--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Xunit;
+using Xunit.Abstractions;
+#nullable enable
+namespace Wasm.Build.Tests
+ public class WasmBuildAppTest : IDisposable
+ {
+ private const string TestLogPathEnvVar = "TEST_LOG_PATH";
+ private const string SkipProjectCleanupEnvVar = "SKIP_PROJECT_CLEANUP";
+ private const string XHarnessRunnerCommandEnvVar = "XHARNESS_CLI_PATH";
+ private readonly string _tempDir;
+ private readonly ITestOutputHelper _testOutput;
+ private readonly string _id;
+ private readonly string _logPath;
+ private const string s_targetFramework = "net5.0";
+ private static string s_runtimeConfig = "Release";
+ private static string s_runtimePackDir;
+ private static string s_defaultBuildArgs;
+ private static readonly string s_logRoot;
+ private static readonly string s_emsdkPath;
+ private static readonly bool s_skipProjectCleanup;
+ private static readonly string s_xharnessRunnerCommand;
+ static WasmBuildAppTest()
+ {
+ DirectoryInfo? solutionRoot = new (AppContext.BaseDirectory);
+ while (solutionRoot != null)
+ {
+ if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(solutionRoot.FullName, "NuGet.config")))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ solutionRoot = solutionRoot.Parent;
+ }
+ if (solutionRoot == null)
+ {
+ string? buildDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WasmBuildSupportDir");
+ if (buildDir == null || !Directory.Exists(buildDir))
+ throw new Exception($"Could not find the solution root, or a build dir: {buildDir}");
+ s_emsdkPath = Path.Combine(buildDir, "emsdk");
+ s_runtimePackDir = Path.Combine(buildDir, "microsoft.netcore.app.runtime.browser-wasm");
+ s_defaultBuildArgs = $" /p:WasmBuildSupportDir={buildDir} /p:EMSDK_PATH={s_emsdkPath} ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string artifactsBinDir = Path.Combine(solutionRoot.FullName, "artifacts", "bin");
+ s_runtimePackDir = Path.Combine(artifactsBinDir, "microsoft.netcore.app.runtime.browser-wasm", s_runtimeConfig);
+ string? emsdk = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EMSDK_PATH");
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emsdk))
+ emsdk = Path.Combine(solutionRoot.FullName, "src", "mono", "wasm", "emsdk");
+ s_emsdkPath = emsdk;
+ s_defaultBuildArgs = $" /p:RuntimeSrcDir={solutionRoot.FullName} /p:RuntimeConfig={s_runtimeConfig} /p:EMSDK_PATH={s_emsdkPath} ";
+ }
+ string? logPathEnvVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(TestLogPathEnvVar);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logPathEnvVar))
+ {
+ s_logRoot = logPathEnvVar;
+ if (!Directory.Exists(s_logRoot))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(s_logRoot);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_logRoot = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
+ }
+ string? cleanupVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(SkipProjectCleanupEnvVar);
+ s_skipProjectCleanup = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cleanupVar) && cleanupVar == "1";
+ string? harnessVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(XHarnessRunnerCommandEnvVar);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(harnessVar))
+ {
+ throw new Exception($"{XHarnessRunnerCommandEnvVar} not set");
+ }
+ s_xharnessRunnerCommand = harnessVar;
+ }
+ public WasmBuildAppTest(ITestOutputHelper output)
+ {
+ _testOutput = output;
+ _id = Path.GetRandomFileName();
+ _tempDir = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, _id);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(_tempDir);
+ _logPath = Path.Combine(s_logRoot, _id);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(_logPath);
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"Test Id: {_id}");
+ }
+ /*
+ * TODO:
+ - AOT modes
+ - llvmonly
+ - aotinterp
+ - skipped assemblies should get have their pinvoke/icall stuff scanned
+ - only buildNative
+ - aot but no wrapper - check that AppBundle wasn't generated
