MarkExportedTypesTarget.ProcessAssembly (assembly, Context);
- if (ProcessReferencesStep.IsFullyPreservedAction (Annotations.GetAction (assembly))) {
- if (!Context.TryGetCustomData ("DisableMarkingOfCopyAssemblies", out string? disableMarkingOfCopyAssembliesValue) ||
- disableMarkingOfCopyAssembliesValue != "true")
+ var action = Annotations.GetAction (assembly);
+ if (ProcessReferencesStep.IsFullyPreservedAction (action)) {
+ if (action != AssemblyAction.Copy ||
+ !Context.TryGetCustomData ("DisableMarkingOfCopyAssemblies", out string? disableMarkingOfCopyAssembliesValue) ||
+ disableMarkingOfCopyAssembliesValue != "true") {
MarkEntireAssembly (assembly);
+ }
if (method.HasOverrides) {
var assembly = Context.Resolve (method.DeclaringType.Scope);
- // If this method is in a Copy or CopyUsed assembly, .overrides won't get swept and we need to keep all of them
- bool markAllOverrides = assembly != null && Annotations.GetAction (assembly) is AssemblyAction.Copy or AssemblyAction.CopyUsed;
+ // If this method is in a Copy, CopyUsed, or Save assembly, .overrides won't get swept and we need to keep all of them
+ bool markAllOverrides = assembly != null && Annotations.GetAction (assembly) is AssemblyAction.Copy or AssemblyAction.CopyUsed or AssemblyAction.Save;
foreach (MethodReference @base in method.Overrides) {
// Method implementing a static interface method will have an override to it - note instance methods usually don't unless they're explicit.
// Calling the implementation method directly has no impact on the interface, and as such it should not mark the interface or its method.
[SetupLinkerAction ("copy", "test")]
/// <summary>
/// Regression test for issue:
- /// OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods.Method() (and Property.set/get) has an entry in .overrides pointing to ISataticAbstractMethods.Method.
+ /// OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods.Method() (and Property.set/get) has an entry in .overrides pointing to IStaticAbstractMethods.Method.
/// IStaticAbstractMethods.Method() isn't referenced anywhere else and isn't otherwise needed.
/// Usually the interface method could be removed, and the pointer to it in the .overrides metadata would be removed
/// However, since OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods is in a 'copy' assembly, the .overrides metadata isn't swept. If we remove the method from the interface,
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Assertions;
+using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Metadata;
+using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Inheritance.Interfaces.StaticInterfaceMethods.Dependencies;
+namespace Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Inheritance.Interfaces.StaticInterfaceMethods
+ [KeptMemberInAssembly ("library", typeof (IStaticAbstractMethods), "Method()", "get_Property()", "Property", "set_Property(System.Int32)")]
+ // Add a custom step which sets the assembly action of the test to "save"
+ [SetupCompileBefore ("CustomStepSaveAssembly.dll", new[] { "Dependencies/CustomStepSaveAssembly.cs" }, new[] { "illink.dll", "Mono.Cecil.dll", "netstandard.dll" })]
+ [SetupLinkerArgument ("--custom-step", "-MarkStep:CustomStepSaveAssembly,CustomStepSaveAssembly.dll")]
+ [SetupCompileBefore ("library.dll", new[] { "Dependencies/Library.cs" })]
+ [SetupLinkerAction ("link", "library")]
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Regression test for issue:
+ /// OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods.Method() (and Property.set/get) has an entry in .overrides pointing to IStaticAbstractMethods.Method.
+ /// IStaticAbstractMethods.Method() isn't referenced anywhere else and isn't otherwise needed.
+ /// Usually the interface method could be removed, and the pointer to it in the .overrides metadata would be removed
+ /// However, since OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods is in a 'save' assembly, the .overrides metadata isn't swept. If we remove the method from the interface,
+ /// we have a "dangling reference" which makes the metadata invalid.
+ /// </summary>
+ static class OverrideInSaveAssembly
+ {
+ [Kept]
+ public static void Main ()
+ {
+ OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods.Property = OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods.Method ();
+ var x = OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods.Property;
+ }
+ [Kept]
+ [KeptMember (".ctor()")]
+ [KeptInterface (typeof (IStaticAbstractMethods))]
+ class OverridesStaticInterfaceMethods : IStaticAbstractMethods
+ {
+ [Kept]
+ public static int Property {
+ [Kept]
+ [KeptOverride (typeof (IStaticAbstractMethods))]
+ get => throw new NotImplementedException ();
+ [Kept]
+ [KeptOverride (typeof (IStaticAbstractMethods))]
+ set => throw new NotImplementedException ();
+ }
+ [Kept]
+ [KeptOverride (typeof (IStaticAbstractMethods))]
+ public static int Method () => throw new NotImplementedException ();
+ [Kept]
+ public int InstanceMethod () => throw new NotImplementedException ();
+ }
+ }
-<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
+<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Remove="Attributes\OnlyKeepUsed\Dependencies\UnusedAttributeWithTypeForwarderIsRemoved_Forwarder.cs" />
<Compile Remove="CppCLI\Dependencies\CallCppCLIFromManaged.cs" />
+ <Compile Remove="Inheritance.Interfaces\StaticInterfaceMethods\Dependencies\CustomStepSaveAssembly.cs" />
<Compile Remove="LinkXml\Dependencies\CanPreserveAnExportedType_Forwarder.cs" />
<Compile Remove="LinkXml\Dependencies\UsedNonRequiredExportedTypeIsKept_fwd.cs" />
<Compile Remove="LinkXml\Dependencies\UsedNonRequiredExportedTypeIsKeptWhenRooted_fwd.cs" />