internal static extern int UnsetInputBufferUsedCb(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport(Libraries.MediaCodec, EntryPoint = "mediacodec_set_output_buffer_available_cb")]
- internal static extern int SetOutputBufferAvaiableCb(IntPtr handle,
+ internal static extern int SetOutputBufferAvailableCb(IntPtr handle,
OutputBufferAvailableCallback cb, IntPtr arg);
[DllImport(Libraries.MediaCodec, EntryPoint = "mediacodec_unset_output_buffer_available_cb")]
- internal static extern int UnsetOutputBufferAvaiableCb(IntPtr handle);
+ internal static extern int UnsetOutputBufferAvailableCb(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport(Libraries.MediaCodec, EntryPoint = "mediacodec_set_error_cb")]
internal static extern int SetErrorCb(IntPtr handle, ErrorCallback cb, IntPtr arg);
_outputAvailable?.Invoke(this, args);
- int ret = Interop.MediaCodec.SetOutputBufferAvaiableCb(_handle,
+ int ret = Interop.MediaCodec.SetOutputBufferAvailableCb(_handle,
_outputBufferAvailableCb, IntPtr.Zero);
private void UnregisterOutputAvailableCallback()
- int ret = Interop.MediaCodec.UnsetOutputBufferAvaiableCb(_handle);
+ int ret = Interop.MediaCodec.UnsetOutputBufferAvailableCb(_handle);
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
internal static partial class Interop
internal static partial class Libraries
/// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">
/// The player has already been disposed of.\n
/// -or-\n
- /// <paramref name="poilcy"/> has already been disposed of.
+ /// <paramref name="policy"/> has already been disposed of.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The player is not in the valid state.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="policy"/> is null.</exception>
throw new NoBufferSpaceException(msg);
case PlayerErrorCode.ResourceLimit:
- throw new ResouceLimitException(msg);
+ throw new ResourceLimitException(msg);
case PlayerErrorCode.NotSupportedAudioCodec:
throw new CodecNotSupportedException(CodecKind.Audio);
/// <summary>
/// The exception that is thrown when there is no available resource for internal use.
/// </summary>
- public class ResouceLimitException : InvalidOperationException
+ public class ResourceLimitException : InvalidOperationException
/// <summary>
- /// Initializes a new instance of the ResouceLimitException class with a specified error message.
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the ResourceLimitException class with a specified error message.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Error description.</param>
- public ResouceLimitException(string message) : base(message)
+ public ResourceLimitException(string message) : base(message)
/// <remarks>The <see cref="Multimedia.Player"/> that owns this instance must be in the <see cref="PlayerState.Ready"/>, <see cref="PlayerState.Playing"/> or <see cref="PlayerState.Paused"/> state.</remarks>
/// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">The <see cref="Multimedia.Player"/> that this instance belongs to has been disposed.</exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="Multimedia.Player"/> that this instance belongs to is not in the valid state.</exception>
- public AudioStreamProperties GetAudioProperies()
+ public AudioStreamProperties GetAudioProperties()
Player.ValidatePlayerState(PlayerState.Ready, PlayerState.Playing, PlayerState.Paused);
<Import Project="../build/build.props" />
- <Version>1.0.1</Version>
+ <Version>1.0.2</Version>
<Description>Provides the Multimedia Player API for Tizen .NET</Description>
SetScanCompletedCb(_handle, ScanCompleteCallback).ThrowIfFailed("Failed to initialize radio");
- SetInterruptedCb(_handle, IntruptedCallback).ThrowIfFailed("Failed to initialize radio");
+ SetInterruptedCb(_handle, InterruptedCallback).ThrowIfFailed("Failed to initialize radio");
catch (Exception)
ScanCompleted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
- private void IntruptedCallback(RadioInterruptedReason reason, IntPtr data)
+ private void InterruptedCallback(RadioInterruptedReason reason, IntPtr data)
Interrupted?.Invoke(this, new RadioInterruptedEventArgs(reason));