+ */
+ public static TheoryData<string, bool> ConfigWithAOTData(bool include_aot=true)
+ {
+ TheoryData<string, bool> data = new()
+ {
+ { "Debug", false },
+ { "Release", false }
+ };
+ if (include_aot)
+ {
+ data.Add("Debug", true);
+ data.Add("Release", true);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static TheoryData<string, bool, bool?> InvariantGlobalizationTestData()
+ {
+ var data = new TheoryData<string, bool, bool?>();
+ foreach (var configData in ConfigWithAOTData())
+ {
+ data.Add((string)configData[0], (bool)configData[1], null);
+ data.Add((string)configData[0], (bool)configData[1], true);
+ data.Add((string)configData[0], (bool)configData[1], false);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ // TODO: check that icu bits have been linked out
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(InvariantGlobalizationTestData))]
+ public void InvariantGlobalization(string config, bool aot, bool? invariantGlobalization)
+ {
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "Program.cs"), @"
+ using System;
+ using System.Threading.Tasks;
+ public class TestClass {
+ public static int Main()
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(""Hello, World!"");
+ return 42;
+ }
+ }
+ ");
+ string? extraProperties = null;
+ if (invariantGlobalization != null)
+ extraProperties = $"<InvariantGlobalization>{invariantGlobalization}</InvariantGlobalization>";
+ string projectName = $"invariant_{invariantGlobalization?.ToString() ?? "unset"}";
+ BuildProject(projectName, config, aot: aot, extraProperties: extraProperties,
+ hasIcudt: invariantGlobalization == null || invariantGlobalization.Value == false);
+ RunAndTestWasmApp(projectName, config, isAOT: aot, expectedExitCode: 42,
+ test: output => Assert.Contains("Hello, World!", output));
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ConfigWithAOTData), parameters: /*aot*/ true)]
+ public void TopLevelMain(string config, bool aot)
+ => TestMain("top_level",
+ @"System.Console.WriteLine(""Hello, World!""); return await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(42);",
+ config, aot);
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ConfigWithAOTData), parameters: /*aot*/ true)]
+ public void AsyncMain(string config, bool aot)
+ => TestMain("async_main", @"
+ using System;
+ using System.Threading.Tasks;
+ public class TestClass {
+ public static async Task<int> Main()
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(""Hello, World!"");
+ return await Task.FromResult(42);
+ }
+ }", config, aot);
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ConfigWithAOTData), parameters: /*aot*/ true)]
+ public void NonAsyncMain(string config, bool aot)
+ => TestMain("non_async_main", @"
+ using System;
+ using System.Threading.Tasks;
+ public class TestClass {
+ public static int Main()
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(""Hello, World!"");
+ return 42;
+ }
+ }", config, aot);
+ public static TheoryData<string, bool, string[]> MainWithArgsTestData()
+ {
+ var data = new TheoryData<string, bool, string[]>();
+ foreach (var configData in ConfigWithAOTData())
+ {
+ data.Add((string)configData[0], (bool)configData[1], new string[] { "abc", "foobar" });
+ data.Add((string)configData[0], (bool)configData[1], new string[0]);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(MainWithArgsTestData))]
+ public void NonAsyncMainWithArgs(string config, bool aot, string[] args)
+ => TestMainWithArgs("non_async_main_args", @"
+ public class TestClass {
+ public static int Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ ##CODE##
+ return 42 + count;
+ }
+ }", config, aot, args);
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(MainWithArgsTestData))]
+ public void AsyncMainWithArgs(string config, bool aot, string[] args)
+ => TestMainWithArgs("async_main_args", @"
+ public class TestClass {
+ public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ ##CODE##
