+ipc = require 'ipc'
+# The history operation in renderer is redirected to browser.
+ipc.on 'ATOM_SHELL_NAVIGATION_CONTROLLER', (event, method, args...) ->
+ event.sender[method] args...
# JavaScript implementation of Chromium's NavigationController.
# Instead of relying on Chromium for history control, we compeletely do history
# control on user land, and only rely on WebContents.loadUrl for navigation.
# The navigation controller.
controller = new NavigationController(webContents)
- webContents.controller = controller
for name, method of NavigationController.prototype when method instanceof Function
do (name, method) ->
webContents[name] = -> method.apply controller, arguments
window.prompt = ->
throw new Error('prompt() is and will not be supported.')
-# Forward history operations to browser.
-window.history.back = ->
- remote.getCurrentWebContents().goBack()
-window.history.forward = ->
- remote.getCurrentWebContents().goForward()
+# Simple implementation of postMessage.
window.opener =
postMessage: (message, targetOrigin='*') ->
ipc.on 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE', (message, targetOrigin) ->
window.postMessage message, targetOrigin
+# Forward history operations to browser.
+sendHistoryOperation = (args...) ->
+window.history.back = -> sendHistoryOperation 'goBack'
+window.history.forward = -> sendHistoryOperation 'goForward'