elm_legacy_eolian_files = \
lib/elementary/efl_ui_animation_view.eo \
lib/elementary/efl_ui_clock_legacy.eo \
- lib/elementary/elm_interface_fileselector.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_label.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_list.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_map.eo \
lib/elementary/elm_index_eo.legacy.c \
lib/elementary/elm_index_item_eo.c \
lib/elementary/elm_index_item_eo.legacy.c \
+lib/elementary/elm_interface_fileselector_eo.c \
elm_legacy_eo_headers = \
lib/elementary/elm_index_eo.legacy.h \
lib/elementary/elm_index_item_eo.h \
lib/elementary/elm_index_item_eo.legacy.h \
+lib/elementary/elm_interface_fileselector_eo.h \
+lib/elementary/elm_interface_fileselector_eo.legacy.h \
-#include "elm_interface_fileselector.eo.legacy.h"
+#include "elm_interface_fileselector_eo.legacy.h"
* Add a new file selector widget to the given parent Elementary
* (container) object
#include "elm_interface_fileselector.h"
-#include "elm_interface_fileselector.eo.c"
+#include "elm_interface_fileselector_eo.c"
+++ /dev/null
-type Elm_Fileselector_Filter_Func: __undefined_type; [[Elementary fileselector filter function type]]
-enum Elm.Fileselector.Mode
- [[Defines how a file selector widget is to layout its contents
- (file system entries).
- ]]
- legacy: elm_fileselector;
- list = 0, [[Layout as a list.]]
- grid, [[Layout as a grid.]]
- last [[Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during iteration]]
-enum Elm.Fileselector.Sort
- [[Fileselector sorting modes]]
- by_filename_asc = 0, [[Alphabetical sort by ascending filename, default]]
- by_filename_desc, [[Alphabetical sorting by descending filename]]
- by_type_asc, [[Sort by file type]]
- by_type_desc, [[Sort by file type description]]
- by_size_asc, [[Sort by ascending file size]]
- by_size_desc, [[Sort by descending file size]]
- by_modified_asc, [[Sort by ascending modified date]]
- by_modified_desc, [[Sort by descending modified date]]
- last [[Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during iteration]]
-interface Elm.Interface.Fileselector extends Efl.Ui.View
- [[Elementary fileselector interface]]
- eo_prefix: elm_interface_fileselector;
- methods {
- @property folder_only {
- set {
- [[Enable/disable folder-only view for a given file selector widget]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get whether folder-only view is set for a given file selector]]
- }
- values {
- only: bool; [[$true if folder view is set, $false otherwise]]
- }
- }
- @property thumbnail_size {
- set {
- [[Set the size for the thumbnail of the file selector widget's view.]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get the size for the thumbnail of a given file selector widget]]
- }
- values {
- w: int; [[Width]]
- h: int; [[Height]]
- }
- }
- @property hidden_visible {
- set {
- [[Enable or disable visibility of hidden files/directories in the file selector widget.]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get if hiden files/directories in the file selector are visible or not.]]
- }
- values {
- hidden: bool; [[$true if hidden files are visible, $false otherwise]]
- }
- }
- @property sort_method {
- set {
- [[Set the sort method of the file selector widget.]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get the sort method of the file selector widget.]]
- }
- values {
- sort: Elm.Fileselector.Sort; [[Sort method]]
- }
- }
- @property multi_select {
- set {
- [[Enable or disable multi-selection in the fileselector]]
- }
- get {
- [[Gets if multi-selection in fileselector is enabled or disabled.]]
