/// @brief Parent ScopStmt of this access.
ScopStmt *Statement;
+ /// @brief The domain under which this access is not modeled precisely.
+ ///
+ /// The invalid domain for an access describes all parameter combinations
+ /// under which the statement looks to be executed but is in fact not because
+ /// some assumption/restriction makes the access invalid.
+ isl_set *InvalidDomain;
// Properties describing the accessed array.
// TODO: It might be possible to move them to ScopArrayInfo.
// @{
const SCEV *getSubscript(unsigned Dim) const { return Subscripts[Dim]; }
/// @brief Compute the isl representation for the SCEV @p E wrt. this access.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this function will also adjust the invalid context accordingly.
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *getPwAff(const SCEV *E);
+ /// @brief Get the invalid domain for this access.
+ __isl_give isl_set *getInvalidDomain() const {
+ return isl_set_copy(InvalidDomain);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the invalid context for this access.
+ __isl_give isl_set *getInvalidContext() const {
+ return isl_set_params(getInvalidDomain());
+ }
/// Get the stride of this memory access in the specified Schedule. Schedule
/// is a map from the statement to a schedule where the innermost dimension is
/// the dimension of the innermost loop containing the statement.
MemoryAccess::~MemoryAccess() {
+ isl_set_free(InvalidDomain);
void MemoryAccess::buildAccessRelation(const ScopArrayInfo *SAI) {
assert(!AccessRelation && "AccessReltation already built");
+ // Initialize the invalid domain which describes all iterations for which the
+ // access relation is not modeled correctly.
+ InvalidDomain = getStatement()->getInvalidDomain();
isl_ctx *Ctx = isl_id_get_ctx(Id);
isl_id *BaseAddrId = SAI->getBasePtrId();
ArrayRef<const SCEV *> Sizes, Value *AccessValue,
ScopArrayInfo::MemoryKind Kind, StringRef BaseName)
: Kind(Kind), AccType(AccType), RedType(RT_NONE), Statement(Stmt),
- BaseAddr(BaseAddress), BaseName(BaseName), ElementType(ElementType),
- Sizes(Sizes.begin(), Sizes.end()), AccessInstruction(AccessInst),
- AccessValue(AccessValue), IsAffine(Affine),
+ InvalidDomain(nullptr), BaseAddr(BaseAddress), BaseName(BaseName),
+ ElementType(ElementType), Sizes(Sizes.begin(), Sizes.end()),
+ AccessInstruction(AccessInst), AccessValue(AccessValue), IsAffine(Affine),
Subscripts(Subscripts.begin(), Subscripts.end()), AccessRelation(nullptr),
NewAccessRelation(nullptr) {
static const std::string TypeStrings[] = {"", "_Read", "_Write", "_MayWrite"};
void MemoryAccess::realignParams() {
isl_space *ParamSpace = Statement->getParent()->getParamSpace();
+ InvalidDomain =
+ isl_set_align_params(InvalidDomain, isl_space_copy(ParamSpace));
AccessRelation = isl_map_align_params(AccessRelation, ParamSpace);
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *MemoryAccess::getPwAff(const SCEV *E) {
auto *Stmt = getStatement();
- return Stmt->getParent()->getPwAffOnly(E, Stmt->getEntryBlock());
+ PWACtx PWAC = Stmt->getParent()->getPwAff(E, Stmt->getEntryBlock());
+ InvalidDomain = isl_set_union(InvalidDomain, PWAC.second);
+ return PWAC.first;
// Create a map in the size of the provided set domain, that maps from the
/// @brief Check if @p MA can always be hoisted without execution context.
-static bool canAlwaysBeHoisted(MemoryAccess *MA, bool StmtInvalidCtxIsEmpty) {
+static bool canAlwaysBeHoisted(MemoryAccess *MA, bool StmtInvalidCtxIsEmpty,
+ bool MAInvalidCtxIsEmpty) {
LoadInst *LInst = cast<LoadInst>(MA->getAccessInstruction());
const DataLayout &DL = LInst->getParent()->getModule()->getDataLayout();
// TODO: We can provide more information for better but more expensive
// If a dereferencable load is in a statement that is modeled precisely we can
// hoist it.
- if (StmtInvalidCtxIsEmpty)
+ if (StmtInvalidCtxIsEmpty && MAInvalidCtxIsEmpty)
return true;
// Even if the statement is not modeled precisely we can hoist the load if it
Type *Ty = LInst->getType();
const SCEV *PointerSCEV = SE->getSCEV(LInst->getPointerOperand());
+ auto *MAInvalidCtx = MA->getInvalidContext();
+ bool MAInvalidCtxIsEmpty = isl_set_is_empty(MAInvalidCtx);
isl_set *MACtx;
// Check if we know that this pointer can be speculatively accessed.
- if (canAlwaysBeHoisted(MA, StmtInvalidCtxIsEmpty)) {
+ if (canAlwaysBeHoisted(MA, StmtInvalidCtxIsEmpty, MAInvalidCtxIsEmpty)) {
MACtx = isl_set_universe(isl_set_get_space(DomainCtx));
+ isl_set_free(MAInvalidCtx);
} else {
MACtx = isl_set_copy(DomainCtx);
+ MACtx = isl_set_subtract(MACtx, MAInvalidCtx);
MACtx = isl_set_gist_params(MACtx, getContext());
--- /dev/null
+; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-scops -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Verify we do hoist the invariant access to I with a execution context
+; as the address computation might wrap in the original but not in our
+; optimized version. For an input of c = 127 the original accessed address
+; would be &I[-1] = &GI[128 -1] = &GI[127] but in our optimized version
+; (due to the usage of i64 types) we would access
+; &I[127 + 1] = &I[128] = &GI[256] which would here also be out-of-bounds.
+; CHECK: Invariant Accesses: {
+; CHECK-NEXT: ReadAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [c] -> { Stmt_for_body[i0] -> MemRef_GI[129 + c] };
+; CHECK-NEXT: Execution Context: [c] -> { : c <= 126 }
+; int GI[256];
+; void f(int *A, unsigned char c) {
+; int *I = &GI[128];
+; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+; A[i] += I[(signed char)(c + (unsigned char)1)];
+; }
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+@GI = common global [256 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 16
+define void @f(i32* %A, i8 zeroext %c) {
+ br label %for.cond
+for.cond: ; preds = %for.inc, %entry
+ %indvars.iv = phi i64 [ %indvars.iv.next, %for.inc ], [ 0, %entry ]
+ %exitcond = icmp ne i64 %indvars.iv, 10
+ br i1 %exitcond, label %for.body, label %for.end
+for.body: ; preds = %for.cond
+ %add = add i8 %c, 1
+ %idxprom = sext i8 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* getelementptr inbounds ([256 x i32], [256 x i32]* @GI, i64 0, i64 128), i64 %idxprom
+ %tmp = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %A, i64 %indvars.iv
+ %tmp1 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4
+ %add4 = add nsw i32 %tmp1, %tmp
+ store i32 %add4, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4
+ br label %for.inc
+for.inc: ; preds = %for.body
+ %indvars.iv.next = add nuw nsw i64 %indvars.iv, 1
+ br label %for.cond
+for.end: ; preds = %for.cond
+ ret void