#define PX_PER_MM 3.779528f //1 in = 25.4 mm -> PX_PER_IN/25.4
#define PX_PER_CM 37.79528f //1 in = 2.54 cm -> PX_PER_IN/2.54
-typedef bool (*parseAttributes)(const char*, unsigned, simpleXMLAttributeCb, const void*);
+typedef bool (*parseAttributes)(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data);
typedef SvgNode* (*FactoryMethod)(SvgLoaderData* loader, SvgNode* parent, const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, parseAttributes func);
typedef SvgStyleGradient* (*GradientFactoryMethod)(SvgLoaderData* loader, const char* buf, unsigned bufLength);
static void _postponeCloneNode(Array<SvgNodeIdPair>* nodes, SvgNode *node, char* id);
static char* _skipSpace(const char* str, const char* end)
while (((end && str < end) || (!end && *str != '\0')) && isspace(*str)) {
-//TODO: check SVG2 standard - should the geometric properties be copied?
static void _copyCssStyleAttr(SvgNode* to, const SvgNode* from)
//Copy matrix attribute
while (auto next = simpleXmlParseCSSAttribute(content, length, &tag, &name, &attrs, &attrsLength)) {
if ((method = _findGroupFactory(tag))) {
- //TODO - node->id ??? add additional var for svgnode?
- if ((node = method(loader, loader->cssStyle, attrs, attrsLength, simpleXmlParseW3CAttribute))) node->id = _copyId(name);
+ TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported elements used in the internal CSS style sheets [Elements: %s]", tag);
} else if ((method = _findGraphicsFactory(tag))) {
if ((node = method(loader, loader->cssStyle, attrs, attrsLength, simpleXmlParseW3CAttribute))) node->id = _copyId(name);
- //TODO - implement
} else if ((gradientMethod = _findGradientFactory(tag))) {
- //TODO - implement
- //SvgStyleGradient* gradient = gradientMethod(loader, attrs, attrsLength);
+ TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported elements used in the internal CSS style sheets [Elements: %s]", tag);
} else if (!strcmp(tag, "stop")) {
- //TODO - implement
+ TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported elements used in the internal CSS style sheets [Elements: %s]", tag);
} else if (!strcmp(tag, "all")) {
if ((node = _createCssStyleNode(loader, loader->cssStyle, attrs, attrsLength, simpleXmlParseW3CAttribute))) node->id = _copyId(name);
} else if (!isIgnoreUnsupportedLogElements(tag)) {
- TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported elements used [Elements: %s]", tag);
+ TVGLOG("SVG", "Unsupported elements used in the internal CSS style sheets [Elements: %s]", tag);
length -= next - content;
if (defs) _updateGradient(loaderData.doc, &defs->node.defs.gradients);
if (loaderData.nodesToStyle.count > 0) _stylePostponedNodes(&loaderData.nodesToStyle, loaderData.cssStyle);
- //TODO: defs should be updated as well?
if (loaderData.cssStyle) _updateCssStyle(loaderData.doc, loaderData.cssStyle);
root = svgSceneBuild(loaderData.doc, vx, vy, vw, vh, w, h, preserveAspect, svgPath);
typedef bool (*simpleXMLCb)(void* data, SimpleXMLType type, const char* content, unsigned int length);
typedef bool (*simpleXMLAttributeCb)(void* data, const char* key, const char* value);
-bool simpleXmlParseAttributes(const char* buf, unsigned buflen, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data);
-bool simpleXmlParse(const char* buf, unsigned buflen, bool strip, simpleXMLCb func, const void* data);
-bool simpleXmlParseW3CAttribute(const char* buf, unsigned buflen, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data);
+bool simpleXmlParseAttributes(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data);
+bool simpleXmlParse(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, bool strip, simpleXMLCb func, const void* data);
+bool simpleXmlParseW3CAttribute(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, simpleXMLAttributeCb func, const void* data);
const char* simpleXmlParseCSSAttribute(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength, char** tag, char** name, const char** attrs, unsigned* attrsLength);
-const char* simpleXmlFindAttributesTag(const char* buf, unsigned buflen);
+const char* simpleXmlFindAttributesTag(const char* buf, unsigned bufLength);
bool isIgnoreUnsupportedLogElements(const char* tagName);
const char* simpleXmlNodeTypeToString(SvgNodeType type);