- }
- values {
- multi: bool; [[$true if multiselection is enabled, $false otherwise]]
- }
- }
- @property expandable {
- set {
- [[Enable/disable a tree view in the given file selector widget, <b>if it's in]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get whether tree view is enabled for the given file selector]]
- }
- values {
- expand: bool; [[$true if tree view is expanded, $false otherwise]]
- }
- }
- @property mode {
- set {
- [[Set the mode in which a given file selector widget will display (layout) file system entries in its view]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get the mode in which a given file selector widget is displaying]]
- }
- values {
- mode: Elm.Fileselector.Mode; [[Fileselector mode]]
- }
- }
- @property is_save {
- set {
- [[Enable/disable the file name entry box where the user can type in a name for a file, in a given file selector widget]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get whether the given file selector is in "saving dialog" mode]]
- }
- values {
- is_save: bool; [[$true if in saving mode, $false otherwise]]
- }
- }
- @property selected_models {
- get {
- [[Get a list of models selected in the fileselector.]]
- }
- values {
- ret: const(list<Efl.Model>); [[List of selected models]]
- }
- }
- @property current_name {
- [[ The filename that will be displayed in the filename entry]]
- set {
- }
- get {
- }
- values {
- name: string; [[Name]]
- }
- }
- @property selected_model @beta {
- set {
- [[Set, programmatically, the currently selected file/directory in the given file selector widget]]
- return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]]
- }
- get {
- [[Get the currently selected item's model, in the given file the given file selector widget]]
- }
- values {
- model: Efl.Io.Model; [[Model to be set, NULL reset it.]]
- }
- }
- custom_filter_append {
- [[Append custom filter into filter list]]
- params {
- @in func: Elm_Fileselector_Filter_Func; [[Filter function]]
- @in data: void_ptr; [[Data pointer]]
- @in filter_name: string; [[Filter name]]
- }
- return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]]
- }
- filters_clear {
- [[Clear all filters registered]]
- }
- mime_types_filter_append {
- [[Append mime type based filter into filter list]]
- params {
- @in mime_types: string; [[Mime types]]
- @in filter_name: string; [[Filter name]]
- }
- return: bool; [[$true on success, $false otherwise]]
- }
- }
-#include "elm_interface_fileselector.eo.h"
+#include "elm_interface_fileselector_eo.h"
-#include "elm_interface_fileselector.eo.legacy.h"
+#include "elm_interface_fileselector_eo.legacy.h"
--- /dev/null
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(only), Eina_Bool only);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_thumbnail_size_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(w, h), int w, int h);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_thumbnail_size_get, EFL_FUNC_CALL(w, h), int *w, int *h);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(hidden), Eina_Bool hidden);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_sort_method_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(sort), Elm_Fileselector_Sort sort);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_sort_method_get, Elm_Fileselector_Sort, 0);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(multi), Eina_Bool multi);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(expand), Eina_Bool expand);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_mode_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(mode), Elm_Fileselector_Mode mode);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_mode_get, Elm_Fileselector_Mode, 0);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; Eina_Bool cval;
+ if (!eina_value_bool_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(is_save), Eina_Bool is_save);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ Eina_Bool val = elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_bool_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_get, Eina_Bool, 0);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_selected_models_get, const Eina_List *, NULL);
+static Eina_Error
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_set_reflect(Eo *obj, Eina_Value val)
+ Eina_Error r = 0; const char *cval;
+ if (!eina_value_string_convert(&val, &cval))
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_set(obj, cval);
+ end:
+ eina_value_flush(&val);
+ return r;
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_set, EFL_FUNC_CALL(name), const char *name);
+static Eina_Value
+__eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_get_reflect(Eo *obj)
+ const char *val = elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_get(obj);
+ return eina_value_string_init(val);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_get, const char *, NULL);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_selected_model_set, Eina_Bool, 0, EFL_FUNC_CALL(model), Efl_Io_Model *model);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(elm_interface_fileselector_selected_model_get, Efl_Io_Model *, NULL);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_custom_filter_append, Eina_Bool, 0, EFL_FUNC_CALL(func, data, filter_name), Elm_Fileselector_Filter_Func func, void *data, const char *filter_name);
+EOAPI EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY(elm_interface_fileselector_filters_clear);
+EOAPI EFL_FUNC_BODYV(elm_interface_fileselector_mime_types_filter_append, Eina_Bool, 0, EFL_FUNC_CALL(mime_types, filter_name), const char *mime_types, const char *filter_name);
+static Eina_Bool
+_elm_interface_fileselector_class_initializer(Efl_Class *klass)
+ const Efl_Object_Ops *opsp = NULL;
+ const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops *ropsp = NULL;
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_thumbnail_size_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_thumbnail_size_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_sort_method_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_sort_method_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_mode_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_mode_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_selected_models_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_selected_model_set, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_selected_model_get, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_custom_filter_append, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_filters_clear, NULL),
+ EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(elm_interface_fileselector_mime_types_filter_append, NULL),
+ );
+ opsp = &ops;
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection refl_table[] = {
+ {"folder_only", __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_get_reflect},
+ {"hidden_visible", __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_get_reflect},
+ {"multi_select", __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_get_reflect},
