PrintF("external=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::EXTERNAL]);
PrintF("mark=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_MARK]);
- PrintF("sweep=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_SWEEP]);
- PrintF("sweepns=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_SWEEP_NEWSPACE]);
+ PrintF("sweep=%.2f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_SWEEP]);
+ PrintF("sweepns=%.2f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_SWEEP_NEWSPACE]);
+ PrintF("sweepos=%.2f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_SWEEP_OLDSPACE]);
PrintF("evacuate=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_EVACUATE_PAGES]);
PrintF("new_new=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_UPDATE_NEW_TO_NEW_POINTERS]);
PrintF("root_new=%.1f ", scopes_[Scope::MC_UPDATE_ROOT_TO_NEW_POINTERS]);
// the map space last because freeing non-live maps overwrites them and
// the other spaces rely on possibly non-live maps to get the sizes for
// non-live objects.
- SequentialSweepingScope scope(this);
- SweepSpace(heap()->old_pointer_space(), how_to_sweep);
- SweepSpace(heap()->old_data_space(), how_to_sweep);
+ { GCTracer::Scope sweep_scope(tracer_, GCTracer::Scope::MC_SWEEP_OLDSPACE);
+ { SequentialSweepingScope scope(this);
+ SweepSpace(heap()->old_pointer_space(), how_to_sweep);
+ SweepSpace(heap()->old_data_space(), how_to_sweep);
+ }
- if (how_to_sweep == PARALLEL_CONSERVATIVE ||
- how_to_sweep == CONCURRENT_CONSERVATIVE) {
- // TODO(hpayer): fix race with concurrent sweeper
- StartSweeperThreads();
- }
+ if (how_to_sweep == PARALLEL_CONSERVATIVE ||
+ how_to_sweep == CONCURRENT_CONSERVATIVE) {
+ // TODO(hpayer): fix race with concurrent sweeper
+ StartSweeperThreads();
+ }
- if (how_to_sweep == PARALLEL_CONSERVATIVE) {
- WaitUntilSweepingCompleted();
+ if (how_to_sweep == PARALLEL_CONSERVATIVE) {
+ WaitUntilSweepingCompleted();
+ }
SweepSpace(heap()->code_space(), PRECISE);