if srcdst[0] in BIND_MOUNTS or srcdst[0] == '/':
- pwarning("%s will be mounted by default." % srcdst[0])
+ msger.warning("%s will be mounted by default." % srcdst[0])
if srcdst[1] == "" or srcdst[1] == "none":
srcdst[1] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(srcdst[1]))
if os.path.isdir(chrootdir + "/" + srcdst[1]):
- pwarning("%s has existed in %s , skip it." % (srcdst[1], chrootdir))
+ msger.warning("%s has existed in %s , skip it." % (srcdst[1], chrootdir))
chrootmounts.append(fs_related.BindChrootMount(srcdst[0], chrootdir, srcdst[1]))
# load pluginmgr
self.pluginmgr = pluginmgr.PluginMgr()
- self.pluginmgr.loadPlugins()
- self.plugincmds = self.pluginmgr.getImagerPlugins()
+ self.plugincmds = self.pluginmgr.get_plugins('imager')
# mix-in do_subcmd interface
- for subcmd, klass in self.plugincmds:
+ for subcmd, klass in self.plugincmds.iteritems():
if not hasattr(klass, 'do_create'):
msger.warning("Unsurpport subcmd: %s" % subcmd)
func = getattr(klass, 'do_create')
setattr(self.__class__, "do_"+subcmd, func)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/python -tt
+# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Intel, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
+# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
+# General Public License v.2. This program is distributed in the hope that it
+# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
+# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat
+# trademarks that are incorporated in the source code or documentation are not
+# subject to the GNU General Public License and may only be used or replicated
+# with the express permission of Red Hat, Inc.
+from mic import msger
+class _Plugin(object):
+ class __metaclass__(type):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
+ if not hasattr(cls, 'plugins'):
+ cls.plugins = {}
+ elif 'mic_plugin_type' in attrs:
+ if attrs['mic_plugin_type'] not in cls.plugins:
+ cls.plugins[attrs['mic_plugin_type']] = {}
+ elif hasattr(cls, 'mic_plugin_type') and 'name' in attrs:
+ cls.plugins[cls.mic_plugin_type][attrs['name']] = cls
+ def show_plugins(cls):
+ for cls in cls.plugins[cls.mic_plugin_type]:
+ print cls
+ def get_plugins(cls):
+ return cls.plugins
+class ImagerPlugin(_Plugin):
+ mic_plugin_type = "imager"
+ def do_create(self):
+ pass
+ def do_chroot(self):
+ pass
+ def do_pack(self):
+ pass
+ def do_unpack(self):
+ pass
+class BackendPlugin(_Plugin):
+ mic_plugin_type="backend"
+ def addRepository(self):
+ pass
+def get_plugins(typen):
+ ps = ImagerPlugin.get_plugins()
+ if typen in ps:
+ return ps[typen]
+ else:
+ return None
+__all__ = ['ImagerPlugin', 'BackendPlugin', 'get_plugins']
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/python -tt
-# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Intel, Inc.
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
-# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
-# General Public License v.2. This program is distributed in the hope that it
-# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
-# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat
-# trademarks that are incorporated in the source code or documentation are not
-# subject to the GNU General Public License and may only be used or replicated
-# with the express permission of Red Hat, Inc.
-class BackendPlugin(object):
- plugin_type="backend"
- def addRepository(self):
- pass
-# [a, b]: a is for bachend name, b is for bachend class
-mic_plugin = ["", None]
+++ /dev/null
-# TODO: implementation
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/python -tt
-# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Intel, Inc.
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
-# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
-# General Public License v.2. This program is distributed in the hope that it
-# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
-# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat
-# trademarks that are incorporated in the source code or documentation are not
-# subject to the GNU General Public License and may only be used or replicated
-# with the express permission of Red Hat, Inc.
