m.set_input('data', image)
-# Perform inference: we run the module 4 times,
-# and repeat 3 times to get error bounds
-timer = m.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=4, repeat=3)
-tcost = timer()
+# Perform inference and gather execution statistics
+# More on: https://docs.tvm.ai/api/python/module.html#tvm.module.Module.time_evaluator
+num = 4 # number of times we run module for a single measurement
+rep = 3 # number of measurements (we derive std dev from this)
+timer = m.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=num, repeat=rep)
+if env.TARGET == "sim":
+ simulator.clear_stats()
+ timer()
+ sim_stats = simulator.stats()
+ print("\nExecution statistics:")
+ for k, v in sim_stats.items():
+ # Since we execute the workload many times, we need to normalize stats
+ # Note that there is always one warm up run
+ # Therefore we divide the overall stats by (num * rep + 1)
+ print("\t{:<16}: {:>16}".format(k, v // (num * rep + 1)))
+ tcost = timer()
+ std = np.std(tcost.results) * 1000 / env.BATCH
+ mean = tcost.mean * 1000 / env.BATCH
+ print("\nPerformed inference in %.2fms/sample (std = %.2f)" % (mean, std))
# Get classification results
tvm_output = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty((env.BATCH, 1000), "float32", remote.cpu(0)))
top_categories = np.argsort(tvm_output.asnumpy()[0])
# Report top-5 classification results
-std = np.std(tcost.results) * 1000 / env.BATCH
-mean = tcost.mean * 1000 / env.BATCH
-print("%s prediction" % model)
-print(" #1:", synset[top_categories[-1]])
-print(" #2:", synset[top_categories[-2]])
-print(" #3:", synset[top_categories[-3]])
-print(" #4:", synset[top_categories[-4]])
-print(" #5:", synset[top_categories[-5]])
-print("Performed inference in %.2fms/sample (std = %.2f)" % (mean, std))
+print("\n%s prediction" % model)
+print("\t#1:", synset[top_categories[-1]])
+print("\t#2:", synset[top_categories[-2]])
+print("\t#3:", synset[top_categories[-3]])
+print("\t#4:", synset[top_categories[-4]])
+print("\t#5:", synset[top_categories[-5]])
# This just checks that one of the 5 top categories
# is one variety of cat; this is by no means an accurate