+/// Rewrites a sparse reduction that would not sparsify directly since
+/// doing so would only iterate over the stored elements, ignoring the
+/// implicit zeros, into a semi-ring. Applies to all prod/and/min/max
+/// (note that reductions like add/sub/or/xor can directly be sparsified
+/// since the implicit zeros do not contribute to the final result).
+/// Note that prod/and are still included since, even though they often
+/// are nullified in sparse data, they may still occur for special
+/// situations in which e.g. some rows in a sparse matrix are fully
+/// dense. For min/max, including the implicit zeros is a much more
+/// common situation.
+/// TODO: this essentially "densifies" the operation; we want to implement
+/// this much more efficiently by performing the reduction over the
+/// stored values, and feed in the zero once if there were *any*
+/// implicit zeros as well; but for now, at least we provide
+/// the functionality
+struct GenSemiRingReduction : public OpRewritePattern<GenericOp> {
+ using OpRewritePattern<GenericOp>::OpRewritePattern;
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(GenericOp op,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+ // Reject non-reductions.
+ if (!op.hasTensorSemantics() || op.getNumDpsInputs() != 1 ||
+ op.getNumReductionLoops() == 0 || op.getNumResults() != 1)
+ return failure();
+ auto inp = op.getDpsInputOperand(0);
+ auto init = op.getDpsInitOperand(0);
+ if (!isSparseTensor(inp))
+ return failure();
+ // Look for direct x = x OP y for semi-ring ready reductions.
+ auto red = cast<linalg::YieldOp>(op.getRegion().front().getTerminator())
+ .getOperand(0)
+ .getDefiningOp();
+ if (!isa<arith::AndIOp, arith::MulIOp, arith::MulFOp, arith::MinFOp,
+ arith::MinSIOp, arith::MinUIOp, arith::MaxFOp, arith::MaxSIOp,
+ arith::MaxUIOp>(red))
+ return failure();
+ Value s0 = op.getBlock()->getArgument(0);
+ Value s1 = op.getBlock()->getArgument(1);
+ if ((red->getOperand(0) != s0 || red->getOperand(1) != s1) &&
+ (red->getOperand(0) != s1 || red->getOperand(1) != s0))
+ return failure();
+ // Identity.
+ Location loc = op.getLoc();
+ Value identity =
+ rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractOp>(loc, init->get(), ValueRange());
+ // Unary {
+ // present -> value
+ // absent -> zero.
+ // }
+ Type rtp = s0.getType();
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(&op.getRegion().front());
+ auto semiring = rewriter.create<sparse_tensor::UnaryOp>(loc, rtp, s0);
+ Block *present =
+ rewriter.createBlock(&semiring.getPresentRegion(), {}, rtp, loc);
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(&semiring.getPresentRegion().front());
+ rewriter.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, present->getArgument(0));
+ rewriter.createBlock(&semiring.getAbsentRegion(), {}, {}, {});
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(&semiring.getAbsentRegion().front());
+ auto zero =
+ rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, rewriter.getZeroAttr(rtp));
+ rewriter.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, zero);
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(semiring);
+ // CustomReduce {
+ // x = x REDUC y, identity
+ // }
+ auto custom = rewriter.create<sparse_tensor::ReduceOp>(
+ loc, rtp, semiring.getResult(), s1, identity);
+ Block *region =
+ rewriter.createBlock(&custom.getRegion(), {}, {rtp, rtp}, {loc, loc});
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(&custom.getRegion().front());
+ IRMapping irMap;
+ irMap.map(red->getOperand(0), region->getArgument(0));
+ irMap.map(red->getOperand(1), region->getArgument(1));
+ auto cloned = rewriter.clone(*red, irMap);
+ rewriter.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, cloned->getResult(0));
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(custom);
+ rewriter.replaceOp(red, custom.getResult());
+ return success();
+ }
/// Sparse rewriting rule for sparse-to-sparse reshape operator.
struct TensorReshapeRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<tensor::ReshapeOp> {
void mlir::populatePreSparsificationRewriting(RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
- patterns.add<FoldInvariantYield, FuseSparseMultiplyOverAdd, FuseTensorCast>(
- patterns.getContext());
+ patterns.add<FoldInvariantYield, FuseSparseMultiplyOverAdd, FuseTensorCast,
+ GenSemiRingReduction>(patterns.getContext());
void mlir::populatePostSparsificationRewriting(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
--- /dev/null
+// DEFINE: %{option} = enable-runtime-library=true
+// DEFINE: %{command} = mlir-opt %s --sparse-compiler=%{option} | \
+// DEFINE: mlir-cpu-runner \
+// DEFINE: -e entry -entry-point-result=void \
+// DEFINE: -shared-libs=%mlir_c_runner_utils | \
+// DEFINE: FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %{command}
+// Do the same run, but now with direct IR generation.
