tdm_client_handle_events(tdm_client *client);
- * @brief Wait for VBLANK
+ * @brief @b Deprecated. Wait for VBLANK.
* @deprecated
* @details After interval vblanks, a client vblank handler will be called.
* If 'sw_timer' param is 1 in case of DPMS off, TDM will use the SW timer and
int sw_timer, int interval, int sync,
tdm_client_vblank_handler2 func, void *user_data);
+ * @brief Get the client output object which has the given name.
+ * @details
+ * The client output name can be @b 'primary' or @b 'default' to get the main output.
+ * @param[in] client The TDM client object
+ * @param[in] name The name of the TDM client output object
+ * @param[out] error #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ * @return A client output object if success. Otherwise, NULL.
+ */
tdm_client_get_output(tdm_client *client, char *name, tdm_error *error);
+ * @brief Add the client output change handler
+ * @details The handler will be called when the status of a
+ * client output object is changed. connection, DPMS, etc.
+ * @param[in] output The client output object
+ * @param[in] func The client output change handler
+ * @param[in] user_data The user data
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ * @par Example
+ * @code
+ * #include <tdm_client.h> //for a client of TDM
+ *
+ * static void
+ * _client_output_handler(tdm_client_output *output, tdm_output_change_type type,
+ * tdm_value value, void *user_data)
+ * {
+ * char *conn_str[3] = {"disconnected", "connected", "mode_setted"};
+ * char *dpms_str[4] = {"on", "standy", "suspend", "off"};
+ *
+ * printf("output %s.\n", conn_str[value.u32]);
+ * else if (type == TDM_OUTPUT_CHANGE_DPMS)
+ * printf("dpms %s.\n", dpms_str[value.u32]);
+ * }
+ * ...
+ * tdm_client_output_add_change_handler(output, _client_output_handler, NULL);
+ * ...
+ * tdm_client_output_remove_change_handler(output, _client_output_handler, NULL);
+ *
+ * @endcode
+ */
tdm_client_output_add_change_handler(tdm_client_output *output,
tdm_client_output_change_handler func,
void *user_data);
+ * @brief Remove the client output change handler
+ * @param[in] output The client output object
+ * @param[in] func The client output change handler
+ * @param[in] user_data The user data
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_output_remove_change_handler(tdm_client_output *output,
tdm_client_output_change_handler func,
void *user_data);
+ * @brief Get the vertical refresh rate of the given client output
+ * @param[in] output The client output object
+ * @param[out] refresh The refresh rate
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_output_get_refresh_rate(tdm_client_output *output, unsigned int *refresh);
+ * @brief Get the connection status of the given client output
+ * @param[in] output The client output object
+ * @param[out] status The connection status
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_output_get_conn_status(tdm_client_output *output, tdm_output_conn_status *status);
+ * @brief Get the DPMS value of the given client output
+ * @param[in] output The client output object
+ * @param[out] dpms The DPMS value
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_output_get_dpms(tdm_client_output *output, tdm_output_dpms *dpms);
+ * @brief Create the client vblank object of the given client output
+ * @param[in] output The client output object
+ * @param[out] error #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ * @return A client vblank object if success. Otherwise, NULL.
+ */
tdm_client_output_create_vblank(tdm_client_output *output, tdm_error *error);
+ * @brief Destroy the client vblank object
+ * @param[in] vblank The client vblank object
+ */
tdm_client_vblank_destroy(tdm_client_vblank *vblank);
+ * @brief Set the sync value to the client vblank object
+ * @details
+ * If sync == 1, the user client vblank handler of #tdm_client_vblank_wait
+ * will be called before #tdm_client_vblank_wait returns the result. If sync == 0,
+ * the user client vblank handler of #tdm_client_vblank_wait will be called
+ * asynchronously after #tdm_client_vblank_wait returns. Default is @b asynchronous.
+ * @param[in] vblank The client vblank object
+ * @param[in] sync 0: asynchronous, 1:synchronous
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_vblank_set_sync(tdm_client_vblank *vblank, unsigned int sync);
+ * @brief Set the fps to the client vblank object
+ * @details Default is the @b vertical @b refresh @b rate of the given client output.
