CurDAG->UpdateNodeOperands(Load.getNode(), Call.getOperand(0),
Load.getOperand(1), Load.getOperand(2));
- bool IsGlued = Call.getOperand(0).getNode()->getGluedUser() == Call.getNode();
unsigned NumOps = Call.getNode()->getNumOperands();
Ops.push_back(SDValue(Load.getNode(), 1));
for (unsigned i = 1, e = NumOps; i != e; ++i)
- if (!IsGlued)
- CurDAG->UpdateNodeOperands(Call.getNode(), &Ops[0], NumOps);
- else
- // If call's chain was glued to the call (tailcall), and now the load
- // is moved between them. Remove the glue to avoid a cycle (where the
- // call is glued to its old chain and the load is using the old chain
- // as its new chain).
- CurDAG->MorphNodeTo(Call.getNode(), Call.getOpcode(),
- Call.getNode()->getVTList(), &Ops[0], NumOps-1);
+ CurDAG->UpdateNodeOperands(Call.getNode(), &Ops[0], NumOps);
/// isCalleeLoad - Return true if call address is a load and it can be
/// In the case of a tail call, there isn't a callseq node between the call
/// chain and the load.
static bool isCalleeLoad(SDValue Callee, SDValue &Chain, bool HasCallSeq) {
+ // The transformation is somewhat dangerous if the call's chain was glued to
+ // the call. After MoveBelowOrigChain the load is moved between the call and
+ // the chain, this can create a cycle if the load is not folded. So it is
+ // *really* important that we are sure the load will be folded.
if (Callee.getNode() == Chain.getNode() || !Callee.hasOneUse())
return false;
LoadSDNode *LD = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(Callee.getNode());
if (OptLevel != CodeGenOpt::None &&
(N->getOpcode() == X86ISD::CALL ||
- N->getOpcode() == X86ISD::TC_RETURN)) {
+ (N->getOpcode() == X86ISD::TC_RETURN &&
+ // Only does this if load can be foled into TC_RETURN.
+ (Subtarget->is64Bit() ||
+ getTargetMachine().getRelocationModel() != Reloc::PIC_)))) {
/// Also try moving call address load from outside callseq_start to just
/// before the call to allow it to be folded.
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i386-apple-macosx -relocation-model=pic < %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-apple-macosx -relocation-model=pic < %s
; rdar://12393897
%TRp = type { i32, %TRH*, i32, i32 }
%call = tail call i32 %1(%TRp* inreg %rp) nounwind optsize
ret i32 %call
+%btConeShape = type { %btConvexInternalShape, float, float, float, [3 x i32] }
+%btConvexInternalShape = type { %btConvexShape, %btVector, %btVector, float, float }
+%btConvexShape = type { %btCollisionShape }
+%btCollisionShape = type { i32 (...)**, i32, i8* }
+%btVector = type { [4 x float] }
+define { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } @t2(%btConeShape* %this) unnamed_addr uwtable ssp align 2 {
+ %0 = getelementptr inbounds %btConeShape* %this, i64 0, i32 0
+ br i1 undef, label %if.then, label %if.end17
+if.then: ; preds = %entry
+ %vecnorm.sroa.2.8.copyload = load float* undef, align 4
+ %cmp4 = fcmp olt float undef, 0x3D10000000000000
+ %vecnorm.sroa.2.8.copyload36 = select i1 %cmp4, float -1.000000e+00, float %vecnorm.sroa.2.8.copyload
+ %call.i.i.i = tail call float @sqrtf(float 0.000000e+00) nounwind readnone
+ %div.i.i = fdiv float 1.000000e+00, %call.i.i.i
+ %mul7.i.i.i = fmul float %div.i.i, %vecnorm.sroa.2.8.copyload36
+ %1 = load float (%btConvexInternalShape*)** undef, align 8
+ %call12 = tail call float %1(%btConvexInternalShape* %0)
+ %mul7.i.i = fmul float %call12, %mul7.i.i.i
+ %retval.sroa.0.4.insert = insertelement <2 x float> zeroinitializer, float undef, i32 1
+ %add13.i = fadd float undef, %mul7.i.i
+ %retval.sroa.1.8.insert = insertelement <2 x float> undef, float %add13.i, i32 0
+ br label %if.end17
+if.end17: ; preds = %if.then, %entry
+ %retval.sroa.1.8.load3338 = phi <2 x float> [ %retval.sroa.1.8.insert, %if.then ], [ undef, %entry ]
+ %retval.sroa.0.0.load3137 = phi <2 x float> [ %retval.sroa.0.4.insert, %if.then ], [ undef, %entry ]
+ ret { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } undef
+declare float @sqrtf(float) nounwind readnone