-class ImagerPlugin(object):
- plugin_type = "imager"
- def do_create(self):
- pass
- def do_chroot(self):
- pass
- def do_pack(self):
- pass
- def do_unpack(self):
- pass
-# [a, b]: a is for subcmd name, b is for plugin class
-mic_plugin = ["", None]
import os, sys
from mic import msger
+from mic import pluginbase
DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LOCATION = "/usr/lib/mic/plugins"
-PLGUIN_TYPES = ["imager", "backend", "hook"]
-STRING_PLUGIN_MARK = "mic_plugin"
-STRING_PTYPE_MARK = "plugin_type"
+PLUGIN_TYPES = ["imager", "backend"] # TODO "hook"
class PluginMgr(object):
- def __init__(self, plugin_dirs=[]):
- self.plugin_locations = []
- self.plugin_sets = {}
- self.plugin_types = PLGUIN_TYPES
- # initial plugin directory
- for directory in plugin_dirs:
- self.addPluginDir(os.path.expanduser(directory))
- # intial plugin sets
- for plugintype in self.plugin_types:
- self.plugin_sets[plugintype] = []
- def addPluginDir(self, plugin_dir):
- if not os.path.isdir(plugin_dir):
- msger.debug("Plugin dir is not a directory or does not exist: %s" % plugin_dir)
- return
- if plugin_dir not in self.plugin_locations:
- self.plugin_locations.append(plugin_dir)
- def pluginCheck(self, pymod):
- if not hasattr(pymod, STRING_PLUGIN_MARK):
- msger.debug("Not a valid plugin: %s" % pymod.__file__)
- msger.debug("Please check whether %s given" % STRING_PLUGIN_MARK)
- return False
- plclass = getattr(pymod, STRING_PLUGIN_MARK)[1]
- if not hasattr(plclass, STRING_PTYPE_MARK):
- msger.debug("Not a valid plugin: %s" % pymod.__file__)
- msger.debug("Please check whether %s given" % STRING_PTYPE_MARK)
- return False
+ plugin_dirs = {}
- pltype = getattr(plclass, STRING_PTYPE_MARK)
- if not (pltype in self.plugin_types):
- msger.debug("Unsupported plugin type in %s: %s" % (pymod.__file__, plugintype))
- return False
+ # make the manager class as singleton
+ _instance = None
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not cls._instance:
+ cls._instance = super(PluginMgr, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
- return True
+ return cls._instance
- def importModule(self, dir_path, plugin_filename):
- if plugin_filename.endswith(".pyc"):
- return
- if not plugin_filename.endswith(".py"):
- msger.debug("Not a python file: %s" % os.path.join(dir_path, plugin_filename))
- return
+ def __init__(self, plugin_dirs=[]):
- if plugin_filename == ".py":
- msger.debug("Empty module name: %s" % os.path.join(dir_path, plugin_filename))
- return
+ # default plugin directory
+ for pt in PLUGIN_TYPES:
+ self._add_plugindir(os.path.join(DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LOCATION, pt))
- if plugin_filename == "":
- msger.debug("Unsupported python file: %s" % os.path.join(dir_path, plugin_filename))
- return
+ for dir in plugin_dirs:
+ self._add_plugindir(dir)
- modname = os.path.splitext(plugin_filename)[0]
- if sys.modules.has_key(modname):
- pymod = sys.modules[modname]
- msger.debug("Module %s already exists: %s" % (modname, pymod.__file__))
+ # load all the plugins
+ self._load_all()
- else:
- pymod = __import__(modname)
- pymod.__file__ = os.path.join(dir_path, plugin_filename)
- msger.debug("Plugin module %s:%s importing" % (modname, pymod.__file__))
+ def _add_plugindir(self, dir):
+ dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dir))
- if not self.pluginCheck(pymod):
- msger.warning("Failed to check plugin: %s" % os.path.join(dir_path, plugin_filename))
+ if not os.path.isdir(dir):
+ msger.warning("Plugin dir is not a directory or does not exist: %s" % dir)
- (pname, pcls) = pymod.__dict__[STRING_PLUGIN_MARK]
