- const std::list<int32_t>* srcidx;
if(pNormalIdx.size() > 0)
// check indices array count.
if(pNormalIdx.size() != pCoordIdx.size()) throw DeadlyImportError("Normals and Coords inidces count must be equal.");
- srcidx = &pNormalIdx;
- }
- else
- {
- srcidx = &pCoordIdx;
- }
+ tind.reserve(pNormalIdx.size());
+ for(std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator it = pNormalIdx.begin(); it != pNormalIdx.end(); it++)
+ {
+ if(*it != (-1)) tind.push_back(*it);
+ }
- tind.reserve(srcidx->size());
- for(std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator it = srcidx->begin(); it != srcidx->end(); it++)
- {
- if(*it != (-1)) tind.push_back(*it);
- }
+ // copy normals to mesh
+ pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices];
+ for(size_t i = 0; (i < pMesh.mNumVertices) && (i < tind.size()); i++)
+ {
+ if(tind[i] >= norm_arr_copy.size())
+ throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddNormal. Normal index(" + to_string(tind[i]) +
+ ") is out of range. Normals count: " + to_string(norm_arr_copy.size()) + ".");
- // copy normals to mesh
- pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices];
- for(size_t i = 0; (i < pMesh.mNumVertices) && (i < tind.size()); i++)
+ pMesh.mNormals[i] = norm_arr_copy[tind[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ else
- if(tind[i] >= norm_arr_copy.size())
- throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddNormal. Normal index(" + to_string(tind[i]) +
- ") is out of range. Normals count: " + to_string(norm_arr_copy.size()) + ".");
+ if(pNormals.size() != pMesh.mNumVertices) throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddNormal. Normals and vertices count must be equal.");
- pMesh.mNormals[i] = norm_arr_copy[tind[i]];
+ // copy normals to mesh
+ pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices];
+ std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator norm_it = pNormals.begin();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < pMesh.mNumVertices; i++) pMesh.mNormals[i] = *norm_it++;
}// if(pNormalPerVertex)