+ return await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(42 + count);
+ }
+ }", config, aot, args);
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(MainWithArgsTestData))]
+ public void TopLevelWithArgs(string config, bool aot, string[] args)
+ => TestMainWithArgs("top_level_args",
+ @"##CODE## return await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(42 + count);",
+ config, aot, args);
+ void TestMain(string projectName, string programText, string config, bool aot)
+ {
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "Program.cs"), programText);
+ BuildProject(projectName, config, aot: aot);
+ RunAndTestWasmApp(projectName, config, isAOT: aot, expectedExitCode: 42,
+ test: output => Assert.Contains("Hello, World!", output));
+ }
+ void TestMainWithArgs(string projectName, string programFormatString, string config, bool aot, string[] args)
+ {
+ string code = @"
+ int count = args == null ? 0 : args.Length;
+ System.Console.WriteLine($""args#: {args?.Length}"");
+ foreach (var arg in args ?? System.Array.Empty<string>())
+ System.Console.WriteLine($""arg: {arg}"");
+ ";
+ string programText = programFormatString.Replace("##CODE##", code);
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "Program.cs"), programText);
+ BuildProject(projectName, config, aot: aot);
+ RunAndTestWasmApp(projectName, config, isAOT: aot, expectedExitCode: 42 + args.Length, args: string.Join(' ', args),
+ test: output =>
+ {
+ Assert.Contains($"args#: {args.Length}", output);
+ foreach (var arg in args)
+ Assert.Contains($"arg: {arg}", output);
+ });
+ }
+ private void RunAndTestWasmApp(string projectName, string config, bool isAOT, Action<string> test, int expectedExitCode=0, string? args=null)
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, string>? envVars = new();
+ if (isAOT)
+ {
+ envVars["EMSDK_PATH"] = s_emsdkPath;
+ envVars["MONO_LOG_LEVEL"] = "debug";
+ envVars["MONO_LOG_MASK"] = "aot";
+ }
+ string bundleDir = Path.Combine(GetBinDir(config: config), "AppBundle");
+ string v8output = RunWasmTest(projectName, bundleDir, envVars, expectedExitCode, appArgs: args);
+ Test(v8output);
+ string browserOutput = RunWasmTestBrowser(projectName, bundleDir, envVars, expectedExitCode, appArgs: args);
+ Test(browserOutput);
+ void Test(string output)
+ {
+ if (isAOT)
+ {
+ Assert.Contains("AOT: image 'System.Private.CoreLib' found.", output);
+ Assert.Contains($"AOT: image '{projectName}' found.", output);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert.DoesNotContain("AOT: image 'System.Private.CoreLib' found.", output);
+ Assert.DoesNotContain($"AOT: image '{projectName}' found.", output);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private string RunWithXHarness(string testCommand, string relativeLogPath, string projectName, string bundleDir, IDictionary<string, string>? envVars=null,
+ int expectedAppExitCode=0, int xharnessExitCode=0, string? extraXHarnessArgs=null, string? appArgs=null)
+ {
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"============== {testCommand} =============");
+ Console.WriteLine($"============== {testCommand} =============");
+ string testLogPath = Path.Combine(_logPath, relativeLogPath);
+ StringBuilder args = new();
+ args.Append($"exec {s_xharnessRunnerCommand}");
+ args.Append($" {testCommand}");
+ args.Append($" --app=.");
+ args.Append($" --output-directory={testLogPath}");
+ args.Append($" --expected-exit-code={expectedAppExitCode}");
+ args.Append($" {extraXHarnessArgs ?? string.Empty}");
+ args.Append(" -- ");
+ // App arguments
+ if (envVars != null)
+ {
+ var setenv = string.Join(' ', envVars.Select(kvp => $"--setenv={kvp.Key}={kvp.Value}").ToArray());
+ args.Append($" {setenv}");
+ }
+ args.Append($" --run {projectName}.dll");
+ args.Append($" {appArgs ?? string.Empty}");
+ var (exitCode, output) = RunProcess("dotnet",
+ args: args.ToString(),
+ workingDir: bundleDir,
+ envVars: envVars,
