In v3d 7.x we don't need to scale up depth bias for D16 buffers.
Reviewed-by: Alejandro PiƱeiro <>
Part-of: <>
cl_emit(&job->bcl, DEPTH_OFFSET, bias) {
bias.depth_offset_factor = dynamic->depth_bias.slope_factor;
bias.depth_offset_units = dynamic->depth_bias.constant_factor;
+#if V3D_VERSION <= 42
if (pipeline->depth_bias.is_z16)
bias.depth_offset_units *= 256.0f;
bias.limit = dynamic->depth_bias.depth_bias_clamp;
if (v3d->dirty & V3D_DIRTY_RASTERIZER &&
v3d->rasterizer->base.offset_tri) {
- if (job->zsbuf &&
+ if (v3d->screen->devinfo.ver <= 42 &&
+ job->zsbuf &&
job->zsbuf->format == PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM) {
- /* The HW treats polygon offset units based on a Z24 buffer, so we
+ /* V3d 4.x treats polygon offset units based on a Z24 buffer, so we
* need to scale up offset_units if we're only Z16.
+#if V3D_VERSION <= 42
v3dx_pack(&so->depth_offset_z16, DEPTH_OFFSET, depth) {
depth.depth_offset_factor = cso->offset_scale;
depth.depth_offset_units = cso->offset_units * 256.0;
depth.limit = cso->offset_clamp;
return so;