- plugintype = getattr(pcls, STRING_PTYPE_MARK)
- self.plugin_sets[plugintype].append((pname, pcls))
- def loadPlugins(self):
- for pdir in map(os.path.abspath, self.plugin_locations):
- for pitem in os.walk(pdir):
- sys.path.insert(0, pitem[0])
- for pf in pitem[2]:
- self.importModule(pitem[0], pf)
- del(sys.path[0])
- def getPluginByCateg(self, categ = None):
- if not (categ in self.plugin_types):
- msger.warning("Failed to get plugin category: %s" % categ)
- return None
- else:
- return self.plugin_sets[categ]
- def getImagerPlugins(self):
- return self.plugin_sets['imager']
- def getBackendPlugins(self):
- return self.plugin_sets['backend']
- def getHookPlugins(self):
- return self.plugin_sets['hook']
- def listAllPlugins(self):
- # just for debug
- for key in self.plugin_sets.keys():
- msger.debug("plugin type (%s) :::\n" % key)
- for item in self.plugin_sets[key]:
- msger.debug("%-6s: %s\n" % (item[0], item[1]))
- def getPluginType(self, plugin_str):
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- msger.set_loglevel('debug')
- pluginmgr = PluginMgr()
- pluginmgr.loadPlugins()
- pluginmgr.listAllPlugins()
+ if dir not in self.plugin_dirs:
+ self.plugin_dirs[dir] = False
+ # the value True/False means "loaded"
+ def _load_all(self):
+ for (pdir, loaded) in self.plugin_dirs.iteritems():
+ if loaded: continue
+ sys.path.insert(0, pdir)
+ for mod in [x[:-3] for x in os.listdir(pdir) if x.endswith(".py")]:
+ if mod and mod != '__init__':
+ if mod in sys.modules:
+ msger.debug("Module %s already exists, skip" % mod)
+ else:
+ pymod = __import__(mod)
+ self.plugin_dirs[pdir] = True
+ msger.debug("Plugin module %s:%s importing" % (mod, pymod.__file__))
+ del(sys.path[0])
+ def get_plugins(self, ptype):
+ """ the return value is dict of name:class pairs """
+ return pluginbase.get_plugins(ptype)
from mic.utils.errors import *
from mic.utils.fs_related import *
-from mic.pluginbase.backend_plugin import BackendPlugin
from mic.imager.baseimager import BaseImageCreator as ImageCreator
from mic import msger
+from mic.pluginbase import BackendPlugin
def getRPMCallback():
class Yum(BackendPlugin, yum.YumBase):
+ name = 'yum'
def __init__(self, creator = None, recording_pkgs=None):
if not isinstance(creator, ImageCreator):
raise CreatorError("Invalid argument: creator")
def getAllContent(self):
return self.__pkgs_content
-mic_plugin = ["yum", Yum]
from mic.utils.fs_related import *
from mic.utils.misc import *
from mic.utils.rpmmisc import *
-from mic.pluginbase.backend_plugin import BackendPlugin
+from mic.pluginbase import BackendPlugin
class RepositoryStub:
def __init__(self):
class Zypp(BackendPlugin):
+ name = 'zypp'
def __init__(self, creator = None, recording_pkgs=None):
if not isinstance(creator, ImageCreator):
raise CreatorError("Invalid argument: creator")
repourl = repoinfo.baseUrls()[0].__str__()
return get_proxy(repourl)
-mic_plugin = ["zypp", Zypp]
import sys
import subprocess
-from mic.pluginbase.imager_plugin import ImagerPlugin
import mic.utils.cmdln as cmdln
import mic.utils.errors as errors
import mic.configmgr as configmgr
import mic.imager.fs as fs
import mic.chroot as chroot
+from mic.pluginbase import ImagerPlugin
class FsPlugin(ImagerPlugin):
+ name = 'fs'
@cmdln.option("--include-src", dest="include_src", help="include source pakcage")
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
cfgmgr.setProperty("ksconf", ksconf)
plgmgr = pluginmgr.PluginMgr()
- plgmgr.loadPlugins()
- for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.getBackendPlugins():
+ for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems():
