//TIZEN_ONLY(20170307) Deprecate ecore_input_joystick_init/shutdown API
- * Initializes the Ecore Input Joystick system.
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since Tizen 5.5
+ * @brief Initializes the Ecore Input Joystick system.
+ * ecore_event_init calls this by default.
* @return How many times the lib has been initialized.
* @if MOBILE @since_tizen 2.4
* @elseif WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
* @endif
- *
- * @deprecated Deprecated since Tizen 4.0
- * ecore_event_init calls this by default
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI int ecore_input_joystick_init(void);
- * Shutdowns the Ecore Input Joystick system.
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since Tizen 5.5
+ * @brief Shutdowns the Ecore Input Joystick system.
+ * ecore_event_shutdown calls this by default.
* @return How many times the lib has been initialized.
* @if MOBILE @since_tizen 2.4
* @elseif WEARABLE @since_tizen 3.0
* @endif
- *
- * @deprecated Deprecated since Tizen 4.0
- * ecore_event_shutdown calls this by default
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI int ecore_input_joystick_shutdown(void);
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI char *elm_access_external_info_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
- * @deprecated Deprecated since 2.4.
- * @ingroup Elm_Ctxpopup
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since 5.5
+ * @brief Get the direction priority of a ctxpopup.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] direction The direction to check available to show ctxpopup.
- *
* @return EINA_TRUE if object is available to show with @p direction.
+ * @ingroup Elm_Ctxpopup
+ *
* @if MOBILE @since_tizen 2.3
* @elseif WEARABLE @since_tizen 2.3.1
* @endif
// TIZEN_ONLY(20160126) : add elm_win_profiles_set
+ * @deprecated Deprecated since Tizen 5.5
* @brief Sets the profile list of a window.
- * @if MOBILE @since_tizen 2.3
- * @elseif WEARABLE @since_tizen 2.3.1
- * @endif
- *
* @param[in] obj The window object
* @param[in] profiles The list of profile names
* @param[in] num_profiles The number of profile names
* @ingroup Elm_Win
- * @deprecated Deprecated since Tizen 2.4
- *
* @if MOBILE @since_tizen 2.3
* @elseif WEARABLE @since_tizen 2.3.1
* @endif