- private void ValidateRadioState(params RadioState[] reqiured)
+ private void ValidateRadioState(params RadioState[] required)
RadioState curState = State;
- if (reqiured.Contains(curState) == false)
+ if (required.Contains(curState) == false)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{curState} is not valid state.");
NoAntenna = -0x019A0000 | 0x03,
- internal static class RadioErrorExtesions
+ internal static class RadioErrorExtensions
internal static void ThrowIfFailed(this RadioError err, string message)
internal BitmapFrame(IntPtr nativeBuffer, int width, int height, int size)
Debug.Assert(nativeBuffer != IntPtr.Zero);
byte[] buf = new byte[size];
Marshal.Copy(nativeBuffer, buf, 0, size);
NotSupportedFormat = -0x01920000 | 0x01,
- internal static class ImageUtilErrorExtesions
+ internal static class ImageUtilErrorExtensions
internal static void ThrowIfFailed(this ImageUtilError err, string message)
/// -or-\n
/// The height of <paramref name="value"/> is less than or equal to zero.\n
/// -or-\n
- /// The x position of <paramref name="value"/> is lsss than zero.\n
+ /// The x position of <paramref name="value"/> is less than zero.\n
/// -or-\n
- /// The y position of <paramref name="value"/> is lsss than zero.\n
+ /// The y position of <paramref name="value"/> is less than zero.\n
/// </exception>
public Rectangle? Roi
private const string KeyUseStabilization = "MV_IMAGE_TRACKING_USE_STABLIZATION";
private const string KeyStabilizationTolerantShift = "MV_IMAGE_TRACKING_STABLIZATION_TOLERANT_SHIFT";
private const string KeyStabilizationSpeed = "MV_IMAGE_TRACKING_STABLIZATION_SPEED";
- private const string KeyStabilizationAccelaration = "MV_IMAGE_TRACKING_STABLIZATION_ACCELERATION";
+ private const string KeyStabilizationAcceleration = "MV_IMAGE_TRACKING_STABLIZATION_ACCELERATION";
/// <summary>
/// A read-only field that represents the default value of <see cref="HistoryAmount"/>.
public static readonly double DefaultStabilizationSpeed = 0.3;
/// <summary>
- /// A read-only field that represents the default value of <see cref="StabilizationAccelaration"/>.
+ /// A read-only field that represents the default value of <see cref="StabilizationAcceleration"/>.
/// </summary>
- public static readonly double DefaultStabilizationAccelaration = 0.1;
+ public static readonly double DefaultStabilizationAcceleration = 0.1;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImageTrackingConfiguration"/> class.
/// -or-\n
/// <paramref name="value"/> is greater than one.
/// </exception>
- public double StabilizationAccelaration
+ public double StabilizationAcceleration
- return GetDouble(KeyStabilizationAccelaration);
+ return GetDouble(KeyStabilizationAcceleration);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), value, "Valid range is 0 to 1 inclusive.");
- Set(KeyStabilizationAccelaration, value);
+ Set(KeyStabilizationAcceleration, value);
/// </summary>
public PersonRecognizedEventArgs(IEnumerable<PersonRecognitionInfo> recognitionInfo)
- Recongnitions = recognitionInfo;
+ Recognitions = recognitionInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a set of information that correspond to the recognized persons.
/// </summary>
- public IEnumerable<PersonRecognitionInfo> Recongnitions { get; }
+ public IEnumerable<PersonRecognitionInfo> Recognitions { get; }
<Import Project="../build/build.props" />
- <Version>1.0.0</Version>
+ <Version>1.0.1</Version>
<Description>Provides the Multimedia Vision API for Tizen .NET</Description>
/// Provides a thread-safe lock controller.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
- /// using (var lock = BaseMeadiPacket.Lock(mediaPacket))
+ /// using (var lock = BaseMediaPacket.Lock(mediaPacket))
/// {
/// ....
/// }
/// <summary>
- /// Creates an object of the MediaPacekt with the specified <see cref="MediaFormat"/>.
+ /// Creates an object of the MediaPacket with the specified <see cref="MediaFormat"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="format">The media format for the new packet.</param>
/// <returns>A new MediaPacket object.</returns>