(smType, path);
+ break;
+ case PathType::FILE:
+ createPath(smType, PathType::DIR, i, rType);
+ createFile(smType, path);
+ break;
-void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateFile(int i) {
- // This is intentional, let all private file be in one directory
- createPrivateDir();
- if (create(creat, getPrivatePath(i)))
- m_fileTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW].emplace_back(getPrivatePath(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createTrustedDir(int i, RootType type) {
+ createPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_TRUSTED_RW, PathType::DIR, i, type);
+void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateDir(int i, RootType type) {
+ createPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW, PathType::DIR, i, type);
+void AppInstallHelper::createPublicDir(RootType type) {
+ createPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_PUBLIC_RO, PathType::DIR, 0, type);
+void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateFile(int i, RootType type) {
+ createPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW, PathType::FILE, i, type);
-void AppInstallHelper::createSharedRODir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getSharedRODir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_OWNER_RW_OTHER_RO].emplace_back(getSharedRODir(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createSharedRODir(int i, RootType type) {
+ createPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_OWNER_RW_OTHER_RO, PathType::DIR, i, type);
-void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateRODir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getPrivateRODir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RO].emplace_back(getPrivateRODir(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateRODir(int i, RootType type) {
+ createPath(SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RO, PathType::DIR, i, type);
void AppInstallHelper::setHybrid() {
- rmdir(getInstallDir().c_str());
- m_isInstallDirCreated = false;
-void AppInstallHelper::setInstallPath() {
- if (m_isLocal)
- m_installDir = TzPlatformConfig::appDirPath(getUID());
- else
- m_installDir = TzPlatformConfig::globalAppDir() + "/";
-bool AppInstallHelper::create(std::function<int(const char*, mode_t)> &&creatFun, const std::string &path) {
- if (!m_isInstallDirCreated && path != getInstallDir())
- createInstallDir();
- if (creatFun(path.c_str(), 0751) == 0) {
- // Local paths need user change
- if (!m_isLocal || chown(path.c_str(), m_uidGid, m_uidGid) == 0)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ for (auto& rootInfo : m_rootPaths) {
+ if (rootInfo.second.isCreated)
+ rmdir(rootInfo.second.path.c_str());
+ rootInfo.second.isCreated = false;
+ }
void AppInstallHelper::setAuthor(const std::string &author) {
struct AppInstallHelper {
using TypePathsMap = std::map<app_install_path_type, std::vector<std::string>>;
+ using TypePathMap = std::map<app_install_path_type, std::string>;
AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix,
const std::string &pkgNamePrefix,
bool isLocal,
uid_t uid,
std::string version = std::string())
: m_appName(appNamePrefix), m_pkgName(pkgNamePrefix), m_isLocal(isLocal), m_uidGid(uid), m_version(version),
- m_installType(SM_APP_INSTALL_NONE), m_isHybrid(false), m_isInstallDirCreated(false), m_creatorPid(getpid())
- {
- setInstallPath();
- }
+ m_installType(SM_APP_INSTALL_NONE), m_isHybrid(false), m_creatorPid(getpid())
+ {}
AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix,
const std::string &pkgNamePrefix,
void setHybrid();
bool getIsHybrid() const;
+ enum RootType {
+ };
+ enum PathType {
+ };
// Path types creation and removal on file system
- void createInstallDir();
- void createTrustedDir(int i = 0);
- void createPrivateDir(int i = 0);
- void createPublicDir();
- void createPrivateFile(int i = 0);
- void createSharedRODir(int i = 0);
- void createPrivateRODir(int i = 0);
+ void createPath(app_install_path_type smType, PathType pType, int i = 0, RootType rType = RootType::BASE);
+ // below methods are deprecated
+ void createTrustedDir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE);
+ void createPrivateDir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE);
+ void createPublicDir(RootType type = RootType::BASE);
+ void createPrivateFile(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE);
+ void createSharedRODir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE);
+ void createPrivateRODir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE);
void removePaths();
// Path getters
- std::string getInstallDir() const;
- std::string getTrustedDir(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getPrivateDir(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getPrivateRODir(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getPublicDir() const;
- std::string getPrivatePath(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getSharedRODir(int i = 0) const;
+ std::string getPath(app_install_path_type smType, PathType pType, int i = 0, RootType rType = RootType::BASE) const;
+ // below methods are deprecated
+ std::string getInstallDir(RootType type) const;
+ std::string getTrustedDir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE) const;
+ std::string getPrivateDir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE) const;
+ std::string getPrivateRODir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE) const;
+ std::string getPublicDir(RootType type = RootType::BASE) const;
+ std::string getPrivatePath(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE) const;
+ std::string getSharedRODir(int i = 0, RootType type = RootType::BASE) const;
const TypePathsMap& getDirsMap() const;
const TypePathsMap& getFilesMap() const;
- void setInstallPath();
- bool create(std::function<int(const char*, mode_t)> &&creatFun, const std::string &path);
+ struct RootInfo {
+ RootInfo() : isCreated(false) {}
+ std::string path;
+ int isCreated;
+ };
+ using RootTypeInfoMap = std::map<RootType, RootInfo>;
+ void setInstallPath(RootType type) const;
+ bool createFile(app_install_path_type smType, const std::string &path);
+ bool createDir(app_install_path_type smType, const std::string &path, bool isBasePath = false);
+ void createInstallDir(RootType type);
std::string m_appName;
std::string m_pkgName;
bool m_isLocal;
std::string m_version;
app_install_type m_installType;
bool m_isHybrid;
- std::string m_installDir;
- bool m_isInstallDirCreated;
+ mutable RootTypeInfoMap m_rootPaths;
TypePathsMap m_dirTypeMap;
TypePathsMap m_fileTypeMap;
PrivilegeVector m_privileges;
PrivilegeVector m_appDefinedPrivileges;
std::string m_author;
pid_t m_creatorPid;