+ label: testCommand);
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(testLogPath, $"xharness.log"), output);
+ if (exitCode != xharnessExitCode)
+ {
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"Exit code: {exitCode}");
+ Assert.True(exitCode == expectedAppExitCode, $"[{testCommand}] Exit code, expected {expectedAppExitCode} but got {exitCode}");
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ private string RunWasmTest(string projectName, string bundleDir, IDictionary<string, string>? envVars=null, int expectedAppExitCode=0, int xharnessExitCode=0, string? appArgs=null)
+ => RunWithXHarness("wasm test", "wasm-test", projectName, bundleDir,
+ envVars: envVars,
+ expectedAppExitCode: expectedAppExitCode,
+ extraXHarnessArgs: "--js-file=runtime.js --engine=V8 -v trace",
+ appArgs: appArgs);
+ private string RunWasmTestBrowser(string projectName, string bundleDir, IDictionary<string, string>? envVars=null, int expectedAppExitCode=0, int xharnessExitCode=0, string? appArgs=null)
+ => RunWithXHarness("wasm test-browser", "wasm-test-browser", projectName, bundleDir,
+ envVars: envVars,
+ expectedAppExitCode: expectedAppExitCode,
+ extraXHarnessArgs: "-v trace", // needed to get messages like those for AOT loading
+ appArgs: appArgs);
+ private static void InitProjectDir(string dir)
+ {
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dir, "Directory.Build.props"), s_directoryBuildProps);
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dir, "Directory.Build.targets"), s_directoryBuildTargets);
+ }
+ private void BuildProject(string projectName,
+ string config,
+ string? extraBuildArgs = null,
+ string? extraProperties = null,
+ bool aot = false,
+ bool? dotnetWasmFromRuntimePack = null,
+ bool hasIcudt = true)
+ {
+ if (aot)
+ extraProperties = $"{extraProperties}\n<RunAOTCompilation>true</RunAOTCompilation>\n";
+ InitProjectDir(_tempDir);
+ File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_tempDir, $"{projectName}.csproj"),
+@$"<Project Sdk=""Microsoft.NET.Sdk"">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <TargetFramework>{s_targetFramework}</TargetFramework>
+ <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
+ <WasmGenerateRunV8Script>true</WasmGenerateRunV8Script>
+ <WasmMainJSPath>runtime-test.js</WasmMainJSPath>
+ {extraProperties ?? string.Empty}
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ File.Copy(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "runtime-test.js"), Path.Combine(_tempDir, "runtime-test.js"));
+ StringBuilder sb = new();
+ sb.Append("publish");
+ sb.Append(s_defaultBuildArgs);
+ sb.Append($" /p:Configuration={config}");
+ string logFilePath = Path.Combine(_logPath, $"{projectName}.binlog");
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"Binlog path: {logFilePath}");
+ sb.Append($" /bl:\"{logFilePath}\" /v:minimal /nologo");
+ if (extraBuildArgs != null)
+ sb.Append($" {extraBuildArgs} ");
+ AssertBuild(sb.ToString());
+ string bundleDir = Path.Combine(GetBinDir(config: config), "AppBundle");
+ AssertBasicAppBundle(bundleDir, projectName, config, hasIcudt);
+ dotnetWasmFromRuntimePack ??= !aot;
+ AssertDotNetWasmJs(bundleDir, fromRuntimePack: dotnetWasmFromRuntimePack.Value);
+ }
+ private static void AssertBasicAppBundle(string bundleDir, string projectName, string config, bool hasIcudt=true)
+ {
+ AssertFilesExist(bundleDir, new []
+ {
+ "index.html",
+ "runtime.js",
+ "dotnet.timezones.blat",
+ "dotnet.wasm",
+ "mono-config.js",
+ "dotnet.js",
+ "run-v8.sh"
+ });
+ AssertFilesExist(bundleDir, new[] { "icudt.dat" }, expectToExist: hasIcudt);
+ string managedDir = Path.Combine(bundleDir, "managed");
+ AssertFilesExist(managedDir, new[] { $"{projectName}.dll" });
+ bool is_debug = config == "Debug";
+ if (is_debug)
+ {
+ // Use cecil to check embedded pdb?
+ // AssertFilesExist(managedDir, new[] { $"{projectName}.pdb" });
+ //FIXME: um.. what about these? embedded? why is linker omitting them?
