PYTHON ?= python
+# Default to verbose builds.
+# To do quiet/pretty builds, run `make V=` to set V to an empty string,
+# or set the V environment variable to an empty string.
+V ?= 1
# BUILDTYPE=Debug builds both release and debug builds. If you want to compile
# just the debug build, run `make -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug` instead.
ifeq ($(BUILDTYPE),Release)
.PHONY: node node_g
node: config.gypi
- $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Release
+ $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Release V=$(V)
ln -fs out/Release/node node
node_g: config.gypi
- $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug
+ $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug V=$(V)
ln -fs out/Debug/node node_g
config.gypi: configure
- $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug
+ $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug V=$(V)
out/Makefile: common.gypi deps/uv/uv.gyp deps/http_parser/http_parser.gyp deps/zlib/zlib.gyp deps/v8/build/common.gypi deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp node.gyp config.gypi
$(PYTHON) tools/gyp_node -f make
rm -rf $(PKGDIR)
rm -rf out/deps out/Release
./configure --prefix=$(PKGDIR)/32/usr/local --without-snapshot --dest-cpu=ia32
- $(MAKE) install
+ $(MAKE) install V=$(V)
rm -rf out/deps out/Release
./configure --prefix=$(PKGDIR)/usr/local --without-snapshot --dest-cpu=x64
- $(MAKE) install
+ $(MAKE) install V=$(V)
lipo $(PKGDIR)/32/usr/local/bin/node \
$(PKGDIR)/usr/local/bin/node \
-output $(PKGDIR)/usr/local/bin/node-universal \