cinfo = (JitCallInfo*)rmethod->jit_call_info;
- // FIXME: thread safety
+ // The jiterpreter will compile a unique thunk for each do_jit_call call site if it is hot
+ // enough to justify it. At that point we can invoke the thunk to efficiently do most of
+ // the work that would normally be done by do_jit_call
if (mono_opt_jiterpreter_jit_call_enabled) {
+ // FIXME: Thread safety for the thunk pointer
WasmJitCallThunk thunk = cinfo->jiterp_thunk;
if (thunk) {
MonoFtnDesc ftndesc = {0};
mono_opt_jiterpreter_wasm_eh_enabled ||
) {
+ // WASM EH is available or we are otherwise in a situation where we know
+ // that the jiterpreter thunk was compiled with exception handling built-in
+ // so we can just invoke it directly and errors will be handled
thunk (ret_sp, sp, &ftndesc, &thrown);
} else {
+ // Call a special JS function that will invoke the compiled jiterpreter thunk
+ // and trap errors for us to set the thrown flag
mono_interp_invoke_wasm_jit_call_trampoline (
thunk, ret_sp, sp, &ftndesc, &thrown
interp_pop_lmf (&ext);
+ // We reuse do_jit_call's epilogue to do things like propagate thrown exceptions
+ // and sign-extend return values instead of inlining that logic into every thunk
goto epilogue;
} else {
+ // FIXME: thread safety for the hit count
int count = cinfo->hit_count;
+ // If our hit count just reached the threshold, we request that a thunk be jitted
+ // for this specific call site. It will go into a queue and wait until there
+ // are enough jit calls waiting to be compiled into one WASM module
if (count == mono_opt_jiterpreter_jit_call_trampoline_hit_count) {
- void *fn = cinfo->no_wrapper ? cinfo->addr : cinfo->wrapper;
mono_interp_jit_wasm_jit_call_trampoline (
- rmethod->method, rmethod, cinfo, fn,
- rmethod->hasthis, rmethod->param_count,
+ rmethod->method, rmethod, cinfo,
rmethod->arg_offsets, mono_aot_mode == MONO_AOT_MODE_LLVMONLY_INTERP
} else {
int excess = count - mono_opt_jiterpreter_jit_call_queue_flush_threshold;
if (excess <= 0)
+ // If our hit count just reached the flush threshold, that means that we
+ // previously requested compilation for this call site and it didn't
+ // happen yet. We will request a flush of the entire queue this one
+ // time which will probably result in it being compiled
if (excess == 0)
mono_interp_flush_jitcall_queue ();
const offsetOfAddr = 0,
// offsetOfExtraArg = 4,
- // offsetOfWrapper = 8,
+ offsetOfWrapper = 8,
offsetOfSig = 12,
offsetOfArgInfo = 16,
offsetOfRetMt = 24,
const maxJitQueueLength = 6,
- maxSharedQueueLength = 12,
- flushParamThreshold = 7;
+ maxSharedQueueLength = 12;
// sizeOfStackval = 8;
let trampBuilder : WasmBuilder;
hasThisReference: boolean;
hasReturnValue: boolean;
noWrapper: boolean;
+ // The number of managed arguments (not including the this-reference or return val address)
paramCount: number;
+ // The managed type of each argument, not including the this-reference
+ paramTypes: MonoType[];
+ // The interpreter stack offset of each argument, in bytes. Indexes are one-based if
+ // the method has a this-reference (thisp is arg 0) and zero-based for static methods.
+ // The return value address is not in here either because it's always at a fixed location.
argOffsets: number[];
catchExceptions: boolean;
target: number; // either cinfo->wrapper or cinfo->addr, depending
addr: number; // always cinfo->addr
+ wrapper: number; // always cinfo->wrapper
name: string;
result: number;
queue: NativePointer[] = [];
signature: VoidPtr;
- signatureParamCount: number;
- signatureParamTypes: MonoType[];
- signatureReturnType: MonoType;
+ returnType: MonoType;
wasmNativeReturnType: WasmValtype;
wasmNativeSignature: WasmValtype[];
enableDirect: boolean;
constructor (
method: MonoMethod, rmethod: VoidPtr, cinfo: VoidPtr,
- has_this: boolean, param_count: number,
- arg_offsets: VoidPtr, catch_exceptions: boolean, func: number
+ arg_offsets: VoidPtr, catch_exceptions: boolean
) {
this.method = method;
this.rmethod = rmethod;
+ this.catchExceptions = catch_exceptions;
this.cinfo = cinfo;
this.addr = getU32(<any>cinfo + offsetOfAddr);
- this.hasThisReference = has_this;
- this.paramCount = param_count;
- this.catchExceptions = catch_exceptions;
- this.argOffsets = new Array(param_count);
+ this.wrapper = getU32(<any>cinfo + offsetOfWrapper);
this.signature = <any>getU32(<any>cinfo + offsetOfSig);
- this.signatureReturnType = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_return_type(this.signature);
- this.signatureParamCount = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_param_count(this.signature);
this.noWrapper = getU8(<any>cinfo + offsetOfNoWrapper) !== 0;
- const ptr = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_params(this.signature);
- this.signatureParamTypes = new Array(this.signatureParamCount);
- for (let i = 0; i < this.signatureParamCount; i++)
- this.signatureParamTypes[i] = <any>getU32(<any>ptr + (i * 4));
this.hasReturnValue = getI32(<any>cinfo + offsetOfRetMt) !== -1;
- for (let i = 0, c = param_count + (has_this ? 1 : 0); i < c; i++)
+ this.returnType = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_return_type(this.signature);
+ this.paramCount = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_param_count(this.signature);
+ this.hasThisReference = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_has_this(this.signature) !== 0;
+ const ptr = cwraps.mono_jiterp_get_signature_params(this.signature);
+ this.paramTypes = new Array(this.paramCount);
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.paramCount; i++)
+ this.paramTypes[i] = <any>getU32(<any>ptr + (i * 4));
+ // See initialize_arg_offsets for where this array is built
+ const argOffsetCount = this.paramCount + (this.hasThisReference ? 1 : 0);
+ this.argOffsets = new Array(this.paramCount);
+ for (let i = 0; i < argOffsetCount; i++)
this.argOffsets[i] = <any>getU32(<any>arg_offsets + (i * 4));
- = func;
+ = this.noWrapper ? this.addr : this.wrapper;
this.result = 0;
- this.wasmNativeReturnType = this.signatureReturnType && this.hasReturnValue
- ? (wasmTypeFromCilOpcode as any)[cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_stind(this.signatureReturnType)]
+ this.wasmNativeReturnType = this.returnType && this.hasReturnValue
+ ? (wasmTypeFromCilOpcode as any)[cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_stind(this.returnType)]
: WasmValtype.void;
- this.wasmNativeSignature =
+ this.wasmNativeSignature =
monoType => (wasmTypeFromCilOpcode as any)[cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_ldind(monoType)]
this.enableDirect = getOptions().directJitCalls &&
export function mono_interp_jit_wasm_jit_call_trampoline (
- method: MonoMethod, rmethod: VoidPtr, cinfo: VoidPtr, func: number,
- has_this: number, param_count: number,
+ method: MonoMethod, rmethod: VoidPtr, cinfo: VoidPtr,
arg_offsets: VoidPtr, catch_exceptions: number
) : void {
// multiple cinfos can share the same target function, so for that scenario we want to
const info = new TrampolineInfo(
- method, rmethod, cinfo, has_this !== 0, param_count,
- arg_offsets, catch_exceptions !== 0, func
+ method, rmethod, cinfo,
+ arg_offsets, catch_exceptions !== 0
targetCache[cacheKey] = info;
// we don't want the queue to get too long, both because jitting too many trampolines
// at once can hit the 4kb limit and because it makes it more likely that we will
// fail to jit them early enough
- // HACK: we also want to flush the queue when we get a function with many parameters,
- // since it's going to generate a lot more code and push us closer to 4kb
- if ((info.paramCount >= flushParamThreshold) || (jitQueue.length >= maxJitQueueLength))
+ if (jitQueue.length >= maxJitQueueLength)
let rejected = true, threw = false;
const trampImports : Array<[string, string, Function | number]> = [
- ["stackSave", "stackSave", Module.stackSave],
- ["stackAlloc", "stackAlloc", Module.stackAlloc],
- ["stackRestore", "stackRestore", Module.stackRestore],
- ["trace_entry", "trace_entry", mono_jiterp_trace_wrapper_entry],
try {
"thrown": WasmValtype.i32,
}, WasmValtype.void
- builder.defineType(
- "stackAlloc", {
- "bytes": WasmValtype.i32,
- }, WasmValtype.i32
- );
- builder.defineType(
- "stackSave", {
- }, WasmValtype.i32
- );
- builder.defineType(
- "stackRestore", {
- "sp": WasmValtype.i32,
- }, WasmValtype.void
- );
- builder.defineType(
- "trace_entry", {
- "nameIndex": WasmValtype.i32,
- "expected": WasmValtype.i32,
- "actual": WasmValtype.i32,
- }, WasmValtype.void
- );
for (let i = 0; i < jitQueue.length; i++) {
const info = jitQueue[i];
- const actualParamCount = (info.hasThisReference ? 1 : 0) + (info.hasReturnValue ? 1 : 0) + info.paramCount;
const sig : any = {};
if (info.enableDirect) {
sig["rgctx"] = WasmValtype.i32;
} else {
+ const actualParamCount = (info.hasThisReference ? 1 : 0) +
+ (info.hasReturnValue ? 1 : 0) + info.paramCount;
for (let j = 0; j < actualParamCount; j++)
sig[`arg${j}`] = WasmValtype.i32;
sig["ftndesc"] = WasmValtype.i32;
if (threw || (!rejected && ((trace >= 2) || dumpWrappers))) {
console.log(`// MONO_WASM: ${jitQueue.length} jit call wrappers generated, blob follows //`);
+ for (let i = 0; i < jitQueue.length; i++)
+ console.log(`// #${i} === ${jitQueue[i].name} hasThis=${jitQueue[i].hasThisReference} hasRet=${jitQueue[i].hasReturnValue} wasmArgTypes=${jitQueue[i].wasmNativeSignature}`);
let s = "", j = 0;
try {
if (builder.inSection)
mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
if (info.hasThisReference) {
- append_ldloc(builder, 0, WasmOpcode.i32_load);
+ // The this-reference is always the first argument
+ // Note that currently info.argOffsets[0] will always be 0, but it's best to
+ // read it from the array in case this behavior changes later.
+ append_ldloc(builder, info.argOffsets[0], WasmOpcode.i32_load);
// pass the first four bytes of the stackval data union,
// which is 'p' where pointers live
append_ldloc(builder, svalOffset, WasmOpcode.i32_load);
- } else {
- // pass the address of the stackval data union
- append_ldloca(builder, svalOffset);
- }
- if (info.enableDirect) {
+ } else if (info.enableDirect) {
// The wrapper call convention is byref for all args. Now we convert it to the native calling convention
- const loadCilOp = cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_ldind(info.signatureParamTypes[i]);
- mono_assert(loadCilOp, () => `No load opcode for ${info.signatureParamTypes[i]}`);
+ const loadCilOp = cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_ldind(info.paramTypes[i]);
+ mono_assert(loadCilOp, () => `No load opcode for ${info.paramTypes[i]}`);
- // We already performed a ldarg up above, so now we have the address that would've been passed to the wrapper
if (m_type_is_byref (sig->params [i])) {
mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, args_start + i);
if (loadCilOp === CilOpcodes.DUMMY_BYREF) {
- // Nothing to do
+ // pass the address of the stackval data union
+ append_ldloca(builder, svalOffset);
} else {
const loadWasmOp = (wasmOpcodeFromCilOpcode as any)[loadCilOp];
if (!loadWasmOp) {
- console.error(`No wasm load op for arg #${i} type ${info.signatureParamTypes[i]} cil opcode ${loadCilOp}`);
+ console.error(`No wasm load op for arg #${i} type ${info.paramTypes[i]} cil opcode ${loadCilOp}`);
return false;
// FIXME: LDOBJ is not implemented
- // TODO: Optimize ldloca->this into a single load-with-offset
- builder.appendU8(loadWasmOp);
- builder.appendMemarg(0, 0);
+ append_ldloc(builder, svalOffset, loadWasmOp);
+ } else {
+ // pass the address of the stackval data union
+ append_ldloca(builder, svalOffset);
mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I);
+ // We have to pass the ftndesc through from do_jit_call because the target function needs
+ // a rgctx value, which is not constant for a given wrapper if the target function is shared
+ // for multiple InterpMethods. We pass ftndesc instead of rgctx so that we can pass the
+ // address to gsharedvt wrappers without having to do our own stackAlloc
if (info.enableDirect || info.noWrapper) {
// Native calling convention wants an rgctx, not a ftndesc. The rgctx
// The stack should now contain [ret_sp, retval], so write retval through the return address
if (info.hasReturnValue && info.enableDirect) {
- const storeCilOp = cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_stind(info.signatureReturnType);
+ const storeCilOp = cwraps.mono_jiterp_type_to_stind(info.returnType);
const storeWasmOp = (wasmOpcodeFromCilOpcode as any)[storeCilOp];
if (!storeWasmOp) {
- console.error(`No wasm store op for return type ${info.signatureReturnType} cil opcode ${storeCilOp}`);
+ console.error(`No wasm store op for return type ${info.returnType} cil opcode ${storeCilOp}`);
return false;