AddModuleSymbols (Target *target,
- const FileSpec &symfile_spec,
+ ModuleSpec &module_spec,
bool &flush,
CommandReturnObject &result)
- ModuleSP symfile_module_sp (new Module (symfile_spec, target->GetArchitecture()));
- const UUID &symfile_uuid = symfile_module_sp->GetUUID();
- StreamString ss_symfile_uuid;
- symfile_uuid.Dump(&ss_symfile_uuid);
- if (symfile_module_sp)
+ const FileSpec &symbol_fspec = module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec();
+ if (symbol_fspec)
char symfile_path[PATH_MAX];
- symfile_spec.GetPath (symfile_path, sizeof(symfile_path));
+ symbol_fspec.GetPath (symfile_path, sizeof(symfile_path));
+ if (!module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid())
+ {
+ if (!module_spec.GetFileSpec() && !module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec())
+ module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename() = symbol_fspec.GetFilename();
+ }
// We now have a module that represents a symbol file
// that can be used for a module that might exist in the
// current target, so we need to find that module in the
// target
- ModuleSP old_module_sp (target->GetImages().FindModule (symfile_uuid));
- if (old_module_sp)
+ ModuleList matching_module_list;
+ const size_t num_matches = target->GetImages().FindModules (module_spec, matching_module_list);
+ if (num_matches > 1)
+ result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("multiple modules match symbol file '%s', use the --uuid option to resolve the ambiguity.\n", symfile_path);
+ }
+ else if (num_matches == 1)
+ {
+ ModuleSP module_sp (matching_module_list.GetModuleAtIndex(0));
// The module has not yet created its symbol vendor, we can just
// give the existing target module the symfile path to use for
// when it decides to create it!
- old_module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec (symfile_module_sp->GetFileSpec());
- // Provide feedback that the symfile has been successfully added.
- const FileSpec &module_fs = old_module_sp->GetFileSpec();
- result.AppendMessageWithFormat("symbol file '%s' with UUID %s has been successfully added to the '%s/%s' module\n",
- symfile_path, ss_symfile_uuid.GetData(),
- module_fs.GetDirectory().AsCString(), module_fs.GetFilename().AsCString());
+ module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec (symbol_fspec);
- // Let clients know something changed in the module
- // if it is currently loaded
- ModuleList module_list;
- module_list.Append (old_module_sp);
- target->ModulesDidLoad (module_list);
- flush = true;
+ SymbolVendor *symbol_vendor = module_sp->GetSymbolVendor();
+ if (symbol_vendor)
+ {
+ SymbolFile *symbol_file = symbol_vendor->GetSymbolFile();
+ if (symbol_file)
+ {
+ ObjectFile *object_file = symbol_file->GetObjectFile();
+ if (object_file && object_file->GetFileSpec() == symbol_fspec)
+ {
+ // Provide feedback that the symfile has been successfully added.
+ const FileSpec &module_fs = module_sp->GetFileSpec();
+ result.AppendMessageWithFormat("symbol file '%s' has been added to '%s/%s'\n",
+ symfile_path,
+ module_fs.GetDirectory().AsCString(),
+ module_fs.GetFilename().AsCString());
+ // Let clients know something changed in the module
+ // if it is currently loaded
+ ModuleList module_list;
+ module_list.Append (module_sp);
+ target->ModulesDidLoad (module_list);
+ flush = true;
+ result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the symbol file spec if anything went wrong
+ module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec (FileSpec());
+ }
+ if (module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid())
+ {
+ StreamString ss_symfile_uuid;
+ module_spec.GetUUID().Dump(&ss_symfile_uuid);
+ result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("symbol file '%s' (%s) does not match any existing module%s\n",
+ symfile_path,
+ ss_symfile_uuid.GetData(),
+ (symbol_fspec.GetFileType() != FileSpec::eFileTypeRegular)
+ ? "\n please specify the full path to the symbol file"
+ : "");
- result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("symbol file '%s' with UUID %s does not match any existing module%s\n",
- symfile_path, ss_symfile_uuid.GetData(),
- (symfile_spec.GetFileType() != FileSpec::eFileTypeRegular)
- ? "\n please specify the full path to the symbol file"
- : "");
- return false;
+ result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("symbol file '%s' does not match any existing module%s\n",
+ symfile_path,
+ (symbol_fspec.GetFileType() != FileSpec::eFileTypeRegular)
+ ? "\n please specify the full path to the symbol file"
+ : "");
result.AppendError ("one or more executable image paths must be specified");
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
- return false;
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
- return true;
