return Rotate;
// Try to use PALIGNR.
- if (SDValue Rotate = lowerShuffleAsByteRotate(DL, MVT::v8i64, V1, V2, Mask,
- Subtarget, DAG))
- return Rotate;
+ if (Subtarget.hasBWI())
+ if (SDValue Rotate = lowerShuffleAsByteRotate(DL, MVT::v8i64, V1, V2, Mask,
+ Subtarget, DAG))
+ return Rotate;
if (SDValue Unpck = lowerShuffleWithUNPCK(DL, MVT::v8i64, Mask, V1, V2, DAG))
return Unpck;
// If we have AVX512F support, we can use VEXPAND.
if (SDValue V = lowerShuffleToEXPAND(DL, MVT::v8i64, Zeroable, Mask, V1, V2,
DAG, Subtarget))
ret <16 x float> %tmp2
+; PR48322
+define <16 x float> @shuffle_v16f32_02_03_16_17_06_07_20_21_10_11_24_25_14_15_28_29(<16 x float> %a, <16 x float> %b) {
+; ALL-LABEL: shuffle_v16f32_02_03_16_17_06_07_20_21_10_11_24_25_14_15_28_29:
+; ALL: # %bb.0:
+; ALL-NEXT: vshufpd {{.*#+}} zmm0 = zmm0[1],zmm1[0],zmm0[3],zmm1[2],zmm0[5],zmm1[4],zmm0[7],zmm1[6]
+; ALL-NEXT: retq
+ %shuffle = shufflevector <16 x float> %a, <16 x float> %b, <16 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3, i32 16, i32 17, i32 6, i32 7, i32 20, i32 21, i32 10, i32 11, i32 24, i32 25, i32 14, i32 15, i32 28, i32 29>
+ ret <16 x float> %shuffle
define <16 x i32> @shuffle_v16i32_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00(<16 x i32> %a, <16 x i32> %b) {
; ALL-LABEL: shuffle_v16i32_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00:
; ALL: # %bb.0:
ret <16 x i32> %shuffle
+; PR48322
+define <16 x i32> @shuffle_v16i32_02_03_16_17_06_07_20_21_10_11_24_25_14_15_28_29(<16 x i32> %a, <16 x i32> %b) {
+; AVX512F-LABEL: shuffle_v16i32_02_03_16_17_06_07_20_21_10_11_24_25_14_15_28_29:
+; AVX512F: # %bb.0:
+; AVX512F-NEXT: vmovdqa64 {{.*#+}} zmm2 = [1,8,3,10,5,12,7,14]
+; AVX512F-NEXT: vpermt2q %zmm1, %zmm2, %zmm0
+; AVX512F-NEXT: retq
+; AVX512BW-LABEL: shuffle_v16i32_02_03_16_17_06_07_20_21_10_11_24_25_14_15_28_29:
+; AVX512BW: # %bb.0:
+; AVX512BW-NEXT: vpalignr {{.*#+}} zmm0 = zmm0[8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15],zmm1[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],zmm0[24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31],zmm1[16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23],zmm0[40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47],zmm1[32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39],zmm0[56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63],zmm1[48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55]
+; AVX512BW-NEXT: retq
+ %shuffle = shufflevector <16 x i32> %a, <16 x i32> %b, <16 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3, i32 16, i32 17, i32 6, i32 7, i32 20, i32 21, i32 10, i32 11, i32 24, i32 25, i32 14, i32 15, i32 28, i32 29>
+ ret <16 x i32> %shuffle
define <16 x i32> @shuffle_v8i32_17_16_01_00_21_20_05_04_25_24_09_08_29_28_13_12(<16 x i32> %a, <16 x i32> %b) {
; ALL-LABEL: shuffle_v8i32_17_16_01_00_21_20_05_04_25_24_09_08_29_28_13_12:
; ALL: # %bb.0: