MeshActor meshActor = MeshActor::New(mesh);
meshActor.SetSize(100, 100);
- meshActor.SetAffectedByLighting(false);
MeshActor meshActor = MeshActor::New(mesh);
meshActor.SetSize(100, 100);
- meshActor.SetAffectedByLighting(false);
return GetImplementation(*this).GetMaterial();
-void MeshActor::SetAffectedByLighting(bool affectedByLighting)
-bool MeshActor::IsAffectedByLighting()
- return false;
void MeshActor::BindBonesToMesh(Actor rootActor)
Internal::ActorPtr root(&GetImplementation(rootActor));
Material GetMaterial() const;
- /**
- * @brief Set whether this mesh actor should be affected by lights in the scene.
- *
- * If it is set to false, then the mesh will be unaffected by
- * lighting, and will be drawn with flat lighting, applying
- * the material's diffuse & ambient colors and the actor's color to the
- * material texture. If it is set to true, and there are no lights in the
- * scene, the mesh will not be drawn.
- *
- * @note This property is not inherited.
- * @note The default value is true.
- * @param[in] affectedByLighting Whether the actor should be lit by the scene lighting.
- */
- void SetAffectedByLighting(bool affectedByLighting);
- /**
- * @brief Get the lighting status.
- *
- * @return true if the actor is affected by the scene lighting, or false if its evenly lit.
- */
- bool IsAffectedByLighting();
* @brief Search the actor tree for all named bones in the mesh and connect them.