#include <map>
#include <FBaseRtMutex.h>
-#include <FApp_AppInfo.h>
-#include <FAppPkg_PackageManagerImpl.h>
#include <FBaseSysLog.h>
#include <FBase_StringConverter.h>
#include "FIo_IpcClient.h"
using namespace IPC;
using namespace std;
using namespace Tizen::App;
-using namespace Tizen::App::Package;
using namespace Tizen::Base;
using namespace Tizen::Base::Runtime;
: __pReverseSource(null)
- , __fdCount(0)
, __pFdLock(null)
, __pListener(null)
struct HelloMessage
- int pid;
- bool reverse;
- char appId[256];
+ int reverse;
int client = -1;
int ret = 0;
int retry = 0;
- HelloMessage helloMessage = {0, 0};
+ HelloMessage helloMessage = {0};
std::string socketName;
char* pSocketName = null;
size_t socketNameLength = 0;
int flags = 0;
- helloMessage.pid = getpid();
if (forReverse)
helloMessage.reverse = 1;
socketNameLength = socketName.size() + 1;
SysTryReturnResult(NID_IO, socketNameLength < 108, E_INVALID_ARG, "Server name is too long.");
- if (__fdCount == 0)
- {
- // Set an appId
- String appId = _AppInfo::GetApplicationId();
- int length = (appId.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
- if (length > 255)
- {
- length = 255;
- }
- SysTryReturnResult(NID_IO, appId.GetLength() > 0, E_SYSTEM, "AppId dose not exist.");
- memcpy(helloMessage.appId, appId.GetPointer(), length);
- }
client = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
SysTryCatch(NID_IO, client != -1, r = E_SYSTEM, E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] Failed to create a socket : %s.", strerror(errno));
- ++__fdCount;
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <aul/aul.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_message.h>
#include <FBaseRtMutex.h>
struct HelloMessage
- int pid;
- bool reverse; // true if the connection is for reverse message
- char appId[256];
+ int reverse; // if the connection is for reverse message
_ChannelInfo* pChannelInfo = null;
GSource* pGSource = null;
GIOChannel* pChannel = null;
+ ssize_t readBytes = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
int server = -1;
int client = -1;
struct sockaddr_un clientAddress;
socklen_t clientLen = sizeof(clientAddress);
+ struct ucred cr;
+ socklen_t ucredLen = sizeof(cr);
SysAssertf(pIpcServer != null, "Not yet constructed. Construct() should be called before use.\n");
SysAssertf(pIpcServer->__pListener != null, "Listener is null.\n");
client = accept(server, (struct sockaddr*) &clientAddress, &clientLen);
SysTryCatch(NID_IO, client != -1, , E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] Accept failed.");
- read(client, &helloMessage, sizeof(helloMessage));
- helloMessage.appId[255] = '\0';
+ readBytes = read(client, &helloMessage, sizeof(helloMessage));
+ SysTryCatch(NID_IO, readBytes >= 0, , E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] Failed to receive hello message (%d, %s).",
+ errno, strerror(errno));
pChannel = g_io_channel_unix_new(client);
SysTryCatch(NID_IO, pChannel != null, , E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Not enough memory.");
g_io_channel_set_flags(pChannel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, &pGError);
g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(pChannel, TRUE);
+ ret = getsockopt(client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &cr, &ucredLen);
+ SysTryCatch(NID_IO, ret >= 0, , E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] Failed to get peercred information: %s", strerror(errno));
client = -1;
- pClientInfo = pIpcServer->__clients[helloMessage.pid];
+ pClientInfo = pIpcServer->__clients[cr.pid];
if (pClientInfo == null) // first connection request from this client
pClientInfo = new (std::nothrow) _ClientInfo;
SysTryCatch(NID_IO, pClientInfo != null, , E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "[E_OUT_OF_MEMORY] Not enough memory.");
pClientInfo->pIpcServer = pIpcServer;
- pClientInfo->clientId = helloMessage.pid;
- pClientInfo->appId.Append((wchar_t*) helloMessage.appId);
- pClientInfo->pReverseChannel = null;
+ pClientInfo->clientId = cr.pid;
+ char buffer[256] = {0, };
+ ret = aul_app_get_appid_bypid(cr.pid, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ SysTryCatch(NID_IO, ret == AUL_R_OK, delete pClientInfo, E_SYSTEM, "[E_SYSTEM] Failed to get the application ID of pid: %d", ret);
- pIpcServer->__clients[helloMessage.pid] = pClientInfo;
+ pClientInfo->appId = buffer;
+ pClientInfo->pReverseChannel = null;
+ pIpcServer->__clients[cr.pid] = pClientInfo;
pIpcServer->__pCurrentClientInfo = pClientInfo;
- pIpcServer->__pListener->OnIpcClientConnected(*pIpcServer, helloMessage.pid);
+ pIpcServer->__pListener->OnIpcClientConnected(*pIpcServer, cr.pid);
pIpcServer->__pCurrentClientInfo = null;