+ {"expandable", __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_get_reflect},
+ {"is_save", __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_get_reflect},
+ {"current_name", __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_set_reflect, __eolian_elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_get_reflect},
+ };
+ static const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops rops = {
+ refl_table, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(refl_table)
+ };
+ ropsp = &rops;
+ return efl_class_functions_set(klass, opsp, ropsp);
+static const Efl_Class_Description _elm_interface_fileselector_class_desc = {
+ "Elm.Interface.Fileselector",
+ 0,
+ _elm_interface_fileselector_class_initializer,
+EFL_DEFINE_CLASS(elm_interface_fileselector_interface_get, &_elm_interface_fileselector_class_desc, NULL, EFL_UI_VIEW_INTERFACE, NULL);
--- /dev/null
+typedef Eo Elm_Interface_Fileselector;
+/** Defines how a file selector widget is to layout its contents (file system
+ * entries).
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Fileselector
+ */
+typedef enum
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_LIST = 0, /**< Layout as a list. */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_GRID, /**< Layout as a grid. */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during
+ * iteration */
+} Elm_Fileselector_Mode;
+/** Fileselector sorting modes
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Fileselector
+ */
+typedef enum
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_FILENAME_ASC = 0, /**< Alphabetical sort by ascending
+ * filename, default */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_FILENAME_DESC, /**< Alphabetical sorting by
+ * descending filename */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_TYPE_ASC, /**< Sort by file type */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_TYPE_DESC, /**< Sort by file type description */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_SIZE_ASC, /**< Sort by ascending file size */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_SIZE_DESC, /**< Sort by descending file size */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_MODIFIED_ASC, /**< Sort by ascending modified date */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_MODIFIED_DESC, /**< Sort by descending modified date
+ */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field
+ * during iteration */
+} Elm_Fileselector_Sort;
+/** Elementary fileselector interface
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+#define ELM_INTERFACE_FILESELECTOR_INTERFACE elm_interface_fileselector_interface_get()
+EWAPI const Efl_Class *elm_interface_fileselector_interface_get(void);
+ * @brief Enable/disable folder-only view for a given file selector widget
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] only @c true if folder view is set, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool only);
+ * @brief Get whether folder-only view is set for a given file selector
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true if folder view is set, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_folder_only_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Set the size for the thumbnail of the file selector widget's view.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] w Width
+ * @param[in] h Height
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_thumbnail_size_set(Eo *obj, int w, int h);
+ * @brief Get the size for the thumbnail of a given file selector widget
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[out] w Width
+ * @param[out] h Height
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_thumbnail_size_get(const Eo *obj, int *w, int *h);
+ * @brief Enable or disable visibility of hidden files/directories in the file
+ * selector widget.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] hidden @c true if hidden files are visible, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool hidden);
+ * @brief Get if hiden files/directories in the file selector are visible or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true if hidden files are visible, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_hidden_visible_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Set the sort method of the file selector widget.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] sort Sort method
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_sort_method_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Fileselector_Sort sort);
+ * @brief Get the sort method of the file selector widget.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return Sort method
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Fileselector_Sort elm_interface_fileselector_sort_method_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Enable or disable multi-selection in the fileselector
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] multi @c true if multiselection is enabled, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool multi);
+ * @brief Gets if multi-selection in fileselector is enabled or disabled.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true if multiselection is enabled, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_multi_select_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Enable/disable a tree view in the given file selector widget, <b>if
+ * it's in
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] expand @c true if tree view is expanded, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool expand);
+ * @brief Get whether tree view is enabled for the given file selector
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true if tree view is expanded, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_expandable_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Set the mode in which a given file selector widget will display
+ * (layout) file system entries in its view
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mode Fileselector mode
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_mode_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Fileselector_Mode mode);
+ * @brief Get the mode in which a given file selector widget is displaying
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return Fileselector mode
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Elm_Fileselector_Mode elm_interface_fileselector_mode_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Enable/disable the file name entry box where the user can type in a
+ * name for a file, in a given file selector widget
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] is_save @c true if in saving mode, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool is_save);
+ * @brief Get whether the given file selector is in "saving dialog" mode
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return @c true if in saving mode, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_is_save_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Get a list of models selected in the fileselector.
