Revision history for SPIRV-Tools
-v2016.0-dev 2016-04-22
+v2016.0 2016-07-04
- Adds v<year>.<index> versioning, with "-dev" indicating
work in progress. The intent is to more easly report
- Supports floating point widths of 16, 32, 64 bits
- Supports integer widths up to 64 bits
- Validator is incomplete
+ - Checks capability requirements in most cases
+ - Checks module layout constraints
+ - Checks ID use-definition ordering constraints,
+ ignoring control flow
+ - Checks some control flow graph rules
+ - Optimizer is introduced, with few available transforms.
- Supported on Linux, OSX, Android, Windows
- Fixes bugs:
The output includes syntax colouring when printing to the standard output stream,
on Linux, Windows, and OS X.
+### Optimizer tool
+The optimizer processes a SPIR-V binary module, applying transformations
+in the specified order.
+This is a work in progress, with initially only few available transformations.
+* `spirv-opt` - the standalone optimizer
+ * `<spirv-dir>/spirv-opt`
### Validator tool
*Warning:* This functionality is under development, and is incomplete.