--- /dev/null
+//===------ ELF_ppc64.h - JIT link functions for ELF/ppc64 ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// jit-link functions for ELF/ppc64{le}.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h"
+namespace llvm::jitlink {
+/// Create a LinkGraph from an ELF/ppc64 relocatable object.
+/// Note: The graph does not take ownership of the underlying buffer, nor copy
+/// its contents. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the object buffer
+/// outlives the graph.
+/// WARNING: The big-endian backend has not been tested yet.
+createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64(MemoryBufferRef ObjectBuffer);
+/// Create a LinkGraph from an ELF/ppc64le relocatable object.
+/// Note: The graph does not take ownership of the underlying buffer, nor copy
+/// its contents. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the object buffer
+/// outlives the graph.
+createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64le(MemoryBufferRef ObjectBuffer);
+/// jit-link the given object buffer, which must be a ELF ppc64le object file.
+/// WARNING: The big-endian backend has not been tested yet.
+void link_ELF_ppc64(std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G,
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx);
+/// jit-link the given object buffer, which must be a ELF ppc64le object file.
+void link_ELF_ppc64le(std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G,
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx);
+} // end namespace llvm::jitlink
--- /dev/null
+//===--- ppc64.h - Generic JITLink ppc64 edge kinds, utilities --*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Generic utilities for graphs representing 64-bit PowerPC objects.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h"
+namespace llvm::jitlink::ppc64 {
+/// Represents ppc64 fixups and other ppc64-specific edge kinds.
+/// TODO: Add edge kinds.
+enum EdgeKind_ppc64 : Edge::Kind {};
+/// Returns a string name for the given ppc64 edge. For debugging purposes
+/// only.
+const char *getEdgeKindName(Edge::Kind K);
+/// Apply fixup expression for edge to block content.
+/// TOOD: Add fixups as we add edges.
+inline Error applyFixup(LinkGraph &G, Block &B, const Edge &E,
+ const Symbol *GOTSymbol) {
+ switch (E.getKind()) {
+ default:
+ return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+ "In graph " + G.getName() + ", section " + B.getSection().getName() +
+ " unsupported edge kind " + getEdgeKindName(E.getKind()));
+ }
+ return Error::success();
+} // end namespace llvm::jitlink::ppc64
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_aarch64.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_i386.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_loongarch.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_ppc64.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_riscv.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_x86_64.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELF.h"
if (memcmp(Buffer.data(), ELF::ElfMagic, strlen(ELF::ElfMagic)) != 0)
return make_error<JITLinkError>("ELF magic not valid");
+ uint8_t DataEncoding = Buffer.data()[ELF::EI_DATA];
Expected<uint16_t> TargetMachineArch = readTargetMachineArch(Buffer);
if (!TargetMachineArch)
return TargetMachineArch.takeError();
return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_aarch32(ObjectBuffer);
return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_loongarch(ObjectBuffer);
+ case ELF::EM_PPC64: {
+ if (DataEncoding == ELF::ELFDATA2LSB)
+ return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64le(ObjectBuffer);
+ else
+ return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64(ObjectBuffer);
+ }
return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_riscv(ObjectBuffer);
case ELF::EM_X86_64:
case Triple::loongarch64:
link_ELF_loongarch(std::move(G), std::move(Ctx));
+ case Triple::ppc64:
+ link_ELF_ppc64(std::move(G), std::move(Ctx));
+ return;
+ case Triple::ppc64le:
+ link_ELF_ppc64le(std::move(G), std::move(Ctx));
+ return;
case Triple::riscv32:
case Triple::riscv64:
link_ELF_riscv(std::move(G), std::move(Ctx));
--- /dev/null
+//===------- ELF_ppc64.cpp -JIT linker implementation for ELF/ppc64 -------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// ELF/ppc64 jit-link implementation.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_ppc64.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ppc64.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "ELFLinkGraphBuilder.h"
+#include "JITLinkGeneric.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "jitlink"
+namespace llvm::jitlink {
+template <support::endianness Endianness>
+class ELFLinkGraphBuilder_ppc64
+ : public ELFLinkGraphBuilder<object::ELFType<Endianness, true>> {
+ using ELFT = object::ELFType<Endianness, true>;
+ using Base = ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT>;
+ using Base::G; // Use LinkGraph pointer from base class.
+ Error addRelocations() override {
+ LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing relocations:\n");
+ using Self = ELFLinkGraphBuilder_ppc64<Endianness>;
+ for (const auto &RelSect : Base::Sections) {
+ // Validate the section to read relocation entries from.
+ if (RelSect.sh_type == ELF::SHT_REL)
+ return make_error<StringError>("No SHT_REL in valid " +
+ G->getTargetTriple().getArchName() +
+ " ELF object files",
+ inconvertibleErrorCode());
+ if (Error Err = Base::forEachRelaRelocation(RelSect, this,
+ &Self::addSingleRelocation))
+ return Err;
+ }
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ Error addSingleRelocation(const typename ELFT::Rela &Rel,
+ const typename ELFT::Shdr &FixupSection,
+ Block &BlockToFix) {
+ auto ELFReloc = Rel.getType(false);
+ return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+ "In " + G->getName() + ": Unsupported ppc64 relocation type " +
+ object::getELFRelocationTypeName(ELF::EM_PPC64, ELFReloc));
+ }
+ ELFLinkGraphBuilder_ppc64(StringRef FileName,
+ const object::ELFFile<ELFT> &Obj, Triple TT,
+ LinkGraph::FeatureVector Features)
+ : ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT>(Obj, std::move(TT), std::move(Features),
+ FileName, ppc64::getEdgeKindName) {}
+template <support::endianness Endianness>
+class ELFJITLinker_ppc64 : public JITLinker<ELFJITLinker_ppc64<Endianness>> {
+ using JITLinkerBase = JITLinker<ELFJITLinker_ppc64<Endianness>>;
+ friend JITLinkerBase;
+ ELFJITLinker_ppc64(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx,
+ std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G, PassConfiguration PassConfig)
+ : JITLinkerBase(std::move(Ctx), std::move(G), std::move(PassConfig)) {}
+ Symbol *GOTSymbol = nullptr;
+ Error applyFixup(LinkGraph &G, Block &B, const Edge &E) const {
+ return ppc64::applyFixup(G, B, E, GOTSymbol);
+ }
+template <support::endianness Endianness>
+createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64(MemoryBufferRef ObjectBuffer) {
+ dbgs() << "Building jitlink graph for new input "
+ << ObjectBuffer.getBufferIdentifier() << "...\n";
+ });
+ auto ELFObj = object::ObjectFile::createELFObjectFile(ObjectBuffer);
+ if (!ELFObj)
+ return ELFObj.takeError();
+ auto Features = (*ELFObj)->getFeatures();
+ if (!Features)
+ return Features.takeError();
+ using ELFT = object::ELFType<Endianness, true>;
+ auto &ELFObjFile = cast<object::ELFObjectFile<ELFT>>(**ELFObj);
+ return ELFLinkGraphBuilder_ppc64<Endianness>(
+ (*ELFObj)->getFileName(), ELFObjFile.getELFFile(),
+ (*ELFObj)->makeTriple(), Features->getFeatures())
+ .buildGraph();
+template <support::endianness Endianness>
+void link_ELF_ppc64(std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G,
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx) {
+ PassConfiguration Config;
+ if (Ctx->shouldAddDefaultTargetPasses(G->getTargetTriple())) {
+ // Construct a JITLinker and run the link function.
+ // Add a mark-live pass.
+ if (auto MarkLive = Ctx->getMarkLivePass(G->getTargetTriple()))
+ Config.PrePrunePasses.push_back(std::move(MarkLive));
+ else
+ Config.PrePrunePasses.push_back(markAllSymbolsLive);
+ }
+ if (auto Err = Ctx->modifyPassConfig(*G, Config))
+ return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));
+ ELFJITLinker_ppc64<Endianness>::link(std::move(Ctx), std::move(G),
+ std::move(Config));
+createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64(MemoryBufferRef ObjectBuffer) {
+ return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64<support::big>(
+ std::move(ObjectBuffer));
+createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64le(MemoryBufferRef ObjectBuffer) {
+ return createLinkGraphFromELFObject_ppc64<support::little>(
+ std::move(ObjectBuffer));
+/// jit-link the given object buffer, which must be a ELF ppc64 object file.
+void link_ELF_ppc64(std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G,
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx) {
+ return link_ELF_ppc64<support::big>(std::move(G), std::move(Ctx));
+/// jit-link the given object buffer, which must be a ELF ppc64le object file.
+void link_ELF_ppc64le(std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G,
+ std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx) {
+ return link_ELF_ppc64<support::little>(std::move(G), std::move(Ctx));
+} // end namespace llvm::jitlink