? function(p) \
: 0)
+/* NOTE that some of these macros have very similar ones in regcharclass.h.
+ * For example, there is (at the time of this writing) an 'is_SPACE_utf8()'
+ * there, differing in name only by an underscore from the one here
+ * 'isSPACE_utf8(). The difference is that the ones here are probably more
+ * efficient and smaller, using an O(1) array lookup for Latin1-range code
+ * points; the regcharclass.h ones are implemented as a series of
+ * "if-else-if-else ..." */
#define isALNUMC_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(_CC_ALNUMC, is_utf8_alnumc, p)
#define isALNUM_utf8(p) isWORDCHAR_utf8(p) /* back compat */
#define isALPHA_utf8(p) _generic_utf8(_CC_ALPHA, is_utf8_alpha, p)