if key == createopts['pkgmgr']:
pkgmgr = pcls
if not pkgmgr:
raise CreatorError("Can't find backend plugin: %s" % createopts['pkgmgr'])
chroot.cleanup_after_chroot("dir", None, None, None)
return 1
-mic_plugin = ["fs", FsPlugin]
import shutil
import tempfile
-from mic.pluginbase.imager_plugin import ImagerPlugin
import mic.chroot as chroot
import mic.utils.misc as misc
import mic.utils.fs_related as fs_related
import mic.imager.livecd as livecd
from mic.utils.errors import *
+from mic.pluginbase import ImagerPlugin
class LiveCDPlugin(ImagerPlugin):
+ name = 'livecd'
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
cfgmgr.setProperty("ksconf", ksconf)
creatoropts = cfgmgr.create
plgmgr = pluginmgr.PluginMgr()
- plgmgr.loadPlugins()
- for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.getBackendPlugins():
+ for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems():
if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']:
pkgmgr = pcls
shutil.rmtree(imgmnt, ignore_errors = True)
return rtimage
-mic_plugin = ["livecd", LiveCDPlugin]
import shutil
import tempfile
-from mic.pluginbase.imager_plugin import ImagerPlugin
+from mic.pluginbase import ImagerPlugin
import mic.imager.liveusb as liveusb
import mic.utils.misc as misc
import mic.utils.fs_related as fs_related
import mic.chroot as chroot
class LiveUSBPlugin(ImagerPlugin):
+ name = 'liveusb'
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
creatoropts = cfgmgr.create
cfgmgr.setProperty("ksconf", args[0])
plgmgr = pluginmgr.PluginMgr()
- plgmgr.loadPlugins()
- for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.getBackendPlugins():
+ for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems():
if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']:
pkgmgr = pcls
shutil.rmtree(imgmnt, ignore_errors = True)
return rtimage
-mic_plugin = ["liveusb", LiveUSBPlugin]
import shutil
import tempfile
-from mic.pluginbase.imager_plugin import ImagerPlugin
+from mic.pluginbase import ImagerPlugin
import mic.utils.misc as misc
import mic.utils.cmdln as cmdln
import mic.utils.fs_related as fs_related
import mic.chroot as chroot
class LoopPlugin(ImagerPlugin):
+ name = 'loop'
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: create loop image
cfgmgr.setProperty("ksconf", ksconf)
plgmgr = pluginmgr.PluginMgr()
- plgmgr.loadPlugins()
- for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.getBackendPlugins():
+ for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems():
if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']:
pkgmgr = pcls
print "Copying file system..."
shutil.copyfile(srcimg, image)
return image
-mic_plugin = ["loop", LoopPlugin]
import re
import tempfile
-from mic.pluginbase.imager_plugin import ImagerPlugin
+from mic.pluginbase import ImagerPlugin
import mic.utils.misc as misc
import mic.utils.fs_related as fs_related
import mic.utils.cmdln as cmdln
import mic.chroot as chroot
class RawPlugin(ImagerPlugin):
+ name = 'raw'
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
creatoropts = cfgmgr.create
cfgmgr.setProperty("ksconf", ksconf)
plgmgr = pluginmgr.PluginMgr()
- plgmgr.loadPlugins()
- for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.getBackendPlugins():
+ for (key, pcls) in plgmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems():
if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']:
pkgmgr = pcls
shutil.rmtree(srcmnt, ignore_errors = True)
return image
-mic_plugin = ["raw", RawPlugin]
MOD_NAME + '/utils',
MOD_NAME + '/imager',
- MOD_NAME + '/pluginbase',
MOD_NAME + '/urlgrabber',
MOD_NAME + '/kickstart',
MOD_NAME + '/kickstart/custom_commands',