+ * @param[in] vblank The client vblank object
+ * @param[in] fps more than 0
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_vblank_set_fps(tdm_client_vblank *vblank, unsigned int fps);
+ * @brief Set the offset(milli-second) to the client vblank object
+ * @details Default is @b 0.
+ * @param[in] vblank The client vblank object
+ * @param[in] offset_ms the offset(milli-second)
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_vblank_set_offset(tdm_client_vblank *vblank, int offset_ms);
+ * @brief Enable/Disable the fake vblank to the client vblank object
+ * @details
+ * If enable_fake == 0, #tdm_client_vblank_wait will return TDM_ERROR_DPMS_OFF
+ * when DPMS off. Otherwise, #tdm_client_vblank_wait will return TDM_ERROR_NONE
+ * as success. Once #tdm_client_vblank_wait returns TDM_ERROR_NONE, the user client
+ * vblank handler(#tdm_client_vblank_handler) SHOULD be called after the given
+ * interval of #tdm_client_vblank_wait. Default is @b disable.
+ * @param[in] vblank The client vblank object
+ * @param[in] enable_fake 1:enable, 0:disable
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ */
tdm_client_vblank_set_enable_fake(tdm_client_vblank *vblank, unsigned int enable_fake);
+ * @brief Wait for a vblank
+ * @details
+ * This function will return TDM_ERROR_DPMS_OFF when DPMS off. However,
+ * #tdm_client_vblank_wait will return TDM_ERROR_NONE as success if
+ * #tdm_client_vblank_set_enable_fake sets true. Once #tdm_client_vblank_wait
+ * returns TDM_ERROR_NONE, the user client vblank handler(#tdm_client_vblank_handler)
+ * SHOULD be called after the given interval.
+ * @param[in] vblank The client vblank object
+ * @param[in] interval The vblank interval
+ * @param[in] func The user client vblank handler
+ * @param[in] user_data The user data
+ * @return #TDM_ERROR_NONE if success. Otherwise, error value.
+ * @par Example
+ * @code
+ * #include <tdm_client.h> //for a client of TDM
+ *
+ * static void
+ * _client_vblank_handler(tdm_client_vblank *vblank, tdm_error error, unsigned int sequence,
+ * unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec, void *user_data)
+ * {
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ * }
+ *
+ * {
+ * tdm_client_output *output;
+ * tdm_client_vblank *vblank;
+ * tdm_error error;
+ * struct pollfd fds;
+ * int fd = -1;
+ *
+ * cliet = tdm_client_create(&error);
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ *
+ * output = tdm_client_get_output(client, NULL, &error);
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ *
+ * vblank = tdm_client_output_create_vblank(output, &error);
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ *
+ * tdm_client_vblank_set_enable_fake(vblank, enable_fake); //default: disable
+ * tdm_client_vblank_set_sync(vblank, 0); //default: async
+ * tdm_client_vblank_set_fps(vblank, fps); //default: refresh rate of output
+ * tdm_client_vblank_set_offset(vblank, offset); //default: 0
+ *
+ * error = tdm_client_get_fd(data->client, &fd);
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ *
+ * = POLLIN;
+ * fds.fd = fd;
+ * fds.revents = 0;
+ *
+ * while (1) {
+ * int ret;
+ *
+ * error = tdm_client_vblank_wait(vblank, interval,
+ * _client_vblank_handler, NULL);
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ *
+ * ret = poll(&fds, 1, -1);
+ * if (ret < 0) {
+ * if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) // normal case
+ * continue;
+ * else
+ * //error handling
+ * }
+ *
+ * error = tdm_client_handle_events(client);
+ * if (error != TDM_ERROR_NONE)
+ * //error handling
+ * }
+ *
+ * tdm_client_vblank_destroy(vblank);
+ * tdm_client_destroy(client);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
tdm_client_vblank_wait(tdm_client_vblank *vblank, unsigned int interval, tdm_client_vblank_handler func, void *user_data);