Porting/GitUtils.pm Generate the contents of a .patch file
Porting/Glossary Glossary of config.sh variables
Porting/how_to_write_a_perldelta.pod Bluffer's guide to writing a perldelta.
+Porting/leakfinder.pl Hacky script for finding memory leaks
Porting/Maintainers Program to pretty print info in Maintainers.pl
Porting/Maintainers.pl Information about maintainers
Porting/Maintainers.pm Library to pretty print info in Maintainers.pl
--- /dev/null
+# WARNING! This script can be dangerous. It executes every line in every
+# file in the build directory and its subdirectories, so it could do some
+# harm if the line contains `rm *` or something similar.
+# Run this as ./perl -Ilib Porting/leakfinder.pl after building perl.
+# This is a quick non-portable hack that evaluates pieces of code in an
+# eval twice and sees whether the number of SVs goes up. Any lines that
+# leak are printed to STDOUT.
+# push and unshift will give false positives. Some lines (listed at the
+# bottom) are explicitly skipped. Some patterns (at the beginning of the
+# inner for loop) are also skipped.
+use XS::APItest "sv_count";
+for(`find .`) {
+ chomp;
+ for(`cat \Q$_\E 2>/dev/null`) {
+ next if exists $exceptions{$_};
+ next if /rm -rf/; # Could be an example from perlsec, e.g.
+ next if /END \{/; # Creating an END block creates SVs, obviously
+ s/[\\']/sprintf "\\%02x", ord $&/egg;
+ s/\0/'."\\0".'/g;
+ $prog = <<end;
+ open oUt, ">&", STDOUT;
+ open STDOUT, ">/dev/null";
+ open STDIN, "</dev/null";
+ open STDERR, ">/dev/null";
+ \$unused_variable = '$_';
+ eval \$unused_variable;
+ print oUt sv_count, "\n";
+ eval \$unused_variable;
+ print oUt sv_count, "\n";
+ open my $fh, "-|", $^X, "-Ilib", "-MXS::APItest=sv_count",
+ '-e', $prog or warn($!), next;
+ local $/;
+ $out = <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
+ @_ = split ' ', $out;
+ if (@_ == 2 && $_[1] > $_[0]) { print $_ }
+ }
+ @exceptions = split /^/, <<'end';
+do {$x[$x] = $x;} while ($x++) < 10;
+eval 'v23: $counter++; goto v23 unless $counter == 2';
+eval 'v23 : $counter++; goto v23 unless $counter == 2';
+END { unlink "./foo"; }
+exit 1;
+ push @a, \$x;
+ unshift @INC, "../lib";
+ @exceptions{@exceptions} = ();