+// REDEFINE: %{option} = enable-runtime-library=false
+// RUN: %{command}
+// Do the same run, but now with direct IR generation and vectorization.
+// REDEFINE: %{option} = "enable-runtime-library=false vl=2 reassociate-fp-reductions=true enable-index-optimizations=true"
+// RUN: %{command}
+#SV = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ lvlTypes = [ "compressed" ] }>
+#trait_reduction = {
+ indexing_maps = [
+ affine_map<(i) -> (i)>, // a
+ affine_map<(i) -> ()> // x (scalar out)
+ ],
+ iterator_types = ["reduction"],
+ doc = "x += MIN_i a(i)"
+// Examples of sparse vector MIN reductions.
+module {
+ // Custom MIN reduction: stored i32 elements only.
+ func.func @min1(%arga: tensor<32xi32, #SV>, %argx: tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32> {
+ %c = tensor.extract %argx[] : tensor<i32>
+ %0 = linalg.generic #trait_reduction
+ ins(%arga: tensor<32xi32, #SV>)
+ outs(%argx: tensor<i32>) {
+ ^bb(%a: i32, %b: i32):
+ %1 = sparse_tensor.reduce %a, %b, %c : i32 {
+ ^bb0(%x: i32, %y: i32):
+ %m = arith.minsi %x, %y : i32
+ sparse_tensor.yield %m : i32
+ }
+ linalg.yield %1 : i32
+ } -> tensor<i32>
+ return %0 : tensor<i32>
+ }
+ // Regular MIN reduction: stored i32 elements AND implicit zeros.
+ // Note that dealing with the implicit zeros is taken care of
+ // by the sparse compiler to preserve semantics of the "original".
+ func.func @min2(%arga: tensor<32xi32, #SV>, %argx: tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32> {
+ %c = tensor.extract %argx[] : tensor<i32>
+ %0 = linalg.generic #trait_reduction
+ ins(%arga: tensor<32xi32, #SV>)
+ outs(%argx: tensor<i32>) {
+ ^bb(%a: i32, %b: i32):
+ %m = arith.minsi %a, %b : i32
+ linalg.yield %m : i32
+ } -> tensor<i32>
+ return %0 : tensor<i32>
+ }
+ func.func @dump_i32(%arg0 : tensor<i32>) {
+ %v = tensor.extract %arg0[] : tensor<i32>
+ vector.print %v : i32
+ return
+ }
+ func.func @entry() {
+ %ri = arith.constant dense<999> : tensor<i32>
+ // Vectors with a few zeros.
+ %c_0_i32 = arith.constant dense<[
+ 2, 2, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 5, 1, 7, 3
+ ]> : tensor<32xi32>
+ // Vectors with no zeros.
+ %c_1_i32 = arith.constant dense<[
+ 2, 2, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 7, 3
+ ]> : tensor<32xi32>
+ // Convert constants to annotated tensors. Note that this
+ // particular conversion only stores nonzero elements,
+ // so we will have no explicit zeros, only implicit zeros.
+ %sv0 = sparse_tensor.convert %c_0_i32
+ : tensor<32xi32> to tensor<32xi32, #SV>
+ %sv1 = sparse_tensor.convert %c_1_i32
+ : tensor<32xi32> to tensor<32xi32, #SV>
+ // Special case, construct a sparse vector with an explicit zero.
+ %v = arith.constant sparse< [ [1], [7] ], [ 0, 22 ] > : tensor<32xi32>
+ %sv2 = sparse_tensor.convert %v: tensor<32xi32> to tensor<32xi32, #SV>
+ // Call the kernels.
+ %0 = call @min1(%sv0, %ri) : (tensor<32xi32, #SV>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
+ %1 = call @min1(%sv1, %ri) : (tensor<32xi32, #SV>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
+ %2 = call @min1(%sv2, %ri) : (tensor<32xi32, #SV>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
+ %3 = call @min2(%sv0, %ri) : (tensor<32xi32, #SV>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
+ %4 = call @min2(%sv1, %ri) : (tensor<32xi32, #SV>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
+ %5 = call @min2(%sv2, %ri) : (tensor<32xi32, #SV>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
+ // Verify results.
+ //
+ // CHECK: 1
+ // CHECK: 1
+ // CHECK: 0
+ // CHECK: 0
+ // CHECK: 1
+ // CHECK: 0
+ //
+ call @dump_i32(%0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
+ call @dump_i32(%1) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
+ call @dump_i32(%2) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
+ call @dump_i32(%3) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
+ call @dump_i32(%4) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
+ call @dump_i32(%5) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
+ // Release the resources.
+ bufferization.dealloc_tensor %sv0 : tensor<32xi32, #SV>
+ bufferization.dealloc_tensor %sv1 : tensor<32xi32, #SV>
+ bufferization.dealloc_tensor %sv2 : tensor<32xi32, #SV>
+ return
+ }