+ //foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(managedDir, "*.dll"))
+ //{
+ //string pdb = Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".pdb");
+ //Assert.True(File.Exists(pdb), $"Could not find {pdb} for {file}");
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ private void AssertDotNetWasmJs(string bundleDir, bool fromRuntimePack)
+ {
+ string nativeDir = GetRuntimeNativeDir();
+ AssertFile(Path.Combine(nativeDir, "dotnet.wasm"), Path.Combine(bundleDir, "dotnet.wasm"), "Expected dotnet.wasm to be same as the runtime pack", same: fromRuntimePack);
+ AssertFile(Path.Combine(nativeDir, "dotnet.js"), Path.Combine(bundleDir, "dotnet.js"), "Expected dotnet.js to be same as the runtime pack", same: fromRuntimePack);
+ }
+ private static void AssertFilesDontExist(string dir, string[] filenames, string? label = null)
+ => AssertFilesExist(dir, filenames, label, expectToExist: false);
+ private static void AssertFilesExist(string dir, string[] filenames, string? label = null, bool expectToExist=true)
+ {
+ Assert.True(Directory.Exists(dir), $"[{label}] {dir} not found");
+ foreach (string filename in filenames)
+ {
+ string path = Path.Combine(dir, filename);
+ if (expectToExist)
+ {
+ Assert.True(File.Exists(path),
+ label != null
+ ? $"{label}: {path} doesn't exist"
+ : $"{path} doesn't exist");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert.False(File.Exists(path),
+ label != null
+ ? $"{label}: {path} should not exist"
+ : $"{path} should not exist");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void AssertSameFile(string file0, string file1, string? label=null) => AssertFile(file0, file1, label, same: true);
+ private static void AssertNotSameFile(string file0, string file1, string? label=null) => AssertFile(file0, file1, label, same: false);
+ private static void AssertFile(string file0, string file1, string? label=null, bool same=true)
+ {
+ Assert.True(File.Exists(file0), $"{label}: Expected to find {file0}");
+ Assert.True(File.Exists(file1), $"{label}: Expected to find {file1}");
+ FileInfo finfo0 = new(file0);
+ FileInfo finfo1 = new(file1);
+ if (same)
+ Assert.True(finfo0.Length == finfo1.Length, $"{label}: File sizes don't match for {file0} ({finfo0.Length}), and {file1} ({finfo1.Length})");
+ else
+ Assert.True(finfo0.Length != finfo1.Length, $"{label}: File sizes should not match for {file0} ({finfo0.Length}), and {file1} ({finfo1.Length})");
+ }
+ private void AssertBuild(string args)
+ {
+ (int exitCode, _) = RunProcess("dotnet", args, workingDir: _tempDir, label: "build");
+ Assert.True(0 == exitCode, $"Build process exited with non-zero exit code: {exitCode}");
+ }
+ private string GetObjDir(string targetFramework=s_targetFramework, string? baseDir=null, string config="Debug")
+ => Path.Combine(baseDir ?? _tempDir, "obj", config, targetFramework, "browser-wasm", "wasm");
+ private string GetBinDir(string targetFramework=s_targetFramework, string? baseDir=null, string config="Debug")
+ => Path.Combine(baseDir ?? _tempDir, "bin", config, targetFramework, "browser-wasm");
+ private string GetRuntimePackDir() => s_runtimePackDir;
+ private string GetRuntimeNativeDir()
+ => Path.Combine(GetRuntimePackDir(), "runtimes", "browser-wasm", "native");
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (s_skipProjectCleanup)
+ return;
+ try
+ {
+ Directory.Delete(_tempDir, recursive: true);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to delete '{_tempDir}' during test cleanup");
+ }
+ }
+ private (int, string) RunProcess(string path,
+ string args = "",
+ IDictionary<string, string>? envVars = null,
+ string? workingDir = null,
+ string? label = null,
+ bool logToXUnit = true)
+ {
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"Running: {path} {args}");
+ StringBuilder outputBuilder = new ();
