CHANNELS_ = bottom[0]->channels();
HEIGHT_ = bottom[0]->height();
WIDTH_ = bottom[0]->width();
- for (int i=1; i<bottom.size(), ++i) {
+ for (int i=1; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
COUNT_ += bottom[i]->count();
if (concat_dim_==0) {
NUM_ += bottom[i]->num();
Dtype* top_data = (*top)[0]->mutable_cpu_data();
if (concat_dim_==0) {
int offset_num = 0;
- for (i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
- Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->cpu_data();
- caffe_copy(bottom[i]->count(), bottom_data, top_data[(*top)[0]->offset(offset_num));
+ for (int i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
+ const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->cpu_data();
+ int num_elem = bottom[i]->count();
+ caffe_copy(num_elem, bottom_data, top_data+(*top)[0]->offset(offset_num));
offset_num += bottom[i]->num();
} else if (concat_dim_ == 1) {
int offset_channel = 0;
- for (i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
- Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->cpu_data();
+ for (int i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
+ const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->cpu_data();
int num_elem = bottom[i]->channels()*bottom[i]->height()*bottom[i]->width();
- for (n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
- caffe_copy(num_elem, bottom_data[bottom[i]->offset(n),
- top_data[(*top)[0]->offset(n,offset_channel)]);
+ for (int n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
+ caffe_copy(num_elem, bottom_data+bottom[i]->offset(n),
+ top_data+(*top)[0]->offset(n,offset_channel));
offset_channel += bottom[i]->channels();
} else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim << " not implemented yet";
+ LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim_ << " not implemented yet";
Dtype* top_data = (*top)[0]->mutable_gpu_data();
if (concat_dim_==0) {
int offset_num = 0;
- for (i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
- Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->gpu_data();
- caffe_gpu_copy(bottom[i]->count(), bottom_data, top_data[(*top)[0]->offset(offset_num));
+ for (int i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
+ const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->gpu_data();
+ caffe_gpu_copy(bottom[i]->count(), bottom_data, top_data+(*top)[0]->offset(offset_num));
offset_num += bottom[i]->num();
} else if (concat_dim_ == 1) {
int offset_channel = 0;
- for (i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
- Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->gpu_data();
+ for (int i=0; i<bottom.size(); ++i) {
+ const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[i]->gpu_data();
int num_elem = bottom[i]->channels()*bottom[i]->height()*bottom[i]->width();
- for (n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
- caffe_gpu_copy(num_elem, bottom_data[bottom[i]->offset(n),
- top_data[(*top)[0]->offset(n,offset_channel)]);
+ for (int n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
+ caffe_gpu_copy(num_elem, bottom_data+bottom[i]->offset(n),
+ top_data+(*top)[0]->offset(n,offset_channel));
offset_channel += bottom[i]->channels();
} else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim << " not implemented yet";
+ LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim_ << " not implemented yet";
const Dtype* top_diff = top[0]->cpu_diff();
if (concat_dim_==0) {
int offset_num = 0;
- for (i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
+ for (int i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
Blob<Dtype>* blob = (*bottom)[i];
Dtype* bottom_diff = blob->mutable_cpu_diff();
- caffe_copy(blob->count(), top_diff[top[0]->offset(offset_num)],bottom_diff);
+ caffe_copy(blob->count(), top_diff+top[0]->offset(offset_num),bottom_diff);
offset_num += blob->num();
} else if (concat_dim_ == 1) {
int offset_channel = 0;
- for (i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
+ for (int i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
Blob<Dtype>* blob = (*bottom)[i];
Dtype* bottom_diff = blob->mutable_cpu_diff();
int num_elem = blob->channels()*blob->height()*blob->width();
- for (n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
- caffe_copy(num_elem, top_diff[top[0]->offset(n,offset_channel)],
- bottom_diff[blob->offset(n)]);
+ for (int n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
+ caffe_copy(num_elem, top_diff+top[0]->offset(n,offset_channel),
+ bottom_diff+blob->offset(n));
offset_channel += blob->channels();
} else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim << " not implemented yet";
+ LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim_ << " not implemented yet";
return Dtype(0.);
const Dtype* top_diff = top[0]->gpu_diff();
if (concat_dim_==0) {
int offset_num = 0;
- for (i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
+ for (int i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
Blob<Dtype>* blob = (*bottom)[i];
Dtype* bottom_diff = blob->mutable_gpu_diff();
- caffe_gpu_copy(blob->count(), top_diff[top[0]->offset(offset_num)],bottom_diff);
+ caffe_gpu_copy(blob->count(), top_diff+top[0]->offset(offset_num),bottom_diff);
offset_num += blob->num();
} else if (concat_dim_ == 1) {
int offset_channel = 0;
- for (i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
+ for (int i=0; i < bottom->size(); ++i) {
Blob<Dtype>* blob = (*bottom)[i];
Dtype* bottom_diff = blob->mutable_gpu_diff();
int num_elem = blob->channels()*blob->height()*blob->width();
- for (n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
- caffe_gpu_copy(num_elem, top_diff[top[0]->offset(n,offset_channel)],
- bottom_diff[blob->offset(n)]);
