Instruction *Leader = UnionFind.getLeaderValue(Inst);
+ // Since previous iterations might have merged sets, some items in
+ // SeenLeaders are not leaders anymore. However, The new leader of
+ // previously merged instructions must be one of the former leaders of
+ // these merged instructions.
bool Inserted = SeenLeaders.insert(Leader);
if (Inserted)
// see the pattern "A B A". This function joins all statements until the
// only seen occurrence of A.
for (Instruction *Prev : reverse(SeenLeaders)) {
- // Items added to 'SeenLeaders' are leaders, but may have lost their
- // leadership status when merged into another statement.
- Instruction *PrevLeader = UnionFind.getLeaderValue(SeenLeaders.back());
- if (PrevLeader == Leader)
+ // We are backtracking from the last element until we see Inst's leader
+ // in SeenLeaders and merge all into one set. Although leaders of
+ // instructions change during the execution of this loop, it's irrelevant
+ // as we are just searching for the element that we already confirmed is
+ // in the list.
+ if (Prev == Leader)
UnionFind.unionSets(Prev, Leader);
--- /dev/null
+; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-stmt-granularity=scalar-indep -polly-print-instructions -polly-scops -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines
+; This case should be split into two statements because {X[0], Y[0]}
+; and {A[0], B[0]} do not intersect.
+; for (int j = 0; j < n; j += 1) {
+; body:
+; double valX = X[0];
+; Y[0] = valX;
+; double valA = A[0];
+; double valB = B[0];
+; A[0] = valA;
+; A[0] = valB;
+; }
+define void @func(i32 %n, double* noalias nonnull %A, double* noalias nonnull %B, double* noalias nonnull %X, double* noalias nonnull %Y) {
+ br label %for
+ %j = phi i32 [0, %entry], [, %inc]
+ %j.cmp = icmp slt i32 %j, %n
+ br i1 %j.cmp, label %body, label %exit
+ body:
+ %valX = load double, double* %X
+ store double %valX, double* %Y
+ %valA = load double, double* %A
+ %valB = load double, double* %B
+ store double %valA, double* %A
+ store double %valB, double* %A
+ br label %inc
+ = add nuw nsw i32 %j, 1
+ br label %for
+ br label %return
+ ret void
+; CHECK: Statements {
+; CHECK-NEXT: Stmt_body
+; CHECK-NEXT: Domain :=
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body[i0] : 0 <= i0 < n };
+; CHECK-NEXT: Schedule :=
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body[i0] -> [i0, 0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: ReadAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body[i0] -> MemRef_X[0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: MustWriteAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body[i0] -> MemRef_Y[0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: Instructions {
+; CHECK-NEXT: %valX = load double, double* %X
+; CHECK-NEXT: store double %valX, double* %Y
+; CHECK-NEXT: Stmt_body_b
+; CHECK-NEXT: Domain :=
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body_b[i0] : 0 <= i0 < n };
+; CHECK-NEXT: Schedule :=
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body_b[i0] -> [i0, 1] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: ReadAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body_b[i0] -> MemRef_A[0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: ReadAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body_b[i0] -> MemRef_B[0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: MustWriteAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body_b[i0] -> MemRef_A[0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: MustWriteAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [n] -> { Stmt_body_b[i0] -> MemRef_A[0] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: Instructions {
+; CHECK-NEXT: %valA = load double, double* %A
+; CHECK-NEXT: %valB = load double, double* %B
+; CHECK-NEXT: store double %valA, double* %A
+; CHECK-NEXT: store double %valB, double* %A