#include "tsan_rtl.h"
#include "tsan_flags.h"
+#include <limits.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
namespace __tsan {
-static void *SignalSafeGetOrAllocate(uptr *dst, uptr size) {
- atomic_uintptr_t *a = (atomic_uintptr_t *)dst;
- void *val = (void *)atomic_load_relaxed(a);
- atomic_signal_fence(memory_order_acquire); // Turns the previous load into
- // acquire wrt signals.
- if (UNLIKELY(val == nullptr)) {
- val = (void *)internal_mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- CHECK(val);
- void *cmp = nullptr;
- if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(a, (uintptr_t *)&cmp, (uintptr_t)val,
- memory_order_acq_rel)) {
- internal_munmap(val, size);
- val = cmp;
- }
- }
- return val;
+static char main_thread_state[sizeof(ThreadState)] ALIGNED(
+static ThreadState *dead_thread_state;
+static pthread_key_t thread_state_key;
+// We rely on the following documented, but Darwin-specific behavior to keep the
+// reference to the ThreadState object alive in TLS:
+// pthread_key_create man page:
+// If, after all the destructors have been called for all non-NULL values with
+// associated destructors, there are still some non-NULL values with
+// associated destructors, then the process is repeated. If, after at least
+// [PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS] iterations of destructor calls for
+// outstanding non-NULL values, there are still some non-NULL values with
+// associated destructors, the implementation stops calling destructors.
+static_assert(PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS == 4, "Small number of iterations");
+static void ThreadStateDestructor(void *thr) {
+ int res = pthread_setspecific(thread_state_key, thr);
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
-// On OS X, accessing TLVs via __thread or manually by using pthread_key_* is
-// problematic, because there are several places where interceptors are called
-// when TLVs are not accessible (early process startup, thread cleanup, ...).
-// The following provides a "poor man's TLV" implementation, where we use the
-// shadow memory of the pointer returned by pthread_self() to store a pointer to
-// the ThreadState object. The main thread's ThreadState is stored separately
-// in a static variable, because we need to access it even before the
-// shadow memory is set up.
-static uptr main_thread_identity = 0;
-ALIGNED(64) static char main_thread_state[sizeof(ThreadState)];
-static ThreadState *main_thread_state_loc = (ThreadState *)main_thread_state;
-// We cannot use pthread_self() before libpthread has been initialized. Our
-// current heuristic for guarding this is checking `main_thread_identity` which
-// is only assigned in `__tsan::InitializePlatform`.
-static ThreadState **cur_thread_location() {
- if (main_thread_identity == 0)
- return &main_thread_state_loc;
- uptr thread_identity = (uptr)pthread_self();
- if (thread_identity == main_thread_identity)
- return &main_thread_state_loc;
- return (ThreadState **)MemToMeta(thread_identity);
+static void InitializeThreadStateStorage() {
+ int res;
+ CHECK_EQ(thread_state_key, 0);
+ res = pthread_key_create(&thread_state_key, ThreadStateDestructor);
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
+ res = pthread_setspecific(thread_state_key, main_thread_state);
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
+ auto dts = (ThreadState *)MmapOrDie(sizeof(ThreadState), "ThreadState");
+ dts->fast_state.SetIgnoreBit();
+ dts->ignore_interceptors = 1;
+ dts->is_dead = true;
+ const_cast<Tid &>(dts->tid) = kInvalidTid;
+ res = internal_mprotect(dts, sizeof(ThreadState), PROT_READ); // immutable
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
+ dead_thread_state = dts;
ThreadState *cur_thread() {
- return (ThreadState *)SignalSafeGetOrAllocate(
- (uptr *)cur_thread_location(), sizeof(ThreadState));
+ // Some interceptors get called before libpthread has been initialized and in
+ // these cases we must avoid calling any pthread APIs.
+ if (UNLIKELY(!thread_state_key)) {
+ return (ThreadState *)main_thread_state;
+ }
+ // We only reach this line after InitializeThreadStateStorage() ran, i.e,
+ // after TSan (and therefore libpthread) have been initialized.
+ ThreadState *thr = (ThreadState *)pthread_getspecific(thread_state_key);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!thr)) {
+ thr = (ThreadState *)MmapOrDie(sizeof(ThreadState), "ThreadState");
+ int res = pthread_setspecific(thread_state_key, thr);
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
+ }
+ return thr;
void set_cur_thread(ThreadState *thr) {
- *cur_thread_location() = thr;
+ int res = pthread_setspecific(thread_state_key, thr);
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
-// TODO(kuba.brecka): This is not async-signal-safe. In particular, we call
-// munmap first and then clear `fake_tls`; if we receive a signal in between,
-// handler will try to access the unmapped ThreadState.
void cur_thread_finalize() {
- ThreadState **thr_state_loc = cur_thread_location();
- if (thr_state_loc == &main_thread_state_loc) {
+ ThreadState *thr = (ThreadState *)pthread_getspecific(thread_state_key);
+ CHECK(thr);
+ if (thr == (ThreadState *)main_thread_state) {
// Calling dispatch_main() or xpc_main() actually invokes pthread_exit to
// exit the main thread. Let's keep the main thread's ThreadState.
- internal_munmap(*thr_state_loc, sizeof(ThreadState));
- *thr_state_loc = nullptr;
+ // Intercepted functions can still get called after cur_thread_finalize()
+ // (called from DestroyThreadState()), so put a fake thread state for "dead"
+ // threads. An alternative solution would be to release the ThreadState
+ // object from THREAD_DESTROY (which is delivered later and on the parent
+ // thread) instead of THREAD_TERMINATE.
+ int res = pthread_setspecific(thread_state_key, dead_thread_state);
+ CHECK_EQ(res, 0);
+ UnmapOrDie(thr, sizeof(ThreadState));
ThreadStart(thr, tid, GetTid(), ThreadType::Worker);
- if (thread == pthread_self()) {
- ThreadState *thr = cur_thread();
- if (thr->tctx) {
- DestroyThreadState();
- }
+ CHECK_EQ(thread, pthread_self());
+ ThreadState *thr = cur_thread();
+ if (thr->tctx) {
+ DestroyThreadState();
- CHECK_EQ(main_thread_identity, 0);
- main_thread_identity = (uptr)pthread_self();
+ InitializeThreadStateStorage();
prev_pthread_introspection_hook =
extern "C" void __tsan_tls_initialization() {}
void ImitateTlsWrite(ThreadState *thr, uptr tls_addr, uptr tls_size) {
- // The pointer to the ThreadState object is stored in the shadow memory
- // of the tls.
- uptr tls_end = tls_addr + tls_size;
- uptr thread_identity = (uptr)pthread_self();
const uptr pc = StackTrace::GetNextInstructionPc(
- if (thread_identity == main_thread_identity) {
- MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, tls_addr, tls_size);
- } else {
- uptr thr_state_start = thread_identity;
- uptr thr_state_end = thr_state_start + sizeof(uptr);
- CHECK_GE(thr_state_start, tls_addr);
- CHECK_LE(thr_state_start, tls_addr + tls_size);
- CHECK_GE(thr_state_end, tls_addr);
- CHECK_LE(thr_state_end, tls_addr + tls_size);
- MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, tls_addr, thr_state_start - tls_addr);
- MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, thr_state_end, tls_end - thr_state_end);
- }
+ // Unlike Linux, we only store a pointer to the ThreadState object in TLS;
+ // just mark the entire range as written to.
+ MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, tls_addr, tls_size);