+ "//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tools/parser:hlo_parser",
- pipeline.AddPass<GatherExpander>();
[](const Shape&, const Shape&) { return false; },
+ pipeline.AddPass<GatherExpander>();
&pipeline, module->config().debug_options(),
hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kConcatenate ||
hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kDynamicSlice ||
hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kDynamicUpdateSlice ||
+ hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kGather ||
hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kPad ||
hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kReshape ||
hlo.opcode() == HloOpcode::kReverse ||
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_matchers.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/transpose_folding.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/hlo_test_base.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/tools/parser/hlo_parser.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
namespace op = xla::testing::opcode_matchers;
+struct GatherLoopFusionTestSpec {
+ string test_name;
+ string hlo_computation_text;
+ static string Name(
+ const ::testing::TestParamInfo<GatherLoopFusionTestSpec>& info) {
+ return info.param.test_name;
+ }
+class GatherLoopFusionTest
+ : public OpcodeFusionTest,
+ public ::testing::WithParamInterface<GatherLoopFusionTestSpec> {};
+TEST_P(GatherLoopFusionTest, GatherLoopFusion) {
+ const GatherLoopFusionTestSpec& spec = GetParam();
+ string hlo_string = tensorflow::strings::StrCat(
+ "HloModule ", spec.test_name, "\n\n", spec.hlo_computation_text);
+ TF_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(std::unique_ptr<HloModule> module,
+ tools::Parse(hlo_string));
+ RunFusionAndCheckOpcodesWereFused(
+ module.get(),
+ {HloOpcode::kGather, HloOpcode::kAdd, HloOpcode::kBroadcast,
+ HloOpcode::kParameter, HloOpcode::kParameter, HloOpcode::kParameter});
+std::vector<GatherLoopFusionTestSpec> GetGatherLoopFusionTestSpecs() {
+ std::vector<GatherLoopFusionTestSpec> result;
+ result.push_back({"FusedTensorFlowGatherV2", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[3,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={0},
+ elided_window_dims={1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={1},
+ index_vector_dim=1,
+ window_bounds={3, 1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[3,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[3,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ result.push_back({"FusedTensorFlowGatherMultipleBatchDims", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,3,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1},
+ elided_window_dims={1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={1},
+ index_vector_dim=2,
+ window_bounds={3, 1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,3,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,3,2]{2,1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ result.push_back({"FusedTensorFlowGatherNdMultipleBatchDims", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={},
+ elided_window_dims={0,1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=2,
+ window_bounds={1, 1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ result.push_back({"FusedTensorFlowGatherNd_0", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3,2] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1},
+ elided_window_dims={0,1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=1,
+ window_bounds={1,1,2}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ result.push_back({"FusedTensorFlowGatherNd_1", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3,2] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1},
+ elided_window_dims={0,1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=0,
+ window_bounds={1,1,2}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ result.push_back({"FusedDynamicSlice", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[1,1] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={0,1},
+ elided_window_dims={},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=0,
+ window_bounds={1,1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[1,1] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[1,1]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ result.push_back({"FusedBatchDynamicSlice", R"(
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,1,1] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1,2},
+ elided_window_dims={},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=0,
+ window_bounds={1,1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,1,1] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,1,1]{2,1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ return result;
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GatherLoopFusionTestInstantiation, GatherLoopFusionTest,
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(GetGatherLoopFusionTestSpecs()),
+ GatherLoopFusionTestSpec::Name);
} // namespace
} // namespace cpu
} // namespace xla
return operand_to_generator.at(input_hlo)(input_index);
+ case HloOpcode::kGather:
+ return [this, hlo, &operand_to_generator](
+ const IrArray::Index& index) -> StatusOr<llvm::Value*> {
+ const Shape& operand_shape = hlo->operand(0)->shape();
+ const Shape& indices_shape = hlo->operand(1)->shape();
+ const Shape& output_shape = hlo->shape();
+ const GatherDimensionNumbers& dim_numbers =
+ hlo->gather_dimension_numbers();
+ const llvm_ir::ElementGenerator& operand_generator =
+ operand_to_generator.at(hlo->operand(0));
+ const llvm_ir::ElementGenerator& indices_generator =
+ operand_to_generator.at(hlo->operand(1));
+ // This is the index into `operand` that holds the element we want to
+ // generate. This index "unsafe" as in the components in here may be
+ // out of bounds.
+ IrArray::Index unsafe_operand_index;
+ // First copy in the window indices to unsafe_operand_index.
+ for (int64 i = 0, e = operand_shape.dimensions_size(),
+ unsafe_operand_index_dim = 0;
+ i < e; i++) {
+ if (c_binary_search(dim_numbers.elided_window_dims(), i)) {
+ unsafe_operand_index.push_back(ir_builder_->getInt64(0));
+ } else {
+ unsafe_operand_index.push_back(index[dim_numbers.output_window_dims(
+ unsafe_operand_index_dim++)]);
+ }
+ }
+ // This is the index of the index vector in the gather_indices tensor.
