-## General Test Infrastructure Notes ##
+# General Test Infrastructure
-### Kinds of Build Properties ###
-* Build Only
-> `<CLRTestKind>BuildOnly</CLRTestKind>`
- * Builds an executable.
- * Will not execute it.
+## Test "Kind"
+* Build Only
+ * Builds an executable.
+ * Will not execute.
+ * e.g. `<CLRTestKind>BuildOnly</CLRTestKind>`
* Run Only
-> `<CLRTestKind>RunOnly</CLRTestKind>`
+ * Can use output of `BuildOnly` or `BuildAndRun` projects with different command line arguments.
+ * e.g. `<CLRTestKind>RunOnly</CLRTestKind>`
+* Build And Run
+ * Builds an executable.
+ * Will execute said executable.
+ * e.g. `<CLRTestKind>BuildAndRun</CLRTestKind>`
+* Shared Libraries
+ * For building libraries common to zero or more tests.
+ * e.g. `<CLRTestKind>SharedLibrary</CLRTestKind>`
- * Can use Ouput of Build and Run Project with different command line arguments.
-* Build and Run
-> `<CLRTestKind>BuildAndRun</CLRTestKind>`
+By default (i.e. if not specified explicitly), test "Kind" is `BuildAndRun`.
- * Builds an executable.
- * Will execute said executable.
-* Shared Libraries
-> `<CLRTestKind>SharedLibrary</CLRTestKind>`
+## Priority
+Test cases are categorized by priority level. The most important subset should be and is the smallest subset. This subset is called priority 0.
- * For building libraries common to zero or more tests.
+* By default, a test case is priority 0. Tests must be explicitly de-prioritized.
+* Set the priority of a test by setting the property `<CLRTestPriority>` in the test's project file.
+ * e.g. `<CLRTestPriority>2</CLRTestPriority>`
+* Lower priority values are always run in conjunction when running higher priority value tests.
+ * i.e. if a developer elects to do a priority 2 test run, then all priority 0, 1 and 2 tests are run.
+## Adding Test Guidelines
-By default (i.e. if not specified explicitly) a project file is BuildAndRun.
+* All test source files should include the following banner:
+ // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+ // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+ // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+* Disable building of a test by conditionally setting the `<DisableProjectBuild>` property.
+ * e.g. `<DisableProjectBuild Condition=" '$(Platform)' == 'arm64' ">true</DisableProjectBuild>`
+* Add NuGet/MyGet references by updating the following [project file](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/tests/src/Common/test_dependencies/test_dependencies.csproj).
+* Build against the `mscorlib` facade by adding `<ReferenceLocalMscorlib>true</ReferenceLocalMscorlib>` to the test project.
-### Priority ###
-Testcases are categorized by their priority levels. The most important subset should be and is the smallest subset. This subset is called priority 0.
- * By default, a testcase is priority 0. You must elect to de-prioritize a test.
- * To de-prioritize a test, add a property _CLRTestPriority_ to the test's project file.
-> `<CLRTestPriority>2</CLRTestPriority>`
- * Lower priority values are always run in conjunction when running higher priority value tests. I.e. if a developer elects to do a priority 2 test run, then all priority 0, 1 and 2 tests are run.
+### Creating a new C# test project
-### Adding Tests ###
-#### Converting an existing C# project ####
- * Remove AssemblyName
- * Swap in dir.props
- * Swap in dir.targets
- * Assign a CLRTestKind
- * (optional) Assign a priority value
+### Converting an existing C# project
+ * Remove the `<AssemblyName>` property
+ * Import `dir.props`
+ * Import `dir.targets`
+ * Assign a `<CLRTestKind>`
+ * (optional) Assign a priority value
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# Running .NET Core Tests
-TODO - Incomplete.
+Details on test metadata can be found in [test-configuration.md](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/test-configuration.md).
+## Build All Tests
+1) Build the CoreCLR product
+ * [Unix](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/linux-instructions.md)
+ * [OSX](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/osx-instructions.md)
+ * [Windows](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/windows-instructions.md)
+1) From the root directory run the following command:
+ * Non-Windows - `./build-test.sh`
+ * Windows - `build-test.cmd`
+ * Supply `-h` for usage flags
+### Examples
+* Build all tests priority `2` and higher
+ * `build-test.cmd -priority=2`
+## Build Individual Test
+Note: The CoreCLR must be built prior to building an individual test. See first step for building all tests.
+* Native Test: Build the generated CMake projects
+ * Projects are auto-generated when the `build-test.sh`/`build-test.cmd` script is run
+* Managed Test: Invoke MSBuild on the project directly
+ * Non-Windows - All of the necessary tools to build are under `coreclr/Tools`. It is possible to use `coreclr/Tools/MSBuild.dll` as you would normally use MSBuild with a few caveats. The `coreclr/Tools/msbuild.sh` script exists to make the call shorter.
+ * **Note:** Passing `/p:__BuildOs=`[`OSX`|`Linux`] is required. Otherwise the following error will occur: `error MSB4801: The task factory "CodeTaskFactory" could not be loaded because this version of MSBuild does not support it.`
+ * Windows - Use Visual Studio Developer command prompt
-See [Windows Instructions](../building/windows-test-instructions.md)
-See [Unix Instructions](../building/unix-test-instructions.md)
+### Examples
+* Using the `msbuild.sh` script
+ * `coreclr/Tools/msbuild.sh /maxcpucount coreclr/tests/src/JIT/CodeGenBringUpTests/Array1.csproj /p:__BuildType=Release /p:__BuildOS=OSX`
+* Calling `MSBuild.dll` directly
+ * `coreclr/Tools/dotnetcli/dotnet coreclr/Tools/MSBuild.dll /maxcpucount coreclr/tests/src/JIT/CodeGenBringUpTests/Array1.csproj /p:__BuildType=Release /p:__BuildOS=OSX`
+## Additional Documents
+* [Windows](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/windows-test-instructions.md)
+* [Non-Windows](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/unix-test-instructions.md)
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