* Multiple form styles can be combined using bitwise OR.
* @exception E_SUCCESS The method is successful.
* @exception E_INVALID_ARG The specified input parameter is invalid.
- * - ::FORM_STYLE_HEADER and ::FORM_STYLE_TITLE are specified at the same time.
- * - ::FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_0 are specified at the same time.
- * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_1 are specified at the same time.
- * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_OPTIONKEY are specified at the same time.
+ * @if OSPDEPREC - ::FORM_STYLE_HEADER and ::FORM_STYLE_TITLE are specified at the same time.
+ * - ::FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_0 are specified at the same time.
+ * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_1 are specified at the same time.
+ * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_OPTIONKEY are specified at the same time. @endif
* @exception E_MAX_EXCEEDED The total number of Frames and Forms exceeds the system limitation.
* @exception E_SYSTEM A system error has occurred.
* @remarks The maximum number of Forms that an application can construct is limited by available memory.
* This parameter can be a combination of Tizen::Ui::Controls::FormStyle.
* @exception E_SUCCESS The method is successful @if OSPCOMPAT @b Since: @b 2.0 @endif.
* @exception E_INVALID_ARG A specified input parameter is invalid.
- * - ::FORM_STYLE_HEADER and ::FORM_STYLE_TITLE are specified at the same time.
- * - ::FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_0 are specified at the same time.
- * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_1 are specified at the same time.
- * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_OPTIONKEY are specified at the same time.
+ * @if OSPDEPREC - ::FORM_STYLE_HEADER and ::FORM_STYLE_TITLE are specified at the same time.
+ * - ::FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_0 are specified at the same time.
+ * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_SOFTKEY_1 are specified at the same time.
+ * - @c FORM_STYLE_FOOTER and ::FORM_STYLE_OPTIONKEY are specified at the same time. @endif
* @remarks
* - The specific error code can be accessed using the GetLastResult() method.
- * - Note that you must not change the style of %Form control that is constructed with ::FORM_STYLE_TEXT_TAB
- * or ::FORM_STYLE_ICON_TAB style.
+ * @if OSPDEPREC - Note that you must not change the style of %Form control that is constructed with ::FORM_STYLE_TEXT_TAB
+ * or ::FORM_STYLE_ICON_TAB style. @endif
* - A Form which is added to a container except Frame cannot have the style of ::FORM_STYLE_INDICATOR.
void SetFormStyle(unsigned long formStyle);
r = pImpl->SetZOrderGroup(_ControlVisualElement::Z_ORDER_GROUP_CONTROL + 4);
- Canvas* pCanvas = __pDimmingElement->GetCanvasN();
- Bitmap* pPortraitBitmap = null;
- Bitmap* pLandscapeBitmap = null;
- if (__pControl->GetOrientation() == _CONTROL_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
- {
- if (pCanvas)
- {
- r = pCanvas->DrawBitmap(FloatRectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height), *pPortraitBitmap);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pCanvas)
- {
- r = pCanvas->DrawBitmap(FloatRectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height), *pLandscapeBitmap);
- }
- }
- delete pCanvas;
+ DrawBackgroundBitmap();
__pDimmingElement->SetBounds(Tizen::Graphics::FloatRectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, size.height, size.width));
+ DrawBackgroundBitmap();
return r;
+ result r = E_SUCCESS;
+ const FloatDimension size = _ControlManager::GetInstance()->GetScreenSizeF();
+ Bitmap* pPortraitBitmap = null;
+ Bitmap* pLandscapeBitmap = null;
+ SysTryReturnResult(NID_UI, r == E_SUCCESS, r, "[%s] Propagating.", GetErrorMessage(r));
+ Canvas* pCanvas = __pDimmingElement->GetCanvasN();
+ r = GetLastResult();
+ SysTryReturnResult(NID_UI_CTRL, pCanvas != null, r, "[%s] Propagating.", GetErrorMessage(r));
+ pCanvas->SetBackgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ pCanvas->Clear();
+ if (__pControl->GetOrientation() == _CONTROL_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
+ {
+ if (pPortraitBitmap)
+ {
+ r = pCanvas->DrawBitmap(FloatRectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height), *pPortraitBitmap);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (pLandscapeBitmap)
+ {
+ r = pCanvas->DrawBitmap(FloatRectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, size.height, size.width), *pLandscapeBitmap);
+ }
+ }
+ delete pCanvas;
+ return r;
}} // Tizen::Ui