+ IrArray::Index gather_index_index;
+ {
+ std::vector<llvm::Value*> gather_index_index_components;
+ for (int64 i = 0, e = output_shape.dimensions_size(); i < e; i++) {
+ if (!c_binary_search(dim_numbers.output_window_dims(), i)) {
+ gather_index_index.push_back(index[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (gather_index_index.size() != indices_shape.dimensions_size()) {
+ gather_index_index.InsertAt(dim_numbers.index_vector_dim(),
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ auto add_to_unsafe_operand_index = [&](llvm::Value* index_component,
+ int64 dim) {
+ llvm::Value* gather_dim_component_extended =
+ ir_builder_->CreateSExtOrTrunc(index_component,
+ ir_builder_->getInt64Ty());
+ unsafe_operand_index[dim_numbers.gather_dims_to_operand_dims(dim)] =
+ ir_builder_->CreateAdd(
+ unsafe_operand_index[dim_numbers.gather_dims_to_operand_dims(
+ dim)],
+ gather_dim_component_extended);
+ };
+ if (indices_shape.dimensions_size() == dim_numbers.index_vector_dim()) {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(llvm::Value * gather_dim_component,
+ indices_generator(gather_index_index));
+ add_to_unsafe_operand_index(gather_dim_component, 0);
+ } else {
+ int64 index_vector_size =
+ indices_shape.dimensions(dim_numbers.index_vector_dim());
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < index_vector_size; i++) {
+ gather_index_index[dim_numbers.index_vector_dim()] =
+ ir_builder_->getInt64(i);
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(llvm::Value * gather_dim_component,
+ indices_generator(gather_index_index));
+ add_to_unsafe_operand_index(gather_dim_component, i);
+ }
+ }
+ IrArray::Index safe_operand_index;
+ for (int64 i = 0, e = unsafe_operand_index.size(); i < e; i++) {
+ safe_operand_index.push_back(ir_builder_->CreateURem(
+ unsafe_operand_index[i],
+ ir_builder_->getInt64(operand_shape.dimensions(i))));
+ }
+ return operand_generator(safe_operand_index);
+ };
case HloOpcode::kDynamicUpdateSlice:
return [this, hlo, &operand_to_generator](
const IrArray::Index& index) -> StatusOr<llvm::Value*> {
llvm::Value*& operator[](size_t i) { return multidim()[i]; }
void push_back(llvm::Value* value) { multidim().push_back(value); }
+ void InsertAt(int64 index, llvm::Value* value) {
+ CHECK_LE(index, size());
+ multidim().insert(multidim().begin() + index, value);
+ }
using iterator = std::vector<llvm::Value*>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::vector<llvm::Value*>::const_iterator;
RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+XLA_TEST_F(GatherOperationTest, FusedTensorFlowGatherV2) {
+ const string hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedTensorFlowGatherV2
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[3,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={0},
+ elided_window_dims={1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={1},
+ index_vector_dim=1,
+ window_bounds={3, 1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[3,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[3,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices = Literal::CreateR1<int32>({0, 2});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+XLA_TEST_F(GatherOperationTest, FusedTensorFlowGatherMultipleBatchDims) {
+ const string hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedTensorFlowGatherMultipleBatchDims
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,3,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1},
+ elided_window_dims={1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={1},
+ index_vector_dim=2,
+ window_bounds={3, 1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,3,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,3,2]{2,1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{0, 2}, {2, 1}});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+XLA_TEST_F(GatherOperationTest, FusedTensorFlowGatherNdMultipleBatchDims) {
+ const string hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedTensorFlowGatherNdMultipleBatchDims
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={},
+ elided_window_dims={0,1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=2,
+ window_bounds={1, 1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices =
+ Literal::CreateR3<int32>({{{0, 2}, {2, 1}}, {{1, 2}, {2, 0}}});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+XLA_TEST_F(GatherOperationTest, FusedTensorFlowGatherNd) {
+ const string hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedTensorFlowGatherNd
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3,2] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1},
+ elided_window_dims={0,1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=1,
+ window_bounds={1,1,2}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR3<int32>({{{-1, 1}, {-2, 2}, {-3, 3}}, //
+ {{-4, 4}, {-5, 5}, {-6, 6}}, //
+ {{-7, 7}, {-8, 8}, {-9, 9}}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{0, 0}, {1, 0}});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+ FusedTensorFlowGatherNdNonDefaultIndexVectorDim) {
+ const string hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedTensorFlowGatherNd
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3,2] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,2] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1},
+ elided_window_dims={0,1},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=0,
+ window_bounds={1,1,2}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,2] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,2]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR3<int32>({{{-1, 1}, {-2, 2}, {-3, 3}}, //
+ {{-4, 4}, {-5, 5}, {-6, 6}}, //
+ {{-7, 7}, {-8, 8}, {-9, 9}}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{0, 0}, {1, 0}});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+XLA_TEST_F(GatherOperationTest, FusedDynamicSlice) {
+ const char* hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedDynamicSlice
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[1,1] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={0,1},
+ elided_window_dims={},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=0,
+ window_bounds={1,1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[1,1] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[1,1]{1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices = Literal::CreateR1<int32>({1, 1});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
+XLA_TEST_F(GatherOperationTest, FusedBatchDynamicSlice) {
+ const string hlo_text = R"(
+HloModule FusedBatchDynamicSlice
+ENTRY main {
+ operand = s32[3,3] parameter(0)
+ indices = s32[2,2] parameter(1)
+ gather = s32[2,1,1] gather(operand, indices),
+ output_window_dims={1,2},
+ elided_window_dims={},
+ gather_dims_to_operand_dims={0,1},
+ index_vector_dim=0,
+ window_bounds={1,1}
+ one = s32[] constant(1)
+ one_broadcasted = s32[2,1,1] broadcast(one), dimensions={}
+ ROOT result = s32[2,1,1]{2,1,0} add(gather, one_broadcasted)
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> operand =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> gather_indices =
+ Literal::CreateR2<int32>({{2, 1}, {1, 1}});
+ RunTest(hlo_text, operand.get(), gather_indices.get());
class GatherClientLibraryTest : public ClientLibraryTestBase {};
XLA_TEST_F(GatherClientLibraryTest, DISABLED_ON_GPU(Basic)) {