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return List of selected models
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI const Eina_List *elm_interface_fileselector_selected_models_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief The filename that will be displayed in the filename entry
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] name Name
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_set(Eo *obj, const char *name);
+ * @brief The filename that will be displayed in the filename entry
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return Name
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI const char *elm_interface_fileselector_current_name_get(const Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Set, programmatically, the currently selected file/directory in the
+ * given file selector widget
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] model Model to be set, NULL reset it.
+ *
+ * @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_selected_model_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Io_Model *model);
+#endif /* EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT */
+ * @brief Get the currently selected item's model, in the given file the given
+ * file selector widget
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ *
+ * @return Model to be set, NULL reset it.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Efl_Io_Model *elm_interface_fileselector_selected_model_get(const Eo *obj);
+#endif /* EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT */
+ * @brief Append custom filter into filter list
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] func Filter function
+ * @param[in] data Data pointer
+ * @param[in] filter_name Filter name
+ *
+ * @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_custom_filter_append(Eo *obj, Elm_Fileselector_Filter_Func func, void *data, const char *filter_name);
+/** Clear all filters registered
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI void elm_interface_fileselector_filters_clear(Eo *obj);
+ * @brief Append mime type based filter into filter list
+ *
+ * @param[in] obj The object.
+ * @param[in] mime_types Mime types
+ * @param[in] filter_name Filter name
+ *
+ * @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Interface_Fileselector
+ */
+EOAPI Eina_Bool elm_interface_fileselector_mime_types_filter_append(Eo *obj, const char *mime_types, const char *filter_name);
--- /dev/null
+typedef Eo Elm_Interface_Fileselector;
+/** Defines how a file selector widget is to layout its contents (file system
+ * entries).
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Fileselector
+ */
+typedef enum
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_LIST = 0, /**< Layout as a list. */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_GRID, /**< Layout as a grid. */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during
+ * iteration */
+} Elm_Fileselector_Mode;
+/** Fileselector sorting modes
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Fileselector
+ */
+typedef enum
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_FILENAME_ASC = 0, /**< Alphabetical sort by ascending
+ * filename, default */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_FILENAME_DESC, /**< Alphabetical sorting by
+ * descending filename */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_TYPE_ASC, /**< Sort by file type */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_TYPE_DESC, /**< Sort by file type description */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_SIZE_ASC, /**< Sort by ascending file size */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_SIZE_DESC, /**< Sort by descending file size */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_MODIFIED_ASC, /**< Sort by ascending modified date */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_BY_MODIFIED_DESC, /**< Sort by descending modified date
+ */
+ ELM_FILESELECTOR_SORT_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field
+ * during iteration */
+} Elm_Fileselector_Sort;
pub_legacy_eo_files = [
- 'elm_interface_fileselector.eo',
+ 'elm_interface_fileselector_eo.h',
+ 'elm_interface_fileselector_eo.legacy.h',
elementary_header_src = [