+ for (int n=0; n<NUM_; ++n){
+ caffe_gpu_copy(num_elem, top_diff+top[0]->offset(n,offset_channel),
+ bottom_diff+blob->offset(n));
offset_channel += blob->channels();
} else {
- LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim << " not implemented yet";
+ LOG(FATAL) << "concat_dim along dim" << concat_dim_ << " not implemented yet";
return Dtype(0.);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2014 Sergio Guadarrama
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "caffe/blob.hpp"
+#include "caffe/common.hpp"
+#include "caffe/filler.hpp"
+#include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp"
+#include "caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp"
+#include "caffe/test/test_caffe_main.hpp"
+namespace caffe {
+extern cudaDeviceProp CAFFE_TEST_CUDA_PROP;
+template <typename Dtype>
+class ConcatLayerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ ConcatLayerTest()
+ : blob_bottom_0(new Blob<Dtype>(2, 3, 6, 5)),
+ blob_bottom_1(new Blob<Dtype>(2, 5, 6, 5)),
+ blob_bottom_2(new Blob<Dtype>(5, 3, 6, 5)),
+ blob_top_(new Blob<Dtype>()) {};
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ // fill the values
+ FillerParameter filler_param;
+ filler_param.set_value(1.);
+ ConstantFiller<Dtype> filler(filler_param);
+ filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_0);
+ filler_param.set_value(2.);
+ filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_1);
+ filler_param.set_value(3.);
+ filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_2);
+ blob_bottom_vec_0.push_back(blob_bottom_0);
+ blob_bottom_vec_0.push_back(blob_bottom_1);
+ blob_bottom_vec_1.push_back(blob_bottom_0);
+ blob_bottom_vec_1.push_back(blob_bottom_2);
+ blob_top_vec_.push_back(blob_top_);
+ };
+ virtual ~ConcatLayerTest() {
+ delete blob_bottom_0; delete blob_bottom_1; delete blob_bottom_2; delete blob_top_;
+ }
+ Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_0;
+ Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_1;
+ Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_2;
+ Blob<Dtype>* const blob_top_;
+ vector<Blob<Dtype>*> blob_bottom_vec_0,blob_bottom_vec_1;
+ vector<Blob<Dtype>*> blob_top_vec_;
+typedef ::testing::Types<float, double> Dtypes;
+TYPED_TEST_CASE(ConcatLayerTest, Dtypes);
+TYPED_TEST(ConcatLayerTest, TestSetupNum) {
+ LayerParameter layer_param;
+ layer_param.set_concat_dim(0);
+ ConcatLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
+ layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_1, &(this->blob_top_vec_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->num(), this->blob_bottom_0->num()+this->blob_bottom_2->num());
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->channels(), this->blob_bottom_0->channels());
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->height(), this->blob_bottom_0->height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->width(), this->blob_bottom_0->width());
+TYPED_TEST(ConcatLayerTest, TestSetupChannels) {
+ LayerParameter layer_param;
+ ConcatLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
+ layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_0, &(this->blob_top_vec_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->num(), this->blob_bottom_0->num());
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->channels(), this->blob_bottom_0->channels()+this->blob_bottom_1->channels());
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->height(), this->blob_bottom_0->height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->width(), this->blob_bottom_0->width());
+TYPED_TEST(ConcatLayerTest, TestCPUNum) {
+ LayerParameter layer_param;
+ ConcatLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
+ Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::CPU);
+ layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_0, &(this->blob_top_vec_));
+ layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_0, &(this->blob_top_vec_));
+ for (int n = 0; n < this->blob_top_->num(); ++n) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < this->blob_bottom_0->channels(); ++c) {
+ for (int h = 0; h < this->blob_top_->height(); ++h) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < this->blob_top_->width(); ++w) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->data_at(n, c, h, w), this->blob_bottom_vec_0[0]->data_at(n, c, h, w));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int c = 0; c < this->blob_bottom_1->channels(); ++c) {
+ for (int h = 0; h < this->blob_top_->height(); ++h) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < this->blob_top_->width(); ++w) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->data_at(n, c+3, h, w), this->blob_bottom_vec_0[1]->data_at(n, c, h, w));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TYPED_TEST(ConcatLayerTest, TestCPUGradient) {
+ LayerParameter layer_param;
+ Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::CPU);
+ ConcatLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
+ GradientChecker<TypeParam> checker(1e-2, 1e-3);
+ // it is too expensive to call curand multiple times, so we don't do an
+ // exhaustive gradient check.
+ checker.CheckGradient(layer, this->blob_bottom_vec_0, this->blob_top_vec_);
+TYPED_TEST(ConcatLayerTest, TestGPUGradient) {
+ LayerParameter layer_param;
+ Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::GPU);
+ ConcatLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
+ GradientChecker<TypeParam> checker(1e-2, 1e-3);
+ // it is too expensive to call curand multiple times, so we don't do an
+ // exhaustive gradient check.
+ checker.CheckGradient(layer, this->blob_bottom_vec_0, this->blob_top_vec_);