+ var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
+ {
+ FileName = path,
+ UseShellExecute = false,
+ CreateNoWindow = true,
+ RedirectStandardError = true,
+ RedirectStandardOutput = true,
+ Arguments = args,
+ };
+ if (workingDir != null)
+ processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDir;
+ if (envVars != null)
+ {
+ if (envVars.Count > 0)
+ _testOutput.WriteLine("Setting environment variables for execution:");
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> envVar in envVars)
+ {
+ processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables[envVar.Key] = envVar.Value;
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"\t{envVar.Key} = {envVar.Value}");
+ }
+ }
+ Process? process = Process.Start(processStartInfo);
+ if (process == null)
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Process.Start({path} {args}) returned null process");
+ process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => LogData("[stderr]", e.Data);
+ process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => LogData("[stdout]", e.Data);
+ try
+ {
+ process.BeginOutputReadLine();
+ process.BeginErrorReadLine();
+ process.WaitForExit();
+ return (process.ExitCode, outputBuilder.ToString().Trim('\r', '\n'));
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(outputBuilder.ToString());
+ throw;
+ }
+ void LogData(string label, string? message)
+ {
+ if (logToXUnit && message != null)
+ {
+ _testOutput.WriteLine($"{label} {message}");
+ }
+ outputBuilder.AppendLine($"{label} {message}");
+ }
+ }
+ private static string s_directoryBuildProps = @"<Project>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <_WasmTargetsDir Condition=""'$(RuntimeSrcDir)' != ''"">$(RuntimeSrcDir)\src\mono\wasm\build\</_WasmTargetsDir>
+ <_WasmTargetsDir Condition=""'$(WasmBuildSupportDir)' != ''"">$(WasmBuildSupportDir)\wasm\</_WasmTargetsDir>
+ <EMSDK_PATH Condition=""'$(WasmBuildSupportDir)' != ''"">$(WasmBuildSupportDir)\emsdk\</EMSDK_PATH>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Import Project=""$(_WasmTargetsDir)WasmApp.LocalBuild.props"" Condition=""Exists('$(_WasmTargetsDir)WasmApp.LocalBuild.props')"" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <WasmBuildAppDependsOn>PrepareForWasmBuild;$(WasmBuildAppDependsOn)</WasmBuildAppDependsOn>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ private static string s_directoryBuildTargets = @"<Project>
+ <Target Name=""CheckWasmLocalBuildInputs"" BeforeTargets=""Build"">
+ <Error Condition=""'$(RuntimeSrcDir)' == '' and '$(WasmBuildSupportDir)' == ''""
+ Text=""Both %24(RuntimeSrcDir) and %24(WasmBuildSupportDir) are not set. Either one of them needs to be set to use local runtime builds"" />
+ <Error Condition=""'$(RuntimeSrcDir)' != '' and '$(WasmBuildSupportDir)' != ''""
+ Text=""Both %24(RuntimeSrcDir) and %24(WasmBuildSupportDir) are set. "" />
+ <Error Condition=""!Exists('$(_WasmTargetsDir)WasmApp.LocalBuild.props')""
+ Text=""Could not find WasmApp.LocalBuild.props in $(_WasmTargetsDir)"" />
+ <Error Condition=""!Exists('$(_WasmTargetsDir)WasmApp.LocalBuild.targets')""
+ Text=""Could not find WasmApp.LocalBuild.targets in $(_WasmTargetsDir)"" />
+ <Warning
+ Condition=""'$(WasmMainJS)' != '' and '$(WasmGenerateAppBundle)' != 'true'""
+ Text=""%24(WasmMainJS) is set when %24(WasmGenerateAppBundle) is not true: it won't be used because an app bundle is not being generated. Possible build authoring error"" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name=""PrepareForWasmBuild"">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <WasmAssembliesToBundle Include=""$(TargetDir)publish\*.dll"" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <Import Project=""$(_WasmTargetsDir)WasmApp.LocalBuild.targets"" Condition=""Exists('$(_WasmTargetsDir)WasmApp.LocalBuild.targets')"" />
+ }
+ }