2008-02-12 Sebastian Dröge <slomo@circular-chaos.org>
+ * ext/gio/gstgiostreamsink.c:
+ * ext/gio/gstgiostreamsrc.c:
+ Add documentation and example code for giostreamsink/giostreamsrc.
+ * tests/check/pipelines/gio.c: (GST_START_TEST):
+ Ask the GMemoryOutputStream for the data instead of assuming that
+ the pointer to the data stayed the same. It could've been realloc'ed.
+2008-02-12 Sebastian Dröge <slomo@circular-chaos.org>
* ext/gio/gstgiosink.c:
* ext/gio/gstgiosrc.c:
Make the documentation of giosink/giosrc complete, large parts
* SECTION:element-giostreamsink
+ * @short_description: Write to a GIO GOutputStream
* <refsect2>
- * <title>Example launch line</title>
* <para>
+ * This plugin writes incoming data to a custom GIO #GOutputStream.
+ * </para>
+ * <para>
+ * It can, for example, be used to write a stream to memory with a
+ * #GMemoryOuputStream or to write to a file with a #GFileOuputStream.
+ * </para>
+ * <title>Example code</title>
+ * <para>
+ * The following example writes the received data to a #GMemoryOutputStream.
* <programlisting>
- * gst-launch audiotestsrc num-buffers=100 ! flacenc ! giosink location=file:///home/foo/bar.flac
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+GstElement *sink;
+GMemoryOuputStream *stream;
+// out_data will contain the received data
+guint8 *out_data;
+stream = G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (g_memory_output_stream_new (NULL, 0,
+ (GReallocFunc) g_realloc, (GDestroyNotify) g_free));
+sink = gst_element_factory_make ("giostreamsink", "sink");
+g_object_set (G_OBJECT (sink), "stream", stream, NULL);
+// after processing get the written data
+out_data = g_memory_ouput_stream_get_data (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (stream));
* </programlisting>
* </para>
* </refsect2>
* SECTION:element-giostreamsrc
+ * @short_description: Reads data from a GIO GInputStream
* <refsect2>
- * <title>Example launch line</title>
* <para>
+ * This plugin reads data from a custom GIO #GInputStream.
+ * </para>
+ * <para>
+ * It can, for example, be used to read data from memory with a
+ * #GMemoryInputStream or to read from a file with a
+ * #GFileInputStream.
+ * </para>
+ * <title>Example code</title>
+ * <para>
+ * The following example reads data from a #GMemoryOutputStream.
* <programlisting>
- * gst-launch giosrc location=file:///home/foo/bar.ext ! fakesink
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+GstElement *src;
+GMemoryInputStream *stream;
+// in_data will contain the data to send
+guint8 *in_data;
+gint i;
+in_data = g_new (guint8, 512);
+for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
+ in_data[i] = i % 256;
+stream = G_MEMORY_INPUT_STREAM (g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data (in_data, 512,
+ (GDestroyNotify) g_free));
+src = gst_element_factory_make ("giostreamsrc", "src");
+g_object_set (G_OBJECT (src), "stream", stream, NULL);
* </programlisting>
* </para>
* </refsect2>
output = G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (g_memory_output_stream_new (out_data, 512,
(GReallocFunc) g_realloc, (GDestroyNotify) g_free));
+ out_data = NULL;
loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
fail_unless (got_eos);
+ out_data = g_memory_output_stream_get_data (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (output));
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
fail_unless_equals_int (in_data[i], out_data[i]);