+ result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
+ return false;
virtual bool
bool flush = false;
- ModuleSpec sym_spec;
+ ModuleSpec module_spec;
const bool uuid_option_set = m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet();
const bool file_option_set = m_file_option.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet();
const bool frame_option_set = m_current_frame_option.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet();
if (frame_module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().Exists())
- sym_spec.GetArchitecture() = frame_module_sp->GetArchitecture();
- sym_spec.GetFileSpec() = frame_module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec();
+ module_spec.GetArchitecture() = frame_module_sp->GetArchitecture();
+ module_spec.GetFileSpec() = frame_module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec();
- sym_spec.GetUUID() = frame_module_sp->GetUUID();
- success = sym_spec.GetUUID().IsValid() || sym_spec.GetFileSpec();
+ module_spec.GetUUID() = frame_module_sp->GetUUID();
+ success = module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid() || module_spec.GetFileSpec();
if (uuid_option_set)
- sym_spec.GetUUID() = m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
- success |= sym_spec.GetUUID().IsValid();
+ module_spec.GetUUID() = m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
+ success |= module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid();
else if (file_option_set)
- sym_spec.GetFileSpec() = m_file_option.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
- ModuleSP module_sp (target->GetImages().FindFirstModule(sym_spec));
+ module_spec.GetFileSpec() = m_file_option.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
+ ModuleSP module_sp (target->GetImages().FindFirstModule(module_spec));
if (module_sp)
- sym_spec.GetFileSpec() = module_sp->GetFileSpec();
- sym_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec() = module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec();
- sym_spec.GetUUID() = module_sp->GetUUID();
- sym_spec.GetArchitecture() = module_sp->GetArchitecture();
+ module_spec.GetFileSpec() = module_sp->GetFileSpec();
+ module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec() = module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec();
+ module_spec.GetUUID() = module_sp->GetUUID();
+ module_spec.GetArchitecture() = module_sp->GetArchitecture();
- sym_spec.GetArchitecture() = target->GetArchitecture();
+ module_spec.GetArchitecture() = target->GetArchitecture();
- success |= sym_spec.GetFileSpec().Exists();
+ success |= module_spec.GetFileSpec().Exists();
if (success)
- if (Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile (sym_spec))
+ if (Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile (module_spec))
- if (sym_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec())
- success = AddModuleSymbols (target, sym_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec(), flush, result);
+ if (module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec())
+ success = AddModuleSymbols (target, module_spec, flush, result);
if (uuid_option_set)
error_strm.PutCString("unable to find debug symbols for UUID ");
- sym_spec.GetUUID().Dump (&error_strm);
+ module_spec.GetUUID().Dump (&error_strm);
else if (file_option_set)
error_strm.PutCString("unable to find debug symbols for the executable file ");
- error_strm << sym_spec.GetFileSpec();
+ error_strm << module_spec.GetFileSpec();
else if (frame_option_set)
const char *symfile_path = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
if (symfile_path)
- FileSpec symfile_spec;
- sym_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().SetFile(symfile_path, true);
+ module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().SetFile(symfile_path, true);
if (platform_sp)
- platform_sp->ResolveSymbolFile(*target, sym_spec, symfile_spec);
- else
- symfile_spec.SetFile(symfile_path, true);
+ {
+ FileSpec symfile_spec;
+ if (platform_sp->ResolveSymbolFile(*target, module_spec, symfile_spec).Success())
+ module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec() = symfile_spec;
+ }
ArchSpec arch;
- bool symfile_exists = symfile_spec.Exists();
+ bool symfile_exists = module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().Exists();
if (symfile_exists)
- if (!AddModuleSymbols (target, symfile_spec, flush, result))
+ if (!AddModuleSymbols (target, module_spec, flush, result))
char resolved_symfile_path[PATH_MAX];
- if (symfile_spec.GetPath (resolved_symfile_path, sizeof(resolved_symfile_path)))
+ if (module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().GetPath (resolved_symfile_path, sizeof(resolved_symfile_path)))
if (strcmp (resolved_symfile_path, symfile_path) != 0)