1. For all Formats, call vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties to pull their properties for the underlying device. After that point, if the app attempts to use any formats in violation of those properties, flag errors (this is done for Images).
-# Non-validation Layer Details
-## APIDump
-APIDump layer is used for dumping a stream of all the Vulkan API calls that are made, along with details of the parameters to those calls.
-### APIDump Pending Work
- 1. vkAllocDescriptorSets does not correctly print out all of the created DescriptorSets (no array printing following main API txt)
## Swapchain
### Swapchain Overview
2. One issue that has already come up is correct UsageFlags for WSI SwapChains and SurfaceProperties.
3. Tons of other stuff including semaphore and synchronization validation.
+# Non-validation Layer Details
+## APIDump
+APIDump layer is used for dumping a stream of all the Vulkan API calls that are made, along with details of the parameters to those calls.
+### APIDump Pending Work
+ 1. vkAllocDescriptorSets does not correctly print out all of the created DescriptorSets (no array printing following main API txt)
## General Pending Work
A place to capture general validation work to be done. This includes new checks that don't clearly fit into the above layers.