#include "zypp/PoolQuery.h"
-extern "C"
-//#include "satsolver/repo.h"
namespace zypp
{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ namespace
+ { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** Match data per attribtue.
+ *
+ * This includes the attribute itself, an optional \ref sat::AttrMatcher
+ * to restrict the query to certain string values, and an optional
+ * boolean \ref Predicate that may apply further restrictions that can
+ * not be expressed by the \ref attrMatcher.
+ *
+ * Example for such a \ref predicate would be an additional edition range
+ * check whan looking for dependencies. The \ref attrMatcher would
+ * find potential matches by looking at the dependencies name, the
+ * predicate will then check the edition ranges.
+ *
+ * As the \ref predicate takes an iterator pointing to the current
+ * match, it's also suitable for sub-structure (flexarray) inspection
+ * (\see \ref sat::LookupAttr::iterator::solvAttrSubEntry).
+ */
+ struct AttrMatchData
+ {
+ typedef function<bool(sat::LookupAttr::iterator)> Predicate;
+ static bool always( sat::LookupAttr::iterator ) { return true; }
+ static bool never( sat::LookupAttr::iterator ) { return false; }
+ AttrMatchData( sat::SolvAttr attr_r, const sat::AttrMatcher & attrMatcher_r )
+ : attr( attr_r )
+ , attrMatcher( attrMatcher_r )
+ { /*predicate = always;*/ }
+ sat::SolvAttr attr;
+ sat::AttrMatcher attrMatcher;
+ Predicate predicate;
+ };
+ std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const AttrMatchData & obj )
+ {
+ return str << obj.attr << ": " << obj.attrMatcher << ( obj.predicate ? " (+predicate)" : "" );
+ }
+ typedef std::list<AttrMatchData> AttrMatchList;
+ } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // namespace
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CLASS NAME : PoolQuery::Impl
void compile() const;
/** AttrMatcher per attribtue. */
- typedef std::pair<sat::SolvAttr,sat::AttrMatcher> AttrMatchData;
- mutable std::vector<AttrMatchData> _attrMatchList;
+ mutable AttrMatchList _attrMatchList;
/** Pass flags from \ref compile, as they may have been changed. */
// Check here, whether all involved regex compile.
for_( it, _attrMatchList.begin(), _attrMatchList.end() )
- it->second.compile(); // throws on error
+ it->attrMatcher.compile(); // throws on error
//DBG << asString() << endl;
for_( it, _attrMatchList.begin(), _attrMatchList.end() )
- o << "* " << it->first << ": " << it->second << endl;
+ o << "* " << *it << endl;
return o.str();
typedef sat::LookupAttr::iterator base_iterator;
- typedef std::pair<sat::SolvAttr,sat::AttrMatcher> AttrMatchData;
const base_iterator & end() const
// Attribute restriction:
if ( _attrMatchList.size() == 1 ) // all (SolvAttr::allAttr) or 1 attr
- const AttrMatchData & matchData( _attrMatchList[0] );
- q.setAttr( matchData.first );
- if ( matchData.second ) // empty searchstring matches always
- q.setAttrMatcher( matchData.second );
+ const AttrMatchData & matchData( _attrMatchList.front() );
+ q.setAttr( matchData.attr );
+ if ( matchData.attrMatcher ) // empty searchstring matches always
+ q.setAttrMatcher( matchData.attrMatcher );
else // more than 1 attr (but not all)
for_( mi, _attrMatchList.begin(), _attrMatchList.end() )
const AttrMatchData & matchData( *mi );
- sat::LookupAttr q( matchData.first, inSolvable );
- if ( matchData.second ) // empty searchstring matches always
- q.setAttrMatcher( matchData.second );
+ sat::LookupAttr q( matchData.attr, inSolvable );
+ if ( matchData.attrMatcher ) // empty searchstring matches always
+ q.setAttrMatcher( matchData.attrMatcher );
if ( ! q.empty() )
return true;
/** Installed status filter flags. \see PoolQuery::StatusFilter */
int _status_flags;
/** AttrMatcher per attribtue. */
- std::vector<AttrMatchData> _attrMatchList;
+ AttrMatchList _attrMatchList;
* This can be changed by (not yet implemented) \ref setRequireAll()
* method.
+ * \note Though it is possible to use dependency attributes like
+ * \ref Solv::Attr::provides here, note that the query string is
+ * matched against a dependencies \c "name" part only. Any
+ * <tt>"op edition"</tt> part of a \ref Capability is \b not
+ * considered at all. \see \ref addDependency on how to query for
+ * capabilities including edition ranges.
+ *
* \note Solvables of a kind not supporting the specified attribute will
* <b>not</b> be returned.
* \todo check the above
void addAttribute(const sat::SolvAttr & attr, const std::string & value = "");
+ /*
+ * Query for matching dependency attributes.
+ *
+ * \throws Exception if \a attr is not a dependency attribute
+ */
+ //void addDependency( const sat::SolvAttr & attr, Capability cap_r );
+ //void addDependency( const sat::SolvAttr & attr, const std::string & name = "");
* Set version condition. This will filter out solvables not matching
* <tt>solvableEdition \a op \a edition</tt>.